Monday, July 03, 2006

May 2006 Minutes for the Full Planning Committee

Wednesday, May 10, 2006  6:30 P.M.

6:35     Call to Order
          Additions/Deletions to the Agenda – None.
6:36     Treasurer’s Report (PASS THE HAT) – No Report.
6:36     Community Police Officer, Gary Gonzalez
  • New Area Lieutenant is Karen Tenne from South Bay; wants to bring her to the June meeting.

  • Neighborhood Enforcement Team is doing well; over 300 arrests.

  • Mac commented that twice when he called 911, he was not connected to the proper Police station.  Officer Gonzalez will pass along information and would be happy to have a 911 officer come to talk to the group.
6:40      District 3 Report, April Chesebro – No Report.
6:41     District 8 Report, Diana Jurado-Sainz
  • New stop sign at 22nd and C Street; conducting a comprehensive study of parking and traffic problems in GH (alleyways like Russ Blvd.);

  • Talked to Supervisor to express Hueso’s opposition to CRASH relocation from Sherman Heights to GH;

  • Settled the SDG&E tree trimming issue with regards to D8; Mayor’s office does not plan on having community representatives (Steve Lieu is taking care of constituent calls for the Mayor);

  • Thanked us for writing the letter of support for funding the Alpha Project projects and the Mayor has pledged to find the funding.
6:45     Mayor’s Representative – No Show.
6:45     76th Assembly District, Sari Hamerling – No Show.
6:46     53rd Congressional District, Katherine Fortner
  • Congress was in recess in April; distributed the Davis Dispatch
6:47     City Planner’s Report, Myles Pomeroy
  • Planning Dept. will soon have revised policies and administrative guidelines on their website;

  • New Planning Director is Bill Anderson and will start May 22nd;

  • Planning Department will now be known as City Planning and Community Reinvestment Department and will be joined with the Economic Development Department and Redevelopment Agency;

  • Passed out community by community condo conversion statistics.
6:50     Approval of Minutes 7-0-2.
6:51     Land Use Consent Agenda passed 11-0.

  • PUC 30th Street undergrounding project update by Hal Tyvoll; PUC ruled the North Park project was illegal and the South Park/Golden Hill portion requires an EIR; suggested we provide a standing committee for oversight of the project due to the history of illegality; item will be added to the June Agenda.

  • Sheila Hardin from CCDC – downtown redevelopment bus tour is always open to the public and for the Committee members—it would take an hour and a half and be given by John Anderson of CCDC and can be done on any weekday evening if the Committee desires—Monday, May 22 (if the Padres are not playing) at 6:15 P.M.; passed out Navy Broadway Complex information sheet.

  • Matthew Thomas presented his plan for the northeast corner of 30th and Beech; he and his partner plan a sit-down, all day operation restaurant/café which is currently in the planning stages; International cuisine; wanted to meet the Committee; 2,750 SF; will be on June Agenda as informational item.

  • Kim Groux with update on the 32nd Street replanting of SDG&E clear cut area; cannot get a hold of Drew from SDG&E; District 8 Representative will get a hold of SDG&E; will be placed on June Agenda.
7:07     Chair’s Report
  • Dave Potter cautioned the CPC that he thinks the new Strong Mayor form of Government is pushing aside planning groups.
7:09     Flexcar, San Diego – Moved to June Agenda.
7:09     CRASH Relocation Proposal – asked to be pushed back in the agenda; Chair indicated that the media is coming at 8:00 P.M. and its not clear we can accommodate the request;
David Muniz-Peavy from Supervisor Roberts’ office is in attendance for this issue (; 619-531-6002) and indicated that someone from the Supervisor’s office will attend our meetings regularly.
7:26     CRASH Revisited – Chris Harris is asking for approval of the CRASH relocation to 2456 E Street; it’s a 7,000 sq. ft. house with 24 bedrooms, 8 bathrooms and has  for 30 years operated under a CUP as Residential Care Facility for 45 mentally disabled adults (f.k.a. CharLou Manor);
  • CRASH is having to re-locate out of the Bay View Hospital which is closing and are now looking at CharLou;

