Tuesday, November 18, 2008

October 8, 2008 Minutes


OCTOBER 8, 2008

 Meeting held at Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse – Golf Course Drive

Call to order: David Skillman, acting chair, called to order at 6:45 pm.

Agenda had been posted earlier.  Copies were available.

 Members present:, Richard Baldwin, Laurie Burgett, Carole Caffey, Scott Glazebrook, Anita Margolis, David Skillman, Marie Skillman Absent:, Chris Blatt, Maureen Burke, Dave Caldwell, Frederick Ruffell, Angela Vasconcellos

 Treasurer’s Report: no change in account, balance around $75.00. Carole Caffey is still look into getting a PO Box for the group so that she gets regular statements, and getting signature card changed on account.

 Community Police Officer Dawn Summers:  No special crimes or activity to report.  The International Council of Police will be meeting in San Diego soon.  Light the Night Against Crime will be 10/24/08.

 City Council District 8.  Diana Jurado-Sainz: The Golden Hill Banner District will be up for approval at City Council on 10/14.  This district must be approved for banners to be legally permitted and displayed.  The MAD will be placing banners when it is legal to do so.  Homeless persons have been congregating at the bus stop at 25th and Broadway.  Council office has been working with the police and Metro Transit System to alleviate this problem.

 53rd Congressional District.  Kathryn Fortner. Representative Davis voted in favor of the EECA.

 City Council District 3. Jeffrey Tom;  Mayor; 76th Assembly District; City Planning Department. Bernie Turgeon:  no reports

 Approval of Minutes.  Approval of September minutes was postponed until next month, as the agenda incorrectly listed approval of AUGUST minutes.


Resident Lacey Dunne:  Lives near 30th & Juniper and is concerned about the number of bars in the area, and says that others in the neighborhood agree with her.  Scott Glazebrook had done some research and found that our PDO does not restrict the number of liquor licenses in a certain area, nor do City ordinances, Health Department or Alcoholic Beverage Commission.  Resident Mike Huarte said that he lives in that area and is in favor of commercial development there, to make this a more integrated residential and business community. After some discussion, Scott Glazebrook summarized:  this matter is not one that our committee has any jurisdiction over.  We should be asked to review remodeling plans and signage permits.  Laurie Burgett noted that this concern should be addressed when the PDO is revised.  


Chairs Report/Mail. No report.

 Clean, Green and Safe (MAD) Oversight Board.   David Skillman reported the monthly meeting, will be held 10/20.  A new program manager, Alex, has been hired; phone numbers remain the same.


Membership.  Members (4) are now needed. According to the updated bylaws, candidates for election in February must have attended two meetings prior to the February meeting. 

 Parks.  No report.

 Code Compliance.  No report.

 Transportation.  Nothing to report. 

 Balboa Park Committee. Laurie Burgett reported that they are working on a governance document, as a result of workshops held in the past few months.

 Airport Noise Advisory.  Nothing to report.

 Historic.  No report.

 David Skillman:  reminded members of COW scheduled for 10/29/08

 Anita Margolis: Provided information about the proposed settlement between the City of San Diego and other parties involved in the condo conversion lawsuit, which relates to the applicability of CEQA to condo conversions.  The settlement agreement would allow final parcel maps to be issued without all of the interior and exterior site improvements being completed.  Only performance of certain conditions of approval would be required at the time the final parcel map is issued, but the remaining improvements and conditions could be deferred and completed before the units are sold.  The City planning department has approved the settlement, but it must be brought before the local planning groups before it can be presented to the City Council for final approval."

 Meeting adjourned at 7: 20 pm.

 Marie Skillman, Secretary.

September 10, 2008 Minutes


 Meeting held at Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse – Golf Course Drive

Call to order: David Skillman, acting chair, called to order at 6:35 pm.

Agenda had been posted earlier.  Copies were available.

 Members present: Maureen Burke, Carole Caffey, Dave Caldwell, Scott Glazebrook, David Skillman, Marie Skillman, Frederick Ruffell, Angela Vasconcellos Absent: Richard Baldwin, Chris Blatt, Laurie Burgett, Anita Margolis

 Treasurer’s Report: no change in account, balance around $75.00 Carole Caffey will look into getting a PO Box for the group so that she gets regular statements.

 Community Police Officer John Graham:  Crime is down in this neighborhood. Police caught 2 persons who had been breaking into cars in Balboa Park (Zoo lot).  Captain’s meeting is 9/25 at 5:30 at the Imperial station.  A central team that handled issues such as homeless persons had to be disbanded due to personnel cuts. Carole Caffey asked about gang activity, homeless sleeping at base of on-ramp at B Street and I-5.  Dave Caldwell reported that he had noticed a trailer at the homeless encampment at 32nd & C Street area. Maureen Burke asked if we should call about these kinds of issues:  YES. It creates a record of the activity. Call police or email Officer Graham:  jagraham@pd.sandiego.gov.  Graffiti photos should be emailed to Art Perea:  aperea@pd.sandiego.gov.

