Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee
Board Meeting
Wednesday, March 14,2007
Balboa Park Golf Curse Clubhouse
Present: Chair Chris Blatt; Marc Kratzschmar; Steve Stratman; Dave Caldwell;
Richard Baldwin; Carole Caffey; Patricia Shields; ; Nora Vargas; John McWilliams; Rob Leach; Scott Glazebrook, and Dana Shutt-Mendibles
Chair Blatt called the meeting to order at approximately 6:30 pm.
Treasurers Report: $67.43 in account.
Community Police Report: Two community officers were in attendance for the meeting. They referred the community to Ben Hueso’s office for graffiti. A crew will be out to clean up in approximately a 3 day turn-around. Reported increase in graffiti activity as two rival gangs in area are feuding. Encouraged residents to contact police if they have a moniker on their property. Police will come out and make a crime report. Reported a gang related stabbing at 30th and Juniper. A homicide occurred in January at 30th and A streets. They believe they have an ID on the suspect, but no arrest as of yet. Reported that staffing for police department is an issue currently. Advised of code compliance citations that have recently been issued to an apartment building on B Street. The next Neighborhood Advisory Meeting will occur on 3/27/2007.
District 3-Steve Hill: The proposed sewer rate increases have been passed by Council. The water district has offered to come to meeting for another presentation if requested by committee. Encouraged residents to contact him with any questions or concerns directly at his office.
District 8-Diana Juardo-Sainz: A community cleanup is scheduled at the Japanese Community Christian Church. No hazardous waste, paint or electronic equipment will be accepted. The district does have a community partner that will pickup electronic equipment. There is a memo in process about a comprehensive community parking evaluation for all of Golden Hill…not just a street by street evaluation as has occurred in the past. There is also a study under way to change times of scheduled street sweeping and to address long term red curb painting. The Graffiti Paint Out for Golden Hill is scheduled for June 20th. The paint and supplies will be provided for this one day event. Her office has a goal of 24-72 hour turn around on reports of graffiti cover up reported to them. Their office has been involved in sting operations in the district that have turned up over 30 arrests.
76th Assembly District-Eddie Meyer: Reported on upcoming Neighborhood Watch Program Events. Also advised of upcoming community events including a community clean up in Mission Bay Park, an Electronic Waste Fair on 4/21/07 and a Community Health Fair on 5/12/07. Provided an update on “Crash” house research. He has sent an email to the Deputy Director for state certification who has indicated willingness to help answer our questions. He wants to work with planning committee to gather questions from community that he can then forward on to this contact.
53rd Congressional District-Ricardo Flores: Congresswoman will be in town for a Neighborhood Day in Hillcrest. She is currently working on a bill regarding Veteran’s eligibility for home loans. There has been a proposal from the Post Office to increase postage stamps by three cents. There is a stamp being considered that will have a life time value. Referred residents to post office web site for more information.
Mayor:-Tanya Duggan: Indicated that she is a new representative for Mayor. She works in District 7,8 and parts of 2. There is currently no rep assigned to District 3. There had previously only been one community rep for all of city and her position was recently added. Committee members encouraged Tanya to attend more meetings and voiced a concern that planning groups had been ignored previously. Tanya indicated that Mayor feels it is important to preserve the historic aspects of our district. She also indicated that Mayor has indicated one of his goals is to introduce himself to community and wants a good working relationship with the planning committees. She encouraged community to attend the Community Dialogue planned for 3/28/07.
Ron Roberts Office:-no one present.
Presentation By GGHCDC: Handouts and outline provided about a proposed maintenance assessment (MAD) for district. Outlined surveys that had recently been sent to homeowners to receive input about whether or not community members would support and how they would like it governed. It is required that a favorable rate of 30% be obtained in order to consider additional research. If 30% received then the city’s assessment engineer will evaluate the cost of the plan to each individual based on the assessed value each individual property owner would receive from the plan. A map was provided that showed the covered areas and which areas would have more intensity of services and the most frequency. The purpose presented was to fund services for the community and property owners that can not be provided by the city. The GGHCDC proposes to elect an entity to over see the handling and would be a separate committee. A full presentation is to be presented to community at the April meeting. The surveys are due in by April 15,2007.
City Planner’s Report-Myles Pomeroy: At CPC last month the City Attorney attended. A sub-committee has been formed to strengthen the indemnification ordinance in case of lawsuit. More details are to come. The next COW for new members of planning committees will be late April. Myles will send out a email with updated information.
8 Seats were available. 10 candidates ran for positions. Each candidate given 2 minutes to tell community and current members why they would like to be considered for a seat. The members elected into office: Chris Blatt, Dave Caldwell, Scott Glazebrook, Marc Kratzschmar, Carlos LeGerrette, Angela Vasconcellos, Dana Shutt-Mendibles, and Laurie Burgett. 39 ballots were collected.
Public Comment (non-agenda items):-
Sheila Hardin (CCDC): Discussed new projects in the works for parks, waterfront, Navy Broadway Complex, Tweet Street Park. A bridge is going to be built to connect downtown to Balboa Park across 163 freeway. Asked for community feedback on issues that are important to them? Among responses were parking, homeless people, concentration of weekly/monthly living facilities,
number of sex offenders ending up in Downtown region when released, affordable eating establishment, requests for more open discussions about status of Navy Broadway project and more residence oriented businesses in the Gaslamp area.
Hal Tyvoll: Presented a memo to the committee and discussed his concerns about the proposed assessment district. He outlined the municipal codes, the areas of the California constitution and Prop 218 to highlight his concerns.
Approval of Minutes-March 2007:-A motion was made to approve the minutes and was approved with no opposed and one abstention.
Action Items:
Open Space-no report
Property on C Street in 32nd street canyon: Marc read the letter he had prepared to request that since the school district wishes to sell their land, consideration should be taken by the Mayor to obtain this land due to the importance this area has to the community. A vote was taken and all were in favor of the letter being sent. Committee then discussed that 32nd street canyon is not a formal name or place but is an area that also contains streets and lots that are privately owned parcels
Parks Report: Mac led a discussion about the difference between Designated and Dedicated open space. He is concerned about the Councils intention to keep open space designated as such. None of the 32nd street canyon is currently “dedicated”. Steve Hill from District 3 indicated that there is a proposed bill (SB373) being presented by Christine Kehoe that would move all “designated” land to become “dedicated”. This would move all city owned lane to the state.
Committee will draft a letter to supporting this motion. Committee questioned if this change will have any effect on eminent domain issues with school district.
Balboa Park: Laurie gave a report on the surge in homeless in the canyons and parks. The city has been cutting down more weeds and bushes in park and Golden Hill park to help. A question came up about a new parking structure for 200 vehicles. Laurie has not heard an update on this and will look into. Discussion about status of turning city maintenance yard into overflow parking for the zoo. The CCDC would like to be involved in updating this area and possibly turning it into park area. Steve Hill indicated that the CCDC has money in their budget to improve this area but the city would need to be able to move what is currently there. Dave discussed moving the yard to the Chollas Creek facility. Laurie indicates there are sophisticated problems in moving the computer systems currently located in the maintenance yard. The city centennial is 2015 and is the goal for something to be done in time for this. Some estimates are that it would take over 37 million dollars to move the facility and this is not part of the city budget. Laurie also discussed a study in process to turn over the running of Balboa park to a private entity due to city’s problems running it.
Historic: Mac advised that there are currently 4 houses up for historical designation in our area. The hearing will be later in the month.
The meeting was adjourned by Chair Blatt at approximately 8:40PM.
Respectfully submitted.
Dana Shutt-Mendibles, acting recording secretary.