Friday, August 01, 2008

April 9, 2008 Minutes



Meeting held at Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse – Golf Course Drive

Call to order: Christ Blatt called to order at 6:32 pm.

Agenda had been posted earlier.  Copies were available.


Members present:  Chris Blatt, Richard Baldwin, Maureen Burke, Carole Caffey, Dave Caldwell, Scott Glazebrook, Carlos Legerrette, Anita Margolis, Frederick Ruffell, David Skillman, Marie Skillman, Angel Vasconcellos.  Absent: Laurie Burgett.


City Planning Department. Bernie Turgen. Question was raised about the plans for “Gala Foods” at 30th& Grape Street.  A member of the audience stated that escrow is set to close on the property on June 1, and that it was possible that at 24-hour drug store and a “Fresh & Easy” market are planned for the site.  David Skillman reported hearing on the news that “Fresh & Easy” announced a pause in beginning new stores.  Neither Bernie nor the committee had received any information about the project.


Community Police Officer John Graham.  Reminded the committee that the Captain’s Advisory group meets at 25th & Imperial at 5:30 pm.   In response to a question, he stated that the Lomas gang is not gone.  He recommended that committee or community members take pictures of graffiti or other evidence of gang activities and send them to Art Petrea, the officer in charge of keeping files of such materials.  These archives can be used in possible prosecutions.  Questions were raised about weapons activity at 33rd & E Street, and an incident in the alley at 31st Street between A & B Streets.  Officer Graham said that penalties for not cleaning up graffiti on private property are handled by Code Compliance.  14–day letters are sent to property owners.  He passed out pamphlets on “Reporting Disorder & Other Problems”.  This can be downloaded from city website.


District 3.  Jeffrey Tom.  Discussed the graffiti abatement program.  The hotline telephone number is 619-525-8522.  Free paint and brushes are available by calling 619-527-3431.  Toni Atkins’ last State of the District speech will be given on April 24.  Announced that the budget process, including 13 meetings, has begun. Passed out copies of April issue of “The Toni Times”.


District 8, Mayor, 76th Assembly District, 53rd Congressional District:  no reports


Approval of Minutes.  The minutes of the March meeting had just been distributed on April 9 and most committee members had not had the chance to review them.  It was decided not to ask for approval until next month.


Public Comment.  None.


Information Items:

Clean, Green and Safe (MAD) Advisory Board.  Will be holding a meeting at the Golf Course Clubhouse on April 14 at 6:00 pm regarding the budget for 2008-2009.  Regular meeting is April 21 at 6:30 pm.


Housing Commission.  Victoria Joes presented copies of the Annual Action Plan for FY09 to each committee member.  This action plan is the basis for Commission applications for funds from HUD. Victoria pointed out that there is a substantial amendment in the plan relating to Community Development Block Grant funding.  Such requests must now be for $25,000 or more.  This is a result of input from HUD monitors.  The monitors said that administrative costs were too high on smaller projects, unless they are a one-time action or can be completed in one funding cycle.   The last day for comments is May 4; the plan goes before the City Council on May 5.  She urged anyone with comments to direct them to her by telephone, letter or fax. Comments should state what specific project or objective they relate to.






Land Use Subcommittee.  

Information Item:  Dave Caldwell and Scott Glazebrook reported that property managers from 1503 30th Street/ 3006 Beech (Permits #1 PTS 121366 #2 PTS 129408 #3 PTS 141955) would be making another presentation to the subcommittee.  Bernie Turgen from Planning Department is going to follow-up on the permits for that project. Dave asked Bernie to remind the Planning Department staff that this committee should see all plans for projects within the PDO.  



Land Use Subcommittee:

Consent Agenda:  The following 4 items were approved unanimously:  (1) 1625 Felton Street PTS 128529 (2) 2448 A Street PTS127090  (3) 27th & F Streets PTS 132506  (4) 1714 Dale Street – outside PDO.


Letter from City: A letter was received from the city in response to our letter last month regarding tree planting and Tershia d’Elgin.



Membership & Elections.  (Meets as needed) Angela Vasconcellos reported that 2 members are still needed to have a full committee.  Committee assignments were discussed.  Frederick Ruffell asked that each committee describe what they do and when they meet.  The secretary will distribute a list of meeting dates/times.  Carlos Legerrette will make name cards for members to use at the meetings.


Parks. (Meets last Wednesday of odd numbered months, 6 pm, Golf Course Clubhouse) Maureen Burke.  Talked about community garden.


Code Compliance.  (Meets last Wednesday of odd numbered months, Golf Course Clubhouse, meetings not open to public) Chris Blatt. Committee works with compliance officer Lewis Dennis on compliance issues that have been identified. 


Transportation.  (Will be meeting quarterly, no set day at this time)  Scott Glazebrook.


Balboa Park Committee.  Laurie Burgett was absent.


Airport Noise Advisory. (An advisory committee to the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority meets third Thursday of odd numbered months at 5:30 pm at the Commuter Terminal)  Carole Caffey is this committee’s representative now; Dave Caldwell held the position previously.


Historic. (Does not have regularly scheduled meetings at this time)  Angela Vasconcellos said she is now getting mailings from the City about historic reviews in the area.  Richard Baldwin passed around a flyer he had received about the public meeting scheduled on April 18, 2 pm at City Hall regarding changes to the Historic Review process.  Marie Skillman will attend the meeting and report back to the committee. 




Marie Skillman asked when the Community Plan Update process would begin, and whether this committee would have a representative in the process.  Bernie Turgen said the process would begin in July, after the City budget is approved.


New members asked about documents for the current Community Plan and Planned District Ordinance.  These are available on the City website.  Zoning is in Chapter 14.  The PDO is in Chapter 15.


Marie Skillman offered to be the committee secretary for the coming year.  The committee approved this unanimously.


Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm.