Wednesday, July 09, 2008

September 12, 2007 Minutes

Meeting of the Golden Hill Community Planning Committee

September 12th, 2007


 Board Members Present:  Carlos LeGerrette, Richard Baldwin, Angela Vasconcellos, Chris Blatt, Maureen Burke, Richard Barrera, Laurie Burgett, Carol Caffey

 District 3 Presentation (Steve Hill) – Steve reported that Sen. Kehoe’s Open Space legislation was approved by the Senate and Assembly, warned community members about reported incidents of people knocking on doors in the neighborhood claiming they were from the City, and announced he was living the District 3 office to work on Downtown issues in the District 2 Council office.

 District 8 Presentation (Diana) – announced that the Council office is ready to help with community clean-ups in the neighborhood

 Kathryn Fortner made a brief presentation from Rep. Susan Davis’s office.

 Myles Pomeroy presentation

 A Mini COW is scheduled for October 30th, interested committee members should rsvp to 619-235-5200

 General Plan Update – no date has yet been set for a hearing by the Planning Commission.  A hearing will probably happen this fall, followed by a hearing by the City Council Land Use and Housing Commission, and finally a hearing by the full City Council

 The process for updating the Golden Hill Community Plan (to be done together with North Park and Uptown) is moving forward

 Minutes for the August meeting were approved, with an amendment adding that Carlos LeGerrette was in attendance – 7 ayes, 1 abstention

 Presentation by CCDC (Sheila Hardin)

 -RFP out for the Center City Master Plan

 -Bus Tours still available for the 1st and 3rd Saturdays each month

 -Little Italy Festa scheduled for Sunday, October 14th

 -3 positions open at CCDC – Communications Specialist, Human Resources Manager, Senior Project Manager


28th and B discussion – A resident expressed concern that the commercial space at the corner remains vacant, despite the fact that the owner has received several inquiries from prospective tenants – the concern is that the vacant space is an eyesore and bringing down value of adjacent and nearby properties.  Another resident echoed the same concerns, and requested a letter from the CPC to the owner encouraging the owner to do something with the property.  Myles stated that such a letter would be appropriate, but Carol expressed concern that the CPC should not be telling private property owners what to do with their property.  The consensus of the Committee was not to act.  Diana from District 8 announced that she would follow up with the concerned residents.

 Carol invited new manager of the post office to address the Committee in October – stated that postal workers view Golden Hill as the least desirable route for carriers in the County.

 Kathryn from the CDC introduced Mike Arnold and Gary Chuy, planners from the City Department of Transportation, to make a presentation about the 25th Street Improvement Plan – The Plan will focus on the corridor between Broadway and B – a feasibility study and construction plan need to be developed, and a funding application needs to be submitted to SANDAG (although SANDAG has already recommended the project to CALTRANS)

 Bylaws Discussion – Myles expressed concern that the draft developed by the Bylaws Committee strays too far from the boilerplate developed by the City, and recommended that the Committee stick to the boilerplate aside from only those issues where the Committee has serious concerns with the boilerplate.  A special meeting of the Committee was scheduled for September 26th, directly before the Land Use Committee meeting, when a quorum would be in place to discuss and vote on final revisions to the Bylaws Committee draft.

 Meeting Adjourned