Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Land Use Agenda - May 31, 2006

GGHPC Land Use subcommittee agenda: 5/31/06

  1. 847 21st Street, #90503, Duplex remodel action item

  2. 2849 E Street, T-Mobile tele-site, CUP renewal action item

  3. 2759-2767 B Street, Townhomes/Condos on 19,600sf site preliminary review only

  4. 1007 30th Street @ Broadway, #54073, 16u on 10ksf site previously seen at 1/5/05 land use-concept only action item

  5. Community Park - 22nd to 25th Streets, over Hwy 94. Info as to future presentation of concepts. Kathryn Willetts will describe and provide photos of the architectural design concepts.

  6. Alchemy, Beech/30th, parking issues related to restaurant use of commercial space.(new applicant)

  7. 2712 C Street, Porch remodel, ministerial project-info only.

Please remember our meetings are now the Last Wednesday of the month, 6:30PM at the Balboa Park Golf Course clubhouse.