Thursday, November 09, 2006

August 2006 Minutes for the full planning committee

Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee
Board Meeting
Wednesday, August 9, 2006
Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse
**Approved Minutes**

Present:  Chair Patricia Shields; Marc Kratzschmar; Steve Stratman; Dave Caldwell;
Richard Baldwin; Richard Barerra; Tim Doyle, Chris Blatt; John McWilliams; Scott Glazebrook; Brad Lenahan
Absent: Rob Leach; Carole Caffey; Maureen Burke

Chair Shields called the meeting to order at approx. 6:35 pm by requesting for additions/deletions to the agenda. NONE NOTED
Treasurers Report: Carole Caffey not in attendance - no report
Community Police Officer: Gary Gonzales not officer present – no report
committee discussed belief that Community Relations Officers (CROs) were being removed from the police budget (see District 8 report for more information)
District 3- April Chesebro was not present – no report
District 8- Diana Jurado-Sainz
  • Tracking down speed limit signs

  • CROs are STILL available, possibly transitioning to private, police force is reorganizing

  • 32nd Street playfield is “dead”

  • 2 hour parking request on 28th Street

  • Stop sign at Dale Street and Date Street – has been reviewed twice previously – no update

  • Request for speed monitors in community – no update

  • No knowledge of District 3 sidewalk study

  • Utility undergrounding – see comments under Action Items.
County District 4- David Muniz Peavy (619.531.6002)
  • Initiated reverse 911 system w/Greg Cox – effective later this year

  • Mosquitoes – call vector control at 531.5544 (reduce spread of West Nile Virus)

  • Concerts in the park series

  • Will have residential care facilities numbers at next monthly meeting
76th Assembly District - no one in attendance.
53rd Congressional District - Katherine Fortner not in attendance – no report.
City Planner’s Report - Myles Pomeroy
  • Mayor’s office to send a representative to community planning groups quarterly

  • Bylaws – revised “shell” to be made available – wait to implement bylaw revisions until received – revised bylaws due in March before elections

  • Reminder to provide meeting agendas to the Planning Department 7 days in advance of meeting

  • Planning committee training “What to Know When Reviewing Projects” is scheduled for September 28, 2006 at 9192 Topaz Way between 6PM and 8PM, RSVP at 619.235.5200

  • Mini-“C.O.W.” is scheduled for October 26, 2006 at 9192 Topaz Way between 6PM and 8PM, RSVP at 619.235.5200.  All new committee members not having attended a Community Oriented Workshop previously should attend.

  • 838 25th Street project is still under review – applicant is not responding to department requested for information and/or project revisions.
Approval of Minutes- July 2006- John McWilliams made a motion to approve the minutes for approval as provided by Steve Stratman.  Tim Doyle seconded.
Vote:     9 approved
0 against
2 abstentions (Scott Glazebrook, Brad Lenahan).
Public Comment on non-agenda items-
  • Tershia D’Elgin expressed continued concern for political move on playfield at 32nd Street canyon – indicating the desire for a playfield is still strong.  She is concerned that the mayor’s office is continuing to not follow-though with their commitment on Urban Stream Restoration and could be losing funding.  She requests a letter be written in support of the Urban Stream Restoration project.  Much discussion ensued about how the committee could take an action, how and who would craft a letter, what the committee position should be.  John McWilliams made a motion for general support with Chair Patricia Shields drafting a position of general support to be amended to the minutes of this meeting.  Marc Kratzschmar seconds.
Vote:     9 approved
0 against
2 abstentions (Scott Glazebrook, Brad Lenahan).
  • Mary MacLellan from the CDC reminded the commit about the open air market every Saturday at Einstein Academy between 8:30Am and 12:30 PM.  Also, the first “Solar Social” concerts in the park (Golden Hill Park) is scheduled for August 26, 2006 – a flyer was passed out.  She also passed out the Community Revitalization Action Program generated from the community charrette in March – next charrette is being scheduled for October.  The CDC has secured $1.5M Caltrans Smart Growth Improvement grant for “25th Street Renaissance” enhanced pedestrian environment project, and the CDC will be looking for community participation.

  • Nocole Haynes from CCDC discussed the success of the Golden Hill bus tour of Downtown San Diego.  Those interested in the Navy Complex project should attend the September 9, 2006 workshop on the plan – Embarcadero Planning Center at 10AM.  Other workshops are scheduled ongoing.

  • Jerry Ray expressed concern over the number of liquor licenses being requested in the vicinity of Beech and 30th Street near Einstein Academy.  Grant’s, Alchemy, Citron, Hamilton’s, all believed to be within 600 fee of the school, have applications pending.  She is expressing concern for: compliance with ABC laws, graffiti, cleanliness of the streets, parking, noise.  Brad Lenahan inquired if there is a difference between licenses to sell and those to serve – no one was able to answer.
Information Items:
  • Chair’s Report: CPC Meeting – a special CPC meeting will be held to comment on the Housing Element of the General Plan Update (4th Tuesday of August).  CPC has a concern for “centralization” of the planning process and lack of transparency in the mayor’s office.  Also of concern are comments made by the city’s planning director concerning communities being a problem for planning/development, deleting the PDOs and getting rid of planning groups.

  • PDO Update – no report

  • Stop Sign at Dale/Date – see report from District 8

  • Speed Monitors – see report from District 8

  • District 3 sidewalk study - see report from District 8
Action Items:
  • Land Use – no consent agenda.  Applicant Vincent Thomas received mis-information about which meeting to present to and requested to present at this meeting.  After discussion, the committee directed him to land use for proper noticing when action is to be taken.

  • Appointmtent of GGHPC members –

  • Dana Shutt-Mendibles – a resident with interest in building restoration and a 4th generation San Diegan presented interest.  Richard Barerra indicated she has met the requirements for attendance at three previous meetings.  Richard Barerra made a motion to elect her to the committee, John McWilliams seconded.
Vote:     10 approved
0 against
          1 abstentions (Brad Lenahan).
  • This is the first meeting being attended by resident Nora Vargas, San Diego native, who is interested in becoming involved.

  • Committee-member Brad Lenahan will be moving out of state

  • Undergrounding of high voltage lines – lots of discussion ensued regarding wether or not the project is even proceeding, whether or not we should see another presentation, and what’s going on in general.  It was concluded we should get a presentation when and if the project is moving forward again in the planning of routes.

  • Open space requirements – no discussion

  • Land Development Rights – 2441 E Street received development rights previously for 7 additional units more than would be allowed today.  Owner wants to transfer those rights to another site in the neighborhood or downtown.  The issue is being discussed by the city attorney.  It was recommended this committee hold any further discussion until riling by city attorney.
Sub-Committee and Ad-Hoc Committee Reports:
  • Membership & Elections: Richard Barerra - see Appointment of GGHPC members above.

  • Parks-Maureen Burke not in attendance

  • Code Compliance- No report

  • Transportation-No report.

  • Balboa Park Committee- Laurie Burgett- MIA

  • Airport Noise Advisory Committee-  no report

  • Historic- John McWilliams reports rumor that administrator of Mills Act in city has “disappeared”, office is once again staffed.

  • CPC-Chair  Pat Shields previously informed the committee of CPC actions during her Chairs Report.

Chair Shields adjourned the meeting at 8:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted.

