Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Land Use Agenda - May 31, 2006

GGHPC Land Use subcommittee agenda: 5/31/06

  1. 847 21st Street, #90503, Duplex remodel action item

  2. 2849 E Street, T-Mobile tele-site, CUP renewal action item

  3. 2759-2767 B Street, Townhomes/Condos on 19,600sf site preliminary review only

  4. 1007 30th Street @ Broadway, #54073, 16u on 10ksf site previously seen at 1/5/05 land use-concept only action item

  5. Community Park - 22nd to 25th Streets, over Hwy 94. Info as to future presentation of concepts. Kathryn Willetts will describe and provide photos of the architectural design concepts.

  6. Alchemy, Beech/30th, parking issues related to restaurant use of commercial space.(new applicant)

  7. 2712 C Street, Porch remodel, ministerial project-info only.

Please remember our meetings are now the Last Wednesday of the month, 6:30PM at the Balboa Park Golf Course clubhouse.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

April 2006 Minutes for the Full Planning Committee

Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee
Board Meeting
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse
**Minutes for Approval**

Present: Chair Patricia Shields; Marc Kratzschmar; Steve Stratman; Dave Caldwell; Richard Baldwin; Brad Lenahan; Rob Leach; Scott Glazebrook; Maureen Burke; Todd Philips
Absent: Chris Blatt (E), Richard Barerra (E), Carole Caffey (unexcused); John McWilliams (unexcused); Tim Doyle (unexcused)

Chair Shields called the meeting to order at approx. 6:35 pm by requesting for additions/deletions to the agenda. NONE NOTED
Treasurers Report: None given – Treasurer MIA
Community Police Officer: Gary Gonzales was not present
District 3- April Chesebro passed out the March and April editions of the “Toni Times” as well as cards with contact information for the City of San Diego.
District 8-
  • Diana Jurado-Sainz spoke about the increase in graffiti and the Alpha Project and the Urban Corps roles in addressing this issue. Said that the mayor has removed this program (Take Back the Streets) from being funded by Community Block Grants. Several Council members requested of the mayor for these services to be funded from other sources. Diana requested that the committee write a letter in support of such funding. Rob Leach-committee member- questioned the proper noticing requirement. Chair suggested that given the “emergency” criteria of noticing given the immediacy of the action. Dave Caldwell requested to identify the amount of funding that we would be endorsing. Diana responded that approx. $300,000 per fiscal year expense. After discussion, a motion was made to support the funding without referencing the Council members specific position. A second was made, and the motion was approved in a 9 approval with 1 against.

  • Diana informed the committee of a recent incident that implicated a business at 1034 25th Street regarding a death. The District Attorney’s Office is involved in this.

  • Diana also informed the committee of “the F Street Skeleton” (24th @ “F”) which has been an “eyesore” in the community for the past 12-years, being a shell construction of a former apartment building. Diana identified that owner/applicant was to appear before a Golden Hill committee that meets on April 19th. Several committee members noted that the applicant was misinformed, as the Land-use Sub-committee would be the proper venue to discuss, and the next meeting would be May 3, 2006. Dave Caldwell questioned the funding of the review process through Developmental Services for this project.

  • Diana spoke of parking as being an issue throughout Greater Golden Hill, and identified 10 additional parking spaces being found on 2500 block of Russ Blvd. (a sub-standard street), as well as 4 additional parking spaces on Broadway @ 24th if the bus-stop would be moved to the end of the street instead of the middle of the block.
Mayor’s Representative: None present- Chair Shields requested of Council representatives and City Planner Pomeroy if they knew if Mayor Sanders planned on having representation at community planning meetings. All responded that they had no knowledge of the Mayor’s plans.
76th Assembly District-Sari Hamerling was not in attendance.
53rd Congressional District-
  • Katherine Fortner spoke of having a meeting in mid-March with the Postal Service regarding the issues of Graffiti and maintenance of its facility in Golden Hill.

