Friday, January 14, 2011

November 10, 2010 Minutes


November 10, 2010

Meeting Agenda is found in Attachment 1 at the end of these minutes.

Meeting was held at Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse – Golf Course Drive. Called to order at 6:35 pm by Chair Pat Shields. Agenda had been posted in accordance with Brown Act. A quorum of members was present.

Members present: Ruchell Alvarez, Richard Baldwin, Maureen Burke, Carole Caffey, Scott Glazebrook, John Kroll, Barbara McGill, Richard Santini, Pat Shields, David Skillman, Marie Skillman, David Strickland, Angela Vasconcellos Members absent: Jessica Richter

Addition/deletions to Agenda none

Chair’s Report. Shields explained the information items that we would be hearing later. She made a suggestion that the funds in our bank account be used to purchase a screen so that presenters would not need to bring their own. Santini agreed to look into the cost of a used screen.

Approval of Minutes: Minutes of 10/13/10 meeting had not been distributed to the whole committee. Approval of minutes of 9/8/10 and 10/13 /10 will be on the agenda for the next meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: – around $75.


Community Police Officer- Suzy de la Pena: There has been a spike in car robberies. Please keep your cars locked and be careful about leaving packages in cars, or putting things into the trunk after parking away from home.

City Council District 3 - Anthony Bernal: Passed out copies of the November District 3 Dialogue and highlighted: (1) Equal Benefits Ordinance passed 10/18/10, requiring contractors with the City to offer the same benefits to domestic partners as to spouses of employees. (2) Protection of Small Businesses. Council’s 11/3/10 vote (5-3) makes developers of large businesses disclose potential impacts on the area (3) October was Energy Awareness Month. Makeovers occurred in North Park. (4) Community Coffee will be 11/13/10 in City Heights (5) Water Conservation gardens are being promoted, asked the public to help council office identify those already in place.

Kroll asked why, when surveys showed that 70% of residents want more city services, Prop D had failed. McGill said she had sent Gloria an email asking whether the Prop D failure would mean suspension of the Community Plan Updates. Bernal said that the current budget situations put everything on the table for cuts.

City Council District 8 – Diana Jurado-Sainz: Will be leaving her job at City after 12/3, when Councilman Hueso’s term ends. She has not decided yet about accepting another City job or a job with Hueso’s State Assembly office. They are trying to complete the sale of 811 25th Street by 12/3. Hueso’s office is working on the 25th St. Renaissance Project process. He has sent a letter with his ideas on the Community Plan Update to the City, and hopes the CPU process can continue on schedule. Diana was thanked for her good service to our committee and given a round of applause.

Mayor’s Office – no representative present.

53rd Congressional District – Kathryn Fortner. Was not present but had left copies of November Davis Dispatch.

CPUAC/City Planner – Bernie Turgeon. The CPUAC meeting in January will discuss the economic survey. The next step is for the Committee to make sense of the priorities put forward at all of the previous meetings. Shields asked that the consultants working on the project be at the GGHPC meetings beginning in January.

D Skillman said the committee members want to stay in the loop and be included in ongoing meetings, and wanted assurance that the Charette summaries would be sent to or available to all prior attendees. He agreed that GGHPC might be a good venue for everyone to keep involved and those doing the rewriting to keep informed. Caffey voiced concern about the time commitments of CPUAC. Shields asked if there could be another “charette” when there is a draft of the plan. She views GGHPC as an information-gathering venue.

Burke noted that the CPUAC meeting structure is more welcoming to public participation than GGHPC. Shields said that noticed, documented meetings are essential. D Skillman said that the South Park Business Group subcommittee might be having more public forums at their meetings.

Turgeon said the City needs the CPUAC or GGHPC to make some decisions. All of the public input needs to be sifted and prioritized. A change in process may be in order. Matt Thomas said that public input is still needed.

M Skillman asked what would be available by February. Turgeon said that a matrix of all information to date would be available, sorted by Community Plan element. Concurrence on handling these would be up for discussion; direction from CPUAC is needed on the details.

Turgeon will send an email to CPUAC to confirm the January meeting date and location, currently hoping it will be 1/5/11 at the Golf Course Clubhouse. D Skillman again asked for additional report-outs, to keep information in front of everyone who is interested. Shields is waiting for the matrix. Matt Thomas wants more information.