Scott Glazebrook-ACTING recording secretary.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Full Planning Committee Agenda for November 8, 2006

Agenda.  Wednesday, November 8, 2006.  6:30 P.M.***

6:30     CALL TO ORDER   (please be punctual)
  • Additions/Deletions to the Agenda
6:40     Treasurers Report and PASS THE HAT: Carole Caffey
6:45      Community Police-Officer John Graham          (685-8206)     
6:50      District 3- April Chesebro               (236-7758)   
7:00     District 8-  Diana Jurado-Sainz               (236-6688)
7:05      Mayor’s Representative: Beryl Bailey Rayford     (236-7168)        
7:10     76th Assembly Dist.-Melanie Cohen          (645-3090)              
7:15      53rd Congressional Dist. – Katherine Fortner      (280-5353)  
7:20           City Planner’s Report.  Myles Pomeroy.            (235-5219)               
7:25      Ron Roberts Office                    (531-6002)
7:30     APPROVAL OF MINUTES:      October,  2006

7:35 PUBLIC COMMENT (non-agenda items – 3 minute limit)

  • Chair’s Report.  Mail.  / CPC Meeting Report /Resignation of Chair

  • GGHPC by-law revision – Stratman/Glazebrook

  • General Plan – Review Timeline

  • Feedback on SDGE walk – Burke/Shields

  • 32nd Street Canyon Update – Kratzschmar

  • Friends of San Diego Inc. – Tom Mullaney   (619) 795-1753

  • GGHPC Vice-Chair vacancy

  • Land Use (Consent Agenda) – Caldwell
1. 2148 Broadway-(#80464) 2nd SFR on site- this is carried over from last month-  Approved.
     2. 2004 Fern St-(#110838) commercial/restaurant addition (Snippy's). Project is ministerial- info only.
  • Full Committee Land Use Item:  2864 C Street.


8:20   Membership & Elections – Richard Barrera
8:25    PARKS- Maureen Burke Last Wed of the Month.   Balboa Park Golf-Course Clubhouse-6:00 PM
8:27    Code Compliance: Chris Blatt
8:30    Transportation/Compact- Marc Kratzschmar
8:35    Balboa Park Committee- Laurie Burgett
8:40    Airport Noise Advisory- Dave Caldwell
8:48    Historic- John McWilliams


If you would like for the city to provide you with upcoming agendas, please call 619.236.6479 and request to be added to the Mailing List for Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee
Updated agendas can be accessed 72-hours prior to the meeting by visiting our web site provided by the Golden Hill Community Development Corporation
Excused absences:

***This information is available in alternative formats upon request.  To request an agenda in Braille, large print or cassette, or to request a sign language or oral interpreter for the meeting, call 619-236-6479.  24-hours prior to the meeting to ensure availability.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Full Planning Committee Agenda for October 11, 2006

Agenda.  Wednesday, October 11, 2006.  6:30 P.M.***

6:30     CALL TO ORDER   (please be punctual)
  • Additions/Deletions to the Agenda
6:40     Treasurers Report:  PASS THE HAT: Carole Caffey
6:45      Community Police Officer: Gary Gonzales           (531-1572)          
6:50      Atkins (District 3): April Chesebro          (236-7758)        
7:00     Hueso (District 8):  Diana Jurado-Sainz          (236-6688)     
7:05      Sanders (Mayor):  Beryl Bailey Rayford          (236-7168)                
7:10     Saldana (76th Assembly Dist): Melanie Cohen     (645-3090)                  
7:15      Davis (53rd Congressional Dist): Katherine Fortner      (280-5353)
7:20           City Planner’s Report: Myles Pomeroy            (235-5219)                      
7:25      Ron Roberts Office:                    (531-6002)    
7:30     APPROVAL OF MINUTES:      September, 2006.

7:35     PUBLIC COMMENT (non-agenda items – 3 minute limit)

  • Chair’s Report - Mail.  CPC mtg. Airport Ballot Measure. Gang/Drug activity. Side Walk Repair Programs.

  • Update on District and City issues - Atkins.

  • GGHPC Bylaws revision process.  Progress Report.  

7:45      ACTION ITEMS
  • Balboa Park Committee Representation – Shields.

  • GGHPC Vacancies – Barrera

  • SDG&E Undergrounding Project.  Fern/30th Street segment.  SDG&E and City Staff.

  • Land Use.  (Consent Agenda)
1.   80464-2148 Broadway: (Hermann residence).  2nd Floor Addition to SFR.  Historic Designation.  


8:19    Land Use Committee – Last Wed of the Month.   Balboa Park Golf-Course Clubhouse-6:00 PM
8:20    Membership & Elections – Richard Barrera
8:25    PARKS- Maureen Burke - Last Wed of the Month.   Balboa Park Golf-Course Clubhouse-6:00 PM
8:27    Code Compliance - Chris Blatt
8:30    Transportation/Compact- Marc Kratzschmar
8:35    Balboa Park Committee- Laurie Burgett
8:40    Airport Noise Advisory- Dave Caldwell
8:48    Historic- John McWilliams


Updated agendas can be accessed 72-hours prior to the meeting by visiting our web site provided by the Golden Hill Community Development Corporation
Excused absences:

***This information is available in alternative formats upon request.  To request an agenda in Braille, large print or cassette, or to request a sign language or oral interpreter for the meeting, call 619-236-6479.  24-hours prior to the meeting to ensure availability.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Land Use Agenda for September 27

Here is agenda for 9/27/06 mtg- 630 @ clubhouse:
  1. 94088- 2693 C Street: Ershadi property- Renovate existing 2 story 2DU structure. info only
  2. 80464-2148 Broadway: Hermann residence- Add 2nd SFR to existing lot-historic designated- GH2500. Previously reviewed. action item
  3. 107474-3145 Juniper: Vandervort project- Add 2nd SFR to existing lot-GH3000. info only
  4. 83776-3025 Fir: Cingular Christ United- Wireless facility on church structures. Mike Sloop 933-6456. Previously reviewed- info only?
  5. 1833 Fern Street: Richard Graham- SFR addition to lot - info only.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Agenda for September 13 Full Planning Committee Meeting

Agenda.  Wednesday, September 13, 2006.  6:30 P.M.***

6:30     CALL TO ORDER   (please be punctual)
  • Additions/Deletions to the Agenda
6:40     Treasurers Report:  PASS THE HAT: Carole Caffey
6:45      Community Police Officer: Gary Gonzales           (531-1572)          
6:50      Atkins (District 3): April Chesebro          (236-7758)        
7:00     Hueso (District 8):  Diana Jurado-Sainz          (236-6688)     
7:05      Sanders (Mayor):  Beryl Bailey Rayford          (236-7168)                
7:10     Saldana (76th Assembly Dist): Melanie Cohen     (645-3090)                  
7:15      Davis (53rd Congressional Dist): Katherine Fortner      (280-5353)
7:20           City Planner’s Report: Myles Pomeroy            (235-5219)                      
7:25      Ron Roberts Office: David Muniz-Pevy          (531-6002)    
7:30     APPROVAL OF MINUTES:      August  2006

7:35     PUBLIC COMMENT (non-agenda items – 3 minute limit)

  • Chair’s Report.  Mail.  CPC mtg. Gang/Drug activity.

  • PDO Update – Shields/Pomeroy.

  • Stop sign at Dale/Date update – Chesbro.

  • Speed monitors within community – Jurado-Sainz/Chesbro.

  • GGH Residential Care Facilities & Probation Dept Community Projects – Muniz-Pevy.

  • Watch Dog: Undergrounding of high voltage lines on 30th street Update/Monitor – Chesbro/Tom.

7:45      ACTION ITEMS
  • Open space requirements - PARKS

  • GGHPC Bylaws revision process - Shields

  • District 3 sidewalk study - Shields/Chesbro.

  • GGHPC Vacancies - Barrera

  • Land Use.  (Consent Agenda)
1.   24th/F Street (F Street shell) – APPROVED – Install colored glass.  #88883.
2.   838 25th Street, Renovation/additions to registered historic residence – DENIED. #101706.
3.   30th/Broadway, 16unit townhouse project – DENIED.  #87794.
4.   2864 C Street, Condo/townhouse project-27units on 1.44ac site (GH1000) - Further info req.  #104554.
5.   2919 E Street, new apartments-convert to TM (condominium) – Approved.  #83955.


8:19    Land Use Committee – Last Wed of the Month.   Balboa Park Golf-Course Clubhouse-6:00 PM
8:20    Membership & Elections – Richard Barrera
8:25    PARKS- Maureen Burke - Last Wed of the Month.   Balboa Park Golf-Course Clubhouse-6:00 PM
8:27    Code Compliance - Chris Blatt
8:30    Transportation/Compact- Marc Kratzschmar
8:35    Balboa Park Committee- Laurie Burgett
8:40    Airport Noise Advisory- Dave Caldwell
8:48    Historic- John McWilliams

  • Presentation - SDG&E Undergrounding Project.  Action Item.