  • In addition, she informed us of the Congresswoman missing several votes due to having an accident where she fell in her residence in Washington, D.C..

  • She also passed around a clipboard for sign-up for those who wanted to receive her e-mail new letters.

  • Chair Shield spoke of having previously attending a workshop on Grant Writing, sponsored by the Congresswoman, and encouraged both Mary McLellan and Tershia d’Elgin to attend an upcoming workshop that is to be held in the summer.
City Planner’s Report-
  • Myles Pomeroy stated that the city was in budget crisis, and that one of the Planning Departments cost cutting steps was to stop providing mailings for some community planning items. To be stopped will be the mailing of agendas’, which will be done exclusively by e-mail. Discussion ensued regarding the particulars and ramifications of such action.

  • Myles spoke of the upcoming COW for April 29th. He personally delivered invitations to Richard Baldwin and Maureen Burke, and stated that he would call Richard Barerra to make sure that he was aware of the importance in attending the C.O.W.

  • Myles also made the committee aware of the SANDAG sponsored Smart Growth workshops being held on April 17th (La Mesa), April 19th (Balboa Park Club) an April 20th (Oceanside) for Trans Net Funding.
Approval of Minutes- March 2006- Steve Stratman made a motion to approve the minutes for approval as provided by Beverly Davis. Dave Caldwell seconded. 8 (approved)- 0 (against) with 2 abstentions.
Public Comment on non-agenda items-
  • Chris and Megan Harris-2456 “E” Street came before the committee concerning a property that they hope to “Re-hab” under an existing Conditional Use Permit. The facility is proposed to be run by CRASH, Inc represented by Leila Attar. Ms. Attar gave a brief description of their existing programs that they operate in the Golden Hill House and spoke of being a “Good Neighbor”. Dave Caldwell-committee member- spoke of the moratorium for assisted living facilities in Golden Hill. Myles Pomeroy said that state law supercedes the city’s right to have such a position. Megan Harris stated that they would be seeking a variance to the existing C.U.P. It was noted that a C.U.P. stays with the property, and not with the owners. It was noted that the “level of care” would change with this proposed use, as the previous C.U.P. was for assisted living, whereas this C.U.P. would have “treatment” as its legal threshold.

  • David Moren spoke of the addition of a 4-way stop sign at 22nd and “C” Street. He came to commend whoever was responsible. Chair Shield said that although we would like to take credit, that perhaps this was an action sponsored by Dist. 8 and or police officer Gonzales.

  • Sheila Harden- Community Relations Manager for CCDC passed out a flyer on the Navy -Broadway Complex. Answered a question concerning the funding for the Downtown Community Plan. Said that consultants where paid 2.9 million over a 4-year period. This excluded any dollars from CCDC staff being charged to this process. If one wants to participate in a 1st or 3rd Saturday bus tour of downtown, please call 619-235-2222.

  • Tershia d’Elgin updated the committee on the Golden Hill Elementary play field. Said that the Oversight Committee had established a sub-committee that was to present on this action at its last meeting, but that the action was postponed. Thought that this might be a result of USD law students requesting a supplemental Environmental Impact Report. Also noted that many educational groups had participated in plantings in the canyon. Dave Caldwell-committee member- notified the committee that flyers had been circulated to encourage enrollment in the facility.

  • Mary McLellan reported on the GGH-CDC sponsored Charette that had approx. 100- attendees. The main topic at the Charette was “quality of life issues” as well as Golden Hill Park becoming more user friendly. A report of the Charette will be distributed. Noted that city planner Myles Pomeroy had suggested that a “Revititalization Plan” be a result of the Charette.
Information Items:
  • Chair’s Report: No mail received. Also was unable to attend last months CPC meeting

