September 8, 2010
Meeting Agenda is found in Attachment 1 at the end of these minutes.
Meeting was held at Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse – Golf Course Drive. Called to order at 6:39 pm by Chair Pat Shields. Agenda had been posted in accordance with Brown Act. A quorum of members was present.
Members present: Richard Baldwin, Maureen Burke, Carole Caffey, Anita Margolis, John Kroll, Jessica Richter, Richard Santini, Pat Shields, David Skillman, Marie Skillman David Strickland, Angela Vasconcellos Members absent: Ruchell Alvarez, Scott Glazebrook
Addition/deletions to Agenda none
Approval of Minutes: Approved minutes of 8/11/10 meeting. (Motion D Skillman, second Caffey, all in favor; Baldwin, Burke, Strickland, Margolis abstained) Approved amending the minutes of the 7/14/10 meeting, to include Meeting Agenda (including details of consent agenda) as an attachment to the minutes. This provides complete information needed by City regarding Land Use items. Agenda will be attached to all future meeting minutes.
Treasurer’s Report: – around $75. D Skillman asked what this money was to be used for, and if there was a means to raise more other than by passing the hat. Caffey explained that funds would be used for event posters, etc. Turgeon said fundraising was allowed, if ever needed. “Pass The Hat” verbiage will be dropped from future agendas.
Community Police Officer- Suzy de la Pena: Nothing to report. No update on rapist whose composite photo was circulated last month. 10/23 is Light The Night Against Crime in Balboa Park.
City Council District 3 - Anthony Bernal: Passed out copies of the September District 3 Dialogue and highlighted the Plaza de Panama revitalization plan in Balboa Park. D Skillman asked if there was a cost estimate on the plan – Bernal said it is too preliminary for that. A more complete presentation will be given at the October GGHPC meeting. Councilman Gloria’s next community coffee will be 9/8 at Zio’s in North Park. Kroll said streetlights are needed in his neighborhood; is the landscape and lighting district paying for that? If not, what can be done? Bernal will research and report at the next meeting.
City Council District 8 – Diana Jurado-Sainz: Arrived later in the meeting. An anonymous flyer was being circulated in the area of 26-27th & B Streets, warning residents of poisoning of cats and dogs in that area and of persons entering homes. She asked anyone with information as to the truth of these statements, or who is distributing them, to call Councilman Hueso’s office.
Mayor’s Office – no representative present.
53rd Congressional District – Kathryn Fortner. Passed out copies of September Davis Dispatch. Davis has been visiting throughout the district during the congressional recess; hosted forums on healthcare and small business concerns. Davis attended the GGHCDC Gala. San Diego County is one of the test areas for a Mobile Alert System for cell phones. D Skillman asked what kind of matters comes up at the small business meetings. Fornter said small businesses in all areas want less reporting requirements and for the government to focus on fewer taxes, not more loans.
Mark Catrambone, Harvest Landscape Services: Harvest is the new provider of services for the Greater Golden Hill Maintenance Assessment District. Said he realizes there is much work to be done. Graffiti is being painted out with matching paint, and weeding in streets is happening. They have 6 vehicles on the job every day. Each is driven by an experienced landscape professional who is assigned a zone to patrol and service. Supervisors survey the community every day in the early morning, and the drivers are picking up trash M-F from 6-8:30 am. Zone 1 is cleaned once a week, Zone 2 twice a month. Jerry Ray asked if they ask before they trim landscaping in parkway; Catrambone will make sure the person working in her zone does so. David Swarens asked about trimming of street trees. Another contractor is handling that for the next 4 months.
Jerry Ray: Is upset about parking on Dale Street by patrons of Alchemy Restaurant. Her driveway is often blocked. Her trashcans are being moved to create parking spaces, and have been damaged.
CONSENT AGENDA. Meeting Agenda including detailed Consent Agenda is found in Attachment 1 at the end of these minutes. Motion by Caffey, seconded by Burke, to approve Consent Agenda. All in favor.
