Meeting of February 8, 2006
Obtain agenda at
CALL TO ORDER: 6:35 pm
Members Present: Chris Blatt, Paul Broadway, Laurie Burgett, Carole Caffey, David Caldwell, Beverly Davis, Tim Doyle, Scott Glazebrook, Marc Kratzschmar, Rob Leach, Brad Lenahan, John McWilliams, Todd Phillips, Bonnie Poppe, Chair: Pat Shields, Steve Stratman.
Request Additions/Deletions to the Agenda –
- None.
Mail –
Treasurers Report: Carole Caffey
- $273.90
Community Police Officer, Gary Gonzales (531-1572)
- A new taskforce has been created to deal with community issues. is the website for more information.
- In April Sgt. Tai will be on our agenda.
- The homeless issue is being monitored. 25th & Broadway benches will be removed but suggestions are needed as to where they should be placed.
- Crime statistics were not handed out, rather it was suggested that people go to the website to check their specific area.
- Lea Fields, from the Prosecutor’s office, was present. Call her at 619-533-5500 to report homeless problems.
District 3 –April Chesebro (236-7758)
- Toni Times newsletter was distributed.
- No major updates
District 8 – Diana Jurado-Sainz (236-6688)
- SDG&E Tree Report – Speaker from SDG&E spoke on this issue. Residents were notified about 6,000 trees being trimmed. 130 trees have been removed. Community members complained about trees being cut down and not receiving notification. A suggestion was made to have SDG&E come to a GGHPC meeting prior to their seasonal trimming. Ms. Jurado-Sainz was asked to follow up with SDG&E regarding replanting and repairing to check to insure that arborists are present on every site. An arborist spoke about his working with homeowners regarding trees that were causing a problem and the necessity of removing them. Tree Smart Program is in place to replace trees. A community member suggested that people write to their legislators about the need to save canyons and trees. A comment was made that undergrounding wires would solve this problem. It was also suggested that asking your council member to prioritize the undergrounding, taking the trees into consideration. Ms. Jurado-Sainz will bring the 32nd Street undergrounding schedule to the next GGHPC meeting. Both SDG&E and Ms. Jurado-Sainz will appear before the GGHPC in April. SSDG&E tree trimming work in our area is finished for this season.
Mayor Sanders Representative – no representation
76th Assembly Dist – Sari Hamerling (645-3090)
- Distributed Newsletter
53rd Congressional District – Katherine Fortner (280-5353)
- Ms. Fortner will pass along the community concern about the trees.
- Distributed Newsletter
City Planner’s Report – Myles Pomeroy (235-5219)
- The By-laws need to be updated. Chair Pat Shields will prepare a draft and Rob Leach will review it.
- Myles Pomeroy suggested that members re-attend a C.O.W. that is being held on April 29th from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.
- Betsy McCullough will be Acting Planning Director until the Mayor names a permanent Director.
Approval of Minutes: January, 2006
- The January minutes have not been transcribed. They will be prepared for approval at the March meeting.
PUBLIC COMMENT (non-agenda items)
- A community member announced that there is a “Conserve A Tree” program.
- Bonnie Poppe announced the Save Our Heritage craft sale on March 11, 12 and 13th. Contact for more information.
- Kathryn Willitt will notify this committee regarding plans for 25th Street.
- Mary McClellan, Resource Director at CDC is raising money and wants to know what our priorities are.
- Shiela Harden, CDC will refer the homeless situation to Ms. Graham. On Monday, Feb. 27th at 5:30 p.m. a meeting will be held at the Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse meeting room. Jennifer LeSar is the Chair of the Board of Directors and will attend. Ms. Harden distributed a “Downtown Community Plan”. It was suggested that the GGHPC invite the Police representative plus our District representatives.
Land Use: (Items from 2-1-06 meeting. Consent Agenda unless pulled for discussion.) Unanimously approved.
- 1018 22nd Street –add 1692 sf SFR to 5000 sf lot with existing 2108 sf SFR. Requesting SDP, plus 5’ encroachment of 3rd floor setback, and increase in FAR from .45 to .75 per historic footnote. Previously presented to GGHPC/LU. (Action)
- 3025 Fir Street – Cingular Christ United – wireless communication facility added to existing church structure. Review cycle/issues from City, review letter from LU to DSD. (Action)
Vacant Property Update – no comment
Nancy Graham – CCDC - absent
Captain C. Bell - absent
Starbucks Sign – Kathryn Willett
Wall signs are not supposed to be above 12 feet from the ground. Starbucks is requesting a variance to allow the sign to be 14 feet above ground. After the applicant’s presentation, public comment and discussion, the GGHPC supports the applicant’s request for variance as to the proposed sign’s height. In supporting the variance the GGHPC notes the following significant facts:
- The applicant cooperated with the Land Use sub-committee in developing a sign consistent with the spirit of the community plan.
- The height of the sign while exceeding the height limit, is sufficiently proportionate to the height of the building.
- the historical nature of the building’s architecture, which the GGHPC supports and encourages, is such that the sign must be placed in a location exceeding the height limit
A vote was taken and was 15 in favor and 1 opposed.
- Elections will be held in March. The following seats will be available:Carol Caffey, Brad Lenahan, John McWilliams, Pat Shields, Steve Stratman, Laurie Burgett, Bonnie Poppe, Beverly Davis. Steve asked to be excused from the details of the election since he will be running for reelection. He also asked that members who will not be running for another term notify him as soon as possible.
- A motion was made to put the election at the beginning of the March meeting. Fourteen voted in favor, 1 abstained and 1 opposed.
PARKS – Paul Broadway –Report of sub-committee meeting of 1-4-06
- No report
CODE COMPLIANCE – Chris Blatt Report of sub-committee meeting of 1-4-06
- No report
LAND-USE – Dave Caldwell Report of sub-committee meeting of 1-4-06
- No report
TRANSPORTATION/COMPACT – Marc Kratzshmar – Paul Broadway
- No report
- A Parking & Circulation Plan is available. Contact Laurie for details.
- A South Park resident has challenged the Airport Permit.
HISTORIC – Bonnie Poppe –
- No report except to note that there is no funding available for this issue.
CPC MEETING – Patricia Shields – Alternate: Chris Blatt
Community Planners Committee (CPC) City of San Diego
- The next meeting will be February 17th, 2006
AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING – March 8, 2006 Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse.
- Nothing submitted
- ADJOURNED: 9:10 p.m.