Updated agendas can be accessed 72-hours prior to the meeting by visiting our web site provided by the Golden Hill Community Development Corporation
Excused absences:

***This information is available in alternative formats upon request.  To request an agenda in Braille, large print or cassette, or to request a sign language or oral interpreter for the meeting, call 619-236-6479.  24-hours prior to the meeting to ensure availability.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Land Use Agenda for August 27, 2006

1. #88883, 24th/F Street (F Street shell)
Samantha Romaine 749-6087 info item

2. #unk , 2727 Broadway, Exterior/front porch remodel
George Siddell info item

3. #80464, 1018 22nd Street, 2nd SFR on lot in historic district-revisit to committee
Jorge Gracia 819-8323 action item

4. #99343, 3392 C Street, Add bldg with two LR's, two DR's, two Bath's, and one kitchen to SFR lot
Kimberley Prom (no cycle sheet or response sheet rec'd as of today) info item

5. #101706, 838 25th Street, Extensive renovation/addition to registered historic residence covered by the Mills Act
Douglas Holbrook action item

6. #87794, 30th/Broadway, 16unit townhouse project
action item

7. #104554, 2864 C Street, Condo/townhouse project-27units on 1.44ac site (GH1000)
action item

8. #83955, 2919 E Street, new apartments-convert to TM (condominium)
Robt Furey action item

Friday, August 11, 2006

June 2006 Minutes for the Full Planning Committee

Wednesday, June 14, 2006  6:30PM

6:31     Call to Order
     Additions or Deletions to the Agenda—None.
6:32     District 3 Report, April Chesebro:     
  • Utility Boxes will be painted by July.

  • Golden Hill Elementary Playing Field – talked with Carl Cohn to keep discussions open between the school, the District, the community and the Council office.          

  • Old House Fair – District 3 will have booth.

  • Big Kitchen 26th Anniversary will be on Sunday June 14, 2006 from 5-9pm.
6:36     District 8, Diana Jurado-Sainz:
  • Golden Hill Elementary Canyon Play Field – Councilman Hueso doesn’t want a joint use field; more meetings are scheduled; currently the school is not pushing for Eminent Domain as a means of resolving the issue.

  • CRASH has contacted Councilmember Hueso on the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) in Golden Hill (GH); he is currently not supporting them because of the oversaturation of like facilities in the community.

  • At 25th and Broadway the City is removing the red striping to create more parking.

  • 6 month community clean up plan is now complete.

  • August 27 and 28 will be the dates for the Fiesta Del Sol in Sherman Heights from 11-12.

  • Happy to announce the Councilmember received 71% of vote and was re-elected on June 6.
6:41     City Attorney Leah Fields (619-533-4789) appeared to remind us that she is here to help with “Quality of Life” issues (e.g. graffiti, homeless, etc.)
6:44     Community Police Officer, Gary Gonzalez:  
  • Re-introduced New Lieutenant Karen Tenne – she has been with the Police Department for 27 years; this will be her 3rd time with Central Command; she was previously with Western and Southern Divisions; her contact number is 619-744-9502.

  • Neighborhood Response Team recently netted 7 homeless in GH Park.

  • The benches at 25th and Broadway have now been removed.     

  • 54 people were arrested in a recent gang sweep.

  • National Night Out will be August 1, 2006.
6:50     53rd Congressional District, Katherine Fortner:
  • Congresswoman Davis introduced a new bill called the “Identity Theft Protection for the Deceased Act” which aims at curbing the rash of identity thefts for recently deceased individuals to commit illegal acts.

  • Neighborhood Days will occur Downtown on July 5, 2006.
6:52     City Planner’s Report, Myles Pomeroy:
  • July 1 Agendas will be on the City’s Planning Department’s website and not mailed out in order to save money; you can sign up to have it e-mailed to you.

  • GGHPC bylaws need to be in conformance with Policy 600-4??? by next March; it is suggested we use the shell format provided—the yellow shaded areas provide the committee with some flexibility.

  • Agendas will also be posted on TV24 and run on weekends after Planning Commission re-runs.

  • An in depth training seminar for planning groups will occur on Thursday June 29 at the Topaz Way facility.

  • City Council recently amended the Condo Conversion Ordinance which changes some of the regulations for condo conversions.
6:58      Approval of Minutes: MOTION: Motion by S. Stratman, 2nd by B. Lenahan – 9-0-1 to approve minutes; S. Glazebrook abstaining.

  • Ray Pennisi reported the GGHPC website/blog is up and independent of the CDC; all members of the GGHPC can post to website

  • Katherine Willets with the CDC mentioned the desire among members of the community and CDC for a park to be built over S94 from the 22nd to the 25th overpasses; money is the primary issue facing the construction of such a park; it is now in the Plan and she has photos if anyone is interested.

7:03     Chair’s Report
  • There wasn’t a May CPC meeting.

  • Thank you to Committee members for changing the Land Use meeting so that the  GGHPC Agenda gets noticed to the community in a more timely manner.
7:04     Update on CRASH – House located at 2456 E Street that is seeking a variance under the existing CUP for CRASH to operate an alcohol and drug treatment facility.
  • David Muniz-Peavy with Ron Roberts’ office is waiting on info from another staff member on CRASH contracts throughout the county but that staff member is currently out of the office; Roberts does not currently have an official position on the issue yet because Health and Human Services is handling it at this time.

  • The Chair will place this item on the Agenda for next month until more info is forthcoming from County.

  • Key to the GGHPC is to know how much County resources are being expended to get CRASH into the building contrary to community and District 8’s positions of opposition to the project.

  • The realtor for the property expressed that this was one of the 1st facilities in GH and has passed every inspection and a lot of money is being spent to improve the property; it has the same owner as the Broadway House across the street; she appreciates the issue with problems of oversaturation in the community but this is one of the first and has operated successfully over time; she challenged the community: short of this plan what can be done with this property?; It’s a 24 room, 7 bathroom building on a double lot – it could accommodate 5 condos if redeveloped but she wants to do what’s best for neighborhood; other offers for the property included an SDSU professor wanting to buy it and rent rooms for students.
7:20     Alchemy Restaurant – Ron Troyano and Matthew Thomas appeared in front of the GGHPC to discuss the NE corner of 30th and Beech.
  • They want to build a restaurant; recognizes there are parking issues exist but applicants are awaiting City’s preliminary review before they address parking.

  • They are seeking support in concept from community and GGHPC.

  • They want to be open by the end of the year.

  • Committee members advised them to be aware of GH sign ordinance.

  • Community members expressed concern over late night dining and bar activities in a residential neighborhood; the Alcohol Beverage Commission says that their establishment should operate only until 11pm;.

  • Applicants were asked to keep the community and Committee updated.
7:40     CCDC Downtown Tour – Sheila Hardin (619-533-7146).
  • The tour will be June 19th from 6:15pm–8pm.

  • Those interested should meet at Balboa Golf Course Clubhouse.

  • The tour bus can accommodate 42 people so please RSVP to Ms. Hardin.

  • Navy Broadway Complex – the plans are still undetermined but CCDC is eager to hear and respond to community member concerns.

