The GGHPC works to improve the quality of life in the Greater Golden Hill community of San Diego, California, by ensuring that the Golden Hill of the future is concurrent with the Community Plan and Planned District Ordinance (PDO).
Sunday, September 09, 2007
July 2007 Minutes
Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee Board Meeting Wednesday, July 11,2007
Golden Hill Golf Course Clubhouse
Present: Steve Stratman-acting chair; Dave Caldwell; Richard Baldwin; John McWilliams; Scott Glazebrook, Angela Vasconcellos, Laurie Burgett, Maureen Burke, Richard Barerra, Carole Caffey and Dana Shutt-Mendibles
Acting Chair Stratman called the meeting to order at approximately 6:34 pm.
Treasurers Report: no report-unchanged.
Community Police Report: No Report.
District 3-Steve Hill: Indicated that Toni Atkins would be stopping by meeting so would defer report to her arrival.
District 8-Diana Juardo-Sainz: Some new affordable housing units were approved in district. Council member would be attending a meeting on July 19th at the Rec Center on the Strong Mayer initiative. They would be looking for community input on this form of government. Council Member has been serving on a committee to create new alternatives to road side call-boxes. Citizens will be able to call 501 from a cell phone. If any community members would like posters-their office can provide.
Reported that MAD ballots are in process with a deadline for collection of July 30. The Community Clean Up that occurred on June 30 had 15 volunteers. They did not complete all sidewalks but expected to have done later in week.
76th Assembly District-Eddie Meyer: No report.
53rd Congressional District-Ricardo Flores: Susan Davis was recently the chair on a sub-committee to create improvements members of military with PTSD. She hopes to highlight this issue as well the care that being provided. She recently went to Iraq and lead a delegation of freshman house members there. Neighborhood days in Lemon Grove and Imperial Beach are upcoming.
Mayor:-Tanya Duggan: No report.
Ron Roberts Office:-no one present.
City Planners Report-Myles Pomeroy: Several training sessions coming up. July 26-Plannnig Group Operations Workshop 6-8 pm. July 31-Sequia-Environmental Quality Act Meeting-6:30-8:00. Aug 20-Historical Resources Training Class from 6:00-8:00 pm. Discussed upcoming COW is in October. If June class was missed then planning committee members who have not had this training must attend the October class in order to be indemnified. Discussed update of community plan. Envisions actual writing of plan done by a consultant hired by Planning Commission. Two teams from planning will work with group and consultant. Will probably want a sub-committee to work some additional time. The planning department is still considering North Park and Uptown in include in study at same time. This would help with the lack of budget available. Planners will start attending meetings on a quarterly attendance due to the amount of work that will need to go into the plan update.
Approval of Minutes-June 2007:-A motion was made to approve the minutes and was approved with no opposed and one abstention.
Public Comment (non-agenda items):- Sheila Hardin (CCDC): Reported that CCDC is constantly asked by groups why their group is not willing to give the city part of their profits or pay back the money owed to the city from their original loan. She indicated that when CCDC was formed the city provided 16 million dollars to get started 32 years ago. She indicated it has not been paid back and even if it was it would not be able to go to use for the pension, budget or infrastructure funds because it comes from community development grants. She indicates that currently the mayor and Council supports keeping taxes received with CCDC. She indicates a repayment plan is in place and their group has helped with the Cedar Fire and several homeless programs. Currently indicates there is 100 million dollars targeted for affordable housing which is more then an other area in County.
Community member Jeri wanted to update on her graffiti problem that was discussed at last meeting. Alchemy went ahead with cleaning up the tile that was damaged outside of their business.
