Wednesday, June 14, 2006 6:30PM
6:31 Call to Order
Additions or Deletions to the Agenda—None.
6:32 District 3 Report, April Chesebro:
- Utility Boxes will be painted by July.
- Golden Hill Elementary Playing Field – talked with Carl Cohn to keep discussions open between the school, the District, the community and the Council office.
- Old House Fair – District 3 will have booth.
- Big Kitchen 26th Anniversary will be on Sunday June 14, 2006 from 5-9pm.
- Golden Hill Elementary Canyon Play Field – Councilman Hueso doesn’t want a joint use field; more meetings are scheduled; currently the school is not pushing for Eminent Domain as a means of resolving the issue.
- CRASH has contacted Councilmember Hueso on the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) in Golden Hill (GH); he is currently not supporting them because of the oversaturation of like facilities in the community.
- At 25th and Broadway the City is removing the red striping to create more parking.
- 6 month community clean up plan is now complete.
- August 27 and 28 will be the dates for the Fiesta Del Sol in Sherman Heights from 11-12.
- Happy to announce the Councilmember received 71% of vote and was re-elected on June 6.
6:44 Community Police Officer, Gary Gonzalez:
- Re-introduced New Lieutenant Karen Tenne – she has been with the Police Department for 27 years; this will be her 3rd time with Central Command; she was previously with Western and Southern Divisions; her contact number is 619-744-9502.
- Neighborhood Response Team recently netted 7 homeless in GH Park.
- The benches at 25th and Broadway have now been removed.
- 54 people were arrested in a recent gang sweep.
- National Night Out will be August 1, 2006.
- Congresswoman Davis introduced a new bill called the “Identity Theft Protection for the Deceased Act” which aims at curbing the rash of identity thefts for recently deceased individuals to commit illegal acts.
- Neighborhood Days will occur Downtown on July 5, 2006.
- July 1 Agendas will be on the City’s Planning Department’s website and not mailed out in order to save money; you can sign up to have it e-mailed to you.
- GGHPC bylaws need to be in conformance with Policy 600-4??? by next March; it is suggested we use the shell format provided—the yellow shaded areas provide the committee with some flexibility.
- Agendas will also be posted on TV24 and run on weekends after Planning Commission re-runs.
- An in depth training seminar for planning groups will occur on Thursday June 29 at the Topaz Way facility.
- City Council recently amended the Condo Conversion Ordinance which changes some of the regulations for condo conversions.
- Ray Pennisi reported the GGHPC website/blog is up and independent of the CDC; all members of the GGHPC can post to website
- Katherine Willets with the CDC mentioned the desire among members of the community and CDC for a park to be built over S94 from the 22nd to the 25th overpasses; money is the primary issue facing the construction of such a park; it is now in the Plan and she has photos if anyone is interested.
7:03 Chair’s Report
- There wasn’t a May CPC meeting.
- Thank you to Committee members for changing the Land Use meeting so that the GGHPC Agenda gets noticed to the community in a more timely manner.
- David Muniz-Peavy with Ron Roberts’ office is waiting on info from another staff member on CRASH contracts throughout the county but that staff member is currently out of the office; Roberts does not currently have an official position on the issue yet because Health and Human Services is handling it at this time.
- The Chair will place this item on the Agenda for next month until more info is forthcoming from County.
- Key to the GGHPC is to know how much County resources are being expended to get CRASH into the building contrary to community and District 8’s positions of opposition to the project.
- The realtor for the property expressed that this was one of the 1st facilities in GH and has passed every inspection and a lot of money is being spent to improve the property; it has the same owner as the Broadway House across the street; she appreciates the issue with problems of oversaturation in the community but this is one of the first and has operated successfully over time; she challenged the community: short of this plan what can be done with this property?; It’s a 24 room, 7 bathroom building on a double lot – it could accommodate 5 condos if redeveloped but she wants to do what’s best for neighborhood; other offers for the property included an SDSU professor wanting to buy it and rent rooms for students.
- They want to build a restaurant; recognizes there are parking issues exist but applicants are awaiting City’s preliminary review before they address parking.
- They are seeking support in concept from community and GGHPC.
- They want to be open by the end of the year.