 City Council District 3. Jeffrey Tom:  Council had a recess in August, is now back to regular meetings.  Councilmember Atkins is hosting a water forum at the SD Natural History Museum on 10/2.  Two items are on the council agenda on Monday, Sept. 15 relating to a proposed Oversized Vehicle Parking Ordinance.  #200 is citywide; #201 is a pilot project in beach and Clairemont areas.  A grant of $1,000 has been received for restoring turf in leash-free area of Grape St. Park

 City Council District 8.  Diana Jurado-Sainz: The Committee congratulated Diana on her recent marriage.  Diana gave additional information about Oversized Vehicle Ordinance.  A new City Traffic Engineer, Siad Amadi, is interested in parking and stop sign issues.  His survey determined that one at 30th & A is not warranted under normal guidelines, but may be allowed under an alternate process.  She is hopeful to move the request forward under the alternate process.  A condo conversion at 2775 A Street was approved at council, after issues with parking and utilities had been resolved.

 53rd Congressional District.  Katherine Fortner. Representative Davis sponsored an amendment to the Higher Education Act, which was recently reauthorized.  This amendment authorizes payment to work-study students who are unable to go to work during an emergency or disaster declaration.

 City Planning Department. Bernie Turgeon: Contract proposals for Plan Update have been received and are under review.  RFP for on other aspects are in process.  A meeting of Planning Committee chairs will be scheduled soon.  Showed photos of cell tower pole at 26th & C Street, where a palm tree had been removed and replace with the pole, painted in a coordinating color.  Dave Caldwell asked about a cell site at 30th & Juniper that never came before the Committee.  The cell phone antennas are inside a sign.  Dave suggested that sign regulations need to be revised to cover this type of installation.  Carole asked if both sign and telecommunications ordinances apply.  Bernie is to check into it.  Dave reported that Pathfinders might be moving to North Park.  He asked Bernie to find out if their CUP stays with the local address.  

 Mayor, 76th Assembly District:  no reports

 Approval of Minutes.  Approval of July minutes:  Approved with addition of members present at the meeting.  Abstained from voting: David Skillman, Marie Skillman, and Maureen Burke


CCDC. Sheila Hardin.  Passed out a fact sheet on economic gain from redevelopment.  CCDC is focusing on public access (pedestrian bridge near Convention Center) sustainability, and downtown lighting.  Board member Jennifer LeSar is heading search for a new director; public input on qualifications is requested.  7th & Market project was cancelled due to conflict of interest of former director.  All recent projects are being audited. 


Chairs Report/Mail. No report.

 Clean, Green and Safe (MAD) Oversight Board.   David Skillman reported the monthly meeting, will be held 9/15. Oversight/City/CDC mediation is getting underway.   Urban Corps has been contracted to do graffiti removal and trash pickup. They are checking out duplications with city services.  Scott Glazebrook reported that he had seen good results of trash pickup.

 Police Officer’s CPC Meeting will be September 25 at 5:30 at their station at 25th and Imperial.

 Land Use Report: Brief discussion of PTS 158970 (1115 27th Street House Addition) and PTS 132506 (City Lights Town homes)


Land Use Subcommittee:  A letter had been drafted (copies had been sent to committee member in advance of meeting) asking that the Huckleberry Canyon/32nd Street Sewer Maintenance Access Project to move forward, with recommendation of the subcommittee, with assurances that the project is currently in the concept stages and that further design and development will involve GGHPC.  Moved by Dave Caldwell, seconded by Scott Glazebrook, to approve the letter.  Approved unanimously.  Letter is to be signed by Scott Glazebrook if Chris Blatt is out of town. Albert Sohikish of Metropolitan Wastewater was present and requested that a copy of the minutes relating to this item be sent to him once the minutes were approved.  Copy of letter is at the end of these minutes.


A community resident:  Asked the committee’s advice.  She lives near 30th & Juniper and is concerned about the number of bars in the area (a new one is near opening and another proposed), and wondered what regulations govern liquor licenses.  Dave Caldwell said that he thought no more liquor licenses were being issued in the area, on the advice of Police Dept. Vice unit.  Frederick Ruffell suggested she check the Municipal Code as to density of liquor licenses per block.  City Planner Bernie Turgeon said the City follows that code for zoning, and that the police and Alcoholic Beverage Commission also weigh in.  Also mentioned in the discussion were alcohol related crimes (Police Officer Dawn Summers has been studying this in the area) and parking regulations.  Scott Glazebrook thought that GGHPC would be involved if a variance to any existing regulation was requested.  He noted that the City is encouraging commercial growth in that corridor.  He said he would do some research on the issue.