  • Plan to replant in 32nd @ Hawthorne Canyon-Drew Potocki (city of San Diego) J. C. Thomas (SDG&E) Governmental Affairs and Bruce Taylor (SDG&E) Area Forester provided an overview and answered questions concerning the issues at 30th @ Hawthorne. Admitted to mistakes in “outreach”, however, said that outcome would have been the same. 60-trees removed, when noticing identified “trimming” as the activity. Stated that debris problem still exist and clean-up of canyon would be offered. Stated that 24” box and 13-gallon trees were being proposed for re-planting. Diana Jurado-Sainz interjected that District 8 portion of Greater Golden Hill was “re-prioritized “ for undergrounding of utilities. Work to now occur in year 2009-10. Roger Lewis who lives adjoining the affected property, asked if it was time for him to “get over it, and move-on”. Another resident, Marie Racliff (?) spoke of the species and watering schedule. Questioned both the maintenance responsibility and the trimming notification given. Tershia d’Elgin suggested better solutions.

Action Items:
  • Ray Pennisi requested that the Two Year Study of District 3 sidewalks be post-poned till the May 10th meeting. Said that Jerry McKee had not responded to his calls to discuss.

  • Land-use- The consent agenda was unanimously approved.

  • Formation of the Committee for the coming year- Steve Stratman-membership and elections, passed out ballots with those individuals who had responded to his request for consideration for executive and sub-committee appointments. The following individuals had responded for the following positions:
Chair: Patricia Shields; Land-use: Dave Caldwell; Parks: Maureen Burke; Transportation: Marc Kratzschmar; Historic: John McWilliams; Membership & Elections: Richard Barerra.
  • The following individuals volunteered at the meeting to run for the following positions:Secretary: Todd Philips; Code-compliance: Brad Lenahan; Airport Noise: Dave Caldwell

  • The following individuals were nominated for the following positions: Chris Blatt-Vice Chair; Carole Caffey-Treasurer. Membership and elections chair asked if anyone wanted to be considered for any of the above positions. There being none, Steve Stratman asked that the slate be approved by acclamation. The motion was seconded, and the executive committee and subcommittee were unanimously approved as delineated above.

Inclusionary Housing-Todd Philips-committee member- kept the committee informed of recent council action regarding Condo Conversions and parking issues.

Land-use Sub-committee Meeting Dates: Steve Stratman-committee member reminded the committee that a proposed change in meeting days had been suggested, and that the committee should address this issue at this time. After several minutes of discussion, a motion was made and seconded, to move the Land-use meeting to the LAST Wednesday of each month, starting with the June 28th meeting. The motion passed on a 9-0-1 vote.

Chair Shields adjourned the meeting at 8:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted.

Steven M. Stratman-acting recording secretary.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Land Use Meeting Schedule Change

We will be changing our Land Use Subcommittee meeting date- still held at the Balboa Park golf course clubhouse- 630 pm. BUT, it will now be the LAST Wednesday of each month (No December meeting, unless special circumstances).

i.e.: The meeting normally held this 7th of June will now occur on May 31st.

The full planning committee will continue to meet on the 2nd Wednesday, and at this point- the code meeting will not change.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Revised Final Agenda for May 10 Full Planning Committee Meeting

Revised Final Agenda. Wednesday, May 10, 2006. 6:30 P.M.***

6:30 CALL TO ORDER (please be punctual)
  • Additions/Deletions to the Agenda
6:40 Treasurers Report and PASS THE HAT: Carole Caffey
6:45 Community Police-Officer Gary Gonzales (531-1572) ggonzales@pd.sandiego.gov
6:50 District 3- April Chesebro (236-7758) achesebro@sandiego.gov
7:00 District 8- Diana Jurado-Sainz (236-6688) djuradosainz@sandiego.gov
7:05 Mayor’s Representative: TBD
7:10 76th Assembly Dist.-Sari Hamerling (645-3090) sari.hamerling@asm.ca.gov
7:15 53rd Congressional Dist. – Katherine Fortner (280-5353) katherine.fortner@mail.house.gov
7:25 City Planner’s Report. Myles Pomeroy. (235-5219) mpomeroy@sandiego.gov
7:30 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 2006

7:35 PUBLIC COMMENT (non-agenda items-limited to 3 minutes)

  • Chair’s Report. Mail. Community Planners Meeting.

