Friday, March 10, 2006

January 2006 Minutes for the full planning committee

Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee
Meeting of January 11, 2006

Obtain agenda at

CALL TO ORDER: 6:35 pm

Members Present: Chris Blatt, Paul Broadway, David Caldwell, Tim Doyle, Scott Glazebrook, Rob Leach, Brad Lenahan, John McWilliams, Bonnie Poppe, Chair: Pat Shields, Steve Stratman.

Absent: Laurie Burgett, Carole Caffey, Beverly Davis, Marc Kratzschmar, Todd Phillips

Request Additions/Deletions to the Agenda –
  • John McWilliams reported that the 30th Street undergrounding project had been put on hold per a recent decision by the PUC.

  • Pat Shields stressed the importance of the ongoing General Plan update – particularly with regard to Land Use issues – and urged members to be diligent.  Copies of drafts will be distributed for review.
Mail –
  • SANDAG mailer advises on recent Board actions.

  • The Friends of Downtown group is hosting Nancy Graham, new President of the CCDC, a networking luncheon January 19th.

  • A form letter from City Attorney Mike Aguirre to Community Planning Groups advises that we need to improve our PDO.  Shields and Pomeroy to pursue clarification.

  • Paul Broadway to review the Traffic Engineering report received covering the last half of 2005.

Treasurers Report: Carole Caffey
  • Absent.

Community Police Officer, Gary Gonzales (531-1572)
  • Officer Gonzales detailed the fatal alley stabbing at 24th & F and gang activity south of Golden Hill.

  • The department sees a decrease in area homeless activity, but Bonnie Poppe sees an increase in Golden Hill.

  • Lea Field is the DA’s representative on this issue and will be invited to the February meeting.  Officer Gonzales advised the group to always call the PD on homeless issues.

District 3 –April Chesebro (236-7758)  
  • Toni Times newsletter was distributed.

  • Tree trimming activity though February.  Call the office if trees are missed.

District 8 – A Lawson (236-6688)
  • Absent
Mayor Sanders Representative – none

76th Assembly Dist – Sari Hamerling (645-3090)
  • Absent

53rd Congressional District – Katherine Fortner (280-5353)
  • Affordable housing trust fund legislation information emphasized in lSusan Davis’ newsletter, which was distributed.

Approval of Minutes: November 2005
  • Approved with one abstention.

  • Sheila Harden to contact new CDC management to discuss homeless migration issues from downtown.  She stressed that the goal of the CDC is to be “good neighbors” to surrounding communities.

  • Paul Broadway urged that before SRO’s are shut down, provision should be made for the evictees.

  • Scott Glazebrook requested CDC address Petco game day overflow parking impact beyond the immediate vicinity of the event.

  • Pat Shields suggested CDC should “share the wealth” earmarking funds for improvements outside it’s immediate area when CDC’s actions impact bordering communities.  Other members had ideas for “sharing” including supplementing missing revenues to update community plans.

  • Information regarding the 8th Annual Multicultural Festival was distributed.

City Planner’s Report  – Myles Pomeroy (235-5219)
  • Myles Pomeroy reported that the May-June target for the General Plan update appeared feasible – no money is visible for updating community plans at this time.

  • Per Council Resolution 600-24, now in effect, all planning groups are required to update their bylaws to comply.  Pat Shields to pursue per an available template.  Issue to be agendized.

  • Upcoming training workshops: SEQUA review – advanced, Jan. 26; Condo conversion process update, February 28. Reservations required. 619-235-5206.
GGHPC Elections.  Steve Stratman
  • Steve Stratman stated that the Monthly Courier – a monthly newspaper – would now be used as a vehicle for communications to comply with the Brown Act.  In addition the Golden Hill CDC agreed to place an article in the March e-mailed newsletter.  Upcoming membership elections potentially involve 8 existing members, two of which are termed-out.  Should they choose to run, special requirements would apply.

Greater Golden Hill CDC. Kristie Rice/Mary McLellen
  • Kristie Rice requested regular updating of the various planning forum dates and agendas.  The GGHCDC is in the process of reviewing and updating its goals with a new leadership team.  Participation in the Pedestrian Master Plan proceedings and publication of a local business directory are in the works – the directory release date scheduled for March.

  • Procedural issues about meeting noticing and the Brown Act were once again discussed at the urging of a community member.  A more detailed noticing of consent agenda items on the Land Use Subcommittee elicited a favorable response.

  • Golden Hill Elementary School.  Issue Identification.  The new Golden Hill Elementary School opening is eminent – the status of the proposed joint use playground is still undetermined, but the site presently does not include that development according to John McWilliams.

Land Use: (Items from 1-4-06 meeting.  Consent Agenda unless pulled for discussion.) Approved 10 – Abstained 1

  1. 2775 A Street – Condo conversion.  Action

  2. 2652 E Street – add 3rd SFR to existing lot w/2 SFRs @2648/50.  Action

  3. 3265 C Street – 62 unit condo/TM. Project 79596. Parking/undergrounding issues. Action.

  4. 331 Date Street – Condo conversion.  Action


MEMBERSHIP  & ELECTIONS – Steve Stratman –
  • Refer to “Information Items”

PARKS – Paul Broadway –Report of sub-committee meeting of 1-4-06
  • Paul Broadway announced his election as Chair of the Recreational Facility.

CODE COMPLIANCE – Chris Blatt Report of sub-committee meeting of 1-4-06
  • No January meeting

LAND-USE – Dave Caldwell Report of sub-committee meeting of 1-4-06
  • Refer to “Action Items”

TRANSPORTATION/COMPACT – Marc Kratzshmar – Paul Broadway
  • No report

  • Absent

  • The committee is reviewing airport use curfew fines.

HISTORIC – Bonnie Poppe
  • No update

CPC MEETING  – Patricia Shields – Alternate: Chris Blatt
Community Planners Committee (CPC) City of San Diego
  • See “Chair’s comments”

AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING – February 8, 2006 Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse.
  • Presentation on Starbucks signage proposal.

  • ADJOURNED: 9:10 p.m.