Membership.  Members (4) are now needed. According to the updated bylaws, candidates for election in February must have attended two meetings prior to the February meeting.  Frederick reported that two of his neighbors are interested.  Advertising for members was discussed.

Parks.  Recreation councils may merge.

Code Compliance.  Nothing to report.

Pedestrian Master Plan Update.  Members had received email about public meetings.

Transportation.  Nothing to report. 

Balboa Park Committee. Nothing to report.

Airport Noise Advisory.  No report.

Historic.  Nothing to report.

Secretary: Will forward to all an email regarding Advanced Development Services Workshop

Meeting adjourned at 8: 25 pm.

Marie Skillman, Secretary.




September 10 2008



Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee



City of San Diego Development Services Department

1222 First Avenue

San Diego California 92101


Re: 32nd Street / Huckleberry Canyon Long-term Sewer Maintenance Access Project


Based on the informational presentation made to our Committee on August 13 2008 and the action presentation made to the Land-use Subcommittee on August 27 2008, we understand that this maintenance access and sewer realignment project has the goal to reduce long-term regional (sewer main breaks) and local (maintenance access) impacts to and disruption of natural and native habitats and resources; however we feel further study is needed during the subsequent detailed design and engineering stages of the project to reduce short- and mid-term impacts of this project.  It is with the understanding of our Committee’s continued involvement in subsequent design and implementation phases of this project that we recommend that the project proceed with the following conditions:


Sewer Line Realignment

1.     The Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee is continually involved in all on-going and future planning, including detailed site and engineering analysis, for work to be done within the canyon.

2.     Further study shall be completed at the Edgemont and Beech sewer line realignment to preserve existing mature trees that lend “community character”.

3.     Short- and mid-term revegetation plans are implemented and successful.


Maintenance Access

1.     The Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee is continually involved in all on-going and future planning, including detailed site and engineering analysis, for work to be done within the canyon.

2.     Deletion of lower canyon parallel access paths proposed to reduce stream crossings; one stream crossing would be preferred to two separate permanent paths.

3.     Change alignment of Edgemont Street and Beech Street sewer line realignment could consolidate two separate manholes and shorten proposed permanent access path.


Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments. We look forward to our continued involvement with this project.








Chris Blatt, Chair, Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee









Monday, September 15, 2008

Updated Roster as of 9/15/2008

BALDWIN, Richard
BLATT, Chris – chair
BURKE, Maureen
CAFFEY, Carole – treasurer
RUFFELL, Frederick
SKILLMAN, Marie - secretary

Sunday, September 14, 2008

August 13, 2008 Minutes

Golden Hill planning minutes AUGUST 13, 2008

Called to order at 6.30

PRESENT: Richard Baldwin, Carole Caffey, Dave Caldwell, Laurie Burgett, Scott Glazebrook, Anita Margolis, Frederick Ruffell, Angela Vasconcellos ABSENT: Chris Blatt, Maureen Burke, David Skillman, Marie Skillman

Police report:

Biotech conference downtown was good

Comicon was also pretty good

La Raza convention was also good

Tagging should come to an end w. end of school holidays

Violent crime is a little up, but all the homicides have been sorted. Isolated events rather than gang driven

Question from the audience : Critical Mass, what is the status ?

A: Adults don’t have to wear helmets. The police are watching it but are loathe to interfere. Loosely monitored

Question from the Audience: Have you found the bomber from this morning?

A: Officer knows nothing about it

Report from district eight

-6 angles parking spots have been installed on 1200 block of 28th st

-If you want angled parking plese call Yolanda, street needs to be 50’ or more wide

-30thand A, B and 26th st speeding. Traffic is investigating the possibility of four way stops

-Don’t know if there are more trees available for street planting, but working on it

-Dave Suggested evaluation of 30th and L and 30th and Fern st for speeding evaluation

-Dave suggested icon for unsafe crossing on walkability study at Fern and Elm

Report from Susan Davis office

-Congresswoman is here

-Had a water forum

-Grants workshop is coming up

-Home foreclosure workshop is proposed

Question from the audience: What is the answer for the water

A: 20 gallon challenge (use only 20 gallons per day)

-Discussion on desalination v. reuse

Report form the Planner’s office

- Community plan update almost done, out to consultants. RFP request for proposal out for historic survey and facilitatior. Hoping to get it all done by Sept. Oct. January kickoff for update. Meeting scheduled for planning group chairs sept. 8th

- City lights townhouses, hearing officer report available. Will email to Dave

Question from the audience: Is the urban forest in the update ?