Joyce Summer, CCDC. Pedestrian bridge over Harbor Drive will open the first week in January. The Winter Shelter for homeless will be located on Newton Avenue, police presence is promised. Westfield has proposed removing the old Robinson May store and creating an expanded park in that area; Westfield would maintain the park for 25 years.

Cheryl Bryerton. Attended the 3rd Charette and was impressed by the process. She passed around some photographs showing how remodel of one property can affect the view from another. She knows that views are valued and wants there to be a simple way to make sure they are preserved.

CONSENT AGENDA. NONE. Minutes of October 27, 2010 are found in Attachment 2. October 27, 2010 Land-Use Subcommittee meeting was not called to order due to lack of attendance so project will be reviewed as an Action Item later in this meeting.


Plaza de Panama. Gerry Braun from City of San Diego spoke about the plan to take parking out of the center of Balboa Park, and maybe even traffic. Dr. Irwin Jacobs (Qualcomm) has made a recommendation about how to accomplish this. Gordon Kovton of KCM Group and Scott Jordan of Civitas were present and described the project with a PowerPoint presentation. The parking lot in front of the Museum of Art would be closed, returned to a pedestrian plaza. A roadway would enter the park from Laurel Street, taking off at the eastern end of the Cabrillo Bridge, winding through Alcazar Garden area, down the street between Organ Pavilion and the international cottages. A parking structure with park on top would be constructed in the parking lot behind the Organ Pavilion, turning that area back to parkland. A 501(c) 3 has been formed by community leaders to raise public support and funding for the project; rules of the nonprofit require it to sunset at 12/31/2015. They hope the project can be approved, funded and constructed by 2015, the 100th anniversary of the Panama-Pacific Exhibition.

The project will be heard by the Balboa Park Committee at their meeting on 12/2/10, 6 pm at the Balboa Park Club. Those wishing to be on mailing list for project should send an email request to

Santini was familiar with the project asked several questions: 1. What will happen with Valet Only parking zone in Alcazar Garden? It will become a drop-off only point for disabled. 2. Suggested that roadway past Organ Pavilion should be lowered to reduce noise. 3. What will happen to wooden walkway at Palm Canyon? It will remain there. 4. What pedestrian access will exist between new parking structure and House of Hospitality and international cottages? There will be walkway over the road.

Shields is concerned about public safety for pedestrians. Braun said they are aware of the issue.

Strickland likes getting parking out of the center of the park, but has concerns about the T-intersection. He is also concerned about preserving the Cabrillo Bridge, which is a national historic structure. He wonders if there is time for the needed EIR or EIS. He would like to see alternative ideas, like closing the central area off from all vehicle traffic. Strickland requested a copy of the PowerPoint presentation - it will be sent to Shields for distribution.

Alvarez is also worried about safety in the park. She wonders where the $381 million funding will come from. She asked how many parking spaces would be in the structure: 785. Kroll asked how many stories deep the structure would be. It will be 3, all below grade, and will double the current parking spaces in Museum and Organ Pavilion lots. Santini loves the idea, wonders about greening the lot at the Zoo as well.

State Route 94 proposed HOV/BRT lanes. Ron Caraet from CalTrans talked about progress on this project. He stressed that this is a new project, not an older one regenerated. There will be 1 HOV/BRT lane in each direction to encourage car-pooling and make a better transit route. Request to Enter will go out soon, notifying property owners of the project. Maps of the project were posted and circulated.

A Scoping Meeting will be held at Sherman Heights Community Center on 1/12/11. The meeting will be an open house format, with detailed maps available. Currently there 3 alternatives: 1. Rebuild and fix current exits 2. Build a long bridge 3. Do nothing. Mailers will go out about the scoping meeting.

Shieids, Vasconcellos and Caffey met with CalTrans staff to discuss the project. Shields mentioned a need for sound barriers, and feels there is a lack of benefit to GGH. Caffey suggests lobbying for enhancements to the current plan.

Kroll asked if any houses would be lost in the process. They don’t know yet. Strickland asked if the current roadway would be widened. Yes, on both north and south in some areas. Strickland is concerned about location of bridge structures and sound walls. Vasconcellos asked for confirmation that details would be shown at the Scoping Meeting. They will

Kroll asked if this was engineering or social engineering. What % of vehicles will actually use the lanes? Caraet said that in addition to cars and trucks, bus transit with 7-minute intervals is anticipated. Baldwin asked about a crossing over Hwy 94 & I-5. That is the old plan that died.