- Committee members advised them to be aware of GH sign ordinance.
- Community members expressed concern over late night dining and bar activities in a residential neighborhood; the Alcohol Beverage Commission says that their establishment should operate only until 11pm;.
- Applicants were asked to keep the community and Committee updated.
- The tour will be June 19th from 6:15pm–8pm.
- Those interested should meet at Balboa Golf Course Clubhouse.
- The tour bus can accommodate 42 people so please RSVP to Ms. Hardin.
- Navy Broadway Complex – the plans are still undetermined but CCDC is eager to hear and respond to community member concerns.
- Chair brought up the GH Elementary playing field as an important issue that Nancy Graham should discuss with the GH community before CCDC takes any position on it.
7:52 Golden Hill Elementary Playing Field Update – Rob Leach updated the Committee:
Tom Mitchell of the School District approached some GGHPC and community members last month to discuss the issue and try and reach a middle ground; School administrative staff desires a turf field; there are 5 parcels looked at by the District; parcel A and B are in the south end of the 32nd street canyon; parcel C is south of C Street; parcels D and E would involve eminent domain of houses and the District is currently opposed to taking homes for purposes of the field; the District needs to obtain additional land irrespective of what parcel they utilize for the field; parcels A and B are subject to the previous EIR from construction of the school while all other parcels don’t have an EIR and getting one would add significant time to the construction timeline; the District agreed to look at parcel C again but worry over the EIR issue; accessibility (e.g. bridge, traffic calming measures required) to parcel C and the time it would take the children to travel to parcel C and back in time for next class is unacceptable to the school administration; the District was asked for cost comparisons between parcels A and B vs. C; the crossing of C Street is the biggest reservation for the school administration staff because C Street is so steep; the District would consider construction of only one soccer field on parcels A and not B; Councilmember Hueso would rather have it all in one footprint rather than across C Street or in the canyon; the community mentioned parcel C should be used for teached and administrative staff parking lot and make the existing parking lot the field(s) but the District raised the issue of the Union not going for that idea; what about a tunnel under C Street?
MOTION: Motion by S. Stratman to form an official sub-committee to act as liaison with School District and continue discussions over this issue with school administration and District staffs – committee to be comprised of at least Rob, Tershia, Brad and Marc, 2nd by J. McWilliams; Motion passed 11-0-0.
MOTION: Motion by J. McWilliams, 2nd by R. Leach to write a letter to City Council members expressing the Committee’s support of the 32 Street Canyon Streambed Restoration grant whenever the Canyon playing field issue appears on the Council docket; Motion passed 9-2-0 (R. Baldwin and M. Burke opposed).
8:47 30th Street Undergrounding Project Update – Hal Tyvoll gave an update:
- PUC found multiple violations with 30th Street undergrounding projects (inadequate noticing, moving of boundaries contrary to Council resolution, etc.).
- The PUC ruled under no circumstances can this project receive a categorical exemption from the EIR review.
- April Chesebro of District 3 stated that Jeffrey Tom is meeting with Nathan Bruner of City Engineering to finalize the plan for the undergrounding and will bring back an update to the Committee next month.
9:02 Update on tree removal by SDG&E
- The delay on the replacement of the trees is contingent upon obtaining a watering agreement between the City and the affected residents in the area.
- District 3 will follow up as SDG&E staff are not responding to residents.
- District 8 is dealing with a similar problem.
9:06 Membership and Elections – R. Barrera is now Chair. One vacancy exists on the Committee.
Parks – Moved to last Wednesday of the month. No Report.
Code Compliance – In July CC will move to the last Wednesday of the month. B. Lenahan is now Chair. No Report.
Transit/Compact – Meets with Parks. No report.
Balboa Park Committee – No Report; M. Burke will contact L. Burgett for future updates.
Airport Noise Advisory – C. Caffey will now attend instead of D. Caldwell. Next meeting is July 20th. No Report.
Historic – J. McWilliams is now Chair. No Report.
9:09 Adjourn.
In Attendance: J. McWilliams, S. Glazebrook, R. Baldwin, C. Caffey (not present for Approval of Minutes vote), R. Barrera, S. Stratman, M. Burke, B. Lenahan, R. Leach, P. Shields, T. Philips.