A: Process has not been started, not sure. Interested parties will have the opportunity to take part. Should include a historic survey of trees

Public comment

Tertia Delgin: City has received FEMA funding for brush management in the canyons. Canyon people are apprehensive about this

Ashley Gardiner from the Women’s History Museum wanted to bring attention to it, also gave a plug for the upcoming suffrage ball a fundraiser for the WHM

Representative from the CDC MAD program (manager)

-Urban core contract signed

Urban core started this week on cleaning , including powerwashing sidewalks

Mon&Fri commercial areas, Tue Thur residential

Now have a supervisor, graffiti crew, cleaning crew, powerwashing crew.

Question from audience: Which streets will be powerwashed ?

A: Power washing will be done as needed

A tree trimmer will be hired through a RFP process

Q: Can MAD look after the greenway ?

A Landowners should be looking after the greenway. Needs to be looked at, not sure. Concreting suggested, decorative brick suggested. Helping homeowners keep it clean suggested

Q: Is there a certain time to contact MAD ?

A: 8-4 on weekdays

Q: Will they let homeowners know when tree trimming will occur ?

A: Will aim at a qualified tree trimmer, language will be added to give homeowners notification

A member of the audience also suggested that there should always be a person on any given crew who speaks English

-MAD is working on Golden Hill Banners, new trash receptacles and doggie poop bag dispensers

32nd st Canyon sewer project report- Dirk Smith

Systems need to be maintained, for this access is needed. A lot of the required paths are already present, it will really be just formalizing the existing paths, as well as using the SDGE paths. Mitigation will be carried out offsite at both Lake Murray and San Diego river. Mitigation ratio depends on nature of disturbance, as determined by a biologist and reviewed by development services. Revegetation will be carried out with low growing plants and natives to protect from erosion.

Input from Tertia:

-Apprehensive about the project

-Dirk has helped address the issues

Question: will it go to Land use this month ?

A: Yes

Question: Why do you do offsite remediation? Is it due to cost ?

A: We want the site to be successful, this is easier offsite

A: discussion of policy for mitigation was discussed, as well as cities claim on canyons for such. Tertia will follow up on the cities claim on canyons for mitigation

The committee decided that the sewer stuff will come back to the full committee after landuse as an action item.

Tertia will forward letter about mitigation in the canyon to the committee.

Minutes for last month were unanimously accepted

Subcomittee reports

Landuse report

Nothing was reported

Membership and elections:

-Carlos has dropped out due to other commitments

-Need four more people, eleven is the lowest number possible

Comment from Bernie (planner) Will need public outreach for plan review, probably with a subcommittee from the planning group. Would be best to include a lot of different stakeholders


Maureen not present


3rd public workshop for downtown planning. The downtown parking is at 70-100% utilization, 85% off street. By 2015 there will be a small morning deficit, some in evening. Encourage off street parking at night. Universal valet has been proposed. Someone will park your car for you after you arrive downtown.

Balboa park :

Nothing to report


The south park historic group has been contacted. They would like to do a presentation

Meeting was adjourned

Richard Baldwin, acting secretary.

Friday, August 01, 2008

April 9, 2008 Minutes



Meeting held at Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse – Golf Course Drive

Call to order: Christ Blatt called to order at 6:32 pm.

Agenda had been posted earlier.  Copies were available.


Members present:  Chris Blatt, Richard Baldwin, Maureen Burke, Carole Caffey, Dave Caldwell, Scott Glazebrook, Carlos Legerrette, Anita Margolis, Frederick Ruffell, David Skillman, Marie Skillman, Angel Vasconcellos.  Absent: Laurie Burgett.


City Planning Department. Bernie Turgen. Question was raised about the plans for “Gala Foods” at 30th& Grape Street.  A member of the audience stated that escrow is set to close on the property on June 1, and that it was possible that at 24-hour drug store and a “Fresh & Easy” market are planned for the site.  David Skillman reported hearing on the news that “Fresh & Easy” announced a pause in beginning new stores.  Neither Bernie nor the committee had received any information about the project.


Community Police Officer John Graham.  Reminded the committee that the Captain’s Advisory group meets at 25th & Imperial at 5:30 pm.   In response to a question, he stated that the Lomas gang is not gone.  He recommended that committee or community members take pictures of graffiti or other evidence of gang activities and send them to Art Petrea, the officer in charge of keeping files of such materials.  These archives can be used in possible prosecutions.  Questions were raised about weapons activity at 33rd & E Street, and an incident in the alley at 31st Street between A & B Streets.  Officer Graham said that penalties for not cleaning up graffiti on private property are handled by Code Compliance.  14–day letters are sent to property owners.  He passed out pamphlets on “Reporting Disorder & Other Problems”.  This can be downloaded from city website.


