Board Meeting
Wednesday, July12, 2006
Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse
Present: Chair Patricia Shields; Marc Kratzschmar; Steve Stratman; Dave Caldwell; Richard Baldwin; Richard Barerra; Carole Caffey; Maureen Burke; Tim Doyle, Chris Blatt
Absent: Todd Philips, John McWilliams, Rob Leach, Scott Glazebrook, and Brad Lenahan
Chair Shields called the meeting to order at approx. 6:40 pm by requesting for additions/deletions to the agenda. NONE NOTED
Treasurers Report: Carole Caffey– Treasurer said that we had a balance of $74.74, and informed the committee that she was still trying to get her name on the account.
Community Police Officer: Gary Gonzales was not present- however, Carole Caffey announced that Gary had a conflict, and that Leah Fields (Deputy City Attorney), both wanted us to be aware of “National Night Out” which will take place on Tuesday, August 01, 2006 which is a walk from the Police Headquarters on Broadway to the Central Division Headquarters on Imperial.
District 3- April Chesebro was not present, as she had a conflicting meeting with the Kennsington/Talmage Planning Group.
District 8-
- Diana Jurado-Sainz spoke about the increase in graffiti and passed out graffiti information sheets, which list who to contact when graffiti takes place in specific areas.
- Also said that graffiti eradication was a co-oriented effort of Cal-trans and the County. Said that meetings with Judges were being set-up to inform them of options for sentences’. Also mentioned that educational programs were going to be implemented to speak of this problem with youth to educate them of social impacts. Also spoke of the community clean-ups and paint-outs.
- Said that council member Hueso had requested an update on the different routes for under grounding
- Said that parking re-imbursement would be coming before Council in the next 2-weeks said that $91,281 would be coming to the MID-CITIES (of which Golden Hill is a party to) with a remaining $798,132 remaining but not distributed at this time. Golden Hill CDC is the recipient of these funds for Greater Golden Hill and disperses them accordingly.
- Hal Tyvol-Greater Golden Hill Resident-enquired of Diana if any information was in writing concerning council member Hueso request for the updates referenced above. Diana said that all request were verbal in nature.
- Tim Doyle (Committee Member) enquired about the benches and phone booths that had been requested to be removed from the 25th Street Corridor. Diana informed Tim that the benches have been removed (going to the Little Italy area) and that a letter had been sent to SBC/ATT requesting the removal of the phone booth. No response as of todays date.
76th Assembly District-No one in attendance.
53rd Congressional District-
- Katherine Fortner passed out the July Dispatch
- In addition, she informed us of Congresswoman Davis authoring 2 pieces of legislation (a) Veterans Small Business, and (b) Multi-generational/Bi Lingual Opportunities (?)
- Stated that Congress would be adjourned in August, and that the congresswoman would be holding community forums during this time frame.
City Planner’s Report-
- Myles Pomeroy stated that the agendas for planning committee’s were now posted on the city’s web-site, and that we would have the ability to post minutes as well. Requested that approved minutes for June be e-mailed to his attention so that he could post.
- Said that the city attorney is writing an opinion that might indicate that Planning Groups are indeed subject to the Brown Act. This would have ramifications to the committee with regards to noticing and posting of agenda’s.
- Marc Kratzschmar (Committee Member) requested information from Myles concerning rumors regarding the PDO’s of the various Planning Groups being in jeopardy. Myles stated that indeed a movement was in the works to convert them to a City Wide Zoning Ordinance. Said that it would be easier to administer, and that economies of scale would result. Said that however no resources existed for updating the Community Plan. Said that an existing timetable for review existed with Barrio Logan (no planning group in existence) and Southeast as well as Uptown would be the first to undergo review. Stated that Greater Golden Hill was in the upper tier of those to be updated.
Approval of Minutes- June 2006- Steve Stratman made a motion to approve the minutes for June as provided by Todd Philips. Maureen Burke seconded. 7 (approved) - 0 (against) with 3 (abstentions).
