Wednesday, February 25, 2009

January 14, 2009 Minutes


January 14, 2009

Meeting held at Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse – Golf Course Drive

Call to order: Chris Blatt, chair, called to order at 6:30 pm.  Agenda had not been posted earlier.

Members present: Richard Baldwin, Chris Blatt, Maureen Burke, Laurie Burgett, Scott Glazebrook Angela Vasconcellos.  Arrived later:  David Skillman & Marie Skillman (6:40) Frederick Ruffell (6:50)

Treasurer’s Report: no report

Community Police Officer John Graham:  The Central Enforcement Team has been reactivated.  The Captain’s meeting will be 1/27/09 at the station at 25th & Imperial.

City Council District 8 - Diana Jurado-Sainz:  Thanked community members for their expressions of sympathy at the death of her husband and father. Councilman Hueso is now chair of the council Rules Committee.  Passed out flyers for a community recycling event 1/16/09.  CDC has ordered decorative light pole covers.  A letter summarizing accomplishments in the district will be coming.  New stop signs are to be installed at 24th & Broadway and 30th & A Streets.

53rd Congressional District - Katherine Fortner:  Representative is in Washington DC working with new congress. The Ledbetter bill regarding pay discrimination was passed

City Council District 3; Mayor; 76th Assembly District: no reports

City Planning Department. Bernie Turgeon:  (A) The council ordinance regarding indemnification of planning board members, which was approved in November, came up for a second reading.  Changes are needed before final approval.  Changes relate to (1) newly elected members who have not attended the training sessions offered 2 times a year (2) covering former members for acts during their terms (3) reading online documents before taking office.   (B) Alex Hempton from Turgeon’s office provided information about the application for a Verizon antenna at northwest corner of 30th & Ivy.  (C) Passed out flyers about the Initial Public Meeting to discuss community plan update.  The meeting will be held on 1/28/09.  The meeting will cover the process, public review process, stakeholder committees.  Planning Committee members are automatically members of the update committee. Stakeholder committees, made up of other community members, are to be selected in February. The city is still working on hiring consultants to manage this process. 

Approval of Minutes.  Unanimously approved November minutes (motion by David Skillman) 

Discussed whether the December meeting had status as regular meeting.  Angela Vasconcellos asked Turgeon to clarify whether members with excess absences could be reappointed; they can.


Bill Hillsdorf:  There are too many stop signs being installed.  GGHMAD is providing nothing to him.  Graffiti is not being removed promptly.

Jerry Ray:  A grassy area at the south end of GH Park on 28th Street has signs up “area closed” due to excess moisture.  Signs are being ignored.  Park & Recreation office has been notified.

Rochelle Alvaraze and her father:  Spoke about a noise nuisance at their home at 3078 Broadway, caused by services at the Chapel of Happiness at 3060 Broadway.  Provided documentation of complaints to Code Compliance going back 9 years, which have not made any change in the noise level; services are held 5 days a week (S,T,W,Th,F) from 10 am to 10 pm.  Will bring a recorded sample of loud music to the next meeting.  Code addresses location re: living quarters.  Has called police many times and been to mediation 3 times with the church with no resolution.  Chris Blatt said he would contact the Code Compliance department and discuss the matter at the Police Captain’s meeting on the 27th.


Chairs Report/Mail.  Discussed Verizon tower.  New grant cycle has begun.

Clean, Green and Safe (MAD) Oversight Board.   David Skillman reported the monthly meeting date has been changed to the first Monday, at a new location.  The MAD has about $600,000 to spend, GGHCDC has proposed some projects that are being questioned re: EIR.  Urban Corps is doing as contracted.  Mediation between Oversight Committee and GHCDC produced improvement in communication. 

Lite House:  is a co-ed, long term residential treatment facility for substance abusers, with an 80% retention rate (% who complete the program).  The facility is physically capable of housing 45 residents but the city has only permitted them to house 36, due to parking issues.  Wanted to let the committee know that they have requested that the Conditional Use Permit be changed to allow 45 residents.  No additional staffing would be required as they currently have staff ratio of 1:4, where 1:15 is required.  They have worked with community members to reduce noise levels

Land Use.   Scott Glazebrook asked the committee to approve Permit #136563, a street vacation on E Street between 29th & 30th, to allow access from E Street and for development rights.  The City has asked the property owner to build a cul-de-sac at the intersection, in exchange for vacating the street.  The property owner appeared, described the location and noted that all of the neighbors approve. The City denied his request 2 years ago, but he has worked with them to arrive at this solution.  The lots involved are zoned R4.  Motion by Laurie Burgett, seconded by David Skillman, to approve.  Motion passed, with Chris Blatt abstaining. 


Membership.  Angela Vasconcellos reported that 4 members are now needed.  Elections are to be held in March. 

Parks.  Maureen Burke reported that the Community Garden is going great.

Transportation.  No report.  Scott will be attending a meeting on downtown parking this month.

Code Compliance.  Nothing to report.

Balboa Park Committee. Laurie Burgett reported that the advisory committee had issued its report to the city.

Airport Noise Advisory.  No report.

Historic.  Nothing to report.

 Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.

 Marie Skillman, Secretary.