District 3.  Jeffrey Tom.  Discussed the graffiti abatement program.  The hotline telephone number is 619-525-8522.  Free paint and brushes are available by calling 619-527-3431.  Toni Atkins’ last State of the District speech will be given on April 24.  Announced that the budget process, including 13 meetings, has begun. Passed out copies of April issue of “The Toni Times”.


District 8, Mayor, 76th Assembly District, 53rd Congressional District:  no reports


Approval of Minutes.  The minutes of the March meeting had just been distributed on April 9 and most committee members had not had the chance to review them.  It was decided not to ask for approval until next month.


Public Comment.  None.


Information Items:

Clean, Green and Safe (MAD) Advisory Board.  Will be holding a meeting at the Golf Course Clubhouse on April 14 at 6:00 pm regarding the budget for 2008-2009.  Regular meeting is April 21 at 6:30 pm.


Housing Commission.  Victoria Joes presented copies of the Annual Action Plan for FY09 to each committee member.  This action plan is the basis for Commission applications for funds from HUD. Victoria pointed out that there is a substantial amendment in the plan relating to Community Development Block Grant funding.  Such requests must now be for $25,000 or more.  This is a result of input from HUD monitors.  The monitors said that administrative costs were too high on smaller projects, unless they are a one-time action or can be completed in one funding cycle.   The last day for comments is May 4; the plan goes before the City Council on May 5.  She urged anyone with comments to direct them to her by telephone, letter or fax. Comments should state what specific project or objective they relate to.






Land Use Subcommittee.  

Information Item:  Dave Caldwell and Scott Glazebrook reported that property managers from 1503 30th Street/ 3006 Beech (Permits #1 PTS 121366 #2 PTS 129408 #3 PTS 141955) would be making another presentation to the subcommittee.  Bernie Turgen from Planning Department is going to follow-up on the permits for that project. Dave asked Bernie to remind the Planning Department staff that this committee should see all plans for projects within the PDO.  



Land Use Subcommittee:

Consent Agenda:  The following 4 items were approved unanimously:  (1) 1625 Felton Street PTS 128529 (2) 2448 A Street PTS127090  (3) 27th & F Streets PTS 132506  (4) 1714 Dale Street – outside PDO.


Letter from City: A letter was received from the city in response to our letter last month regarding tree planting and Tershia d’Elgin.



Membership & Elections.  (Meets as needed) Angela Vasconcellos reported that 2 members are still needed to have a full committee.  Committee assignments were discussed.  Frederick Ruffell asked that each committee describe what they do and when they meet.  The secretary will distribute a list of meeting dates/times.  Carlos Legerrette will make name cards for members to use at the meetings.


Parks. (Meets last Wednesday of odd numbered months, 6 pm, Golf Course Clubhouse) Maureen Burke.  Talked about community garden.


Code Compliance.  (Meets last Wednesday of odd numbered months, Golf Course Clubhouse, meetings not open to public) Chris Blatt. Committee works with compliance officer Lewis Dennis on compliance issues that have been identified. 


Transportation.  (Will be meeting quarterly, no set day at this time)  Scott Glazebrook.


Balboa Park Committee.  Laurie Burgett was absent.


Airport Noise Advisory. (An advisory committee to the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority meets third Thursday of odd numbered months at 5:30 pm at the Commuter Terminal)  Carole Caffey is this committee’s representative now; Dave Caldwell held the position previously.


Historic. (Does not have regularly scheduled meetings at this time)  Angela Vasconcellos said she is now getting mailings from the City about historic reviews in the area.  Richard Baldwin passed around a flyer he had received about the public meeting scheduled on April 18, 2 pm at City Hall regarding changes to the Historic Review process.  Marie Skillman will attend the meeting and report back to the committee. 




Marie Skillman asked when the Community Plan Update process would begin, and whether this committee would have a representative in the process.  Bernie Turgen said the process would begin in July, after the City budget is approved.


New members asked about documents for the current Community Plan and Planned District Ordinance.  These are available on the City website.  Zoning is in Chapter 14.  The PDO is in Chapter 15.


Marie Skillman offered to be the committee secretary for the coming year.  The committee approved this unanimously.


Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm.












March 12, 2008 minutes

Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee: Minutes: March 12, 2008


Meeting held @ Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse- Golf Course Drive


Call to order: Chris Blatt called to order @ 6:30pm.


