April 14, 2010
Meeting was held at Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse – Golf Course Drive. Called to order at 6:35 pm by Vice Chair D. Skillman. Agenda had been posted in accordance with Brown Act.
Members present: Ruchell Alvarez (arrived later), Richard Baldwin, Laurie Burgett, Maureen Burke, Carole Caffey, Scott Glazebrook, John Kroll (seated after appointment during meeting), Anita Margolis, Richard Santini, Pat Shields, David Skillman, Marie Skillman, David Strickland, Angela Vasconcellos. Members absent: none
Membership & Elections Report: Vasconcellos had nothing to report.
Approval of Minutes: Approved minutes of 3/10/10 meeting (motion Shields, second Burke, all in favor; Baldwin, Santini abstained)
Treasurer’s Report: No change – around $75.
Community Police Officer Suzie Delapenia: Nothing to report! Caffey asked about homeless camping periodically at B-Street onramp to I-5 – wondered if police strategy is to keep them moving or to prefer to know where they are located. Delapenia said that situations vary. Burke said she had received a letter from the City explaining their efforts relating to homeless in that area. D Skillman asked how GGHPC members could be included in such mailings; Bernal suggested those interested could sign up for District 3 e-blast list.
City Council District 3 - Anthony Bernal: Passed out copies of District 3 Dialog, and pointed out articles (1) Public Safety is #1 Priority (2) Environmental Report Card (3) Homeless Issues Day is 4/21 (4) Community Coffee is 4/24 at Caffé Calabria, 10:30-12
City Council District 8 – Diana Jurado-Sainz: was not present
53rd Congressional District – Kathryn Fortner. Passed out copies of April Davis Dispatch, which includes information about (1) health care reform (2) focus on jobs, including HIRE Act and Small Business and Infrastructure Jobs Acts (3) WWII WASP being honored. Military Affairs committee had a hearing about impacts on military children, and a second hearing on Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. Urged those who haven’t to fill out and return Census forms. Those needing forms can call 1-866-872-6868 or go to D Skillman asked which employers were at recent job fair, Fortner did not have a list with her. Margolis asked about health care reducing the deficit. Fortner replied that savings would come from Medicare reform, less support for Medicare Advantage plans, and the Exchange for those not currently insured. D Skillman noted that reform plan includes a push for electronic record keeping.
Mayor; 76th Assembly District: no reports
CCDC – Joyce Sumner. Provided copies of upcoming events schedule and economic impact data. Told us that Sheila Hardin will be off work until the end of the year due to health issues. Housing Commission is suggesting a permanent intake center for homeless by rehabilitating World Trade Center building at 6th & A streets, with 2 firms in charge of operations. 4/27 is date a measure for extending the life of CCDC goes to the City Council. Raising the Cap would allow CCDC to complete their vision. A new affordable & supportive housing project will open soon at 6th & Cedar
B.D. Howard – candidate for City Council District 8. Introduced himself and passed out information. Has been going door-to-door learning what is going on in the District, and hopes to address pension issues, permanent homeless shelter (perhaps using Midway Post Office building) and improving fiscal health of the city. Baldwin asked how he would replace funds if property tax was eliminated – Howard said with sales tax. Margolis asked Howard’s background. He is from TX, has small business experience, attended law school in CA. Santini asked what his plan was for pension reform. Howard proposes ballot proposition calling for the city to file for bankruptcy.
Jerry Ray – house at NE corner of Beech and Dale has been renovated and returned to single-family
Richard Santini – Friends of Einstein School planted 3 trees on the park/school property, which has helped the parking situation near his home. Cars are now parking on Dale Street, causing some problems there.
David Swarens - Said that more trees are going to be planted on the field side of Einstein School later this month.
One in Ten Coalition – Kristen Kvernland. Described their goal as having 1 in 10 people growing their own food. They are hoping that the City Land Use and Housing Committee will support changing permit fees for community gardens. Their proposal is that the required permit would be a Process 1 Local Use Permit rather than the currently required Process 2 Neighborhood Use Permit. LUH chair Todd Gloria (Dist 3) wants to see that there is community support before taking the proposal to City Council. One in Ten would like GGHPC to write a letter supporting their proposal.