25th Street Renaissance Project. Brian Hannigan of RPM Design Group explained that the project, proposed several years ago, now has funding. He displayed the original plans. A traffic study will be done soon. Hannigan is working with Josie Calderon of Kim Lee Horn, and GGHCDC. They want to complete the master plan for Phase I of the project, which includes community workshops, by December. A schedule of the workshops should be completed within a week. Phase II, which includes the engineering, would be completed by next fall. Hannigan said the project incorporates pedestrian friendly streets and bicycle facilities, and presents a good opportunity to work along with the CPUAC. Shields asked if a fact sheet was available; there will be a website within a week. Kroll asked what the objectives of the project are; all work relates to the right of way areas on 25th Street, and includes street beautification, bike lanes, traffic adjustments, circulation, and ADA compliance. Kroll asked who initiated the plan; the City, CalTrans, citizens including Katherine Willets. A grant was applied for 4 years ago – GGHCDC applied to CalTrans, CalTrans hired the City to administer. Kroll noted that the GGHCDC is not the entire community. Martin Rosen, a Senior Environmental Planner with CalTrans (who was in attendance for another presentation) explained that the grant funds received are Federal, not CalTrans or SANDAG. CalTrans gets involved to make sure NEPA regulations are followed. There will be a public comment period. Hannigan said the City will handle the CEQA and NEPA process, and all will be on the City website under Engineering and Capital Projects. Swarens encouraged linkages be established with Sherman Heights. Margolis asked Hannigan to let Shields know when website is up, so she can pass that information on to GGHPC members. Hannigan was urged to make sure his group works with the CPUAC process and shares data. He mentioned that the transportation consultant on this project is the same one CPUAC is using. Caffey asked if 25th Street from F to Russ covered by the project; the current budget is only for the blocks between Broadway and B Streets. This project will be happening on a very short timetable.
Cabrillo Bridge Rehabilitation. Martin Rosen and Chris Thomas of CalTrans described the rehabilitation and seismic project for the Cabrillo Bridge, which spans Hwy 163 in Balboa Park. The bridge was built in 1915 and is in need of repair and updating. Included in the project are reinforcing the columns and soffits. All seismic structures will be installed inside the columns, which are hollow. Steel tensioning will be done where the columns meet. Abutments need grading and the electrical must be brought up to code. Accent lighting has been proposed. Deck and drainage will be repaired. When the main deck of the bridge is resurfaced, the bridge will be closed for 5 days. This is a joint project of the City and CalTrans. The public comment period should end by 11/2010, the design phase by 10/2012. The studies needed have funding, but they are looking for funding for the construction process; the goal is to complete the work in 2013-2014, in time for the 2015 anniversary of Balboa Park. D Skillman asked if the new Plaza de Panama project has been factored in; that project is so new it has not been. Rosen noted the historic nature of this bridge, 1 of 5 landmark bridges in CA. He said the hope is that once the work is done, nobody can see the difference. Margolis asked about traffic impacts on Hwy. 163; they hope to do their work at night, redirecting traffic as needed. Margolis asked how the retrofit would work; a rigid strategy will be used due to the way the original structure was constructed. Swarens asked if photographing the “before” and “during construction” was planned, capturing the scope and progress of work; they will. Some of documentation sometimes required for rehabilitation of historic structures will not be needed since there will be no outward changes.
CalTrans- Proposed State Hwy 94 HOV/BRT Lanes. Lewis Michaelson of Katz & Associates is working with CalTrans and SANDAG on this project. It is NOT the widening project proposed a few years ago. This proposal is for 1 HOV lane each way on Hwy 94 between I-5 and I-805, with the lanes fit into the current right of way. It is a long term (3-4 years away) project. He asked for volunteers from GGHPC to meet with them about community desires and scheduling community meetings. Caffey, Vasconcellos and Shields volunteered. A Fact Sheet about the project is on the CalTrans website.
South Park Business Group. Matt Thomas was present, representing the SPBG subcommittee that has been working on ideas for the Community Plan Update. Thomas explained that this group of 12-15 people have been meeting for several months, after being pushed into action by D. Skillman. They meet on Thursday mornings at 8:30 am at Alchemy. (Check with Matt about meeting dates). Thomas said they started with visions for South Park, and have been working on recommendations for CPUAC. Thomas passed out the most current recommendations and spoke briefly about each of the 5 general topics. (1) Historic and Architectural Preservation. A historic district is of interest, although the tailored zoning of a conservation overlay may be better. (2) Maintain Community Character. Walkable, bikeable, greenscape. Artists, all age groups, dogs. Local businesses. (3) Transportation/Parking. Better bike routes. Free parking, diagonal parking, Bus Route 2 Campaign, (4) Density and Diversity. Must density be only in certain areas on the edge? What about having some within the built areas. (5) Parks and Open Spaces. Need pocket parks. Discussion: 1-way streets to help traffic? Bus route interferes.