  • Flexcar – San Diego. Jordana Beebe. Program Manager(619) 273-9035. www.flexcar.com

  • Follow-up on April item on Plan to re-plant in GGH.

  • Proposal to relocate County (CRASH) Drug Treatment program from Sherman Heights to CharLou Manor on E Street in Golden Hill.


  • Joint Use Play Field. SD Unified School District Presentation. Stacy Strand, Architect. School contact – Erika Wilgenburg (619) 725-5602.

  • Rept. Two year study of District 3 sidewalks. Jerry McKee. Motion to support report requested.

  • Land Use. (Consent Agenda)

  • "Cricket" Rigel Meats-#96325, Wireless facility-new carrier. Sub-committee opposed.


8:20 Membership & Elections – Steve Stratman (new positions, if any)
8:25 PARKS- TBD Wed of the Month. Balboa Park Golf-Course Clubhouse-6:00 PM
8:27 Code Compliance: Chris Blatt-
8:30 Transportation/Compact- Marc Kratzschmar –Paul Broadway
8:35 Balboa Park Committee- Laurie Burgett
8:40 Airport Noise Advisory- Dave Caldwell
8:48 Historic- TBD
8:52 CPC -Pat Shields - Community Planners Committee (CPC) | City of San Diego


If you would like for the city to provide you with upcoming agendas, please call 619.236.6479 and request to be added to the Mailing List for Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee
Updated agendas can be accessed 72-hours prior to the meeting by visiting our web site http://gghpc.blogspot.com
Excused absences:

***This information is available in alternative formats upon request. To request an agenda in Braille, large print or cassette, or to request a sign language or oral interpreter for the meeting, call 619-236-6479. 24-hours prior to the meeting to ensure availability.

March 2006 Minutes for the full planning committee

Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee
Meeting of March 8, 2006
Approved Minutes
Obtain agenda at http://www.goldenhillcdc.org/GGHPC/

CALL TO ORDER: 6:35 pm

Members Present: Chris Blatt, Paul Broadway, Laurie Burgett, Carole Caffey, David Caldwell, Beverly Davis, Scott Glazebrook, Marc Kratzschmar, Rob Leach, Brad Lenahan, John McWilliams, Todd Phillips, Bonnie Poppe, Chair: Pat Shields, Steve Stratman.

Absent: Tim Doyle

Request Additions/Deletions to the Agenda –
  • Steve Stratman-chair of memberships and elections requested that the minutes reflect that Bonnie Poppe and Laurie Burgett were running the elections, as Steve felt it improper for him to run elections when he was on the ballot.

  • Committee member and Chair of the Parks subcommittee, Paul Broadway announced his resignation from the GGHPC, effective at the conclusion of the March 8th meeting. A motion was made and unanimously approved to thank Paul for his past service on the Committee.

  • ELECTION: The following people ran for election and made the following statements:
  1. Richard Baldwin – Is a scientist and works for not-for-profit organizations. He has little experience with community groups.

  2. Richard Barerra – Lives on Granada. Is a community organizer and works with labor organizations to help diversity.

  3. Maureen Burke – Has been in Golden Hill for 7 years. Works as a buyer. Her apartment is being converted and she supports it.

  4. Carole Caffey – Has lived 6 years in this area. She is interested in serving the community, canyon clean-up and meeting neighbors.

  5. Brad Lenahan – Seven years in Golden Hill. He is a Landscape Architect. Brad has learned a lot having been on this committee.

  6. John McWilliams (Mac) – Has an inspection business. Belongs to Heritage group and works on Land Use subcommittee.

  7. Pat Shields – Retired county worker and now works for the state. Five years in Golden Hill and on the Committee for 3 years. Wants to give community members a voice.

