Tuesday, July 15, 2008

June 11, 2008 Minutes


Meeting held at Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse – Golf Course Drive

Call to order: Chair Chris Blatt called to order at 6:31 pm.

Agenda had been posted earlier.  Copies were available.

Members present:  Richard Baldwin, Chris Blatt, Laurie Burgett, Carole Caffey, Dave Caldwell, David Skillman, Marie Skillman, Frederick Ruffell, Angela Vasconcellos Absent: Maureen Burke, Scott Glazebrook, Carlos Legerrette, Anita Margolis

Marie Skillman requested a change to the agenda, to approve May meeting minutes not March and April minutes, as printed in the agenda.

City Council District 3.  Jeffrey Tom.   City Council vetoed Mayor’s proposal to cut jobs in parks and recreation and library staff, but Mayor may override Thanked Blatt, David Skillman and Marie Skillman for attending dedication ceremony for the underground transmission line. Discussed poles that have not yet been removed. Asked everyone to notice the mural on southwest corner of 30th & Juniper, a project of property owner, South Park Action Council, District 3 office and several individuals. Discussed a list of poles that still need to be removed; some are metal and others wooden.  Carole Caffey asked about broken light fixtures where repair or maintenance was promised a few months ago in the circle at the 25th Street Park.  Laurie Burgett thanked everyone who had worked to get the undergrounding accomplished.

 City Council District 8.  Diana Jurado-Sainz.   Reported actions relating to Code Compliance:  (1) Skeleton building on F Street is coming down (2) Councilman is working on a remodeling ordinance that would address “perennial remodels” (3) DART/police activity at 1250 25th Street where a nuisance renter was evicted. The absentee owner is doing some renovation work, with progress reports required every 30 days (4) Edgemont property that had burned in an arson fire also involved loan issues.  The final lender is working with City and demolition is in progress. Dave Caldwell thanked Diana for working with Code Compliance on all of these issues.  He asked about 2693 C Street, which has long been vacant.  Diana reminded the committee that if a property is locked and secured, no ordinance requires that projects be completed or updated.  Referring to the ordinance Councilman Hueso is working on (Item 2), it is going before the City Land Use committee this month if the appropriate language can be settled upon.  Regarding City Budget, Councilman Hueso has found separate funding to backup any pool and park staffing hours cut in District 8.

 53rd Congressional District.  Kathryn Fortner. Distributed copies of the June issue of Davis Dispatch.  Representative Davis is working on increasing unemployment benefits; the legislation is to be voted on in the coming week. Representative Davis is in favor of tying troop withdrawals with Iraq war funding.  Representative Davis will be hosting local meetings over the summer.

City Planning Department. Bernie Turgeon.  A consultant has yet to be hired for Community Plan Update process.  This person will be coordinating with community planning committees and holding public workshops, focusing on corridors, urban design and historic surveys.  No dates have yet been announced for the stakeholder meetings.  Chairs of planning committees are asked to meet with Bill Anderson, Operating Officer and Executive Director of City Planning and Development on June 18 at an Action Plan Workshop.

Community Police Officer, Mayor, 76th Assembly District:  no reports

Approval of Minutes.  Approval of May meeting minutes was tabled until July meeting due to correction requested to agenda.  Action items cannot be changed at the meeting (Brown Act)


CCDC. Sheila Hardin.  CCDC offices are moving to 401 B Street (Wells Fargo Building) on June 20.  The Downtown Information Center is moving to Horton Plaza in August.  There will be no downtown bus tours in July due to the move.  A workshop about downtown parking will be held on July 24.  A needs assessment for downtown parks is in progress.  Workshops will be held relating to an East Village dog park, lighting, etc.

Jerry Ray, a community member. Presented graffiti photos of Alchemy and Kemp Pharmacy/Mobility Center.  She reported that Sonic Arts center had been vandalized and it appeared that the burglars had been closely monitoring the business in advance. Plumaria were destroyed at her home near Beech and Dale, which the police have classified as grand theft. 

Friends of Einstein School. Carole Caffey.  Reported that the school is being repainted.  A fundraising event on June 6 netted $60,000 for the school, which they hope to use to install turf on a vacant lot.  Noted that underground power lines have made all classrooms safe to use.

Tinto.  Susan Prise and Wendy Lee.  Have applied for a liquor license for the wine bar that they plan to open by November at 219 30th Street (in the middle building that Shapery is remodeling between Fern and 30th south of Ivy.)

Ray Pennisi, host of gghpc.blogspot.com.  If committee members want to make postings on the blog, he can add them to a list of those approved post.  Mentioned that committee minutes have not been posted for some time.  Marie Skillman will be in contact with him about correcting this.


Chairs Report/Mail. Chris Blatt distributed mail to subcommittee chairs.

Clean, Green and Safe (MAD) Advisory Board.   David Skillman reported that at the MAD Oversight Board is meeting on June 16 at 6:30 at the Golf Course Clubhouse.  The Board will be meeting with Rosemary Downing of CDC, Luis Ojeda and Scott Kessler of the City, and newly hired MAD program manager Alia Kanani to try to iron out the responsibilities and relationship between CDC and Oversight.  Projects are underway including street banners and trash pickup.  A temporary employee was hired for the month of June to survey the amount of cleanup work, graffiti removal, etc. required in the district in advance of contracting for these services.  News about the MAD can be found on the CDC website goldenhillcdc.org under “Clean Green & Safe” or at ghcgs.org.