Strickland asked if the current over crossings would be replaced. It is under study, our comments are needed. Current over crossings might just be lengthened.

Burke thinks capping the road and making a park is a great idea. She asked if plans would be on website ahead of 1/12/11 meeting – they will. Pat Martin asked about impacts at G & F Streets. The plan uses land up to end of the right of way.

Shields asked that an updated presentation be given at GGHPC meeting in March. D Skillman asked when the actual route would be chosen. A draft plan is expected in 2013. When will public input towards the draft end? The 1/12/11 Scoping Meeting is the start of the public input process.


Project # 219344

Counterpoint Sidewalk Café, 830 25th Street – Process 2 Neighborhood Use Permit

Glazebrook recused himself from the GGHPC to present the project, which is a sidewalk café permit, 173 sq. ft., 22-seat maximum. It complies with all city standards with 1 exception. City requires 8 ft. sidewalk and there is only 5 ft. They are adding sidewalk with only 6 ft. around a streetlight, and so far the city seem to accept this.

D Skillman asked if this had relevance to the 25th Street Renaissance. Brian Hannegan said they were willing to coordinate.

Motion by Burke, seconded by Strickland, to approve the project. Motion passed with 13 in favor, none opposed, 1 (Glazebrook) abstained.

25th Street Renaissance Project. Brian Hannegan of RPM Design Group showed a PowerPoint about the Phase I Goals, results of the 10/16/10 public workshop, and timelines for Phases II and III. The project area is 25th Street from Russ to F Streets, and is described on the City website at:

Preferences identified at the workshop were for one lane of vehicle traffic each direction, no planted median strips, bicycle lanes each direction, plantings between sidewalk and bicycle lanes, no roundabout at B street, back-in diagonal parking in some areas.

The second public workshop will be held on 11/20/10, 10:30 – 12:30, at the Golden Hill Recreation Center.

Phase I is to be presented to Balboa Park Committee on 12/2/10. Phase II preliminary design should be complete in February 2011, construction documents completed in June 2011 and the construction completed by summer 2012.

Hannegan will provide Shields with a copy of the presentation for circulation. Interested persons can contact Shields at, or Outreach Coordinator Josie Calderon

Vasconcellos asked about the back-in parking. Hannegan said there is not an example here in San Diego but it has been successful in several other cities. D Skillman asked if these spaces would be the standard 8-½ feet. Yes. D Skillman asked about the funding for each Phase. The cost estimator hopes to have these figures at the workshop on 11/20/10.

Shields asked about having a special GGHPC meeting in December to discuss the project further and take action. GGHPC does not normally meet in December. Hannegan said that the project is on a very short timeline and they would appreciate us meeting in December to move it along.

Kroll asked about traffic calming. Lights or stop signs already exist at every block, what needs to be calmed? Public wants shorter crosswalks, etc.

Motion by Strickland, seconded by Alvarez, that GGHPC meet on 12/8/10 to discuss the project, with cost estimates and clearer diagrams. Motion passed with all in favor.

Hannegan expects to have updated information for his presentation to the Land Use Subcommittee on 11/24/10.


Airport Noise. Quieter Homes Project is now working with homes where the noise level is 65 db and above. Their office has moved; Caffey will forward information about an open house.

The next meeting will be WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2010, including a potluck.

Meeting adjourned by Shields at 8:45 pm

Marie Skillman.




November 10, 2010 at 6:30 P.M.

Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse at 2600 Golf Course Drive

Monthly Meeting

6:30 CALL TO ORDER – please be punctual

1. Additions/Deletions to Agenda

2. Approval of Minutes

3. Treasurers Report & Pass-the-Hat – Carole Caffey


a) Community Police Officer – Suzy de la Pena [744.9514 or]

b) Council District 3 – Anthony Bernal [236-6633 or

c) Council District 8 – Diana JuradoSainz [236-6688 or

d) Mayor’s Office – Denice Garcia [236-7056 or

e) 53rd Congressional Dist. – Katherine Fortner [280-5353

f) City Planner – Bernard Turgeon [533-6575 or

7:00 PUBLIC COMMENT – non-agenda items, 3-minute limit

7:15 CONSENT AGENDA – Consent Agenda allows the Committee to consent to the actions of Subcommittees in a single vote without presentation or debate. NONE