  8. Steve Stratman – Appointed in August 1999 to an unexpired term, and elected in 2000, 2002 and 2004, this would be his last term. Chair of membership and elections, and active in Land-Use sub-committees’, he wants to continue working for the community.
  • The PDO and other documents will have to be distributed to new members. Also a COW meeting will be required to indemnify members. Committee member, Dave Caldwell read the committee’s mission statement. A discussion will be held next month to discuss this in more detail.

  • The Chair thanked Bonnie Poppe and Laurie Burgett for their 8 years of service and for handling the election. Laurie will continue to report to the committee on the Balboa Park Committee until her appointment expires.

  • It was announced that all candidates had been elected and were invited to join the committee.

Treasurers Report: Carole Caffey
  • $273.90

  • Carole wants to add people to the list of those approved to withdraw funds.

Community Police Officer, Gary Gonzales (531-1572) ggonzales@pd.sandiego.gov
  • Officer Gonzales thanked people for sending emails regarding what’s happening in the community. He gave Lea Fields a tour of this area. There are 4 officers plus Gary and 1 other downtown officer handling GGH issues. Officer Gonzales thanked Paul Broadway for his cooperation and help in the community.

  • Auto theft is still prevalent in our area.

District 3 –April Chesebro (236-7758) achesbro@sandiego.gov
  • Absent
District 8 – Diana Juarado-Sainz/Ben Heuso (236-6688) djuradosainz@sandiego.gov
  • Ben Heuso introduced himself. Mr. Heuso was recently elected and is looking at a lot of needs in our community; homelessness, crime, gangs. New revenue is being looked at for security, street cleaning, tourist information and other downtown needs. The Torrey Pines Golf Course master plan is also before the Council. Rate increases are being considered for the golf courses. Mr. Heuso wants fore input from the community as to what’s needed.

  • Potholes and other maintenance issues are being reported to his office.

  • Undergrounding is an issue brought up by Committee Member, Dave Caldwell. Mr. Heuso stated that the entire city would be undergrounded in 15 years. More information may be obtained from their website at www.sandiego.gov/undergrounding.

  • Committee Member, Brad Lenahan stated that the 32nd Street canyon-joint-use field is still a hot button with some community members. Mr. Heuso stated that Tershia d’Elgin has invested approx. $800,000 to restore the canyon. He will try to get the Council to support leaving the joint-use field out of consideration.

  • Diana Jurado-Sainz reported on the tree issue. This District office was not notified in advance of the tree trimming/cutting. The sizes of the replacement trees are under consideration. Ten or 15 trees on Broadway will be replaced. No more trees will be taken out until after April. If more than 20 trees are taken out of any one area the District is to be notified.

  • GGHPC member, Steve Stratman mentioned that the Palm fronds, from the trimming of the trees at Russ & 24th Streets, needed to be taken away. They are becoming refuge for vermin.
Mayor Sanders Representative –
  • No representation

76th Assembly District – Sari Hamerling (645-3090) sari.hamerling@asm.ca.gov
  • Absent

  • Committee member, Marc Kratzschmar announced that there will be a clean up at the 32nd Street canyon on Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m.

53rd Congressional District – Katherine Fortner (280-5353) katherine.fortner@mail.house.gov
  • District newsletter was distributed. For information contact her office.

  • The revised Patriot Act passed.

  • The post office condition is being addressed at a meeting. Committee member, Paul Broadway stated that graffiti needs to be removed within 24 hours.

City Planner – Myles Pomeroy (235-5219) mpomeroy@sandiego.gov
  • Welcome remarks were directed to the new members.

  • The Planning Department website has the GGHPC by-laws and other documents, such as Administrative Guidelines, PDO, Design guidelines, 25th and 30th Street revitalization plans. Myles will send an email to committee members with a list.