 Police Officer’s CPC Meeting will be July 22 at their station at 25th and Imperial.

 Old House Fair.   Will be held on June 21 at 30th & Beech. The committee was offered a booth but decided instead to have flyers with dates and location of meetings and subcommittee meetings available at CDC booth.  Marie Skillman will make up the flyer, which will also make a request for participation.  Ray Pennisi said that 12 more docents are needed for the home tours.  There are 2 shifts, those interested can contact Ray or call Maureen at Studio Maureen.

 Metropolitan Wastewater Department.  Albert Sohikish asked committee members to fill out comment sheets stating whether they concur with the staff recommendations for Chocolate Canyon. Keith Pillati, representing a canyon group in the area, spoke and said his group had reviewed the project and supported the recommendations. There were no further questions.

 Pedestrian Master Plan Update.  City Traffic Engineer Maureen Gardiner presented information about the Pedestrian Master Plan.  In Phase I of the Plan, they made a report that indicated high needs areas in the city. In Phase II and III they will be doing an inventory of the community to locate pedestrian deficiencies and addressing solutions.  Dave Caldwell asked about getting a traffic count on Golf Course Drive relating to the need for a pedestrian path.  Ray Pellisi asked if the report incorporated information from the District 3 Sidewalk Study.  Sheri Ryan, the project manager, said that the Phase I report named Greater Golden Hill as a high needs area, which is why the neighborhood is being visited to identify deficiencies. A community audit tool (see map information below) was developed to allow the community to help them look for these five types of deficiencies:  (1) unsafe crossings (2) sidewalk gaps (3) missing curb ramps (4) obstructed sidewalks (5) poor walkability.  She handed out maps that can be filled out and returned to them, indicating location of any of the 5 items.  After the inventory and community audit are completed, priorities will be set.  There will be a workshop on November 18.  Both Gardiner and Ryan stressed that they are looking at making pedestrian improvements, not handling sidewalk maintenance issues. Barriers to pedestrian traffic are being looked at.  Several people brought up making maintenance contingent on improvements. 

 Land Use Subcommittee. Dave Caldwell reported that there were no updates on “Alchemy” (Permits #1 PTS 121366 #2 PTS 129408 #3 PTS 141955) or the Solar Hibay Garage (PT126503).  Chris Blatt reported that the original project at Gala Foods is cancelled as the result of a lawsuit.  A second buyer is in the due diligence process.  Dave Caldwell had just received information about a project at 26th & C Street where an upgraded pole and underground cell site will be going in.  He also had a received an item about a sewer project in the 32nd Street/Huckleberry Canyon.  These two items will be on the agenda at the Land Use Subcommittee meeting on June 25. 


 Metropolitan Waste Water.  Laurie Burgett made a motion that the committee accepts the city’s preferred alternative of partial redirection in Chocolate Canyon.  Angela Vasconcellos seconded.  Voting in favor: Richard Baldwin, Laurie Burgett, Dave Caldwell, David Skillman, Marie Skillman, Frederick Ruffell, Angela Vasconcellos.  Voting against: none.  Abstaining: Chris Blatt, Carole Caffey


Membership & Elections. Angela Vasconcellos reported that the committee still has 2 vacancies.

 Parks. Maureen Burke was absent.

 Code Compliance. Nothing to report.

 Transportation.  Scott Glazebrook was absent.

 Balboa Park Committee. Laurie Burgett reported that 45 trees had been planted in Golden Hill and Grape Street parks.  There is a meeting June 18 at 5:30 at the War Memorial Building regarding governance models for Balboa Park. Among those under consideration are Joint Powers Authority and the Park District Model.  On July 24 there will be another meeting about Balboa Park, this one focusing on Leases & City Assets.

 Airport Noise Advisory. Carole Caffey had attended the latest meeting.  They are setting up a tour for advisory members to learn more about the Quieter Home Project.

 Historic. Angela Vasconcellos had received notices of 3 properties applications for historic designation:  2851 Ivy, 1846 Granada and 2914 Dale Street.

 Meeting adjourned at 8:06 pm.



































May 14, 2008 Minutes


Meeting held at Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse – Golf Course Drive

Call to order: Chair Chris Blatt was absent. David Skillman called to order at 6:33 pm.

Agenda had been posted earlier. Copies were available.

Members present: Maureen Burke, Dave Caldwell, Scott Glazebrook, Carlos Legerrette, Anita Margolis, David Skillman, Marie Skillman, Angela Vasconcellos, Laurie Burgett. Frederick Ruffell arrived at 6:50 pm Absent: Chris Blatt, Carole Caffey, Richard Baldwin

Community Police Officers John Graham and Dawn Summers. Reported that there had been a robbery at Fern Market (corner of Elm and Fern) on May 13, $300-500 was taken. A plan is in place to divert skateboarders from the area around the Starbucks. Officers had worked to assure that recent immigration and labor protests were orderly. Reminded the committee that the Captain’s Advisory group meets at 25th & Imperial at 5:30 pm on May 27.

