NOVEMBER 12, 2008
Meeting held at Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse – Golf Course Drive
Call to order: Chris Blatt, chair, called to order at 6:33 pm. Agenda had not been posted earlier, although Chris Blatt had provided it to the city in a timely manner. As there were no action items on the agenda, meeting was called to order. Copies were available.
Members present: Richard Baldwin, Chris Blatt, Maureen Burke, Laurie Burgett, Dave Caldwell,
Carole Caffey (arrived late), Scott Glazebrook, Anita Margolis (arrived late), David Skillman, Marie Skillman Frederick Ruffell, Angela Vasconcellos
Treasurer’s Report: no change in account, balance around $75.00.
Community Police Officer John Graham: There was a robbery at Sombreros restaurant. Several arrests have been made downtown relating to car prowls and laptop thefts. Crime statistics in our area have been better than Little Italy recently. Residents have requested a Citizen’s Patrol, police dept. is working to set up something similar to Stonewall group in Hillcrest area.
Deputy City Attorney Danielle Stroud: Introduced herself as a liaison between community and Neighborhood Prosecution Unit of the Criminal Division. They focus on quality of life crimes. Mentioned that there is a reward fund for people who make reports that lead to prosecutions on graffiti or other crimes. If you see a crime in action, call 911 of 619-531-2000. Danielle’s phone numbers: office 619-533-5500, cell 619-980-0732
City Council District 8 - Diana Jurado-Sainz; 53rd Congressional District - Katherine Fortner; City Council District 3 - Jeffrey Tom; Mayor; 76th Assembly District: no reports
City Planning Department. Bernie Turgeon: City staff has now interviewed the top applicants for Community Plan Update Facilitator. There is a new supervisor in this section. Responses to the RFP for Design Consultant are due by next week; about 60 responses have been received so far. The process tries to be unbiased. At the last meeting of the Community Planning Chairs, they went over the need for stakeholders to participate in the process. He expects the process to kickoff in January. Committee members discussed poor attendance at committee meetings, which may make finding stakeholders outside the committee membership difficult. The last Greater Golden Hill Plan Update was in 1988.
Approval of Minutes. Approval of September minutes (Baldwin, Blatt, Burgett abstained as they were not at that meeting.) Approval of October minutes (Blatt, Burke, Caldwell, Ruffell, Vasconcellos abstained as they were not at that meeting.)
Sheila Hardin, CCDC: Announced a meeting on 11/13/08 at 9AM for downtown homeowners and residents. They aren’t expecting much new building in the next 3 years but current projects should be completed. CCDC website has a Downtown Living Guide listing the completed and in process projects. Overall prices are lower, resale inventory is up and rentals are up. No. Embarcadero Plan is moving forward; Police Dept. project has stopped; Lane Field & Broadway Complex moving forward. New federal courthouse starts in February. Sheila has worked at CCDC for 23 years. Recently ALL 54 of the staff members were consulted individually about their ideas on hiring a new CCDC president.
Chairs Report/Mail. Chris attended the CPC meeting, relating to Plan Update. Committee members discussed how important it is that our community be represented properly as the Update Process will include several communities together. Bernie Turgeon described how the zoning and urban design guidelines will be integrated into the City General Plan. Community Planning Areas will need to use overlay zones for deviations from the general guidelines. This committee will be asked who, in addition to a subcommittee representing the GGHPC, should make up the stakeholder group for the process. There may be several working groups reporting to the stakeholder group. David and Marie Skillman reported on the SANDAG Smart Growth Design Workshop they attended.
Clean, Green and Safe (MAD) Oversight Board. David Skillman reported the monthly meeting, will be held 11/17. An RFP is being written for tree trimming (excluding palm trees).
Land Use. Dave Caldwell reported trying to help a resident at 3900 29th St. (outside our PDO) find our what the zoning on her property allowed in the way of commercial or rental use. #158775, 29th St. Townhomes, project has numerous deviations. #164808, SD Housing Trust Fund was received 9 working days after the comment period ended. A property owner appeared seeking help with acquiring a vacated alley/cul de sac on E Street west of 30th, to allow access to his property. He will return to Land Use in January with a detailed proposal.
Membership. Angela Vasconcellos reported that 4 members are now needed. According to the updated bylaws, candidates for election in February must have attended two meetings prior to the February meeting, when the elections will be held. She will review past records to find our which current members are eligible for re-election. Angela will send out an updated roster.
Parks. Maureen Burke reported that the Community Garden has a new board and is working on bylaws. They have been getting advice from the City Arborist.
Transportation. Scott Glazebrook needs to find out when the Community Transportation Board meetings are held as they do not follow a regular schedule. Marie Skillman reported on the public workshop about the Pedestrian Master Plan she attended on 11/8/08. Comments should be made as soon as possible at or by calling Maureen Gardiner at 619-236-7065.
Code Compliance. No report.
Balboa Park Committee. Nothing to report.
Airport Noise Advisory. Nothing to report, meeting is next week.
Historic. No report.
December Meeting will be a potluck at Richard Baldwin’s home. He will email details, Chris will take care of proper noticing.
Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.
Marie Skillman, Secretary.