Thomas said he would forward information on conservation overlay to interested people (see email address above).
Filling vacancies on GGHPC. Vasconcellos said that Barbara McGill had asked to fill of the vacant seats on the committee. M Skillman moved, seconded by Caffey that McGill be seated. All in favor.
Vasconcellos reviewed the by-laws relating to absences: if a committee member misses 3 meetings in a row or 4 meetings total during a year, then that member is off of the committee. Santini had missed three meetings in a row (May, June, July). Caffey moved, seconded by Burke, that his committee membership be reinstated. Ruchell Alvarez was absent and had missed the previous 3 meetings. Vasconcellos will contact her to see if she wants to continue her membership. If not, someone will need to replace her on the CPUAC.
Secretary. M and D Skillman will not be at the October meeting. Someone will need to take minutes.
CPUAC/City Planner – Bernie Turgeon. Draft minutes of the CPUAC meeting #7, held 8/24/10, were passed out. Dates and locations for the Charette are now confirmed: (1) Saturday 10/9, 8:30-1:30, Albert Einstein Academy (2) Wednesday 10/20, 6:30-9:00 pm, Christ United Presbyterian Church (3) Saturday 11/6, 8:30-1:30, Golden Hill Elementary School. CPUAC meeting #8 will be held 9/14 at the Golf Course Club House, 6:30 pm. Agenda includes (1) Dan Joyce from City Planning Department (2) Visioning exercise (3) Charette planning. Turgeon noted that the Uptown Charette meeting #1 will be 9/11, 8:30-2, Balboa Park Recital Hall. M Skillman asked about the status of the Historic component of CPUAC, since Jennifer Hirsh, the City Planner in charge, is no longer working for the City. Turgeon said the City is working on filling Hirsh’s position with a transfer from another department. A consultant is handling the survey. Turgeon has been working with Kathy Winterrowd of the Historic Resources Section on the context statement. The Draft Context Statement has been reviewed. Physical survey for significant properties is in process but incomplete.
Land Use. Subcommittee meeting minutes are attached (Attachment 2)
Airport Noise. Caffey will attend meeting in October
The next meeting will be October 13, 2010.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm. (Motion Baldwin, second Santini, all in favor)
Marie Skillman.
September 8, 2010 at 6:30 P.M.
Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse at 2600 Golf Course Drive
Monthly Meeting
6:30 CALL TO ORDER – please be punctual
1. Additions/Deletions to Agenda
2. Approval of Minutes
3. Treasurers Report & Pass-the-Hat – Carole Caffey
a) Community Police Officer – Suzy de la Pena [744.9514 or
b) Council District 3 – Anthony Bernal [236-6633 or
c) Council District 8 – Diana JuradoSainz [236-6688 or
d) Mayor’s Office – Denice Garcia [236-7056 or
e) 53rd Congressional Dist. – Katherine Fortner [280-5353
f) City Planner – Bernard Turgeon [533-6575 or
7:15 PUBLIC COMMENT – non-agenda items, 3-minute limit
7:25 CONSENT AGENDA – Consent Agenda allows the Committee to consent to the actions of Subcommittees in a single vote without presentation or debate. See Subcommittee
Clearwire South Park Church
Address: 835 25th Street
Project Number: 214270
Project Description: Wireless Communication Facility consisting of antennas and equipment within an existing church building.
Permit Application: Process 2 - Neighborhood Use Permit
Deviations Requested: None
Motion: Recommend approval of the project as submitted, presented, and discussed and forwarding of this recommendation to the full committee (see Land-use Subcommittee Meeting Minutes for August 28 2010 for details of discussion).