January Minutes: Approved (Chris Blatt, Richard Barrera, David Skillman, Angela Vasconcellos, Dave Caldwell, Laurie Burgett, Carlos Legerrette, Scott Glazebrook. Opposed (none), Abstained: Maureen Burke, Carole Caffey


February Minutes: Unanimous approval.



-Angela Vasconcellos gave an overview of the election process and eligibility requirements for the committee, and she asked if there were any write-in candidates to be added to the ballot (there were none). Those up for election (and re-election) were asked to say a few words. Richard, Maureen, Anita, David, and Maurice briefly introduced themselves. Angela and Laurie Burgett passed out ballots.


Community Police Officer:

-John Grisham, @ the request of a citizen @ the last meeting, checked out 2673 C St. No formal complaints have been made about the property, and there were no code enforcement concerns. He reminded us to keep an explicit log if we see or suspect disruptive and/or illegal activity. Get license plates w/ dates & times. Digital photos are helpful, too. While there must be criminal activity for the police to take immediate action, they can always run plates to see if a car was stolen and/or owned by a parolee. Civil court remains an option. Leo Wilson (chair of the CPC & Uptown Planning Committee) founded a program called Safe Streets to help citizens w/ problematic neighbors. He took a fellow condo owner to court for selling drugs and successfully forced the dealer out of the complex.

-Captain’s Advisory Committee will be meeting March 25th @ 25th & Imperial @ 5:30pm. Beat officers are rotated every 3 (4?) months. If you want to be promoted as a cop, you don’t stay in 1 position for more than 2 years.

-New Lieutenant: Dawn Summers introduced herself. The best way to reach her is by phone. Her # is: 619-744-9502. Her headquarters is @ 2501 Imperial (had been 1401 Broadway).


District 3:

-Jeffery Tom for Toni Atkins office. Passed out a newsletter. Announced the 95’ pole @ Switzer Canyon is (finally) gone. District 3’s undergrounding is done, and they are now working on taking down additional poles. District 8 is in the process, but they need a lot more easements.  Carole Caffey asked if they have done any emissions measurements since undergrounding, esp. near Albert Einstein. He said it was much better but didn’t have any solid #s.


District 8:

-Diana Jurado-Sainz for Ben Hueso’s office. A middle school girl was followed/ harassed on her way to school, so they’re working on getting addt’l volunteer patrols in the area. Contact Annie Anderson (619-446-1016) if you’re interested.

-Community cleanup- Saturday, March 15th from 7am – 3pm. 1920 E. Street. There will be 2 large bins (so bring your big stuff). No oil or batteries.

-Lights out? Give them a call. They’re working w/ the streets division to get repaired/ replaced promptly.

-Street sweeping: To address the needs of residents, some areas are now 10am-1pm. 28th & 25th switched back to 7am to accommodate commercial interests.

-Getting married! Diana is getting married & will be gone in August. Congratulations all around.

-GGHCDC Mad- contract now completed & in docket office. Should be on city council docket w/in next 2 weeks. Once approved, MAD will be able to start contracting.


City Planner’s Report:

-Miles Pomeroy. City approved the general plan on 3/10/08 (8 years in the making).

-Annual COW May 17th- required for new committee members and encouraged for all others. Metropolitan Waste Water Facility 9192 Topaz Way (1/2 day).

-Swan song: After 4 years of working w/ our committee, Miles is moving on to bigger & better things. Dave stood up and formally thanked Miles for his professionalism, hard work, and sound guidance. Everyone concurred, and Miles was given a big round of applause.

-Bernie Tergen (1 of Mile’s 2 replacements) was introduced. Bernie’s been w/ the department since the early 90s, and he’s also a senior planner. (Marlin Paghenitan, not present) will also be working w/ us. They’re both involved w/ our community plan update (they’re clustering 3 together), and it is a priority. They’re seeking funding now and plan on using consultants in addition to city staff. (Budget appropriations will be in July).


CPC Update:

-Chris Blatt announced the San Diego Taxpayers Association is soliciting nominees for their Golden Fleece Awards. Must submit them by April 4th.


MAD update:

-David Skillman: MAD will be putting up banners soon. Carole asked why trinkets were getting priority over staples. In MAD, money was earmarked specifically for them, & it was an easy place to start. There was a lot of discussion about the impact the MAD will have on city services. Jeffery Tom said they are supposed to supplement, not supplant, our basic services. He offered to help facilitate a discussion to help clarify this issue and will report back in April. It was suggested that the CDC and/ or MAD give a presentation to help clear up the confusion. The MAD committee meets every 3rd Monday @ the Golf Course.


CDC’s MOU w/ GH Community Garden:

 -Rosemary Downing was out of town & unable to attend.


City Council District 3 Candidates:

-Will appear @ a forum Mon, April 7th for questions & to present their platforms @ Christ United Church (on Fir between 30th & Fern).