  • Kathryn Willetts mentioned that this location is within 300 feet of another drug and alcohol treatment facility in violation of a local ordinance and mentioned such ordinances prevent communities becoming oversaturated by such facilities and mentioned the parking to bed ratio problem for the tenant;

  • Myles Pomeroy mentioned the 300 foot buffer is only for 6 beds or less and anything over 13 beds is an item heard by the Planning Commission, and there is a ¼ mile separation for residential care facilities instead of 300 feet; the CUP runs with the facility and use;

  • Chair asked David Muniz-Peavy to research any County monies/staff time being used as part of this project; many residents expressed concern over the oversaturation issue;

  • CRASH expressed their good neighbor philosophy.  Chair will place on the June Agenda.

7:12     Jerry McKee and John Moores presented the District 3 sidewalk study;
  • 2 year study to evaluate the flooding and draining issues in the District that required engineering work to rectify the problem;

  • City created a road map of capital improvement projects that the City will fund – these projects are contingent on the City being able to fix adjacent properties to the problem and not just the problem itself; presented the final draft of the Report;

  • Dave Caldwell asked about the 75%/25% program through Toni Atkins’ office –no, that is a Streets Division projects and do not participate in this kind of program;

  • Steve Stratman suggested to forward this item to the Transit Committee;

  • Even if approved tonight, Mr. McKee doesn’t think this will be in the FY07 budget but would have to be included in the FY08 budget;

  • Kathryn Willetts suggested instead of grinding streets the City could raise portions of the sidewalks/streets – answer was that if it is cost effective the City will consider that methodology;

  • Forwarded to Transit for review and propose for adoption in June.
8:09     Joint Use Play Field at Golden Hill Elementary/32 Street Canyon – Chuck Brown with San Diego Unified School District;

  • Definitions: Play fields are primarily for the children; in some communities there aren’t play fields and so the City and the School District combine forces to create a joint use field where the children utilize the field during school hours and the community uses it after hours and on weekends;

  • The School District is currently thinking this field will not be a joint use field per se (joint project with the District and the City) but that it would still be available to the community after hours and on weekends;

  • Stacy Strand, the play field architect, explained the area they are looking for is 2 acres;

  • 5 sites were studied –two sites were rejected because of eminent domain complications, another was rejected because the children would have to cross C Street via a bridge that would need to be built, so they are looking at the two sites in the canyon.

  • Community comments included:

  • Concern over the taking of the canyon,

  • Run off of fertilizer into the river bed,

  • The school is undersubscribed,

  • The District doing what they want without regard to community/City wishes,

  • Build a bridge to the useless lot across the street (the District has done this kind of thing at other school sites like in La Jolla),

  • This is the destruction of natural habitat and environmental learning opportunities for children

  • Because of it’s unique habitat, the canyon should b preserved and not filled in for playing fields,

  • The District is trying to split the community (canyon preservationists vs. parents).

  • District responses included:

  • The parents of the 450 children who attend the school expect that play field to be built and

  • The parents’ voices were not heard in early discussions between the community and the District,

  • The District Board has voted down the use of the lot south of C Street 5-0,

  • The area they want to build is already desecrated,

  • This item will be back in front of the Board of Education in June.  

9:26     Land Use – Moving to last Wednesday of each month.

9:27     Adjourn

Members in Attendance: Pat Shields, Chris Blatt, Steve Stratman, Todd Philips, Brad Lenahan, Tim Doyle, John McWilliams, Richard Barrera, Rob Leach, Carole Caffey, Richard Baldwin, Dave Caldwell

Absent Members: Maureen Burke*, Marc Kratzschmar, Scott Glazebrook*

* = excused absence