Thursday, June 22, 2006

Land Use Agenda for June 28, 2006

Land Use agenda for June 28, 2006 meeting
  1. 2727 Broadway, SFR remodel in progress, siding type approval- action
  2. 847 21st St, Duplex remodel, #90503- info only
  3. 2849 E St, T Mobile NUP renewal/expired, #100493- info only
  4. 3265 C St, 62u condo, vesting tentative map, #79596- action
  5. 2404 C St, 22u condo, #84521- action
  6. 3101 Juniper St, 7u condo, #93090- action
  7. 3260 Broadway, 27u town homes (new construction), #100755- info only
  8. 1231 25th St, 25u condo, #89384- action
  9. 838 25th St, #101706- remodel + garage/addition to historic site #130a-8. Action
Please let me know if you would like to view any of the project packages prior to 6/28. This could be especially helpful with items 6,7,8, and 9.

Thanks, Dave Caldwell