Burgett asked why the fees are so high now. City Planner Bernie Turgeon said that Department of Developmental Services staff must recover costs for time spent reviewing the permits, code compliance, etc. He further noted that community gardens are not presently allowed in most urban zones, but this could change. Park & Recreation Department has its own permitting process for community gardens on park property. Shields asked if zoning changes would be required. Kvernland said no, just the permit process in a zone that allows a garden. Burgett asked if LUH has expiration date. Turgeon said each LUH has its own restrictions. Burgett asked if Process 1 permit requires noticing to Planning Committees and neighbors. Kvernland said it does not. Shields said she was concerned about giving up Planning Committee review and noticing.
There was discussion among committee about accountability of permit holders. M Skillman asked about the time frame for City Council action. Baldwin and Burke both said they thought the good aspects of community gardens outweighed the concerns, noting that providing accountability and management is part of municipal code. Kvernland cited a Community Garden Network report saying that the City has a code for hours of operations, and that most gardens have liability insurance through their sponsoring organization, and that most have a board of directors. It was noted that some community gardens exist that have not gone through a permit process.
Shield made a motion, seconded by Glazebrook, that we table this item until the next meeting. Burke circulated a draft letter of support. Burgett stated that she likes community gardens but wants the public to have a say. D Skillman asked where we could read the current city code; it is in Ch. 14, Div 2, Agriculture. Sec. 141.02.03. Turgeon asked where changes would occur. Motion to table passed 8-5. For: Burgett, Caffey, D Skillman, Shields, Alvarez, Strickland, Margolis, M Skillman. Against: Santini, Baldwin, Glazebrook, Burke, Vasconcellos. This will be an Action Item at the May meeting. Burke will circulate a revised letter to GGHPC members before that meeting.
Election of Officers - the following members stated willingness to serve: Shields, Chair; D Skillman, Vice Chair; Caffey, Treasurer; M Skillman, Secretary. Margolis moved to accept the above slate, Burke seconded. All in favor. Shields took over as chair of the meeting.
Election of New GGHPC member. Shields introduced a candidate to fill a vacancy on the GGHPC, John Kroll. He said he had been active in the community, on the MAD Oversight Committee and South Park Action Council. Shields noted that Kroll has attended the required two meetings and moved that he be appointed to the Committee. Caffey seconded. Margolis asked Kroll about his history, he is retired from a career writing for CSU Northridge and SFU publications, and work in the media. All voted in favor of motion.
Review Appointment Process for CPUAC and Fill 3 Vacancies. Three vacancies exist on the CPUAC (1) member from GGHPC to replace David Caldwell (2) member representing a business, per guidelines adopted by GGHPC (3) member to replace Alex Ibarra, who filled seat for a community organization, representing Golden Hill CDC. There was considerable discussion about the application process.
For vacancy (3) Pedro Anaya, director of CDC, wishes to replace Ibarra on the CPUAC. There was misunderstanding that the seat belonged to CDC, not to Ibarra. D Skillman moved, Caffey seconded, to allow Anaya to replace Ibarra providing Anaya fill out the proper application form. Motion passed 13-1 (Kroll against).
For vacancy (2) Barbara Houlton had filled out an application and Turgeon had verified her eligibility. Shields moved, Caffey seconded, that Houlton be seated. All in favor.
For vacancy (1) Shields volunteered. She said that as chair, she felt that she should be part of the process, especially since chairs of other 2 communities were on their CPUAC. Strickland expressed his interest in the seat. Caffey reminded the committee that when CPUAC was initially formed, all GGHPC members were named as alternates. There was discussion that future vacancies on the CPUAC are bound to occur. It was decided to create a waiting list for GGHPC members wishing to serve on CPUAC. Strickland agreed to be on the waiting list. M Skillman moved, Margolis seconded, that Shield be seated on CPUAC. All in favor.
Burke suggested that CPUAC members unable to attend a meeting notify the other GGHPC members (alternates) so that someone might attend in their place.
