November 9, 2011
Meeting Agenda is found in Attachment 1 at the end of these minutes.
Meeting was held at Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse – Golf Course Drive.
Chair Pat Shields called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm. Agenda had been posted in accordance with Brown Act. A quorum of members was present.
Members present: Ruchell Alvarez, Richard Baldwin, Cheryl Brierton, Carole Caffey, John Kroll, Pat Shields, David Skillman, Marie Skillman, David Strickland, David Swarens, Matt Thomas, Angela Vasconcellos. Members absent: Susan Bugbee, Maureen Burke, Richard Santini, Jessica Wolf.
Addition/deletions to Agenda - None.
Approval of Minutes – Minutes of 10/12/11 meeting were approved (motion Strickland, second D Skillman) 8 in favor, none opposed, Alvarez, Kroll, and Thomas abstained.
Treasurer’s Report: – balance remains the same.
City Council District 3 - Councilman Todd Gloria. Gloria spoke and took questions on 3 topics.
(1) Greater Golden Hill Maintenance Assessment District (GGHMAD). City Council is awaiting formal dissolution instructions from the court. The City has instigated litigation against the firm that prepared the GGHMAD formation documents. Details of City action upon dissolution are slowly coming out of the Mayor’s office. Gloria stated that the GGHMAD required $50,000 in formation costs; going forward with another organization in the future would require public will.
Caffey, a member of the GGHMAD Oversight Committee, asked what should go on with operations, since the City has not officially dissolved the GGHMAD. She noted $217,000 in rollover funds. Gloria’s reaction was that current contracts must be complied with but no new ones should be issued. Caffey asked if the City would be taking the GGHMAD’s assets (equipment, street furniture, etc) for use elsewhere. Shields said she thinks the assets belong to the City but the community could find a way to keep and service them. Caffey asked about GGHMAD’s funds already collected – what will be reimbursed to property owners? Should all get spent as soon as possible? Gloria offered no specific direction from City on these questions.
Thomas noted that garbage and graffiti removal is popular; setting up a more basic district might work. Gloria said if public will is to go forward with such a plan, it is an 18-month process. Getting a consensus would be a challenge. Rick Accurso asked what the will of the community would be. Gloria said that a show of hands at the GGHMAD board meeting gave reason to think things could go on, although mediators or arbitrators might be needed. Brierton wondered if individuals could adopt a project. Shields said she hoped the community would be involved in the transition. Accurso asked about a show of hands; Brierton mentioned a Facebook site. Gloria said he has heard a desire to continue services.
(2) 25th Street Renaissance. A visionary plan exists and there has been much give and take on amenities. GGHMAD funds would have maintained many of the project ideas. City staff asked District 3 for help with the question “Do we want to proceed with this plan knowing that not all of the amenities are funded?” Competitive funds are available but there is a tough call. Anthony Bernal said that money is now available for Phase I – without trees and benches. Only traffic calming would implemented, no concrete stamping, planters or light fixtures.
Shields said GGHPC has already voted on the project, in December 2010, August 2011 and October 2011. Thomas asked if accepting a smaller project now would mean the rest of the vision goes away. Gloria said that Phase I could be retrofitted and expanded. Bernal said the current bidding would not include piping. Vasconcellos said some items were taken out – and asked where money goes back in? Bernal said the City would only put in concrete - anything else must be separately funded, and that T-Grant dollars were no longer available. Strickland said transit money would have gone for the basics, but the City lost that money due to inertia.
Swarrens recalled GGHPC action at the last meeting – we voted that a master plan should be implemented. He thinks that spending on anything that would need to be redone is not good. Urban Forestry with individual responsibility is possible. Support for elements to come later should be made.