City Council District 3. Jeffrey Tom. District office is working with those planning the Old House Fair, to be held on June 21st at 30th and Beech. Part of the Dog Park is currently cordoned off for re-seeding, this will take about two months. A dedication ceremony for the transmission line undergrounding will be held on Friday, May 30 at 10:00 am parking lot of Gala Foods, at the corner of Grape and Fern Streets. SDGE will have a crane there to remove the symbolic “last pole”, with speeches by officials involved. Future undergrounding at 30th and Ivy/Hawthorne area is yet to be scheduled; they are finding that these projects are very costly.

City Council District 8. Diana Juardo-Sainz. Reported that 100 street trees had been planted recently in the district. They would like to see more of the trees planted; trees are free to for those who agree to care for them. Announced that the council office is partnering with Golden Hill CDC in hosting a Community Clean Up and Paint out on May 30. This event is to be a kickoff of Clean Green and Safe Maintenance Assessment District (CGSMAD). Announced that a CGSMAD program manager had been selected from a pool of 10-15 applications. The person hired has worked in a similar position in Imperial Beach. CGSMAD Oversight Committee members in attendance (David Skillman and Bill Hillsdorf) responded that they knew nothing about this hiring process. There was general discussion about the structure and projects of the CGSMAD. A Graffiti Buster has been appointed by Councilman Hueso to be on call for District 8. Discussion ensued about the hiring process. Helpful telephone numbers: Paint bank 619-527-3431, Graffiti hotline 619-525-8522. Signs will be posted on 28th from A to B streets, warning skateboarders of rules applying to them. As part of PSNS, the City has put an injunction against 30 known members of the Crips gang. These members are not to congregate with one another, wear gang colors, throw gang signs, etc.

53rd Congressional District. Kathryn Fortner. Distributed copies of the May issue of Davis Dispatch. Representative Davis has worked with House members on a mortgage relief plan. The Budget for 2009 was passed. Representative Davis is sponsoring legislation allowing California to have super-standards for greenhouse gas emissions – it is in subcommittee at this time.

City Planning Department. Bernie Turgeon. Reminded new board members that the Community Orientation Workshop is Saturday, May 17. Had researched the plans for “Gala Foods” at Fern & Grape Street and found nothing about the property changing hands since 2006. A consultant has been hired for the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan. This person will be contacting the various community planning committees and holding public workshops. This summer an inventory is to be done, prior to scheduling of public meetings. The community plan update process is moving slowly. They are looking for a facilitator, and leaders for historic, environmental and economic components. Stakeholder groups, including planning groups and community members, will be meeting in each community. Focus groups will be hosted and there will be an open house process, followed by workshops with the City Planning Department. This is expected to be a 2-year process. City staff will work with those contracted, and a timeline will be established once the consultant is hired. This may be in July.

Mayor, 76th Assembly District: no reports

Approval of Minutes. Minutes of the March meeting were approved with corrections: addition of telephone number for Sgt. Summers 619-744-9502 and corrected names for new members elected: Frederick Ruffell, Anita Margolis and Marie Skillman. Minutes of the April meeting were approved. Both sets of minutes will be submitted to City and blogspot for posting on websites.

Public Comment.

Sheila Harding from CCDC. Distributed copies of Downtown Today. Discussed their website and webcams. Reminded everyone of the bus tours of downtown and offered to set one up for committee members if they wish. In late summer there will be meetings about the civic center complex.

Information Items:

Clean, Green and Safe (MAD) Advisory Board. David Skillman reported that the Oversight Board is working to get procedures in place and finding out who is actually responsible for various functions. Discussion included what are the annual administrative costs. The RFP’s are in process for banners and street cleaning.

Metropolitan Wastewater Department. Albert Sohikish and two members of his staff were present. Maps of Chocolate Canyon were distributed. Sohikish explained that his department had been tasked with redirecting sewer lines from canyons to streets where it is practical. The purpose is to minimize spillage and improve reaction time if there is a spill. Maintaining sewer lines in the street is cheaper than in the canyons if they can function using gravity. If pumping is required, that is not true. The department criteria is: If the cost of maintaining the canyon lines as they exist is not over 35% more than the cost of redirecting the lines, the lines are left as they are. If the difference is 40% they might revisit. If the difference is extremely high (200% or more) there is no chance of any change. In Chocolate Canyon, the results of investigation was that redirection of the main line would not be cost effective. Finger lines could be redirected but not the main line. Sohikish explained that relocating finger lines should not put undo strain on the remaining lines, because they will use gravity but not pumping. Another aspect of the plan is to assure adequate access paths to all lines. In Chocolate Canyon, the current road is adequate. Sohikish said they are using 2015-2020 as the buildout time, when the lines under discussion (they are 8-12”) will be at capacity. Committee members were asked to fill out a comment sheet and the committee was asked to vote whether they concur with the Department assessment of the situation. Since this was an information item, not an action item on the agenda, no vote could be taken. The item will be placed on the June agenda as an action item.