  • The next COW (for new members) will be Saturday, April 29 at 9192 Topaz Way, Kearny Mesa. RSVP to 235-5200.

  • Myles submitted revised by-laws to Chair, Pat Shields..
Approval of Minutes
  • January and February, 2006 minutes approved by those eligible to vote.

PUBLIC COMMENT (Non-Agenda Items) Limited to 3 minutes.
  • Mary McLellan, GGHCDC, announced a public meeting on March 18 from 9:00 to 1:00. A handout with details was distributed.

  • Sheila Harden, CCDC, stated that there was good GGHPC representation at their last meeting. Affordable housing and other issues are under advisement.

  • A bus tour of downtown will be available with details to follow.

  • Sheila Harden asked for a roster of GGHPC members. A discussion was held as to the privacy of members. Ultimately a motion was made and unanimously passed to provide such a list to CCDC.

  • It was announced that the downtown community plan was adopted.

  • Eden Nguyen – Engineering Department – Capital Projects spoke on the revegatation project at the 32nd Street canyon. A map was distributed regarding a temporary fence located at Beech Street which denies access to the canyon. A sign is posted but should be more specific and give more details.

  • Chair’s Report – Pat Shields announced that she attended a meeting where the City Attorney was present and asked if land use issues are a problem. Pat will distribute his phone number. The meeting with CCDC went well and Nancy Graham appears to be helpful to GGHPC issues.

  • Mail - none


Land Use (Items from 3/1/06 meeting. Consent Agenda unless pulled for discussion)
  1. 1148 23rd Street – Add 1br/1ba 1137 sf house/shop to 5ksf lot, GH 2500, existing garage demo. (Action Item) Approved

  2. 1231 25th Street –project 89384 – 25 units TM/condo, 1750sf site, GH2500. Issues: parking, utilities. (Action Item) The subcommittee denied the application based on the fact that the project does not comply with the GGHPC Plan or the “25th Street Revitalization Plan”. Project did not address rectifying any of these inadequacies.

  3. 3031 Date Street – project 89194 – 3 unit TM/condo, 6005sf site, GH 1500. Issues: parking, utilities. (Action Item) Approved

  4. 1217 28th Street – project 66452 – 10 units TM/condo, previous GGHPC submittal 5/05, issues: parking, utilities. (Action Item) Approved
A motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda. 13 in favor, 1 opposed, 2 abstentions.

GGH-CDC Proposed Banner District Presentation
  • Mary McLellan, GHCDC distributed a handout showing the proposed phases and routes of the Banners. The first phase would follow the original trolley route. The 2nd phase would include 19th & Broadway, 19th and “C”, Broadway to Rt. 94 and 26th Street. For more information contact CDC. A motion was made and unanimously passed to support their efforts.

Election Results
  • The Chair thanked the Recording Secretary, Beverly Davis, for her past service.


PARKS – Paul Broadway –Report of sub-committee meeting of 3-1-06
  • No report

CODE COMPLIANCE – Chris Blatt Report of sub-committee meeting of 3-1-06
  • No report – information is confidential

LAND-USE – Dave Caldwell Report of sub-committee meeting of 3-1-06
  • No report

TRANSPORTATION/COMPACT – Marc Kratzshmar – Paul Broadway
  • No report

  • No report

  • No report

HISTORIC – Bonnie Poppe
  • No report

CPC MEETING – Patricia Shields – Alternate: Chris Blatt
Community Planners Committee (CPC) City of San Diego
  • The General Plan is finished and Pat will send out her notes. Pat asked Steve Stratman to go to Kinkos to have copies made and bound. Committee member, Paul Broadway suggested archiving documents. Ms. McLellan stated that CDC has archives and Christy Rice said that copying service would be available to Steve.

AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING – April 12, 2006 Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse.
  • SDG& E tree replanting.

  • To Form the committee for the coming year: Steve Stratman-membership & elections.

  • ADJOURNED: 9:00 p.m.