Public Comment on non-agenda items-
- Myles Pomeroy (City Planner) commended Sheila Harden- Community Relations Manager for CCDC- on her weight loss. Sheila acknowledged that she was participating in a Sharp Healthcare weight loss program. Sheila spoke of the Downtown Development Tour that CCDC arranged for the Planning Committee; she stressed the benefit of the interaction with the Technical Staff, and asked for any concerns to take back to Nancy Graham. Marc Kratzschmar (Committee Member) enquired of opportunities that existed for development of parkland at the city’s Maintenance Yard located at 21st and B St. Sheila Harden stated that this land was outside the preview of CCDC but that she would bring a document entitled “Urban Oasis” with identifies 8-specific locations for new parks located within the CCDC boundaries. Chair Shields spoke of the connector park over the I-5 that was proposed for connecting downtown to Balboa Park. Sheila requested attendance by members of the planning committee to the CCDC Board meetings. Chair Shields noted that the committee, being made up of working people, could not attend a meeting scheduled between 2pm and 5pm during the work week.
- Carole Caffey (community member/committee member) noted that a “Market” would be taking place on Saturday’s beginning August 5, 2006 at the Albert Einstein Charter School. Golden Hill CDC is handling marketing for this 1-year probation program. Profits are to supplement Albert Einstein’s 20% funding that San Diego City Schools does not finance
- Shelly Shivers (Community Resident) spoke of the need for a 4-way stop sign on Dale at Date Street. Said that Menji Mei had preformed a traffic study, but was denied the request. Asked traffic department when test was performed, and was told it was taken at approx. 12-noon. Requested that another test be given, and again, failed to warrant additional stop signs. Said that she wrote Councilmember Atkins, but was responded to with a letter that passed the item on to the mayor’s office. Because Council Dist. 3 had no representation present, Diana from Council Dist 8 agreed to facilitate communication between April Chesebro, Menji Mei and Shelly Shiver. Myles suggested that we invite Menji Mei to come to our next meeting and update us on procedures with regard to requesting additional stop signs.
- Hal Tyvol (Community Resident) gave a brief summary, and asked for a standing sub-committee to stay focused on this topic. Chair Shields requested that Hal keep the committee informed as an ad-hoc sub-committee. Hal stated that the Public Utility Commission has exclusive jurisdiction over 50Kv or above rated lines. The line in question is 138Kv. City has authority to underground, however, Rule 20 states the criteria, which states that same location must be utilized. The city has violated this rule over the years. Phase 2 would require both Council Action, and Environmental Review. Chair Shields asked for a briefing from April Chesebro and Jeffery Tom at our August meeting.
- Information Items:
- Chair’s Report: No mail received. Canyon/Golden Hill Elementary postponed till September due to summer recess. Said that committee has been having impact with regard to canyon and Crash topics. Chair Shields discussed the topic of attendance. Myles Pomeroy (City Planner) consulted the existing by-laws that allow for 3-excused absences during the year (April through March), but said that changes are being proposed for 4-absences (regardless of excuse) and then expulsion. Spoke of recent frustrations regarding Developmental Services stance on Community Planning Groups at CPC.
- Treatment Programs & Variances-Dave Muniz-Peavy with Supervisors Roberts office spoke. Said that County was not seeking a variance for the Crash proposed property. Had a question to provide amount of County resources that went to Crash programs. Said that 4 contracts existed (2-adult men, and 2-adult women programs) for $4-million. Chair Shields enquired of the conflict of interest of Ms. Tark (?) advocating for the variance. Muniz-Peavy declined to speak for Ms. Tark (?). Diana with Council member Hueso office said that Ben Hueso was opposed to the variance. Questions concerning the zoning of the property presented itself. It was identified to be GH3000, which would translate into 1-unit per 3000 square feet. Chair Shields stated that she was under the impression that 5-units would be allowed. Dave Caldwell (Land-use chair) requested that Dave Muniz-Peavy of Supervisor Roberts office provide a map that shows the number of 5-bed homes within the Greater Golden Hill Planning Area. Chair Shields requested that this be brought back to the August meeting. Dave Muniz-Peavy said that he would do his best to provide that information.