The 32nd Street Canyon will be undergoing a similar review later.

Land Use Subcommittee.

Information Items: Dave Caldwell and Scott Glazebrook reported that property managers from 1503 30th Street/ 3006 Beech (Permits #1 PTS 121366 #2 PTS 129408 #3 PTS 141955 – none issued with GGHPC approval) made another presentation to the subcommittee. The current issue is signage – 2 signs are acceptable except for the height limit. This could possibly be waived. No progress is visible and no progress reports have been received from “Nick and Lola’s” (PTS #121366). Dave Caldwell asked Bernie Turgen from Planning Department whether there is a time limit on Committee response.



Membership & Elections. Nothing to report.

Parks. Maureen Burke had to leave before making a report.

Code Compliance. Chris Blatt was absent.

Transportation. Nothing to report.

Balboa Park Committee. Laurie Burgett had to leave before making a report.

Airport Noise Advisory. Nothing to report.

Historic. Marie Skillman distributed copies of her notes on the April 18 Mills Act Workshop hosted by the Historic Review Board.

Meeting announcement: see http://www.sandiego.gov/planning/programs/historical/agendas/hrb/hrbspecial080418.pdf

SOHO response: see http://sohosandiego.org/main/ourresponse.htm

A copy of these notes is attached to the minutes.

Meeting adjourned at 8:34 pm.

MARIE SKILLMAN'S HRB Meeting notes from 4/18/08



Historical Review Board members were seated in council chambers. Presenters were Bill Anderson from Planning, Phil Wrath from Mayor’s Office, Kathy ?? from HRB staff, Gary Kendrick from County Assessor, Ken Bernstein from City of Los Angeles Office of Historic Resources.

Objective of meeting was to review issues and solicit public input about incentives and developing more tools (other means) for preservation.

City stated its commitment to general plan and surveying historical elements in each planning district (as part of community plan updates). New preservation methods they have begun using in the last three years include Conservations, Overlays, and Transfer Development Rights. They stated that there are now 3 planners on staff who have the qualifications required by Secretary of Interior. They said there would be no changes to current Mills Act contracts, or those currently in “the pipeline”.

An overview of federal, state and other incentives was given. Proposed reforms are summarized on fact sheet: Limit to # of contracts each year, more stringent requirements, 10-year tailored agreement for each contract, monitoring contracts and inspections every 5 years, increased fees, changing application deadline. Kendrick showed an example of how property taxes are computed for a Mills Act property. Lowest of Mills, Market Value, or Prop 13 Value is used. The two presentations can be viewed online: http://www.sandiego.gov/planning/programs/historical/pdf/millsactwrkshp080418.pdf

Bernstein from LA said they only have 360 individual properties with Mills Act but their department has only been in place for a few years. They have used DISTRICTS rather than individual homes more often. His presentation can be viewed:


Q &A –

Sliding scale for fees? Not recommended-proposed fees were determined as cost recovery only.

Regulations on neglected properties? They are studying demo policies relating to blight.

Is there a building moratorium if an Overlay Zone is being studied? Not necessarily.

PUBLIC COMMENT – many speakers

Bruce Coons-SOHO–see response letter; Ione Steigler-IS Architecture–most incentives do not relate to single family homes. “Greenest building is the one already built”; Maggie McKan-Heart of Kensington-82% of designated homes in that area have not been resold; Ron May (letters)-monitoring needs revision; grand jury report should be rejected for poor research; HD requests should include Mills, HRB should review all demo permits for homes over 45 yrs old, Mills contracts should have time line, why not outsource backlog of current requests. Others: HRB needs more staff, older homes are expensive to maintain, Mills Act is a tool to protect homes, historic designated homes favorably affect homes in neighborhood, preservation should be made easier not harder, look at enhanced designations in redevelopment districts, developers get incentives why don’t preservationists, historic designation process needs to be speeded up,

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Updated Roster as of 4/18/08

Richard Baldwin
Chris Blatt - Chair
Maureen Burke
Carole Caffey - Treasurer
Dave Caldwell
Laurie Burgett
Scott Glazebrook
Carlos Legerrette
Anita Margolis
Frederick Ruffell
David Skillman
Marie Skillman
Angela Vasconcellos

February 13, 2008 Minutes

Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee

Minutes: Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Location: Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse

Attendees: Richard Baldwin, Richard Barrera, Chris Blatt, Laurie Burgett, Maureen Burke, David Caldwell, Carol Cafferty, Scott Glazebrook, Carlos Le Gerrette, David Skillman and Angela Vasconcellos

Meeting was called to order by Chris Blatt, Chair, at 6:33 pm.