  • Chair brought up the GH Elementary playing field as an important issue that Nancy Graham should discuss with the GH community before CCDC takes any position on it.
7:46     Flexcar – William Del Valle appeared t discuss.  Flexcar is a car sharing program launched in San Diego two years ago; it is currently in Downtown, Hillcrest and Banker’s Hill; are planning on expanding to Golden Hill; their current fleet includes: Honda Hybrid Civics, pick-ups and SUVs; a Flexcar usually saves 14 parking spots; Mr. Del Valle answered various questions regarding the operations of the Flexcar system/model.
7:52     Golden Hill Elementary Playing Field Update – Rob Leach updated the Committee:
Tom Mitchell of the School District approached some GGHPC and community members last month to discuss the issue and try and reach a middle ground; School administrative staff desires a turf field; there are 5 parcels looked at by the District; parcel A and B are in the south end of the 32nd street canyon; parcel C is south of C Street; parcels D and E would involve eminent domain of houses and the District is currently opposed to taking homes for purposes of the field; the District needs to obtain additional land irrespective of what parcel they utilize for the field; parcels A and B are subject to the previous EIR from construction of the school while all other parcels don’t have an EIR and getting one would add significant time to the construction timeline; the District agreed to look at parcel C again but worry over the EIR issue; accessibility (e.g. bridge, traffic calming measures required) to parcel C and the time it would take the children to travel to parcel C and back in time for next class is unacceptable to the school administration; the District was asked for cost comparisons between parcels A and B vs. C; the crossing of C Street is the biggest reservation for the school administration staff because C Street is so steep; the District would consider construction of only one soccer field on parcels A and not B; Councilmember Hueso would rather have it all in one footprint rather than across C Street or in the canyon; the community mentioned parcel C should be used for teached and administrative staff parking lot and make the existing parking lot the field(s) but the District raised the issue of the Union not going for that idea; what about a tunnel under C Street?  
MOTION: Motion by S. Stratman to form an official sub-committee to act as liaison with School District and continue discussions over this issue with school administration and District staffs – committee to be comprised of at least Rob, Tershia, Brad and Marc, 2nd by J. McWilliams; Motion passed 11-0-0.
MOTION: Motion by J. McWilliams, 2nd by R. Leach to write a letter to City Council members expressing the Committee’s support of the 32 Street Canyon Streambed Restoration grant whenever the Canyon playing field issue appears on the Council docket; Motion passed 9-2-0 (R. Baldwin and M. Burke opposed).
8:47     30th Street Undergrounding Project Update – Hal Tyvoll gave an update:
  • PUC found multiple violations with 30th Street undergrounding projects (inadequate noticing, moving of boundaries contrary to Council resolution, etc.).

  • The PUC ruled under no circumstances can this project receive a categorical exemption from the EIR review.

  • April Chesebro of District 3 stated that Jeffrey Tom is meeting with Nathan Bruner of City Engineering to finalize the plan for the undergrounding and will bring back an update to the Committee next month.
8:56     Old House Fair Booth Volunteering – S. Stratman is currently soliciting Committee members to man the booth for the entire time of the Fair; please contact Steve to volunteer.
9:02     Update on tree removal by SDG&E
  • The delay on the replacement of the trees is contingent upon obtaining a watering agreement between the City and the affected residents in the area.  

  • District 3 will follow up as SDG&E staff are not responding to residents.  

  • District 8 is dealing with a similar problem.

9:06     Membership and Elections – R. Barrera is now Chair.  One vacancy exists on the Committee.
Parks – Moved to last Wednesday of the month.  No Report.
Code Compliance – In July CC will move to the last Wednesday of the month.  B. Lenahan is now Chair.  No Report.
Transit/Compact – Meets with Parks.  No report.
Balboa Park Committee – No Report; M. Burke will contact L. Burgett for future updates.
Airport Noise Advisory – C. Caffey will now attend instead of D. Caldwell.  Next meeting is July 20th.  No Report.
Historic – J. McWilliams is now Chair.  No Report.

9:09     Adjourn.  

In Attendance: J. McWilliams, S. Glazebrook, R. Baldwin, C. Caffey (not present for Approval of Minutes vote), R. Barrera, S. Stratman, M. Burke, B. Lenahan, R. Leach, P. Shields, T. Philips.  

July 2006 Minutes for the Full Planning Committee

Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee
Board Meeting
Wednesday, July12, 2006
Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse

Present:  Chair Patricia Shields; Marc Kratzschmar; Steve Stratman; Dave Caldwell; Richard Baldwin; Richard Barerra; Carole Caffey; Maureen Burke; Tim Doyle, Chris Blatt

Absent: Todd Philips, John McWilliams, Rob Leach, Scott Glazebrook, and Brad Lenahan

Chair Shields called the meeting to order at approx. 6:40 pm by requesting for additions/deletions to the agenda. NONE NOTED
Treasurers Report: Carole Caffey– Treasurer said that we had a balance of $74.74, and informed the committee that she was still trying to get her name on the account.
Community Police Officer: Gary Gonzales was not present- however, Carole Caffey announced that Gary had a conflict, and that Leah Fields (Deputy City Attorney), both wanted us to be aware of “National Night Out” which will take place on Tuesday, August 01, 2006 which is a walk from the Police Headquarters on Broadway to the Central Division Headquarters on Imperial.
District 3- April Chesebro was not present, as she had a conflicting meeting with the Kennsington/Talmage Planning Group.
District 8-
  • Diana Jurado-Sainz spoke about the increase in graffiti and passed out graffiti information sheets, which list who to contact when graffiti takes place in specific areas.

  • Also said that graffiti eradication was a co-oriented effort of Cal-trans and the County.  Said that meetings with Judges were being set-up to inform them of options for sentences’.  Also mentioned that educational programs were going to be implemented to speak of this problem with youth to educate them of social impacts.  Also spoke of the community clean-ups and paint-outs.

  • Said that council member Hueso had requested an update on the different routes for under grounding

  • Said that parking re-imbursement would be coming before Council in the next 2-weeks said that $91,281 would be coming to the MID-CITIES (of which Golden Hill is a party to) with a remaining $798,132 remaining but not distributed at this time. Golden Hill CDC is the recipient of these funds for Greater Golden Hill and disperses them accordingly.

  • Hal Tyvol-Greater Golden Hill Resident-enquired of Diana if any information was in writing concerning council member Hueso request for the updates referenced above.   Diana said that all request were verbal in nature.

  • Tim Doyle (Committee Member) enquired about the benches and phone booths that had been requested to be removed from the 25th Street Corridor.  Diana informed Tim that the benches have been removed (going to the Little Italy area) and that a letter had been sent to SBC/ATT requesting the removal of the phone booth.  No response as of todays date.

76th Assembly District-No one in attendance.

53rd Congressional District-
  • Katherine Fortner passed out the July Dispatch

  • In addition, she informed us of Congresswoman Davis authoring 2 pieces of legislation (a) Veterans Small Business, and (b) Multi-generational/Bi Lingual Opportunities (?)

  • Stated that Congress would be adjourned in August, and that the congresswoman would be holding community forums during this time frame.

City Planner’s Report-
  • Myles Pomeroy stated that the agendas for planning committee’s were now posted on the city’s web-site, and that we would have the ability to post minutes as well.  Requested that approved minutes for June be e-mailed to his attention so that he could post.

  • Said that the city attorney is writing an opinion that might indicate that Planning Groups are indeed subject to the Brown Act.  This would have ramifications to the committee with regards to noticing and posting of agenda’s.

  • Marc Kratzschmar (Committee Member) requested information from Myles concerning rumors regarding the PDO’s of the various Planning Groups being in jeopardy.  Myles stated that indeed a movement was in the works to convert them to a City Wide Zoning Ordinance.  Said that it would be easier to administer, and that economies of scale would result.  Said that however no resources existed for updating the Community Plan.  Said that an existing timetable for review existed with Barrio Logan (no planning group in existence) and Southeast as well as Uptown would be the first to undergo review.  Stated that Greater Golden Hill was in the upper tier of those to be updated.

Approval of Minutes- June 2006- Steve Stratman made a motion to approve the minutes for June as provided by Todd Philips.  Maureen Burke seconded.   7 (approved) - 0 (against) with 3 (abstentions).

Public Comment on non-agenda items-

  • Myles Pomeroy (City Planner) commended Sheila Harden- Community Relations Manager for CCDC- on her weight loss.  Sheila acknowledged that she was participating in a Sharp Healthcare weight loss program.   Sheila spoke of the Downtown Development Tour that CCDC arranged for the Planning Committee; she stressed the benefit of the interaction with the Technical Staff, and asked for any concerns to take back to Nancy Graham.  Marc Kratzschmar (Committee Member) enquired of opportunities that existed for development of parkland at the city’s Maintenance Yard located at 21st and B St.  Sheila Harden stated that this land was outside the preview of CCDC but that she would bring a document entitled “Urban Oasis” with identifies 8-specific locations for new parks located within the CCDC boundaries.  Chair Shields spoke of the connector park over the I-5 that was proposed for connecting downtown to Balboa Park.  Sheila requested attendance by members of the planning committee to the CCDC Board meetings.  Chair Shields noted that the committee, being made up of working people, could not attend a meeting scheduled between 2pm and 5pm during the work week.