Land Use:

-Information only items: the 27th & F project is a few months away from presenting, and the concept for the 30th & Broadway site was shown @ the last Land Use meeting.


Action Items:

-Address on consent agenda item 3 was improperly noticed, and it was pulled from the consent agenda and rescheduled for April’s meeting.

-Consent agenda approved. Unanimous.


Public Comment:

-Matt Thomas (1 of 2 partners): Info update from Alchemy Restaurant. They had a fire but are back on track. All of their permits have gone thru. Dave (and others) think project should have come before us for review (exterior elevations/ materials/ offsetting planes), and he’d heard some historical aspects had been stripped. Matt offered to come back in April & discuss restaurant plans again. Dave wanted the project # & project manager’s name for follow up. Universal Boot Shop owns the building. Miles will check status & see if this project is in their system (1503 30th St). Mile’s best guess was that is was a ministerial process, but Dave wondered how that would apply to a project built from the ground up. Per David, 3006 Beech St. is the county assessment # for the same property.


-Tershia d’Elgin: Tershia discussed the letter she’d asked us to endorse/ send to the San Diego Unified School District re: tree maintenance & re-planting in the 32nd Street Canyon, and asked us (if approved) to send it to Tony Rasso w/ a cc to the city. Angela wanted to know if the wall the SDUSD constructed on the site had been part of the environmental review. Tershia explained that the school district didn’t have the design done during the review, but they had told the community they would work w/ the existing topography. The wall, therefore, was a surprise. Tershia  read the letter, and it was unanimously approved.



-Everyone was elected & seated! (New members: Frederick Ruffell, Anita Margolis, and Marie Skillman. Re-elected: Richard Baldwin, Maureen Burke, and David Skillman).



-No report


Code Compliance:

-No report


Balboa Park Committee:

-Laurie Burgett: They’re having their 1st public meeting on a governance model proposed in a massive, recently released report. It’s available on the Balboa Park website, as well as City TV.

-There may have been some trees taken down in the park. Laurie will investigate & report back. The park is removing non-native and sick flora from the 28th Street area & Golden Hill Park. Tim (from the audience) said park & rec hired CCC to do some of the work. They’re going to start planting some good sized oak and another native tree next week. Will they irrigate? Not sure. Irrigation is set up.


Airport Noise:

-Next meeting: March 20th



-No info available yet per Angela.


Meeting adjourned.



June 13, 2007 Minutes


JUNE 13, 2007



Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee

Board Meeting

Wednesday, June 13,2007

Golden Hill Golf Course Clubhouse

Present: Chair Chris Blatt;  Steve Stratman; Dave Caldwell; Richard Baldwin;

; Carlos LeGerrette; ; Nora Vargas; John McWilliams;  Scott Glazebrook,

Angela Vasconcellos, Laurie Burgett, Maureen Burke, Richard Barerra and Dana



Chair Blatt called the meeting to order at approximately 6:34 pm.


Treasurers Report: no report.


Community Police Report:  John Graham reported a few shootings to

neighborhoods south of us-all gang related. Discussed graffiti complaints

officer left about a month ago and has not been replaced.

Advised community members to take photos and get a police report. Discussed

recent arrest of STUE-sentenced to 200 hours of community service to paint

out previous graffiti. Reports of homeless persons going through trash.

There are currently two officers assigned to respond to homeless issues.

Clean ups of vagrant areas are being cleaned up.  A community member asked

to discuss psychology of graffiti. Officer Graham indicated that there are

generally 3 categories: taggers, compulsive behavior and gangs.  Advised

community to continue to tag photos-the larger the area-the bigger the crime

it becomes.


District 3-Steve Hill: The Council passed a new budget this week. Budget

cuts have not reduced library hours and the book budget has not been

reduced. 4 neighborhood code compliance officers have been re-instated. They

have 33 million budgeted on street repair and storm drain maintenance. He

will have a more comprehensive break down next month. Advised that the MAD

proposal has been unanimously approved to go to ballot. Council member had

recuse herself as she lives in Golden Hill.



District 8-Diana Juardo-Sainz: No report.


76th Assembly District-Eddie Meyer: No report.


53rd Congressional District-Ricardo Flores: amendment to Armed Services bill

is being addressed.  Updates to enforcement of toll roads in San Onofre.

Congresswoman working on updates on hate crime enforcement. Her office does

not feel strong enough protection. Should be stronger at local levels-not

just federal. The Preuss School was names one of the top 10 schools in

nation. She is working on a bill with Dept of Education for a 100 million

dollar mentoring program.


Mayor:-Tanya Duggan: No report.


Ron Roberts Office:-no one present.