Plaza de Panama - Mark Johnson

State 94 proposed HOV/BRT lanes- Ron Caraet

25TH Street Renaissance Project- Brian Hannegan


a)Special Meeting December 8 to consider 25th St Renaissance Project

b)Counterpoint Sidewalk Cafe. 830 25th Street. Process 2 Neighborhood Use. Project No 219344


a) Airport Noise – Carole Caffey

b) Balboa Park Committee – Scott Glazebrook

c) Community Planners Committee (CPC) – Pat Shields

d) Community Plan Update Advisory Committee (CPUAC) – Bernard Turgeon

e) Code Compliance – Ruchell Alvarez

f) Clean, Green & Safe (MAD) Advisory Board – Carole Caffey

g) Historic – Angela Vasconcellos

h) Membership and Elections – Angela Vasconcellos

i) Parks – Maureen Burke

j) Transportation – Scott Glazebrook


*Times are estimates – Action Items may also be taken before Information Items

The City of San Diego distributes agendas via email and can also provide agendas in alternative formats as well as a sign language or oral interpreter for the meeting with advance notice. To request these services, please contact the City at 619-236-6479 or


Regular Meeting Schedules

Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee

Monthly*: Second Wednesday of the Month at 6:30PM

Location: Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse at 2600 Golf Course Drive

Code Compliance Subcommittee

Monthly*: Second-to-Last Wednesday of the Month at 6:00PM

Location: Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse at 2600 Golf Course Drive

Land-Use Subcommittee

Monthly*: Last Wednesday of the Month at 6:30PM

Location: Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse at 2600 Golf Course Drive

Transportation Subcommittee

Monthly*: Last Wednesday of the Month at 6:00PM

Location: Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse at 2600 Golf Course Drive

* Traditionally there are no meetings in the month of December

Proposed Agenda Topics for Next Meetings

Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee

Items: None

Code Compliance Subcommittee

Items: None

Land-Use Subcommittee


Transportation Subcommittee

Items: None



Land-use Subcommittee Minutes

October 27, 2010

Subcommittee Members present: Scott Glazebrook (recused), John Kroll – 1 total

City Staff present: None

Community Members present: None

Project Applicants present: Scott Glazebrook representing Counterpoint

Meeting not called to order due to lack of attendance

Item #1

Project Name:

Counterpoint Sidewalk Café

Project Address:

830 25th Street

Project Number:


Project Description:

Sidewalk Cafe

Permit Application:

Process 2: Neighborhood Use Permit

Presentation Status:

Action Item















October 13, 2010 Minutes

Meeting agenda is found at end of minutes as Attachment 1

Meeting minutes for 10/13/10

Meeting called to order at 6.35pm

Present were Angela Vasconcellas Jessica Richter John Kroll David Strickland Carole Caffey Pat Shields Maureen Burke Scott Glazebrook Ruchell Alvarez Richard Baldwin Richard Santini

A vote on the minutes from last month was deferred as the secretary was not present.

Report from Treasurer, finances unchanged from last month

Report from community police officers Mark Jones and Lt Murphy

-In general things are good

-Crimes are down in city division

-A team has been pout together for attacking problems in Golden Hill. This has had a signifigant impact on crime in the area

-Memorial park has an individual grabbing young girls before and after school. There is a team assigned to this . Possibly more than one individual is involved

Question from Carole: ‘Is the person molesting on foot or taking them ?’

Answer Sexual battery, grabbing body parts etc only, also some indecent exposure

Question from Carole: “There is an increased incidence of homeless related stuff. What is the homeless taskforce number ?”

Answer: 744 9501 for direct line to homeless taskforce, working on it, budget limited. Evan Ziegler is the Sargeant while the HOT provides services for the homeless people not involved in criminal activity. A large proportion of the homeless do not want services or shelter.

Question When is the next advisory meeting ?

Answer Jan 4th

Question: There was a murder down at the community college, what is the status ?

Answer: We can only say what is in the media already. A female victim in the bathroom was stabbed to death. We believe we know who the person is.

Question: Budget crisis, how will this affect the police ?

Answer: if there is no more funding teams will be eliminated. Teams that don’t do radio calls will be eliminated first. Already 80+ civilian positions have been lost, there are an additional 108 possible as well as 133 sworn positions to be lost.

Question from Pat: Where is Memorial park ?

Answer: 30th and Ocean view

Question: Underpasses and homeless people, is this patrolled, in particular the underpass to city college ?