  • Carole Caffey (community member/committee member) noted that a “Market” would be taking place on Saturday’s beginning August 5, 2006 at the Albert Einstein Charter School.  Golden Hill CDC is handling marketing for this 1-year probation program.  Profits are to supplement Albert Einstein’s  20% funding that San Diego City Schools does not finance

  • Shelly Shivers (Community Resident) spoke of the need for a 4-way stop sign on Dale at Date Street.  Said that Menji Mei had preformed a traffic study, but was denied the request.  Asked traffic department when test was performed, and was told it was taken at approx. 12-noon.  Requested that another test be given, and again, failed to warrant additional stop signs.  Said that she wrote Councilmember Atkins, but was responded to with a letter that passed the item on to the mayor’s office.  Because Council Dist. 3 had no representation present, Diana from Council Dist 8 agreed to facilitate communication between April Chesebro, Menji Mei and Shelly Shiver.  Myles suggested that we invite Menji Mei to come to our next meeting and update us on procedures with regard to requesting additional stop signs.

  • Hal Tyvol (Community Resident) gave a brief summary, and asked for a standing sub-committee to stay focused on this topic.  Chair Shields requested that Hal keep the committee informed as an ad-hoc sub-committee.  Hal stated that the Public Utility Commission has exclusive jurisdiction over 50Kv or above rated lines.  The line in question is 138Kv.  City has authority to underground, however, Rule 20 states the criteria, which states that same location must be utilized.  The city has violated this rule over the years.  Phase 2 would require both Council Action, and Environmental Review.  Chair Shields asked for a briefing from April Chesebro and Jeffery Tom at our August meeting.  

  • Information Items:

  • Chair’s Report: No mail received. Canyon/Golden Hill Elementary postponed till September due to summer recess.  Said that committee has been having impact with regard to canyon and Crash topics.  Chair Shields discussed the topic of attendance.  Myles Pomeroy (City Planner) consulted the existing by-laws that allow for 3-excused absences during the year (April through March), but said that changes are being proposed for 4-absences (regardless of excuse) and then expulsion.  Spoke of recent frustrations regarding Developmental Services stance on Community Planning Groups at CPC.

  • Treatment Programs & Variances-Dave Muniz-Peavy with Supervisors Roberts office spoke.  Said that County was not seeking a variance for the Crash proposed property.  Had a question to provide amount of County resources that went to Crash programs.  Said that 4 contracts existed (2-adult men, and 2-adult women programs) for $4-million.  Chair Shields enquired of the conflict of interest of Ms. Tark (?) advocating for the variance.  Muniz-Peavy declined to speak for Ms. Tark (?). Diana with Council member Hueso office said that Ben Hueso was opposed to the variance.  Questions concerning the zoning of the property presented itself.  It was identified to be GH3000, which would translate into 1-unit per 3000 square feet.  Chair Shields stated that she was under the impression that 5-units would be allowed.  Dave Caldwell (Land-use chair) requested that Dave Muniz-Peavy of Supervisor Roberts office provide a map that shows the number of 5-bed homes within the Greater Golden Hill Planning Area.  Chair Shields requested that this be brought back to the August meeting.  Dave Muniz-Peavy said that he would do his best to provide that information.

  • Airport Master Plan EIR- Ted Anasis, AICP-(619)400-2478 returned and gave a status update.  EIR has been released, and is out for public review, which is due by September 18th, and requested public comment.  Identified improvement to terminal 2-West which will open in year 2010.  10-gates will be added onto the 41-acres acquired from the NTC.  Security will increase from 5 to 12-lanes.  Also proposing a second level vehicular departure curb along with parking deck- setback to allow for sunlight, with three pedestrian bridges, plus sky-cap capabilities on the second level.  They will be seeking a coastal development permit.  This project does not include any runway improvements.  Also spoke of the Miramar November 2006 Ballot measure that was supported by the airport board in a 7-2 vote.

Action Items:
  • Brooklyn Elementary- postponed- Rob Leach MIA, School Board out till September

  • Land-use.  Chair Shields asked if any item needed to be pulled from the Land-use Consent agenda, there being none; a motion was made and seconded to approve the Consent Agenda of the Land-use sub-committee of June 28, 2006.  Approved 10-0-0

  • District 3 Sidewalk Study- Jerry McKee and John Moores did not show.

  • Mary McClellan-Greater Golden Hill CDC spoke of the grant that they had received from the San Diego Foundation-  They are to have three workshops that support community engagement, dealing with quality of life issues and perceptions as related to affordability. Wants to collect data to be used as a model for other communities within San Diego.  Also informed the committee of “Solar Socials” in Golden Hill Park.  These will be concerts, the first being August 26, 2006.  Local talent will be highlighted.  Marc Kratzschmar asked about how to get change from the various workshops held.  Mary stated that the CDC was still in the running for 1.5 million in Cal-trans grants for 25th Street.

  • Paul Broadway (Golden Hill Recreation Council?) and past member of the planning committee spoke of the UPTOWN PLANNERS recent motion to oppose the inclusion of Regional Park Land in the General Plans allocation of Park Lands within a planning area.   Said that this motion was timely, in that Wednesday, July 19th at 2pm a meeting will be held on the 12th Floor to discuss the recreation element of the General Plan.  Paul requested that we have representation at this meeting.  Myles Pomeroy (City Planner) stated that this was a presentation to the Land Use and Housing Committee, and that Nancy Bragetto (sp) would be only educating and soliciting comment on drafts for future direction.
Sub-Committee and Ad-Hoc Committee Reports:
  • Membership & Elections: Richard Barerra noted that we will have 2-vacancies with Todd Philips resignation being effective August 1st.  Chair Shields and Steve Stratman noted that if Todd was still in escrow, he could remain on the committee, as he would still own property at that time.  Todd has offered to continue serving as secretary until the position is filled, foregoing any right to vote.  Dana Shutt-Mendibles said that she would like to be considered when she meets the 3-meeting attendance requirement, which would happen at the August 2006 meeting.  Richard Barerra noted that he was looking for other community members to become active members of the committee for future vacancies in the event that they presented themselves.

  • Parks-Maureen Burke noted that she will be attending the Balboa Park Committee meetings on a regular basis and reporting to the committee of its actions.   She has been in contact with Laurie Burgett and has exchanged e-mails.  

  • Code Compliance- Brad Lenahan was not in attendance, but Chris Blatt explained that Ida Ford was on vacation last month, and that he had called off the meeting.  Steve Stratman (Committee Member) noted that Ray Penisi needed to update the web-site to reflect the change in meeting dates for Code-compliance and Parks/Transportation to the last Wednesday of the month.

  • Transportation-Marc Kratzschmar said that they would continue to meet in conjunction with Parks the last Wednesday of the month at 6pm.

  • Balboa Park Committee- Laurie Burgett- MIA

  • Airport Noise Advisory Committee- Dave noted that the committee meets every other month, and that the next meeting is July 19, 2006.

  • Historic- John McWilliams- MIA

  • CPC-Chair Pat Shields previously informed the committee of CPC actions during her Chairs Report.

Proposed Items for August 9, 2006-Undergrounding:Jeffery Tom/April Chesebro.
                                                         5-bed homes-Dave Muniz-Peavy with Supervisor Roberts.

Chair Shields adjourned the meeting at 8:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted.

Steven M. Stratman-acting recording secretary.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Agenda for July 12 Full Planning Committee Meeting

Final Agenda.  Wednesday, July 12, 2006.  6:30 P.M.***

6:30     CALL TO ORDER   (please be punctual)
  • Additions/Deletions to the Agenda
6:40     Treasurers Report and PASS THE HAT: Carole Caffey
6:45      Community Police-Officer Gary Gonzales          (531-1572)
6:50      District 3- April Chesebro                    (236-7758)   
7:00     District 8-  Diana Jurado-Sainz               (236-6688)
7:10     76th Assembly Dist.-Sari Hamerling          (645-3090)     
7:15      53rd Congressional Dist. – Katherine Fortner      (280-5353)
7:25           City Planner’s Report.  Myles Pomeroy.            (235-5219)      
7:30     APPROVAL OF MINUTES:      June 2006

7:35 PUBLIC COMMENT (non-agenda items – 3 minute limit)

  • Chair’s Report.  Mail.  CPC Meeting.  Shields

  • Treatment Programs and Variances.  County report – Ron Robert’s office.