Recommendation to Mayor to fill Balboa Park Committee Vacancy. Burgett is termed out for service on the committee. She stressed that the position can be a proactive one, and that it is as a representative of the public, not specifically GGHPC. She explained that the Committee is appointed by City Council, and that they usually ask for 2 candidates. Shields will check the GGHPC Post Office Box to see if such a request has been received. If not, she will contact Steve Hill at the District 3 office. Strickland and Glazebrook said they would like to be candidates. Margolis moved, D Skillman seconded, that a letter be written to City Council supporting them. All in favor. Margolis will write the letter with help from the applicants.
Letter of Appreciation for Chris Blatt. M Skillman read the letter (see attachment 1) and circulated for all members to sign.
32nd Street Canyon. Tershia D’Elgin spoke, noting that it had been 10 years since she first asked GGHPC for help in keeping 32nd Street canyon from being developed by the school district. An island of native plants has been expanded, including $500,000 of work and 5,000 new plants. 9.6 tons of trash has been taken out of the canyon in those 10 years. Now, the City has developed more rigid guidelines for brush management (rule is to clear brush to within 100 ft. of homes) and D’Elgin is worried about native plants being removed. D’Elgin is soliciting a waiver for chaparral in the area her group has been working on and will continue to care for. The Fire Marshall is coming Friday 4/16 to look at the area. D’Elgin has not contacted nearby property owners. Shields said she would like to advocate for the waiver but that we cannot go against the Fire Department. Alvarez wondered if we have a say with the Fire Department. Margolis said that brush in canyons needs to be kept low. Could chaparral be moved? Baldwin stated that brush management is controversial and might not be a good thing in all cases. D’Elgin wants the canyon to remain a community asset. Caffey agreed to attend the meeting with Fire Marshall and D’Elgin, suggesting clearing around original island of native plants and thinning, not cutting chaparral.
Vasconcellos to send out Roster again, everyone should sign up for at least 2 committees.
Land Use: Glazebrook referred to Land Use Committee minutes he had circulated (see Attachment 2) relating to #203917, 3183 B Street. It is an information only item on a Process 1 permit.
Airport Noise: Caffey has a hard copy of latest Contour map if anyone wishes to see it.
Balboa Park: nothing to report.
Clean, Green and Safe: Caffey announced the CDC Board meeting 4/15/10 at the Yet Center. Draft budget for MAD 2010-2011 will be presented for a vote; it includes rollover of surplus funds plus a full assessment for the coming year, per City instructions. CGS (not a GGHPC subcommittee) will be moved to Reports section of agenda for future meetings.
CPC: no one has been attending. Shields to research having an appointed representative other than the chair, and we will discuss at the next meeting.
CPUAC/ City Planner’s Report - Bernie Turgeon: (1) Information about Community Orientation Workshop (COW) (new members of GGHPC required to attend) was distributed. New this year is an online COW. (2) Requested that current membership roster be forwarded to City as soon as possible. Future CPUAC meetings will use a more parliamentary procedure in attempt to get through all of the material. The consultant is retooling a project about areas of Stability and Transition that could not be completed at the last CPUAC meeting, will be distributed with a due date in June. (3) The CPUAC “Open Mic” session is 4/26 at the Balboa Park Club. (5) Next regular CPUAC meeting is 5/5, the location TBA .
Code Compliance: Alvarez will take over this assignment, after some confusion about MAD oversight committee is checked out. Alvarez had volunteered to be on the nominating committee for MAD oversight committee but may have been named a member of the committee instead. Shields and Caffey agreed to research this. Shields wants to work with Alvarez on Code Compliance.
Historic: nothing to report
Parks: nothing to report.
Transportation: nothing to report.
The next meeting will be May12, 2010.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm. (Motion Margolis, second Baldwin, all in favor)
Marie Skillman.
Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee
Golf Course Drive
San Diego, California 92102
April 14, 2010
Chris Blatt
1312 28th Street
San Diego, California 92102
Dear Chris,
We want to take this opportunity to thank you for your time and dedication to the Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee.
Your tremendous experience, knowledge and insight have been most valuable. Your sense of humor and efforts to move the meetings along expediently, but not at the expense of community participation, courtesy and professionalism, made you a leader we took pleasure in working with.
We will miss your participation on our committee, but count ourselves fortunate to have you as part of our neighborhood community.
Best wishes, and we hope to see you around GGH.