Meeting held at Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse – Golf Course Drive
Call to order: David Skillman, acting chair, called to order at 6:35 pm.
Agenda had been posted earlier. Copies were available.
Members present: Maureen Burke, Carole Caffey, Dave Caldwell, Scott Glazebrook, David Skillman, Marie Skillman, Frederick Ruffell, Angela Vasconcellos Absent: Richard Baldwin, Chris Blatt, Laurie Burgett, Anita Margolis
Treasurer’s Report: no change in account, balance around $75.00 Carole Caffey will look into getting a PO Box for the group so that she gets regular statements.
Community Police Officer John Graham: Crime is down in this neighborhood. Police caught 2 persons who had been breaking into cars in Balboa Park (Zoo lot). Captain’s meeting is 9/25 at 5:30 at the Imperial station. A central team that handled issues such as homeless persons had to be disbanded due to personnel cuts. Carole Caffey asked about gang activity, homeless sleeping at base of on-ramp at B Street and I-5. Dave Caldwell reported that he had noticed a trailer at the homeless encampment at 32nd & C Street area. Maureen Burke asked if we should call about these kinds of issues: YES. It creates a record of the activity. Call police or email Officer Graham: Graffiti photos should be emailed to Art Perea:
City Council District 3. Jeffrey Tom: Council had a recess in August, is now back to regular meetings. Councilmember Atkins is hosting a water forum at the SD Natural History Museum on 10/2. Two items are on the council agenda on Monday, Sept. 15 relating to a proposed Oversized Vehicle Parking Ordinance. #200 is citywide; #201 is a pilot project in beach and Clairemont areas. A grant of $1,000 has been received for restoring turf in leash-free area of Grape St. Park
City Council District 8. Diana Jurado-Sainz: The Committee congratulated Diana on her recent marriage. Diana gave additional information about Oversized Vehicle Ordinance. A new City Traffic Engineer, Siad Amadi, is interested in parking and stop sign issues. His survey determined that one at 30th & A is not warranted under normal guidelines, but may be allowed under an alternate process. She is hopeful to move the request forward under the alternate process. A condo conversion at 2775 A Street was approved at council, after issues with parking and utilities had been resolved.
53rd Congressional District. Katherine Fortner. Representative Davis sponsored an amendment to the Higher Education Act, which was recently reauthorized. This amendment authorizes payment to work-study students who are unable to go to work during an emergency or disaster declaration.
City Planning Department. Bernie Turgeon: Contract proposals for Plan Update have been received and are under review. RFP for on other aspects are in process. A meeting of Planning Committee chairs will be scheduled soon. Showed photos of cell tower pole at 26th & C Street, where a palm tree had been removed and replace with the pole, painted in a coordinating color. Dave Caldwell asked about a cell site at 30th & Juniper that never came before the Committee. The cell phone antennas are inside a sign. Dave suggested that sign regulations need to be revised to cover this type of installation. Carole asked if both sign and telecommunications ordinances apply. Bernie is to check into it. Dave reported that Pathfinders might be moving to North Park. He asked Bernie to find out if their CUP stays with the local address.
Mayor, 76th Assembly District: no reports
Approval of Minutes. Approval of July minutes: Approved with addition of members present at the meeting. Abstained from voting: David Skillman, Marie Skillman, and Maureen Burke
CCDC. Sheila Hardin. Passed out a fact sheet on economic gain from redevelopment. CCDC is focusing on public access (pedestrian bridge near Convention Center) sustainability, and downtown lighting. Board member Jennifer LeSar is heading search for a new director; public input on qualifications is requested. 7th & Market project was cancelled due to conflict of interest of former director. All recent projects are being audited.
Chairs Report/Mail. No report.
Clean, Green and Safe (MAD) Oversight Board. David Skillman reported the monthly meeting, will be held 9/15. Oversight/City/CDC mediation is getting underway. Urban Corps has been contracted to do graffiti removal and trash pickup. They are checking out duplications with city services. Scott Glazebrook reported that he had seen good results of trash pickup.