· Treasurer – No report

· Community Police Officer, John Graham

o 2800 Block of B Street a number of cars had their tires slashed

o March 25, 2008 at 5:30 Community Meeting to be held at 25th and Imperial station (4th Tuesday of the month)

o New lieutenant, Don Summers

· District 3, Jeffery Tom (jtom@sandiego.gov)

o 90 foot pole at Switzer Canyon will be removed by mid next week

o New wire is energized and poles are being removed

· District 8 – no report

· Mayor’s Office – no report

· 76th District Assembly, Kathryn Fortner

o Susan Davis returned from Afghanistan, forum to be held

o Tax rebates pending

· 53rd Congressional District – no report

· City Planning, Miles Pomeroy

o By-laws informally approved, goes to Council next

o Committee still under old by-laws

o General Plan hearing tentatively March 3 for Council adoption

· Approval of minutes

o October 2007, Motion: Carlos LeGerrette, 2nd: Richard Baldwin, Approved

o January 2008, deferred

· Public Comment

o Stephen Whitburn, candidate for District 3 introduces himself (stephenwhitburn.com)

· Chair Report/CPC, Chris Blatt

· Clean Green and Safe, Chris Blatt

o Had second meeting

· Land Use, Dave Caldwell

o Chas Kelley House – No show

o 30th/ Broadway - going forward

o 27th/F Street City Lights Townhomes – just received packet

o 830 25th Street – Will be on next agenda

o Townspeople Jasmine Fox - City didn’t send plans but does comply

· Action Items

o Motion to approve consent agenda: Motion- Skillman, 2nd Glazebrook, approved

o 1812 Edgemont move on – Not within PDO but will issue a letter of support

· Subcommittees

o Membership and elections

· Mark Kratzschmar and Dana Shutt have resigned

· Elections in March

· New bylaws will be approved before next meeting

· Candidates required to attend 2 meetings

o Parks – No report

o Code Compliance – No report

o Transportation

· Scott Glazebrook to Chair

o Balboa Park

· Conditions report out; hearings will be held on governance

· Report on City Website

o Ariport Noise Advisory

· Carole Cafferty to attend

o Historic

· Angela Vasconcellos to Chair

· Adjorn: Motion – LeGerrette, 2nd Burke, Approved

Submitted by L. Burgett, 3/10/08

January 9, 2008 Minutes

Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee
Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Present:   Chris Blatt chair; Dave Caldwell; Richard Baldwin;  Scott Glazebrook, Angela Vasconcellos, Laurie Burgett, David Skillman, and Carlos LeGerrette

Chair Blatt called the meeting to order at approximately 6:30 pm.

Treasurers Report: No report.
Community Police Report:  No report.
District 3: No report.
District 8 report by Diana Jurado-Sainz :

  • Golden Hill Community Clean-Up on Feb. 9, 2008. A trash bin will be located at 33rd and C Street adjacent to Golden Hill Elementary.
  • Golden Hill Christmas tree drop-off area will remain open until Jan. 26.
  • Street Sweeping for Golden Hill is Tuesday and Thursday 10-1. Information is being collected regarding the possibility of a second route assigned to the business areas.
  • Dist. 8 is offering free trees, including planting, to homes that agree to actively water the trees for approximately six months until root system is established.
  •  Requesting information from residents regarding sidewalks and streets that are in need of immediate repair. Information will be use to assist in scheduling the work.
  • Coming Clean-Growing Green city project needs volunteers to distribute information to neighbors. A meeting is scheduled for Jan. 29, 8 a.m. to 12 noon. Call Diana at Dist. 8 office for specifics.
  • Councilman Ben Hueso appoint to chair City of San Diego’s Land Use and Housing Committee.
  • Councilman Hueso will make first of two State of the District presentation beginning Feb. 21, 2008 at 6 p.m. at Memorial Academy.

76th Assembly District: No report.

53rd Congressional District Report by Catheryn ______:

·      Cong. Susan Davis accepting intern application from high school and college students who would be assigned to the San Diego office.

·      Cathryn updated the GGHPC regarding travel visas.

City Planner: No report.

Approval of November, 2007 Minutes: A motion was made to approve the minutes and was approved with seven in favor, none opposed and one abstention.


CCDC report by Sheila Horton:

·      Balboa Theatre to open in near future and no-cost public tours have been very popular.

·      Parking plan information available online at the agency’s website.

·      CCDC is invited the public to the 10th Annual San Diego Multi-Cultural Festival, Jan 19 at the Martin Luther King Promenade.

32nd Street Canyon report by Tershia ______.

·      reported that progress is being made in the planting of trees in the 32nd Street canyon. Students and residents are scheduled to plant approximately 400 plants with an additional 700 for the future. Golden Hill Elementary and Einstein Academy are the schools participating in this project.



Chair’s Report: No report.

MAD (Clean, Green and Safe) Advisory Update Report:

·      (It was noted that the GGHPC had two members elected to the MAD board; David Skillman and Chris Blatt).

Land Use Report: No report.


Membership & Elections by Angela Vasconcellos:

·      GGHPC roster now on Golden Hill CDC blog.

·      Advertisements will be distributed to recruit three individuals to fill three vacancies on the GGHPC.

·      Angela asked committee to forward information to her regarding any potential members.

·      Miles Pomeroy, city planner assigned to GGHPC, will be contacted regarding any new policies concerning new changes of how planning committee members are chosen.

Parks Report: No report.

Code Compliance: No report.

Transportation/Compact Report: No report.