Vote: For: 4 Against: 0 Abstain: 0
Result: Motion Passes
Chair’s Report
State 94 proposed HOV/BRT lanes- Caltrans (10 minutes)
25th Street Renaissance Project - Brian Hannigan
Cabrillo Bridge Rehab - Luis Melendez
SPBG, Community Plan Update Sub-Committee - Matt Thomas
a) Fill Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee vacancies
a) Airport Noise – Carole Caffey
b) Balboa Park Committee – Scott Glazebrook
c) Community Planners Committee (CPC) – Pat Shields
d) Community Plan Update Advisory Committee (CPUAC) – Bernard Turgeon
e) Code Compliance – Ruchell Alvarez
f) Clean, Green & Safe (MAD) Advisory Board – Carole Caffey
g) Historic – Angela Vasconcellos
h) Membership and Elections – Angela Vasconcellos
i) Parks – Maureen Burke
j) Transportation – Scott Glazebrook
*Times are estimates – Action Items may also be taken before Information Items
The City of San Diego distributes agendas via email and can also provide agendas in alternative formats as well as a sign language or oral interpreter for the meeting with advance notice. To request these services, please contact the City at 619-236-6479 or
Regular Meeting Schedules
Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee
Monthly*: Second Wednesday of the Month at 6:30PM
Location: Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse at 2600 Golf Course Drive
Code Compliance Subcommittee
Monthly*: Second-to-Last Wednesday of the Month at 6:00PM
Location: Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse at 2600 Golf Course Drive
Land-Use Subcommittee
Monthly*: Last Wednesday of the Month at 6:30PM
Location: Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse at 2600 Golf Course Drive
Transportation Subcommittee
Monthly*: Last Wednesday of the Month at 6:00PM
Location: Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse at 2600 Golf Course Drive
* Traditionally there are no meetings in the month of December
Proposed Agenda Topics for Next Meetings
Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee
Items: None
Code Compliance Subcommittee
Items: None
Land-Use Subcommittee
Transportation Subcommittee
Items: None
Land-use Subcommittee Minutes
August 28 2010
Subcommittee Members present: Scott Glazebrook, Richard Baldwin, David Skillman,
Marie Skillman (4 total)
City Staff present: None
Community Members present: None
Project Applicants present: Item #1 – Alex Tsaturov, Applicant for Clearwire South Park Church
Meeting called to order at 6:39 PM by Scott Glazebrook
Item #1 | ||||||
Project Name: | Clearwire South Park Church | |||||
Project Address: | 835 25th Street | |||||
Project Number: | 214270 | |||||
Project Description: | Wireless Communication Facility consisting of antennas and equipment within an existing church building. | |||||
Permit Application: | Process 2: Neighborhood Use Permit | |||||
Presentation Status: | Action Item | |||||
Motion: | Recommend approval of the project as submitted, presented, and discussed and forwarding of this recommendation to the full committee. Motion by Davis Skillman, Seconded by Richard Baldwin | |||||
Vote: | For: | 4 | Against: | 0 | Abstain: | 0 |
Result: | Motion Passes | |||||
Presentation: | Project supports Sprint 4G data service only – no voice communications. Project includes several mobile device antennas and several microwave communication antennas, along with the required supporting equipment. All equipment will be located within the existing church tower, hidden behind RF transparent “louvers” replacing existing wood louvers, and create no adverse visual impact. | |||||
Discussion: | 1. Noise is always a concern with wireless facilities. This equipment emits no more than 40db at the source, which is significantly less than the maximums imposed by the City and State. This equipment is at the top of the tower and is unlikely to cause any disturbance. The City has requested an acoustic study and the applicant is complying. 2. The project does not connect to terrestrial communication lines and therefore on-site switching gear is not required. All data services are provided my microwave communication along lines of sight to other wireless facilities in the area. This is more cost effective for the provider and requires less on-site disturbance and visual impact. 3. All cabling will be routed within the building, with only a new electric meter and service panel being installed adjacent to the church’s existing service entry equipment. No conduits or cable trays will be exposed on the exterior of the building beyond those needed for the service entrance. 4. This is one of the better wireless facility designs to be reviewed by this committee, and we encourage other wireless providers to locate sites where the equipment can be easily concealed or harmonized with existing building features. We also appreciate the opportunity to review this project in general and applicants such as this one willing to take their time to meet and discuss their projects with us. |
Meeting Adjourned at 7:00 PM by Scott Glazebrook