- Airport Master Plan EIR- Ted Anasis, AICP-(619)400-2478 returned and gave a status update. EIR has been released, and is out for public review, which is due by September 18th, and requested public comment. Identified improvement to terminal 2-West which will open in year 2010. 10-gates will be added onto the 41-acres acquired from the NTC. Security will increase from 5 to 12-lanes. Also proposing a second level vehicular departure curb along with parking deck- setback to allow for sunlight, with three pedestrian bridges, plus sky-cap capabilities on the second level. They will be seeking a coastal development permit. This project does not include any runway improvements. Also spoke of the Miramar November 2006 Ballot measure that was supported by the airport board in a 7-2 vote.
Action Items:
- Brooklyn Elementary- postponed- Rob Leach MIA, School Board out till September
- Land-use. Chair Shields asked if any item needed to be pulled from the Land-use Consent agenda, there being none; a motion was made and seconded to approve the Consent Agenda of the Land-use sub-committee of June 28, 2006. Approved 10-0-0
- District 3 Sidewalk Study- Jerry McKee and John Moores did not show.
- Mary McClellan-Greater Golden Hill CDC spoke of the grant that they had received from the San Diego Foundation- They are to have three workshops that support community engagement, dealing with quality of life issues and perceptions as related to affordability. Wants to collect data to be used as a model for other communities within San Diego. Also informed the committee of “Solar Socials” in Golden Hill Park. These will be concerts, the first being August 26, 2006. Local talent will be highlighted. Marc Kratzschmar asked about how to get change from the various workshops held. Mary stated that the CDC was still in the running for 1.5 million in Cal-trans grants for 25th Street.
- Paul Broadway (Golden Hill Recreation Council?) and past member of the planning committee spoke of the UPTOWN PLANNERS recent motion to oppose the inclusion of Regional Park Land in the General Plans allocation of Park Lands within a planning area. Said that this motion was timely, in that Wednesday, July 19th at 2pm a meeting will be held on the 12th Floor to discuss the recreation element of the General Plan. Paul requested that we have representation at this meeting. Myles Pomeroy (City Planner) stated that this was a presentation to the Land Use and Housing Committee, and that Nancy Bragetto (sp) would be only educating and soliciting comment on drafts for future direction.
- Membership & Elections: Richard Barerra noted that we will have 2-vacancies with Todd Philips resignation being effective August 1st. Chair Shields and Steve Stratman noted that if Todd was still in escrow, he could remain on the committee, as he would still own property at that time. Todd has offered to continue serving as secretary until the position is filled, foregoing any right to vote. Dana Shutt-Mendibles said that she would like to be considered when she meets the 3-meeting attendance requirement, which would happen at the August 2006 meeting. Richard Barerra noted that he was looking for other community members to become active members of the committee for future vacancies in the event that they presented themselves.
- Parks-Maureen Burke noted that she will be attending the Balboa Park Committee meetings on a regular basis and reporting to the committee of its actions. She has been in contact with Laurie Burgett and has exchanged e-mails.
- Code Compliance- Brad Lenahan was not in attendance, but Chris Blatt explained that Ida Ford was on vacation last month, and that he had called off the meeting. Steve Stratman (Committee Member) noted that Ray Penisi needed to update the web-site to reflect the change in meeting dates for Code-compliance and Parks/Transportation to the last Wednesday of the month.
- Transportation-Marc Kratzschmar said that they would continue to meet in conjunction with Parks the last Wednesday of the month at 6pm.
- Balboa Park Committee- Laurie Burgett- MIA
- Airport Noise Advisory Committee- Dave noted that the committee meets every other month, and that the next meeting is July 19, 2006.
- Historic- John McWilliams- MIA
- CPC-Chair Pat Shields previously informed the committee of CPC actions during her Chairs Report.
Proposed Items for August 9, 2006-Undergrounding:Jeffery Tom/April Chesebro.
5-bed homes-Dave Muniz-Peavy with Supervisor Roberts.
Chair Shields adjourned the meeting at 8:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted.
Steven M. Stratman-acting recording secretary.