Police Officer’s CPC Meeting will be September 25 at 5:30 at their station at 25th and Imperial.
Land Use Report: Brief discussion of PTS 158970 (1115 27th Street House Addition) and PTS 132506 (City Lights Town homes)
Land Use Subcommittee: A letter had been drafted (copies had been sent to committee member in advance of meeting) asking that the Huckleberry Canyon/32nd Street Sewer Maintenance Access Project to move forward, with recommendation of the subcommittee, with assurances that the project is currently in the concept stages and that further design and development will involve GGHPC. Moved by Dave Caldwell, seconded by Scott Glazebrook, to approve the letter. Approved unanimously. Letter is to be signed by Scott Glazebrook if Chris Blatt is out of town. Albert Sohikish of Metropolitan Wastewater was present and requested that a copy of the minutes relating to this item be sent to him once the minutes were approved. Copy of letter is at the end of these minutes.
A community resident: Asked the committee’s advice. She lives near 30th & Juniper and is concerned about the number of bars in the area (a new one is near opening and another proposed), and wondered what regulations govern liquor licenses. Dave Caldwell said that he thought no more liquor licenses were being issued in the area, on the advice of Police Dept. Vice unit. Frederick Ruffell suggested she check the Municipal Code as to density of liquor licenses per block. City Planner Bernie Turgeon said the City follows that code for zoning, and that the police and Alcoholic Beverage Commission also weigh in. Also mentioned in the discussion were alcohol related crimes (Police Officer Dawn Summers has been studying this in the area) and parking regulations. Scott Glazebrook thought that GGHPC would be involved if a variance to any existing regulation was requested. He noted that the City is encouraging commercial growth in that corridor. He said he would do some research on the issue.
Membership. Members (4) are now needed. According to the updated bylaws, candidates for election in February must have attended two meetings prior to the February meeting. Frederick reported that two of his neighbors are interested. Advertising for members was discussed.
Parks. Recreation councils may merge.
Code Compliance. Nothing to report.
Pedestrian Master Plan Update. Members had received email about public meetings.
Transportation. Nothing to report.
Balboa Park Committee. Nothing to report.
Airport Noise Advisory. No report.
Historic. Nothing to report.
Secretary: Will forward to all an email regarding Advanced Development Services Workshop
Meeting adjourned at 8: 25 pm.
Marie Skillman, Secretary.
September 10 2008
Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee
City of San Diego Development Services Department
1222 First Avenue
San Diego California 92101
Re: 32nd Street / Huckleberry Canyon Long-term Sewer Maintenance Access Project
Based on the informational presentation made to our Committee on August 13 2008 and the action presentation made to the Land-use Subcommittee on August 27 2008, we understand that this maintenance access and sewer realignment project has the goal to reduce long-term regional (sewer main breaks) and local (maintenance access) impacts to and disruption of natural and native habitats and resources; however we feel further study is needed during the subsequent detailed design and engineering stages of the project to reduce short- and mid-term impacts of this project. It is with the understanding of our Committee’s continued involvement in subsequent design and implementation phases of this project that we recommend that the project proceed with the following conditions:
Sewer Line Realignment
1. The Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee is continually involved in all on-going and future planning, including detailed site and engineering analysis, for work to be done within the canyon.
2. Further study shall be completed at the Edgemont and Beech sewer line realignment to preserve existing mature trees that lend “community character”.
3. Short- and mid-term revegetation plans are implemented and successful.
Maintenance Access
1. The Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee is continually involved in all on-going and future planning, including detailed site and engineering analysis, for work to be done within the canyon.
2. Deletion of lower canyon parallel access paths proposed to reduce stream crossings; one stream crossing would be preferred to two separate permanent paths.
3. Change alignment of Edgemont Street and Beech Street sewer line realignment could consolidate two separate manholes and shorten proposed permanent access path.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments. We look forward to our continued involvement with this project.
Chris Blatt, Chair, Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee