Final Agenda. Wednesday, July 12, 2006. 6:30 P.M.***
6:30 CALL TO ORDER (please be punctual)
- Additions/Deletions to the Agenda
6:40 Treasurers Report and PASS THE HAT: Carole Caffey
6:45 Community Police-Officer Gary Gonzales (531-1572)
6:50 District 3- April Chesebro (236-7758)
7:00 District 8- Diana Jurado-Sainz (236-6688)
7:10 76th Assembly Dist.-Sari Hamerling (645-3090)
7:15 53rd Congressional Dist. – Katherine Fortner (280-5353)
7:25 City Planner’s Report. Myles Pomeroy. (235-5219)
7:35 PUBLIC COMMENT (non-agenda items – 3 minute limit)
- Chair’s Report. Mail. CPC Meeting. Shields
- Treatment Programs and Variances. County report – Ron Robert’s office.
- Airport Master Plan EIR. Ted Anasis, Manager Airport Planning Mgr.
- Report June 19 CDC Downtown Tour.
- Brooklyn Elementary – Play field location. Update. GGHPC position.
- Land Use. (Consent Agenda)
- 2727 Broadway – siding type. Approved 8/0/0.
- Juniper St. – 7 unit condos. Approved 8/0/0.
- District 3 Sidewalk Study. Jerry McKee/John Moores.
- Committee Reports
8:20 Membership & Elections – Richard LaBarrera
8:25 Parks - Maureen Burke. Last Wednesday of the month.
8:27 Code Compliance. Brad Lenahan
8:30 Transportation/Compact- Marc Kratzschmar
8:35 Balboa Park Committee- Laurie Burgett
8:40 Airport Noise Advisory- Dave Caldwell & Carole Caffey
8:48 Historic- John McWilliams
8:52 CPC -Pat Shields - Community Planners Committee (CPC) | City of San Diego
If you would like for the city to provide you with upcoming agendas, please call 619.236.6479 and request to be added to the Mailing List for Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee
Updated agendas can be accessed 72-hours prior to the meeting by visiting our web site provided by the Golden Hill Community Development Corporation
Excused absences:
***This information is available in alternative formats upon request. To request an agenda in Braille, large print or cassette, or to request a sign language or oral interpreter for the meeting, call 619-236-6479. 24-hours prior to the meeting to ensure availability.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006 6:30 P.M.
6:35 Call to Order
Additions/Deletions to the Agenda – None.
6:36 Treasurer’s Report (PASS THE HAT) – No Report.
6:36 Community Police Officer, Gary Gonzalez
- New Area Lieutenant is Karen Tenne from South Bay; wants to bring her to the June meeting.
- Neighborhood Enforcement Team is doing well; over 300 arrests.
- Mac commented that twice when he called 911, he was not connected to the proper Police station. Officer Gonzalez will pass along information and would be happy to have a 911 officer come to talk to the group.
6:40 District 3 Report, April Chesebro – No Report.
6:41 District 8 Report, Diana Jurado-Sainz
- New stop sign at 22nd and C Street; conducting a comprehensive study of parking and traffic problems in GH (alleyways like Russ Blvd.);
- Talked to Supervisor to express Hueso’s opposition to CRASH relocation from Sherman Heights to GH;
- Settled the SDG&E tree trimming issue with regards to D8; Mayor’s office does not plan on having community representatives (Steve Lieu is taking care of constituent calls for the Mayor);
- Thanked us for writing the letter of support for funding the Alpha Project projects and the Mayor has pledged to find the funding.
6:45 Mayor’s Representative – No Show.
6:45 76th Assembly District, Sari Hamerling – No Show.
6:46 53rd Congressional District, Katherine Fortner
- Congress was in recess in April; distributed the Davis Dispatch
6:47 City Planner’s Report, Myles Pomeroy
- Planning Dept. will soon have revised policies and administrative guidelines on their website;
- New Planning Director is Bill Anderson and will start May 22nd;
- Planning Department will now be known as City Planning and Community Reinvestment Department and will be joined with the Economic Development Department and Redevelopment Agency;
- Passed out community by community condo conversion statistics.
6:50 Approval of Minutes 7-0-2.
6:51 Land Use Consent Agenda passed 11-0.
- PUC 30th Street undergrounding project update by Hal Tyvoll; PUC ruled the North Park project was illegal and the South Park/Golden Hill portion requires an EIR; suggested we provide a standing committee for oversight of the project due to the history of illegality; item will be added to the June Agenda.
- Sheila Hardin from CCDC – downtown redevelopment bus tour is always open to the public and for the Committee members—it would take an hour and a half and be given by John Anderson of CCDC and can be done on any weekday evening if the Committee desires—Monday, May 22 (if the Padres are not playing) at 6:15 P.M.; passed out Navy Broadway Complex information sheet.
- Matthew Thomas presented his plan for the northeast corner of 30th and Beech; he and his partner plan a sit-down, all day operation restaurant/café which is currently in the planning stages; International cuisine; wanted to meet the Committee; 2,750 SF; will be on June Agenda as informational item.
- Kim Groux with update on the 32nd Street replanting of SDG&E clear cut area; cannot get a hold of Drew from SDG&E; District 8 Representative will get a hold of SDG&E; will be placed on June Agenda.
7:07 Chair’s Report
- Dave Potter cautioned the CPC that he thinks the new Strong Mayor form of Government is pushing aside planning groups.
7:09 Flexcar, San Diego – Moved to June Agenda.
7:09 CRASH Relocation Proposal – asked to be pushed back in the agenda; Chair indicated that the media is coming at 8:00 P.M. and its not clear we can accommodate the request;
David Muniz-Peavy from Supervisor Roberts’ office is in attendance for this issue (; 619-531-6002) and indicated that someone from the Supervisor’s office will attend our meetings regularly.
7:26 CRASH Revisited – Chris Harris is asking for approval of the CRASH relocation to 2456 E Street; it’s a 7,000 sq. ft. house with 24 bedrooms, 8 bathrooms and has for 30 years operated under a CUP as Residential Care Facility for 45 mentally disabled adults (f.k.a. CharLou Manor);
- CRASH is having to re-locate out of the Bay View Hospital which is closing and are now looking at CharLou;
- Kathryn Willetts mentioned that this location is within 300 feet of another drug and alcohol treatment facility in violation of a local ordinance and mentioned such ordinances prevent communities becoming oversaturated by such facilities and mentioned the parking to bed ratio problem for the tenant;
- Myles Pomeroy mentioned the 300 foot buffer is only for 6 beds or less and anything over 13 beds is an item heard by the Planning Commission, and there is a ¼ mile separation for residential care facilities instead of 300 feet; the CUP runs with the facility and use;
- Chair asked David Muniz-Peavy to research any County monies/staff time being used as part of this project; many residents expressed concern over the oversaturation issue;
- CRASH expressed their good neighbor philosophy. Chair will place on the June Agenda.
7:12 Jerry McKee and John Moores presented the District 3 sidewalk study;
- 2 year study to evaluate the flooding and draining issues in the District that required engineering work to rectify the problem;
- City created a road map of capital improvement projects that the City will fund – these projects are contingent on the City being able to fix adjacent properties to the problem and not just the problem itself; presented the final draft of the Report;
- Dave Caldwell asked about the 75%/25% program through Toni Atkins’ office –no, that is a Streets Division projects and do not participate in this kind of program;
- Steve Stratman suggested to forward this item to the Transit Committee;
- Even if approved tonight, Mr. McKee doesn’t think this will be in the FY07 budget but would have to be included in the FY08 budget;
- Kathryn Willetts suggested instead of grinding streets the City could raise portions of the sidewalks/streets – answer was that if it is cost effective the City will consider that methodology;
- Forwarded to Transit for review and propose for adoption in June.
8:09 Joint Use Play Field at Golden Hill Elementary/32 Street Canyon – Chuck Brown with San Diego Unified School District;
- Definitions: Play fields are primarily for the children; in some communities there aren’t play fields and so the City and the School District combine forces to create a joint use field where the children utilize the field during school hours and the community uses it after hours and on weekends;
- The School District is currently thinking this field will not be a joint use field per se (joint project with the District and the City) but that it would still be available to the community after hours and on weekends;
- Stacy Strand, the play field architect, explained the area they are looking for is 2 acres;
- 5 sites were studied –two sites were rejected because of eminent domain complications, another was rejected because the children would have to cross C Street via a bridge that would need to be built, so they are looking at the two sites in the canyon.
- Community comments included:
- Concern over the taking of the canyon,
- Run off of fertilizer into the river bed,
- The school is undersubscribed,
- The District doing what they want without regard to community/City wishes,
- Build a bridge to the useless lot across the street (the District has done this kind of thing at other school sites like in La Jolla),
- This is the destruction of natural habitat and environmental learning opportunities for children
- Because of it’s unique habitat, the canyon should b preserved and not filled in for playing fields,
- The District is trying to split the community (canyon preservationists vs. parents).
- District responses included:
- The parents of the 450 children who attend the school expect that play field to be built and
- The parents’ voices were not heard in early discussions between the community and the District,
- The District Board has voted down the use of the lot south of C Street 5-0,
- The area they want to build is already desecrated,
- This item will be back in front of the Board of Education in June.
9:26 Land Use – Moving to last Wednesday of each month.
9:27 Adjourn
Members in Attendance: Pat Shields, Chris Blatt, Steve Stratman, Todd Philips, Brad Lenahan, Tim Doyle, John McWilliams, Richard Barrera, Rob Leach, Carole Caffey, Richard Baldwin, Dave Caldwell
Absent Members: Maureen Burke*, Marc Kratzschmar, Scott Glazebrook*
* = excused absence