Balboa Park Committee by Laurie Burgett:

  • California Conservation Corps doing landscaping project in Golden Hill Park.
  • Balboa Park Committee making recommendations regarding where alcohol may be consumed in the park.
  • U.S. Department of Interior to assess water quality of ground water via the installation of multiple-depth monitoring well at 26th and Pershing.

Airport Noise Advisory: No report.

Historic: No report.


Motion made by David Skillman to adjourn. Motion passed with eight in favor, none opposed, no abstentions. Meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.

November 14, 2007 Minutes

Minutes from November meeting


 6:30 call to order nb No quorum at start, people on the comitte kept arriving after the call to order

 Name cards from Dave

Membership will take care of roster

Dave with email it out.

 -Treasurer’s report:  No change $67

 -No police report

 -District 3 April will report every other month

 -District 8 Report from Diana

1. Planning groups will be asked for concerns about general plan. Goes before council Dec 5th, full council January. We can comment before then

2. Mini dorms. Ben Hueso has proposed solutions to the problem

a) Rooming ordinance -6 or more leases within a single household requires permits

b) Rooming house ordinance- Any single family residence w. three separate leases wil require a permit. May apply to residential care facilities. Open meeting Mission Valley community church at 5pm ??? date

3. Street sweeping signs. Can contact the council to find when the sweeping days are. Can get signs to put out to prevent parking on the sweeping days.

4. Russ street alley vacation. Needs full council approval. Council member is aware of the negative aspects and community concerns. Staff has denied the vacation. A vote needed. Doesn’t seem like it will proceed.

5. Status of fine for the noise in dorms. Will be implemented on Dec 1. House must be designated beforehand, police two or more times in thrity days, or petition. Citation of $1000 for each tenant and landlord. Will be in place by June

 -No mayor’s report

-no 76th report

-53rd congressional district report

Davis visited Qualcomm and distributed masks. 2 bills passed. Military families security act, means families remain eligible for SSI despite increased pay. Second, newly discharged vets get act for homeloans

 -City planner’s report from Myles

1. Oct 30th COW moved to Nov 29th due to fires. New planning group members need to go to ensure indemnification. 6-8pm 9192 Topaz way. RSVP with planners Laura Gates 236 6006

2. Community plan update will begin at the start of next year. Golden hill with be lumped together with some of the surrounding districts

 -Vote to approve last month’s minutes failed. Only three people able to vote. Will be placed on January’s agenda

 -Public comment : Sheila Harden CCDC

 1. Parking workshop. Parking committee of the CCDC. Details on the website www.ccdc.com. Can signup to receive CCDC spam. Site has 4million hits peryear. Date will be posted on this website for the next parking workshop.

2. Free bus tours 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month. RSVP on 6192352222. Starts at the NBC building on Broadway. Info center however is about to move to Horton Plaza

 -Chair’s report on the CPC

 All about the general plan.

 -Update on the MAD

CDC staff says they don’t have multi unit candidates on the MAD committee. It was proposed that the owners of the multiunit dwellings are all out of town and thus don’t really care. Ballots for the MAD will go out this weekend

Diana- If positions are not filled provisions for elections will be made during the drafting of the MAD bylaws.

Information (if dated) will be on the CDC website

 -No open space report


1. Unanimous vote for the approval of the consent agenda.

2. 830 25th st Discretionary not required as the building completely complies, thus nothing for us to do. We didn’t get to see it even though it is in the PDO catchment

3.1625 Felton, not in PDO but we need to look at it. Process 2. Questions were raised about the nature of the windows.

4. 30th and Beech. Façade revisions and return to code compliance. Info only. Dave received assessment letter. Still has multiple code issues.

5. Northeast corner of Beech and 30th being torn down. Nobody is really sure what is going on. Nobody knows what has been permitted. Possibly there has been a fire. Alcohol permit may have been dodgy. Property owned by the state.

6. Diagonal parking on 29th and A Want to remove parallel parking and replace with diagonal parking. Four options proposed. Committee unanimously voted to leave two meters in place but use them for the diagonal parking. Thus two metered diagonal spots plus whatever other diagonal spots fit in the existing parallel spots.

7. Russ street. No way to vacate sensibly. It is a functioning road and would have to take away from the park to vacate it. Motion to not support the vacation of Russ st unanimously passed. As part of the motion Chris will generate a one sentence letter outlining our lack of support.

 -Members and elections

Scott can adjust website. Need to give Ray the appropriate information. Will set up more current website. Community interest portion of the union tribune to be used to advertise vacancies on the committee. Also advertise on the bulletin board near the yoga studio.


Laurie suggested that the recent reconstruction of a gazebo in Balboa park could be a model for the restoration of the Golden Hill fountain. She will try to find out some information about it about who to approach to try to restore it.

 -Airport Noise Dave will attend meeting tomorrow. An explanation was made about wind direction and takeoff and landing patterns.