Baldwin asked if there was a master plan. Swarrens said the October vote was to get plans completed that the community spoke for. Strickland said that a concept plan is needed to finish Phase I reasonably. D Skillman agreed with Strickland; he wants a finished document for what the community wants and to use the money to go as far as possible. Shields worries that existing money will be lost; she thinks a concept plan was voted on in December 2010. Kroll asked if property owners had been contacted about forming a Business Improvement District. Gloria said that was one alternative but is time-consuming. Caffey said if we have a master plan, even 75 feet completed is better than a small plan to be redone later. Thomas agreed. Brierton asked about individual funding. Baldwin asked if the money currently available could be used to do a proper plan. Gloria thinks the money is for infrastructure. Shields said GGHPC August vote was under time pressure. M Skillman as what the time deadline is for GGHPC. Gloria said it is NOW.
Craig Abenilla said he thought that no money was available to build the project. Bernal said the Engineering Department was trying to get a plan in place so they could look for funding. Abenilla asked if the City now has funding for two blocks from another source. Bernal said that funding was only for traffic calming. Mike Burnett said knowing that some funds exist is good news. Kathryn Willets said that “traffic calming measures” is a deceptive phrase, noting that the 30th & Fern Street tree planting was called traffic calming although it did not involve bulbous. She said there are other ways to fund tree maintenance. Gloria agreed that “traffic calming” is a catch phrase, said he thinks tree programs no longer exist.
Burnett said that if something could be built, it changes things. Gloria said whatever happens now would not be what we have seen before. Shields asked what GGHPC wants to do. Gloria said he would try to get us more time and the details we deserve. Shields said the August presentation could be repeated, but we do not meet again until January. Gloria said he would discuss this with the Mayor’s office and report back to Shields. Shields said she is invested in not losing funds, and that the community is looking for definitive action from GGHPC, not do-overs.
(Topic 3) Irwin Jacobs/City Council/ Balboa Park.
Kroll asked if there will be enough private funds to complete the process. Gloria said Yes is the right answer. Kroll thinks deeper probing is needed.
Community Police Officer Suzy de la Pena: a suspect is in custody regarding a salon break-in. Safety survey by Ted Parker available (email Suzy). Officers are stretched thin due to Occupy activities.
Robert Swain, homeowner in GGH for 20 years, – asked that we support the Community Urban Agriculture Initiative, which addresses chickens and planting.
Cheryl Brierton, homeowner, asked that we oppose the Community Urban Agriculture Initiative as currently written.
53rd Congressional District – Katherine Fortner: Distributed copies of Davis Dispatch. Highlighted: Homeowner assistance, local and telephone Town Hall meetings, upcoming Super Committee action.
City Council District 8 – Melina Meza: was not present. Asked Shields to remind us of Alvarez Town Hall meeting at Sherman Heights Community Center 12/1 at 6:30 pm
76th California Assembly District – Lindsey Masukawa: Legislature is not in session so Atkins is in San Diego until January. Upcoming: 11/19-community coffee, E-waste event; 11/10 Veterans Pancake Breakfast
City Council District 3 – Anthony Bernal: Gloria had only planned to discuss GGHMAD at this meeting, wished he’d had better ability to prepare for questions about 25th Street.
Mayor’s Office: no representative present.
Airport Noise: nothing but statistics to report.
Historic: still waiting for City response to South Park Historic District.
Balboa Park: Strickland had asked BP Committee to make sure GGHPC got all of the plans for review; 3rd iteration has now been sent out. EIR should be out 1/22/12 – will be a crunch with only 60 day review period. Hopes for a workshop in GGH – possibly at Land Use subcommittee.
Land Use: will meet in November
CHAIR’S REPORT. Shields said being Chair is a lot of work. The City is fed up on 25th Street Renaissance, Shields trying to avoid additional do-overs.
M Skillman asked an administrative question about releasing copies of the secretary’s minutes ahead of them being approved. She asked if distributing them, if stamped DRAFT was okay. Bernie Turgeon said there is no obligation to give out draft information, but that it can help the sharing process.
VICE-CHAIR’S REPORT – CPC heard the Community Urban Agriculture Initiative and failed to approve it, due to the needed amount of neighborhood code enforcement. North Park Visionary Plan was approved. CPCI is working on an abandoned housing ordinance; it will piggyback foreclosure regulations.
