Wednesday, July 09, 2008

October 10, 2007 Minutes

Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee

Board Meeting

Wednesday, Oct 10 ,2007

Golden Hill Golf Course Clubhouse

Present: Chris Blatt chair; Dave Caldwell; ; John McWilliams; Maureen Burke, Marc Kratzschmar, Carlos LeGerette, Carole Caffey and Dana Shutt-Mendibles


Chair Blatt called the meeting to order at approximately 6:34 pm.


Treasurers Report: no report-unchanged.


Community Police Report: No Report.

District 3-no report.


District 8-Diana Juardo-Sainz. Discussed the water rate increase and passed out water conservation pamphlets. She provided information on how to contact to help residents determine if they have water leaks and steps they can take to conserve. Rates are definitely going up, but urged residents to find ways to conserve so they can help keep rates close to prior rates. Albert Einstein Academy is asking SDG & E to donate trees to their school to help with energy. Stop sign going into place on A Street at Albert Einstein Academy. There is a crosswalk that is considered dangerous that Council Member is working on getting moved. New funds for graffiti coverage in works. Residents will be able to obtain ivy plants that have thorns that do not damage property, but can cover larger concrete walls that are a usual target. This plant will be free to owners. Community members indicated there appears to be an increase in homeless camps off of Hwy 94 off ramp to 30th street to the right. Diana will look into it. She also encouraged residents to take photos of graffiti to give to district 3 representative. Steve Hill will no longer be working for district.

76th Assembly District- Kathryn Fortner. Susan Davis introduced a bill regarding student loans for servicemen to allow a 13 month deferment on repayment. She voted to expand children health services. Four million dollar increase was approved but then vetoed by the President. She is working on getting that vote over turned.

53rd Congressional District-no report.

Mayor-no report.

Ron Roberts Office:-no report.

City Planners Report-no report.

Approval of Sept 2007 Minutes:

A motion was made to approve the minutes and was approved by Chris, Dave, Carlos, Maureen, Carole, and Laurie. It was abstained by Dana, Marc and Mac. No opposed.

Public Comment (non-agenda items):-

Sheila Hardin-CCDC representative: Provided community members a publication put out by CCDC on the status of development and programs in downtown. Reported that there is an educational task force between Harborside Elementary and Washington Elementary to improve the public school system downtown. A pedestrian bridge is underway. There will be an affordable housing conference in November. 100 million is targeted for 2008 budget for affordable housing. Reported that 20% of budget has to be spent on affordable housing. Questions from committee members about what happens to money if not spent. She reported it did not. She reported that CCDC has speakers available to come and give talks about downtown to any groups requesting. Discussed problems at condos at Smart Corner Building at Broadway and 11th streets. There have been problems with qualifying to get low interest loans and the sales are slow. In fact, all over downtown there are slow sales in condos. Discussion with Committee about how a $250K condo is considered affordable housing. She reported that in relation to other properties for sale in downtown, it would be considered affordable.

Chair from the 32nd Street Canyon Task Force reported on a project underway to dig out fill to make an entrance to 32nd street canyon. They have been working on funding for several years and hope to break ground soon. They intend to enlist students from Einstein and Golden Hill Elementary to help with the wildlife wet land project and put in plants. Advised of some residual animosity from Golden Hill Elementary from previous project conflicts. There task force has asked the Sierra Club and Aquatic Adventures to help. They have been speaking to storm water prevention department and the streets department at the City about erosion impacts and creek sedimentation. The Mayor came to the meeting and appears to see the connection between the canyon and the ocean as a means to filter out storm waters and seems interested in helping them work toward their goals.

Carole reported that MAD passed and appears it will move forward. She understands there is a small committee which has formed to help find members to run for group that will oversee how the funds are dispersed. Voting is to be done and Oct 12,2007 will be the deadline to submit a name to run for seat. She also reported that she is part of the Friends of Albert Einstein Board of Trustees. Their goal is to raise money to put in Easy Turf on the current dirt lot. It will cost 200k. The entire campus is being redesigned and landscaped. Nov 3rd there will be a Lantern Festival at the school.

Dave reported he has 2 volumes of the draft for the environmental master plan of the airport master plan available for anyone who would like to read it. Mentioned the project going up at 830 25th street. He has just recently received a set of plans and brought them to meeting. He indicates that Land Use has not seen the project come before them. He is concerned about the mixed use property not having been seen by Land Use. Wondered if this meant Committee is being ignored and maybe a letter should be sent to the Chief of Development Services for the Mayor about the kind of precedents being set. Dave is willing to write a letter but would like input from Committee members. We do not want to appear angry only concerned about whether or not there may be any deviations that should have come before Land Use.

Motion was made to have Dave write a letter asking about procedures as opposed to outcome. Votes for included Chris, Dana, Dave, Carlos, Maureen, Marc, Carole and Mac abstained. No opposed.

Chair Report: Brought a copy of City of San Diego General Plan and has it available for anyone who would like to read.

MAD Update-no report. Community members are encouraged to run for committee seats.

Land Use-Info only-no vote

Action Items:

Letter to Mayor prepared by Mac. It was first written in January and then the representative to Mayor office came for one visit. It has not been re-addressed since then. He wants to re-initiate the letter previously voted on.

Mac also reported that this is his last meeting as he will be leaving the area of Golden Hill in both home and business and so can no longer serve on Committee. He wanted to ask Committee to continue to be vigilant about the issues involving no participation at meetings from Mayors office, the fact that there are not city staffers at meeting and the fact that community is still reluctant about MAD. Committee thanked Mac for his service and asked him to send off the letter to Mayor as his last act for Committee. Vote to update letter and send off. Members who

Voted in favor: Chris, Maureen, Dana, Dave, Carlos, Marc, Carole, and Mac. No opposed and no abstentions.




Elections: Discussion about location of banner and name tags of Committee Members. Appears when Nora moved she may have taken them with her. Since Richard Barrera is still in contact with her, we will ask him to follow up on their return. Angela will be heading Committee from now on. There are currently 4 vacancies. Discussion about advertisements to get out the information about the positions available.

Community member David Skillman was present and wanted to be appointed as a replacement for one of the vacancies. Motion to put him in seat was proposed: Members present and voting in favor: Chris, Maureen, Dana, Carlos, Dave, Marc, Carole, and Mac. No abstentions and no opposed.

Parks: No report.

Code Compliance: No report.

Airport Noise: Dave reported next meeting 3rd weeks of November.


Open Space-Mac-Bill SB373 has passed and all dedicated open space on our list will become designated.

Membership and Elections-We currently have three openings for positions vacated by Patricia, Nora and Steve. We currently have no one on Membership and Elections committee. Dana will take care of sign-in sheets for community and committee members until this position is filled. We also still need a member to run for Vice Chair position.

Historical: Mac suggested his successor to this committee follow up on SOHO website and events as they are the most active in city about historical properties. We may want to send a member to those meetings.


Balboa Park: no report.

Transportation-no report.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:55 pm.


Respectfully submitted-

Dana Shutt-Mendibles, recording secretary.