  • Airport Master Plan EIR.  Ted Anasis, Manager Airport Planning Mgr.

  • Report June 19 CDC Downtown Tour.  


  • Brooklyn Elementary – Play field location.  Update.  GGHPC position.

  • Land Use.  (Consent Agenda)

  • 2727 Broadway – siding type.  Approved 8/0/0.

  • Juniper St. – 7 unit condos.  Approved 8/0/0.

  • District 3 Sidewalk Study.  Jerry McKee/John Moores.

  • Committee Reports


8:20    Membership & Elections – Richard LaBarrera
8:25    Parks - Maureen Burke.  Last Wednesday of the month.
8:27    Code Compliance.  Brad Lenahan
8:30    Transportation/Compact- Marc Kratzschmar
8:35    Balboa Park Committee- Laurie Burgett
8:40    Airport Noise Advisory- Dave Caldwell & Carole Caffey
8:48    Historic- John McWilliams
8:52    CPC -Pat Shields - Community Planners Committee (CPC) | City of San Diego


If you would like for the city to provide you with upcoming agendas, please call 619.236.6479 and request to be added to the Mailing List for Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee
Updated agendas can be accessed 72-hours prior to the meeting by visiting our web site provided by the Golden Hill Community Development Corporation
Excused absences:

***This information is available in alternative formats upon request.  To request an agenda in Braille, large print or cassette, or to request a sign language or oral interpreter for the meeting, call 619-236-6479.  24-hours prior to the meeting to ensure availability.

Monday, July 03, 2006

May 2006 Minutes for the Full Planning Committee

Wednesday, May 10, 2006  6:30 P.M.

6:35     Call to Order
          Additions/Deletions to the Agenda – None.
6:36     Treasurer’s Report (PASS THE HAT) – No Report.
6:36     Community Police Officer, Gary Gonzalez
  • New Area Lieutenant is Karen Tenne from South Bay; wants to bring her to the June meeting.

  • Neighborhood Enforcement Team is doing well; over 300 arrests.

  • Mac commented that twice when he called 911, he was not connected to the proper Police station.  Officer Gonzalez will pass along information and would be happy to have a 911 officer come to talk to the group.
6:40      District 3 Report, April Chesebro – No Report.
6:41     District 8 Report, Diana Jurado-Sainz
  • New stop sign at 22nd and C Street; conducting a comprehensive study of parking and traffic problems in GH (alleyways like Russ Blvd.);

  • Talked to Supervisor to express Hueso’s opposition to CRASH relocation from Sherman Heights to GH;

  • Settled the SDG&E tree trimming issue with regards to D8; Mayor’s office does not plan on having community representatives (Steve Lieu is taking care of constituent calls for the Mayor);

  • Thanked us for writing the letter of support for funding the Alpha Project projects and the Mayor has pledged to find the funding.
6:45     Mayor’s Representative – No Show.
6:45     76th Assembly District, Sari Hamerling – No Show.
6:46     53rd Congressional District, Katherine Fortner
  • Congress was in recess in April; distributed the Davis Dispatch
6:47     City Planner’s Report, Myles Pomeroy
  • Planning Dept. will soon have revised policies and administrative guidelines on their website;

  • New Planning Director is Bill Anderson and will start May 22nd;

  • Planning Department will now be known as City Planning and Community Reinvestment Department and will be joined with the Economic Development Department and Redevelopment Agency;

  • Passed out community by community condo conversion statistics.
6:50     Approval of Minutes 7-0-2.
6:51     Land Use Consent Agenda passed 11-0.

  • PUC 30th Street undergrounding project update by Hal Tyvoll; PUC ruled the North Park project was illegal and the South Park/Golden Hill portion requires an EIR; suggested we provide a standing committee for oversight of the project due to the history of illegality; item will be added to the June Agenda.

  • Sheila Hardin from CCDC – downtown redevelopment bus tour is always open to the public and for the Committee members—it would take an hour and a half and be given by John Anderson of CCDC and can be done on any weekday evening if the Committee desires—Monday, May 22 (if the Padres are not playing) at 6:15 P.M.; passed out Navy Broadway Complex information sheet.

  • Matthew Thomas presented his plan for the northeast corner of 30th and Beech; he and his partner plan a sit-down, all day operation restaurant/café which is currently in the planning stages; International cuisine; wanted to meet the Committee; 2,750 SF; will be on June Agenda as informational item.

  • Kim Groux with update on the 32nd Street replanting of SDG&E clear cut area; cannot get a hold of Drew from SDG&E; District 8 Representative will get a hold of SDG&E; will be placed on June Agenda.
7:07     Chair’s Report
  • Dave Potter cautioned the CPC that he thinks the new Strong Mayor form of Government is pushing aside planning groups.
7:09     Flexcar, San Diego – Moved to June Agenda.
7:09     CRASH Relocation Proposal – asked to be pushed back in the agenda; Chair indicated that the media is coming at 8:00 P.M. and its not clear we can accommodate the request;
David Muniz-Peavy from Supervisor Roberts’ office is in attendance for this issue (; 619-531-6002) and indicated that someone from the Supervisor’s office will attend our meetings regularly.
7:26     CRASH Revisited – Chris Harris is asking for approval of the CRASH relocation to 2456 E Street; it’s a 7,000 sq. ft. house with 24 bedrooms, 8 bathrooms and has  for 30 years operated under a CUP as Residential Care Facility for 45 mentally disabled adults (f.k.a. CharLou Manor);
  • CRASH is having to re-locate out of the Bay View Hospital which is closing and are now looking at CharLou;

  • Kathryn Willetts mentioned that this location is within 300 feet of another drug and alcohol treatment facility in violation of a local ordinance and mentioned such ordinances prevent communities becoming oversaturated by such facilities and mentioned the parking to bed ratio problem for the tenant;

  • Myles Pomeroy mentioned the 300 foot buffer is only for 6 beds or less and anything over 13 beds is an item heard by the Planning Commission, and there is a ¼ mile separation for residential care facilities instead of 300 feet; the CUP runs with the facility and use;

  • Chair asked David Muniz-Peavy to research any County monies/staff time being used as part of this project; many residents expressed concern over the oversaturation issue;

  • CRASH expressed their good neighbor philosophy.  Chair will place on the June Agenda.

7:12     Jerry McKee and John Moores presented the District 3 sidewalk study;
  • 2 year study to evaluate the flooding and draining issues in the District that required engineering work to rectify the problem;

  • City created a road map of capital improvement projects that the City will fund – these projects are contingent on the City being able to fix adjacent properties to the problem and not just the problem itself; presented the final draft of the Report;

  • Dave Caldwell asked about the 75%/25% program through Toni Atkins’ office –no, that is a Streets Division projects and do not participate in this kind of program;

  • Steve Stratman suggested to forward this item to the Transit Committee;

  • Even if approved tonight, Mr. McKee doesn’t think this will be in the FY07 budget but would have to be included in the FY08 budget;

  • Kathryn Willetts suggested instead of grinding streets the City could raise portions of the sidewalks/streets – answer was that if it is cost effective the City will consider that methodology;

  • Forwarded to Transit for review and propose for adoption in June.
8:09     Joint Use Play Field at Golden Hill Elementary/32 Street Canyon – Chuck Brown with San Diego Unified School District;

  • Definitions: Play fields are primarily for the children; in some communities there aren’t play fields and so the City and the School District combine forces to create a joint use field where the children utilize the field during school hours and the community uses it after hours and on weekends;

  • The School District is currently thinking this field will not be a joint use field per se (joint project with the District and the City) but that it would still be available to the community after hours and on weekends;

  • Stacy Strand, the play field architect, explained the area they are looking for is 2 acres;

  • 5 sites were studied –two sites were rejected because of eminent domain complications, another was rejected because the children would have to cross C Street via a bridge that would need to be built, so they are looking at the two sites in the canyon.