TONI ATKINS: Toni attended meeting and spoke with group about updates with Council. Reported that City finished budget and discussed service areas affected. Reported that CDBG money for sidewalk improvements is still available for the 75/25 program. She encouraged residents to continue to call in and have approved contractors fix areas with tree roots. There is a sidewalk study for 20 areas in process. She thinks about 12 million will be needed and hopes to look for money in budget to work repairs in on an annual basis. She thanked committee member Laurie Burgett for her service on the Balboa Park Committee. Reported new stop signs going in with cross walks at 30th and Ash streets. Discussed that she supports more funding for regional parks. Discussed that without the inclusion of Balboa Park in our area that we would be at a deficiency. Discussed Montgomery Field building being lowered and indicated she believed costs for this should be picked up by developers and not tax payers. Indicated that under grounding of overhead wiring is ongoing and would like to see streets get re-paved after the project is complete. Encouraged residents to call her office with questions or concerns.
MAD Update-Christy from GGHCDC- A community forum is planned for July 18 6:00 at Albert Einstein school. It will consist of a panel of representatives and a consultant. She reported that the maintenance money would not take care of what area gets funding and grants for-these monies are separate. Residents at meeting shared some of their concerns with the proposed MAD. One resident was concerned that once tax was implemented that it would never go down. Felt that City should take care of many of the services and once we have a MAD in place in our neighborhood that City will use it as an opportunity to stop taking responsibility. Christy shared she is leaving her current position in August-Rosemary Downey will be her replacement.
BYLAWS UPDATE: Scott reported he expects to have something prepared to discuss for the next months meeting with the goal of an having an action item in September. Myles stated that if deviations to the shell were wanted-they should be submitted by September and if not we have until October to get them submitted. Scott felt there would be minor deviations. Steve Stratman reported he will be leaving the planning committee and asked to have someone take his place on this sub-committee. Discussion with Myles that new shell will incorporate the Brown Act.
Open Space-Mac-Bill in Senate moves the responsibility to state level because they can get funding there. He reviewed the all of the proposed Golden Hill parcels and compared with what is listed in bill as the parcels relate to canyons. There are a few areas that might be off but felt it captures the spirit of what the group is trying to accomplish. The bill is currently on the Assembly floor and is on its way through the process. It appears that new parcels can be added to the list through new legislation.
Action Items:
Land Use:
838 25th St- presentation of project by homeowner and architect. It has moved to this meeting to move along the committee on a proper time line. Plans were submitted to bring up some areas that were not in code compliance and to bring the property from a multi-family residence to a single family one. There were also some issues regarding commercial zoning. This property was an Irving Gill property in a style not typically done-neoclassical Victorian. Land use members having seen this property on many occasions at different stages over several years. They reported having seen many improvements in design and placement. Scott recommended to approve and was seconded by Dave. Vote was unanimous. Discussed that now properties must include a review of relation to flight path with concern to height restrictions, acoustics, and hazards( physical and visual ) to the airport.
1007 30th St-3 story project on corner-committee had seen several times and has been approved but needed full committee approval.
2598 C St-Bus Stop bench relocated and underground vault with a pole that mimic the acorn style.
Votes-all approved with no abstentions.
Membership and Elections-Nora will no longer be on committee. Richard B is willing to be permanent replacement until the position is filled. Patricia is no longer on the committee as she has missed 4 meetings. There are now vacancies on committee. This is Steve’s last meeting and committee still needs a vice-chair.
Parks and Rec: No Report.
Historical: Dave-Historical resources board notices have been received for properties at 938 20th Street and 1517 Granada. Mac reported that Old House Fair was a success and reported better attendance then prior year. 180 people took home tour. Reported that this was the first year that there were more vendors wanting a booth then were available to rent.
Code Compliance-Next meeting coming last Weds in month.
Balboa Park: No report.
Airport Noise: Dave- Will attend next meeting next week. Reported that a member of the community has filed a suit to include our area in the retro-fit program for the airport noise plan. Several noise violations have been issued to that airlines that continue to take off after curfew.
Transportation-no report. Jet Blue has had many levied and may lose ability to take off from our airport if problem continues.
The meeting was adjourned by Acting Chair Steve Stratman at approximately 7:56 PMRespectfully submitted. Dana Shutt-Mendibles, recording secretary.