 John no longer on the committee. It is possible tat a new historic district could be made, but the main person chasing it up has passed away. Potential to go direct to state rather than via the city

 Meeting adjourned


September 12, 2007 Minutes

Meeting of the Golden Hill Community Planning Committee

September 12th, 2007


 Board Members Present:  Carlos LeGerrette, Richard Baldwin, Angela Vasconcellos, Chris Blatt, Maureen Burke, Richard Barrera, Laurie Burgett, Carol Caffey

 District 3 Presentation (Steve Hill) – Steve reported that Sen. Kehoe’s Open Space legislation was approved by the Senate and Assembly, warned community members about reported incidents of people knocking on doors in the neighborhood claiming they were from the City, and announced he was living the District 3 office to work on Downtown issues in the District 2 Council office.

 District 8 Presentation (Diana) – announced that the Council office is ready to help with community clean-ups in the neighborhood

 Kathryn Fortner made a brief presentation from Rep. Susan Davis’s office.

 Myles Pomeroy presentation

 A Mini COW is scheduled for October 30th, interested committee members should rsvp to 619-235-5200

 General Plan Update – no date has yet been set for a hearing by the Planning Commission.  A hearing will probably happen this fall, followed by a hearing by the City Council Land Use and Housing Commission, and finally a hearing by the full City Council

 The process for updating the Golden Hill Community Plan (to be done together with North Park and Uptown) is moving forward

 Minutes for the August meeting were approved, with an amendment adding that Carlos LeGerrette was in attendance – 7 ayes, 1 abstention

 Presentation by CCDC (Sheila Hardin)

 -RFP out for the Center City Master Plan

 -Bus Tours still available for the 1st and 3rd Saturdays each month

 -Little Italy Festa scheduled for Sunday, October 14th

 -3 positions open at CCDC – Communications Specialist, Human Resources Manager, Senior Project Manager


28th and B discussion – A resident expressed concern that the commercial space at the corner remains vacant, despite the fact that the owner has received several inquiries from prospective tenants – the concern is that the vacant space is an eyesore and bringing down value of adjacent and nearby properties.  Another resident echoed the same concerns, and requested a letter from the CPC to the owner encouraging the owner to do something with the property.  Myles stated that such a letter would be appropriate, but Carol expressed concern that the CPC should not be telling private property owners what to do with their property.  The consensus of the Committee was not to act.  Diana from District 8 announced that she would follow up with the concerned residents.

 Carol invited new manager of the post office to address the Committee in October – stated that postal workers view Golden Hill as the least desirable route for carriers in the County.

 Kathryn from the CDC introduced Mike Arnold and Gary Chuy, planners from the City Department of Transportation, to make a presentation about the 25th Street Improvement Plan – The Plan will focus on the corridor between Broadway and B – a feasibility study and construction plan need to be developed, and a funding application needs to be submitted to SANDAG (although SANDAG has already recommended the project to CALTRANS)

 Bylaws Discussion – Myles expressed concern that the draft developed by the Bylaws Committee strays too far from the boilerplate developed by the City, and recommended that the Committee stick to the boilerplate aside from only those issues where the Committee has serious concerns with the boilerplate.  A special meeting of the Committee was scheduled for September 26th, directly before the Land Use Committee meeting, when a quorum would be in place to discuss and vote on final revisions to the Bylaws Committee draft.

 Meeting Adjourned 

October 10, 2007 Minutes

Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee

Board Meeting

Wednesday, Oct 10 ,2007

Golden Hill Golf Course Clubhouse

Present: Chris Blatt chair; Dave Caldwell; ; John McWilliams; Maureen Burke, Marc Kratzschmar, Carlos LeGerette, Carole Caffey and Dana Shutt-Mendibles


Chair Blatt called the meeting to order at approximately 6:34 pm.


Treasurers Report: no report-unchanged.


Community Police Report: No Report.

District 3-no report.


District 8-Diana Juardo-Sainz. Discussed the water rate increase and passed out water conservation pamphlets. She provided information on how to contact to help residents determine if they have water leaks and steps they can take to conserve. Rates are definitely going up, but urged residents to find ways to conserve so they can help keep rates close to prior rates. Albert Einstein Academy is asking SDG & E to donate trees to their school to help with energy. Stop sign going into place on A Street at Albert Einstein Academy. There is a crosswalk that is considered dangerous that Council Member is working on getting moved. New funds for graffiti coverage in works. Residents will be able to obtain ivy plants that have thorns that do not damage property, but can cover larger concrete walls that are a usual target. This plant will be free to owners. Community members indicated there appears to be an increase in homeless camps off of Hwy 94 off ramp to 30th street to the right. Diana will look into it. She also encouraged residents to take photos of graffiti to give to district 3 representative. Steve Hill will no longer be working for district.

76th Assembly District- Kathryn Fortner. Susan Davis introduced a bill regarding student loans for servicemen to allow a 13 month deferment on repayment. She voted to expand children health services. Four million dollar increase was approved but then vetoed by the President. She is working on getting that vote over turned.

53rd Congressional District-no report.

Mayor-no report.

Ron Roberts Office:-no report.

City Planners Report-no report.

Approval of Sept 2007 Minutes:

A motion was made to approve the minutes and was approved by Chris, Dave, Carlos, Maureen, Carole, and Laurie. It was abstained by Dana, Marc and Mac. No opposed.