  • Community comments included:

  • Concern over the taking of the canyon,

  • Run off of fertilizer into the river bed,

  • The school is undersubscribed,

  • The District doing what they want without regard to community/City wishes,

  • Build a bridge to the useless lot across the street (the District has done this kind of thing at other school sites like in La Jolla),

  • This is the destruction of natural habitat and environmental learning opportunities for children

  • Because of it’s unique habitat, the canyon should b preserved and not filled in for playing fields,

  • The District is trying to split the community (canyon preservationists vs. parents).

  • District responses included:

  • The parents of the 450 children who attend the school expect that play field to be built and

  • The parents’ voices were not heard in early discussions between the community and the District,

  • The District Board has voted down the use of the lot south of C Street 5-0,

  • The area they want to build is already desecrated,

  • This item will be back in front of the Board of Education in June.  

9:26     Land Use – Moving to last Wednesday of each month.

9:27     Adjourn

Members in Attendance: Pat Shields, Chris Blatt, Steve Stratman, Todd Philips, Brad Lenahan, Tim Doyle, John McWilliams, Richard Barrera, Rob Leach, Carole Caffey, Richard Baldwin, Dave Caldwell

Absent Members: Maureen Burke*, Marc Kratzschmar, Scott Glazebrook*

* = excused absence

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Land Use Agenda for June 28, 2006

Land Use agenda for June 28, 2006 meeting
  1. 2727 Broadway, SFR remodel in progress, siding type approval- action
  2. 847 21st St, Duplex remodel, #90503- info only
  3. 2849 E St, T Mobile NUP renewal/expired, #100493- info only
  4. 3265 C St, 62u condo, vesting tentative map, #79596- action
  5. 2404 C St, 22u condo, #84521- action
  6. 3101 Juniper St, 7u condo, #93090- action
  7. 3260 Broadway, 27u town homes (new construction), #100755- info only
  8. 1231 25th St, 25u condo, #89384- action
  9. 838 25th St, #101706- remodel + garage/addition to historic site #130a-8. Action
Please let me know if you would like to view any of the project packages prior to 6/28. This could be especially helpful with items 6,7,8, and 9.

Thanks, Dave Caldwell

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Distribution of Community Planning Group Agendas

The City of San Diego


DATE:JUNE 1, 2006

In an effort to reduce costs, the City Planning and Community Investment Department will discontinue the practice of copying and distributing community planning group agendas via U.S. mail. Beginnning on July 1, 2006, monthly planning group agendas will now be posted on the City's website at: Additionally, the Department is developing a capacity to distribute the agendas via email. If you are interested in this option please send an email to indicating that you would like to receive your particular community planning group agenda via email. Also, the Department is looking at alternate ways to broaden public outreach, in particular for those who do not have access to the internet. Thank you for your cooperation as we transition through this process.

Planning Department
202 C Street, MS 5A
San Diego, CA 92101-3865
Tel (619) 236-6479 Fax (619) 236-6478

Monday, June 05, 2006

Agenda for June 14 Full Planning Committee Meeting

Revised Final Agenda.  Wednesday, June 14, 2006.  6:30 P.M.***

6:00 – 6:30 Special Presentation:  Proposals for creation of a park over Highway 94.

6:30     CALL TO ORDER   (please be punctual)
  • Additions/Deletions to the Agenda
6:40     Treasurers Report and PASS THE HAT: Carole Caffey
6:45      Community Police-Officer Gary Gonzales          (531-1572)
6:50      District 3- April Chesebro                    (236-7758)   
7:00     District 8-  Diana Jurado-Sainz               (236-6688)
7:05      Mayor’s Representative: TBD / Steve Lu
7:10     76th Assembly Dist.-Sari Hamerling          (645-3090)     
7:15      53rd Congressional Dist. – Katherine Fortner      (280-5353)
7:25      City Planner’s Report.  Myles Pomeroy.            (235-5219)      
7:30     APPROVAL OF MINUTES:      May 2006

7:35 PUBLIC COMMENT (non-agenda items – 3 minute limit)

  • Chair’s Report.  Mail.  Shields

  • Flexcar – San Diego. Jordan Beebe. Program Manager (619) 273-9035.

  • 2456 E Street.  CRASH Program update.  County report – Ron Robert’s office.

  • 30th/Beech Restaurant update.  Mathew Thomas.

  • Orientation to “Condemnation” – City Attorney’s Office (Tentative).

  • Airport Master Plan EIR.  Ted Anasis, Mgr.

  • CDC Downtown Tour.  Committee members and residents will June 19 @ 6:15 pm.

  • Brooklyn Elementary – Play field location.  Update.  GGHPC position.

  • Land Use.  No items for consent agenda.

  • Select Undergrounding Watch Dog Sub-committee

  • Select Old House Fair Volunteers

  • District 3 Sidewalk Study.  Jerry McKee/John Moores.


8:20   Membership & Elections – Steve Stratman
8:25    PARKS- TBD Wed of the Month.   Balboa Park Golf-Course Clubhouse-6:00 PM
8:27    Code Compliance.
8:30    Transportation/Compact- Marc Kratzschmar
8:35    Balboa Park Committee- Laurie Burgett
8:40    Airport Noise Advisory- Dave Caldwell
8:48    Historic- TBD
8:52    CPC -Pat Shields - Community Planners Committee (CPC) | City of San Diego


If you would like for the city to provide you with upcoming agendas, please call 619.236.6479 and request to be added to the Mailing List for Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee
Updated agendas can be accessed 72-hours prior to the meeting by visiting our web site provided by the Golden Hill Community Development Corporation
Excused absences:

***This information is available in alternative formats upon request.  To request an agenda in Braille, large print or cassette, or to request a sign language or oral interpreter for the meeting, call 619-236-6479.  24-hours prior to the meeting to ensure availability.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Land Use Agenda - May 31, 2006

GGHPC Land Use subcommittee agenda: 5/31/06

  1. 847 21st Street, #90503, Duplex remodel action item

  2. 2849 E Street, T-Mobile tele-site, CUP renewal action item

  3. 2759-2767 B Street, Townhomes/Condos on 19,600sf site preliminary review only

  4. 1007 30th Street @ Broadway, #54073, 16u on 10ksf site previously seen at 1/5/05 land use-concept only action item

  5. Community Park - 22nd to 25th Streets, over Hwy 94. Info as to future presentation of concepts. Kathryn Willetts will describe and provide photos of the architectural design concepts.

  6. Alchemy, Beech/30th, parking issues related to restaurant use of commercial space.(new applicant)

  7. 2712 C Street, Porch remodel, ministerial project-info only.

Please remember our meetings are now the Last Wednesday of the month, 6:30PM at the Balboa Park Golf Course clubhouse.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

April 2006 Minutes for the Full Planning Committee

Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee
Board Meeting
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse
**Minutes for Approval**

Present: Chair Patricia Shields; Marc Kratzschmar; Steve Stratman; Dave Caldwell; Richard Baldwin; Brad Lenahan; Rob Leach; Scott Glazebrook; Maureen Burke; Todd Philips
Absent: Chris Blatt (E), Richard Barerra (E), Carole Caffey (unexcused); John McWilliams (unexcused); Tim Doyle (unexcused)

Chair Shields called the meeting to order at approx. 6:35 pm by requesting for additions/deletions to the agenda. NONE NOTED
Treasurers Report: None given – Treasurer MIA
Community Police Officer: Gary Gonzales was not present
District 3- April Chesebro passed out the March and April editions of the “Toni Times” as well as cards with contact information for the City of San Diego.
District 8-
  • Diana Jurado-Sainz spoke about the increase in graffiti and the Alpha Project and the Urban Corps roles in addressing this issue. Said that the mayor has removed this program (Take Back the Streets) from being funded by Community Block Grants. Several Council members requested of the mayor for these services to be funded from other sources. Diana requested that the committee write a letter in support of such funding. Rob Leach-committee member- questioned the proper noticing requirement. Chair suggested that given the “emergency” criteria of noticing given the immediacy of the action. Dave Caldwell requested to identify the amount of funding that we would be endorsing. Diana responded that approx. $300,000 per fiscal year expense. After discussion, a motion was made to support the funding without referencing the Council members specific position. A second was made, and the motion was approved in a 9 approval with 1 against.