Answer: It is patrolled but can only move them on if blocking the sidewalk between 5am and 9pm. Alcu is looking at illegal lodging. These people have been moved on from these spots previously but there is a lawsuit on the possessions of homeless people. Call police if they are blocking or if you think something unsafe is happening. Also you can call environmental services if there is that sort of problem.

Question from Kathy: Will there be cuts to the K9 unit?

Answer: Every captain will have to initiate cuts and document impact

Report from Anthony Bernal, council district 3

-Todd Gloria attended Einstein academy to celebrate their top in the metro district and 8th in the overall district index.

-Balboa park conservancy now has board modeled on other parks

-8/0 vote for permanent homeless shelter at 6th and A in the WTC building. 220 beds for homeless, onsite metal health and vetrans supprt.

-October the 28th on Thursday 6-7pm there will be a town hall meeting discussing cuts and impacts. War memorial building Blaboa park. Cuts include 25% across the board, 6% cuts to the police, 7.2 million cut to fire, blackouts rather than brown outs. 65 firemen laid off. 22% of the resource not available at any one time.

Questions: Homeless shelter has 220 beds, how many are needed

Answer: more that 1000 people living downtown without shelter. Of the 220 50 will be permanent supported units, the balance transitional. All services will be present in the one location.

Public Comment

Steven Whitburn

SC board of supervisor candidate Explained what the board of supervisors do.

-County has a role in jobs, should have applied for the stimulus package

-County should use grant, some of the money has been misued, 27 million to each supervisor

Membership issue raised by Angela

-If you miss three meetings in a row or four total in a year you are automatically off the board. Ruchell has missed three in a row, but wanted to return. She was poroposed by Scott, seconded by Carole and returned unanimously

-Mayor’s rep was not present

John Kroll read a satirical letter form the mayor during his three minute public comment

Susan Davis, congresswoman

She began by thanking us for our service

-Addressed the post office issue

-She stated that the issues of unemployment and underemployment needed to be addressed

-Takes time to resolve economic issues, good signs in the economy but it is slow

-Unemployment benefits for an additional 20 weeks have been approved

-12% unemployment with 53 weeks of benefits Programs are available and she should be contacted

-A senior community employment program has been initiated, for people 55 or older with financial hardships

-Wanted no more postoffices closed and has contacted the postmaster

-Small businees jobs lending law passed, helpoing community banks to lend to small businesses, as well as tax relief for such businesses

-No bancks will be too big to fail, wind them up ina controlled manner instead without taxpayer bailouts

-Recklessness of others brought abou the economic crisis, we should not be responsible

-Credit card holder’s rights bill will allow no retroactive increase in rates

-Health care reform starts to kick in soon

-Also election reform through the federal election integrity acts, the head of the elections cannot be partisan

-Cell phone alert program for disasters is in place

-PACE program to allow for the funding of solar panels to be folded into property tax and mortage, still has some small problems

-Susan reiterated her objections to privatizing social security

Question From Pat: When in town do you have office hours ?

Answer You should call the office, times are also available on Saturdays. Larger town hall meetings are on the website

Question from Teshia : Do you have something to say about Afghanistan?

Answer: It is complicated. We have been there too long. We are trying to fix it. President wants to see troops leaving. Personally I would like to see the people out but don’t know the alternative. Belives that some degree of nation building is required

Question from Tershia: Concerned that the post office will close. What can we do to keep it open ?

Answer: Will continue to work on it. Too important to let it close

Question from Richard B. :What are the costs of the two wars relative to the economic stimulus package ?

Answer: 700 billion war in Iraq, 350 billion war in Afghanistan, 700 for economic stimulus package

It has been estimated that the unemployment would have reached 25% without the stimulus package

Question from John Kroll: It is dangerous to have secret anti-terrorist things that remove fundamental rights. What are you doing bout it?

Answer: Money poured into election races without disclosure of where it comes from is more scary. There is no longer a limit as to how much you can donate, no way to track where the money comes from.

Public comment from Kathy Vanderhugel, Chair of GGHCDC

25th street revival from Caltrans park to 94 fwy. Conceptual design, improvements for a 2 block area. There is now a consultant from the city. Workshop on Saturday with opportunity for input on improvements. Thursday at 2.30 meet at 25th and B to walk to project length. Community advisory group meeting at GH rec center at 6pm, for stakeholders interviews.