Public Comment (non-agenda items):-

Sheila Hardin-CCDC representative: Provided community members a publication put out by CCDC on the status of development and programs in downtown. Reported that there is an educational task force between Harborside Elementary and Washington Elementary to improve the public school system downtown. A pedestrian bridge is underway. There will be an affordable housing conference in November. 100 million is targeted for 2008 budget for affordable housing. Reported that 20% of budget has to be spent on affordable housing. Questions from committee members about what happens to money if not spent. She reported it did not. She reported that CCDC has speakers available to come and give talks about downtown to any groups requesting. Discussed problems at condos at Smart Corner Building at Broadway and 11th streets. There have been problems with qualifying to get low interest loans and the sales are slow. In fact, all over downtown there are slow sales in condos. Discussion with Committee about how a $250K condo is considered affordable housing. She reported that in relation to other properties for sale in downtown, it would be considered affordable.

Chair from the 32nd Street Canyon Task Force reported on a project underway to dig out fill to make an entrance to 32nd street canyon. They have been working on funding for several years and hope to break ground soon. They intend to enlist students from Einstein and Golden Hill Elementary to help with the wildlife wet land project and put in plants. Advised of some residual animosity from Golden Hill Elementary from previous project conflicts. There task force has asked the Sierra Club and Aquatic Adventures to help. They have been speaking to storm water prevention department and the streets department at the City about erosion impacts and creek sedimentation. The Mayor came to the meeting and appears to see the connection between the canyon and the ocean as a means to filter out storm waters and seems interested in helping them work toward their goals.

Carole reported that MAD passed and appears it will move forward. She understands there is a small committee which has formed to help find members to run for group that will oversee how the funds are dispersed. Voting is to be done and Oct 12,2007 will be the deadline to submit a name to run for seat. She also reported that she is part of the Friends of Albert Einstein Board of Trustees. Their goal is to raise money to put in Easy Turf on the current dirt lot. It will cost 200k. The entire campus is being redesigned and landscaped. Nov 3rd there will be a Lantern Festival at the school.

Dave reported he has 2 volumes of the draft for the environmental master plan of the airport master plan available for anyone who would like to read it. Mentioned the project going up at 830 25th street. He has just recently received a set of plans and brought them to meeting. He indicates that Land Use has not seen the project come before them. He is concerned about the mixed use property not having been seen by Land Use. Wondered if this meant Committee is being ignored and maybe a letter should be sent to the Chief of Development Services for the Mayor about the kind of precedents being set. Dave is willing to write a letter but would like input from Committee members. We do not want to appear angry only concerned about whether or not there may be any deviations that should have come before Land Use.

Motion was made to have Dave write a letter asking about procedures as opposed to outcome. Votes for included Chris, Dana, Dave, Carlos, Maureen, Marc, Carole and Mac abstained. No opposed.

Chair Report: Brought a copy of City of San Diego General Plan and has it available for anyone who would like to read.

MAD Update-no report. Community members are encouraged to run for committee seats.

Land Use-Info only-no vote

Action Items:

Letter to Mayor prepared by Mac. It was first written in January and then the representative to Mayor office came for one visit. It has not been re-addressed since then. He wants to re-initiate the letter previously voted on.

Mac also reported that this is his last meeting as he will be leaving the area of Golden Hill in both home and business and so can no longer serve on Committee. He wanted to ask Committee to continue to be vigilant about the issues involving no participation at meetings from Mayors office, the fact that there are not city staffers at meeting and the fact that community is still reluctant about MAD. Committee thanked Mac for his service and asked him to send off the letter to Mayor as his last act for Committee. Vote to update letter and send off. Members who

Voted in favor: Chris, Maureen, Dana, Dave, Carlos, Marc, Carole, and Mac. No opposed and no abstentions.




Elections: Discussion about location of banner and name tags of Committee Members. Appears when Nora moved she may have taken them with her. Since Richard Barrera is still in contact with her, we will ask him to follow up on their return. Angela will be heading Committee from now on. There are currently 4 vacancies. Discussion about advertisements to get out the information about the positions available.

Community member David Skillman was present and wanted to be appointed as a replacement for one of the vacancies. Motion to put him in seat was proposed: Members present and voting in favor: Chris, Maureen, Dana, Carlos, Dave, Marc, Carole, and Mac. No abstentions and no opposed.

Parks: No report.

Code Compliance: No report.

Airport Noise: Dave reported next meeting 3rd weeks of November.


Open Space-Mac-Bill SB373 has passed and all dedicated open space on our list will become designated.

Membership and Elections-We currently have three openings for positions vacated by Patricia, Nora and Steve. We currently have no one on Membership and Elections committee. Dana will take care of sign-in sheets for community and committee members until this position is filled. We also still need a member to run for Vice Chair position.

Historical: Mac suggested his successor to this committee follow up on SOHO website and events as they are the most active in city about historical properties. We may want to send a member to those meetings.


Balboa Park: no report.

Transportation-no report.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:55 pm.


Respectfully submitted-

Dana Shutt-Mendibles, recording secretary.