City Planners Report-Myles Pomeroy: COW is scheduled for June 23rd.

Workshop on planning committee operations is set for July 26th. Advised that

600-24 council policy is being revised. The updated shells have been emailed

to the chairs of the groups. By laws update due in November to bring our

bylaws into updated Council policy. If group deviates from shell-it must be

approved and must be submitted by September.


Approval of Minutes-May 2007:-A motion was made to approve the minutes and

was approved with no opposed and one abstention.


Public Comment (non-agenda items):-

Sheila Hardin (CCDC):  Reported that CCDC received an award for their

downtown community plan. They produced 14,800 housing units of which 2,650

were affordable. This amount is more then any other amount in the County.

This created more then 60,000 jobs.

Reported that the City Works at the ends of B Street is part of their long

range plans for 8 new parks.

Community member Tersha provided update on 32nd street canyon task force. 

Also requested that committee take no formal action at the proposed project

at 2864 C Street because there are wetlands located there.

Community member gave a presentation on the property that was recently

purchased of three buildings at Ivy and 30th street. They have plans to

restore them and put in new electrical and bring buildings back to original

condition to be used for commercial space.

Community member Jerry Gray lead a discussion on graffiti in her area of

community.  Steve from District 3 offered to provide assistance.


Mac updated group on upcoming South Park Old House Fair set for June 16.

Bulletin passed around with date of Golden Hill Paint Out being set for June



Golden Hill Plan Update-Myles Pomeroy

Provided a handout and lead discussion on proposed cluster with Golden Hill,

Uptown and North Park. There has been some pressure to get moving on Uptown

and it would be more economical and make sense to include Golden Hill at

same time due to studies that need to be done that are impacted by our area.

Each community will still have their own plan and planning office sees

Golden Hill as an area of stability. The planners need to re-examine land

use designations in relation to current community goals, to strengthen and

enhance historic districts and canyons, as well as preservation.  Need to

evaluate if the plan from 1989 still represents the community goals? The PDO

is important because it implements the community plan and vision. The city

intends to translate the PDO into land development code. Indicated that the

current PDO will be in place until the planning committee is satisfied. Cost

of update estimated at $2.4 million dollars. Would like to begin next winter

2008-2010.  Discussion with committee members of their concerns about

becoming part of a cluster and how that would affect our area current

requirement for developers to come before our committee prior to starting

projects. Myles discussed that each area would have a separate and distinct

community plan for each area and the zones used here would not necessarily

be used in North Park or Uptown.

Kathryn from GGHCDC spoke and advised committee that she believes it should

be supportive because currently not all of Golden Hill is in the PDO and the

land development can get zoning in effect.


GGHCDC MAD Update: Kathryn and Mitch Burner reported that the surveys have

been acted on by the Council who chose to initiate the ballot process. It is

a 45 day period and ballots should be received by home owners with in next

few days. They will be printed by city. The second Council meeting is July

30 and the public hearing. Single Family Residences are going to be between

$6-7 per month. They received 685 total surveys which is 23-24% of total

parcels. 75% voted yes, 25% no and a small percent-3% unsure. Discussion the

committee would be made up of public not private members who are elected

along with one CDC board member. Total budget of $488,000 annually-15 % is

an administration budget and can not have more then 25% in reserve or they

have to stop charging. It would come as part of your property tax bill. Cost

increases are done by the city oversight committee and if they are to be

more then 5% or it would have go to a vote.


Action Items:

Open Space-Steve provided a list of areas in Golden Hill that are affected.

Mac will evaluate to make all in our community are included.


Old House Fair Signups were still needed and Nora passed around a sign up



Airport Noise: No Report


Land Use: No action taken at last meeting.

2759-67 B townhouses-new architect on project-no application has been

presented as of yet.

2424 Broadway-recommendations made for modifications that land use would be

able to support.

2864 C Street-action several months ago-still recommendations that they find

more parking spaces. Vote still stands to recommend project wit the

stipulations previously made and that committee voted on.

3392-94 C Street-small house addition to lot.


Parks and Rec: No Report.


Steve presented his recommendations that he wanted the committee to endorse

with options for the Draft General Plan that included increasing the parking

management fees and hours in community to increase community revenue. There

were some objections from committee members on the issue of charging fees to

residents who do not have off street parking options available to them. The

proposal was amended to read that it should provide consideration for

residents need for adequate and affordable parking. This issue was voted on

and passed 9 in favor and 3 opposed.

Historical: No report.

Membership and Elections-No report.

Code Compliance-No report.

Balboa Park: No report.



The meeting was adjourned by Chair Blatt at approximately 8:50 PM


Respectfully submitted.


Dana Shutt-Mendibles,  recording secretary.