Question: Is it limited to street scape

Answer: Yes

Questions : Is there a plan for south of 94?

A Yes, when we do it in our community it can be an example to others. We can’t use the money for other areas.

Question from Maureen: Where should we direct our comments if we can’t attend the meeting?

Answer: Call Bernie for inoput you want to add

Joyce Summers public comment:

Survey of the homelss has been completed. 240 volunteers surveyed homless in the middle of the night, over 1000 were found. They were rated on vunerability.

CCDC will purchase public restrooms and Little Italy will maintain them. Two additional will be placed in East Village once someone can be found to maintain them.

-There is still no plan for the winter shelter. Failed at F&G 13th and 14th block

Matt ? report on the charette-

-Charette had a great turnout, everyone worked hard with great enthusiasm

-Day 2 Wed Oct 29th for mobility and parks and rec.

-Maps have been brought to meeting to explain what has been done. Bernie explained the maps. They were described simply as a distillation of community input as to state of land use

Maureen commented that the agenda should be published for the charette early enough for people to prepare.

Meeting was adjourned at 8.30pm

Richard Baldwin, secretary pro tem

Attachment 1. Agenda


Ocotber 13, 2010 at 6:30 P.M.

Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse at 2600 Golf Course Drive

Monthly Meeting

6:30 CALL TO ORDER – please be punctual

a) Additions/Deletions to Agenda

b) Approval of Minutes

c) Treasurers Report & Pass-the-Hat – Carole Caffey


a) Community Police Officer – Suzy de la Pena [744.9514 or

b) Council District 3 – Anthony Bernal [236-6633 or

c) Council District 8 – Diana JuradoSainz [236-6688 or

d) Mayor’s Office – Denice Garcia [236-7056 or

e) 53rd Congressional Dist. – Katherine Fortner [280-5353

f) City Planner – Bernard Turgeon [533-6575 or

7:15 PUBLIC COMMENT – non-agenda items, 3-minute limit

7:25 CONSENT AGENDA – Consent Agenda allows the Committee to consent to the actions of Subcommittees in a single vote without presentation or debate.

Action Item #1:

Project Name: Clearwire “So Childish” Wireless Facility

Project Address: 1947 30th Street

Project Number: 212116

Project Description: New Wireless Facility

Permit Application: Process 2 - Neighborhood Use Permit

Action Item #2:

Project Name: Counterpoint Sidewalk Café

Project Address: 830 25th Street

Project Number: 219344

Project Description: Sidewalk Café

Permit Application: Process 2 - Neighborhood Use Permit


a) Chair’s Report

b) Note: Susan Davis will be attending this meeting

c) 25th Street Renaissance Project - Brian Hannigan

d) Plaza de Panama - Mark Johnson

e) State 94 proposed HOV/BRT lanes- Caltrans


a) Fill Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee vacancies


a) Airport Noise – Carole Caffey

b) Balboa Park Committee – Scott Glazebrook

c) Community Planners Committee (CPC) – Pat Shields

d) Community Plan Update Advisory Committee (CPUAC) – Bernard Turgeon

e) Code Compliance – Ruchell Alvarez

f) Clean, Green & Safe (MAD) Advisory Board – Carole Caffey

g) Historic – Angela Vasconcellos

h) Membership and Elections – Angela Vasconcellos

i) Parks – Maureen Burke

j) Transportation – Scott Glazebrook


*Times are estimates – Action Items may also be taken before Information Items

The City of San Diego distributes agendas via email and can also provide agendas in alternative formats as well as a sign language or oral interpreter for the meeting with advance notice. To request these services, please contact the City at 619-236-6479 or


Regular Meeting Schedules

Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee

Monthly*: Second Wednesday of the Month at 6:30PM

Location: Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse at 2600 Golf Course Drive

Code Compliance Subcommittee

Monthly*: Second-to-Last Wednesday of the Month at 6:00PM

Location: Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse at 2600 Golf Course Drive

Land-Use Subcommittee

Monthly*: Last Wednesday of the Month at 6:30PM

Location: Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse at 2600 Golf Course Drive

Transportation Subcommittee

Monthly*: Last Wednesday of the Month at 6:00PM

Location: Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse at 2600 Golf Course Drive

* Traditionally there are no meetings in the month of December

Proposed Agenda Topics for Next Meetings

Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee

Items: None

Code Compliance Subcommittee

Items: None

Land-Use Subcommittee


Transportation Subcommittee

Items: None