  • Diana informed the committee of a recent incident that implicated a business at 1034 25th Street regarding a death. The District Attorney’s Office is involved in this.

  • Diana also informed the committee of “the F Street Skeleton” (24th @ “F”) which has been an “eyesore” in the community for the past 12-years, being a shell construction of a former apartment building. Diana identified that owner/applicant was to appear before a Golden Hill committee that meets on April 19th. Several committee members noted that the applicant was misinformed, as the Land-use Sub-committee would be the proper venue to discuss, and the next meeting would be May 3, 2006. Dave Caldwell questioned the funding of the review process through Developmental Services for this project.

  • Diana spoke of parking as being an issue throughout Greater Golden Hill, and identified 10 additional parking spaces being found on 2500 block of Russ Blvd. (a sub-standard street), as well as 4 additional parking spaces on Broadway @ 24th if the bus-stop would be moved to the end of the street instead of the middle of the block.
Mayor’s Representative: None present- Chair Shields requested of Council representatives and City Planner Pomeroy if they knew if Mayor Sanders planned on having representation at community planning meetings. All responded that they had no knowledge of the Mayor’s plans.
76th Assembly District-Sari Hamerling was not in attendance.
53rd Congressional District-
  • Katherine Fortner spoke of having a meeting in mid-March with the Postal Service regarding the issues of Graffiti and maintenance of its facility in Golden Hill.

  • In addition, she informed us of the Congresswoman missing several votes due to having an accident where she fell in her residence in Washington, D.C..

  • She also passed around a clipboard for sign-up for those who wanted to receive her e-mail new letters.

  • Chair Shield spoke of having previously attending a workshop on Grant Writing, sponsored by the Congresswoman, and encouraged both Mary McLellan and Tershia d’Elgin to attend an upcoming workshop that is to be held in the summer.
City Planner’s Report-
  • Myles Pomeroy stated that the city was in budget crisis, and that one of the Planning Departments cost cutting steps was to stop providing mailings for some community planning items. To be stopped will be the mailing of agendas’, which will be done exclusively by e-mail. Discussion ensued regarding the particulars and ramifications of such action.

  • Myles spoke of the upcoming COW for April 29th. He personally delivered invitations to Richard Baldwin and Maureen Burke, and stated that he would call Richard Barerra to make sure that he was aware of the importance in attending the C.O.W.

  • Myles also made the committee aware of the SANDAG sponsored Smart Growth workshops being held on April 17th (La Mesa), April 19th (Balboa Park Club) an April 20th (Oceanside) for Trans Net Funding.
Approval of Minutes- March 2006- Steve Stratman made a motion to approve the minutes for approval as provided by Beverly Davis. Dave Caldwell seconded. 8 (approved)- 0 (against) with 2 abstentions.
Public Comment on non-agenda items-
  • Chris and Megan Harris-2456 “E” Street came before the committee concerning a property that they hope to “Re-hab” under an existing Conditional Use Permit. The facility is proposed to be run by CRASH, Inc represented by Leila Attar. Ms. Attar gave a brief description of their existing programs that they operate in the Golden Hill House and spoke of being a “Good Neighbor”. Dave Caldwell-committee member- spoke of the moratorium for assisted living facilities in Golden Hill. Myles Pomeroy said that state law supercedes the city’s right to have such a position. Megan Harris stated that they would be seeking a variance to the existing C.U.P. It was noted that a C.U.P. stays with the property, and not with the owners. It was noted that the “level of care” would change with this proposed use, as the previous C.U.P. was for assisted living, whereas this C.U.P. would have “treatment” as its legal threshold.

  • David Moren spoke of the addition of a 4-way stop sign at 22nd and “C” Street. He came to commend whoever was responsible. Chair Shield said that although we would like to take credit, that perhaps this was an action sponsored by Dist. 8 and or police officer Gonzales.

  • Sheila Harden- Community Relations Manager for CCDC passed out a flyer on the Navy -Broadway Complex. Answered a question concerning the funding for the Downtown Community Plan. Said that consultants where paid 2.9 million over a 4-year period. This excluded any dollars from CCDC staff being charged to this process. If one wants to participate in a 1st or 3rd Saturday bus tour of downtown, please call 619-235-2222.

  • Tershia d’Elgin updated the committee on the Golden Hill Elementary play field. Said that the Oversight Committee had established a sub-committee that was to present on this action at its last meeting, but that the action was postponed. Thought that this might be a result of USD law students requesting a supplemental Environmental Impact Report. Also noted that many educational groups had participated in plantings in the canyon. Dave Caldwell-committee member- notified the committee that flyers had been circulated to encourage enrollment in the facility.

  • Mary McLellan reported on the GGH-CDC sponsored Charette that had approx. 100- attendees. The main topic at the Charette was “quality of life issues” as well as Golden Hill Park becoming more user friendly. A report of the Charette will be distributed. Noted that city planner Myles Pomeroy had suggested that a “Revititalization Plan” be a result of the Charette.
Information Items:
  • Chair’s Report: No mail received. Also was unable to attend last months CPC meeting

  • Plan to replant in 32nd @ Hawthorne Canyon-Drew Potocki (city of San Diego) J. C. Thomas (SDG&E) Governmental Affairs and Bruce Taylor (SDG&E) Area Forester provided an overview and answered questions concerning the issues at 30th @ Hawthorne. Admitted to mistakes in “outreach”, however, said that outcome would have been the same. 60-trees removed, when noticing identified “trimming” as the activity. Stated that debris problem still exist and clean-up of canyon would be offered. Stated that 24” box and 13-gallon trees were being proposed for re-planting. Diana Jurado-Sainz interjected that District 8 portion of Greater Golden Hill was “re-prioritized “ for undergrounding of utilities. Work to now occur in year 2009-10. Roger Lewis who lives adjoining the affected property, asked if it was time for him to “get over it, and move-on”. Another resident, Marie Racliff (?) spoke of the species and watering schedule. Questioned both the maintenance responsibility and the trimming notification given. Tershia d’Elgin suggested better solutions.

Action Items:
  • Ray Pennisi requested that the Two Year Study of District 3 sidewalks be post-poned till the May 10th meeting. Said that Jerry McKee had not responded to his calls to discuss.

  • Land-use- The consent agenda was unanimously approved.

  • Formation of the Committee for the coming year- Steve Stratman-membership and elections, passed out ballots with those individuals who had responded to his request for consideration for executive and sub-committee appointments. The following individuals had responded for the following positions:
Chair: Patricia Shields; Land-use: Dave Caldwell; Parks: Maureen Burke; Transportation: Marc Kratzschmar; Historic: John McWilliams; Membership & Elections: Richard Barerra.
  • The following individuals volunteered at the meeting to run for the following positions:Secretary: Todd Philips; Code-compliance: Brad Lenahan; Airport Noise: Dave Caldwell

  • The following individuals were nominated for the following positions: Chris Blatt-Vice Chair; Carole Caffey-Treasurer. Membership and elections chair asked if anyone wanted to be considered for any of the above positions. There being none, Steve Stratman asked that the slate be approved by acclamation. The motion was seconded, and the executive committee and subcommittee were unanimously approved as delineated above.

Inclusionary Housing-Todd Philips-committee member- kept the committee informed of recent council action regarding Condo Conversions and parking issues.

Land-use Sub-committee Meeting Dates: Steve Stratman-committee member reminded the committee that a proposed change in meeting days had been suggested, and that the committee should address this issue at this time. After several minutes of discussion, a motion was made and seconded, to move the Land-use meeting to the LAST Wednesday of each month, starting with the June 28th meeting. The motion passed on a 9-0-1 vote.

Chair Shields adjourned the meeting at 8:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted.

Steven M. Stratman-acting recording secretary.