Community Plan Update. Turgeon reported on the 11/2/11 meeting. There was successful discussion of topics A (Lack of Walkable Commercial Services) and B (Allow Mixed-Use to Activate Streets/improve connectivity) on the action agenda, regarding commercial centers. Activity nodes were found better than designated individual properties. Reminded us that 12 members of the CPUAC must be present for a quorum. Turgeon said he would leave the meeting if there was not a quorum present.
M Skillman, convener of the November meeting, gave a report on the meeting and the process developed to hear everyone’s comments. Rick Accurso will be convener for the December 7 meeting, where topics C (Neighborhood Districts) and D (Review of Existing Land Use) will be discussed.
1. Rescind Approval of Motion made on 10/12/11 regarding 25th St. Renaissance – TABLED
2. Code Deviation Request for 1635 Fern Street. Baldwin said the property owners had not come back to Land Use Subcommittee. Shields and Alvarez had obtained background information, and learned that the City Attorney is involved. Shields asked that the request be sent back to Land Use. Baldwin asked that Alvarez attend Land Use to give the background data.
Turgeon noted that Action Items should be limited to projects and plans that have been through proper City process, with development permits and approvals. Baldwin said people sometimes come to the Land Use Subcommittee for input early in the development process. Turgeon recommends not making comments until the City process has been started. Shields thinks informal opinions are a good thing. Brierton wondered why nothing ever happens on some projects that Land Use weighs in, like Café Madeline. Kroll asked how Turgeon’s idea applies to 25th Street project. Turgeon said it is the same – no Development Permit has been issued, and that GGHPC needs to see the plans and have them explained so we know what we are voting on.
Jason Manning said design professionals like early feedback so changes can be made before spending lots of money on permits. Shields said we really only get one vote. D Skillman thinks early information can help development, suggests there be information items and action items.
3. Fill Community Plan Update Advisory Committee vacancy. Janice Davis had applied for the vacant position. Davis, a long-time GGH resident, works in healthcare construction. She has been a GGHPC member and CDC Board member. M Skillman moved, Brierton seconded, that Davis be appointed. All voted in favor.
No meeting in December. The next meeting will be Wednesday, January 11, 2012 at 6:30 pm.
Meeting was adjourned meeting at 8:25 pm.
Marie Skillman.
November 09, 2011 at 6:30 P.M.
Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse, 2600 Golf Course Drive
1. CALL TO ORDER > Additions and/or Deletions to Agenda > Approval of Minutes
a)Todd Gloria
b)Community Police Officer – Suzy de la Pena {619.744.9514 or}
c)Council District 3 – Anthony Bernal {619.236.6633 or}
d)Council District 8 – Melina Meza {619.236.6688 or}
e)53rd Congressional District – Katherine Fortner {619.280.5353 or}
f)City Planner – Bernard Turgeon {619.533.6575 or}
Chair Report, Vice Chair Report
City Planner Report
a)Airport Noise & Treasurers Report – Carole Caffey
b)Balboa Park & Transportation – David Strickland
c)Historic* – Susan Bugbee {}
d)Land-Use* – Richard Baldwin {}
25th Street Renaissancee)Community Plan Update
> Rescind Approval of the Motion made on 10/12/2011 Regarding 25th Street Renaissance Project, on the basis that the item was not noticed as an action item.
> Code Deviation Request 1635 Fern St. [Lot coverage 47%, FAR 66%, existing non-conforming set back to remain] (Tabled on 10/12/2011 until 11/09/2011)
> Fill Community Plan Update vacancy
*If you are interested in attending the Historic or Land Use meeting please email the appropriate committee to confirm meeting and agenda.
*All times are estimated – Action Items may also be taken before Information Items
The City of San Diego distributes agendas via email and can also provide agendas in alternative formats as well as a sign language or oral interpreter for the meeting with advance notice. To request these services, please contact the City at 619.236.6479 or