July 8, 2009
Meeting held at Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse – Golf Course Drive
Call to order at 6:37 pm by David Skillman. Agenda had been posted in accordance with Brown Act.
Members present: Ruchell Alvarez, Richard Baldwin, Laurie Burgett, Maureen Burke, Carole Caffey, Scott Glazebrook, Anita Margolis, Frederick Ruffell, David Skillman, Marie Skillman. Members absent: Chris Blatt, Dave Caldwell, Richard Santini, Angela Vasconcellos.
Treasurer’s Report: no report
Community Police Officer: Officer John Graham reported that local crime stats are good. 129 officers left the Department at the end of June, taking early retirements. This is stretching resources. A recent showed 900 homeless persons in the downtown area. Many are young adults from out of town; they seem to be living west of 17th and north of Imperial. Community member Jerry Ray commented that she has seen an increase in people going through trash cans, right in people’s yards. Graham said that Ed Lopez is the person taking such reports at the department.
City Council District 3: Anthony Bernal. Reported that the City budget may be affected by State budget issues, to the tune of $26 million. Said that public safety is improving. Advised us to report street lights that are not working to the City or District 3 website, giving address or cross street. Reminded us of Stage 2 water alert.
City Council District 8 - Diana Jurado-Sainz. Agreed with Bernal that City budget is in a mess. Regarding the increase in homeless, most are south of GGH at this time. Council Rules Committee has docketed a measure regarding illegal lodging in response to the issue, hoping to find a way to legally move those sleeping on public property. More housing for homeless is needed. Joyce Summer from CCDC commented that an RFP has been issued for a permanent homeless facility with as many as 500 beds; CCDC contributed $10,000 towards the 16-person task force formed about this issue. Jurado-Sainz is Councilman Hueso’s new representative for the Rules and Open Government committee. City Council last week approved undergrounding of wires on 30th Street from A-K streets.
53rd Congressional District - Katherine Fortner: 3 of Davis’ election reform measures have made it out of committee: mail registration, absentee ballot tracking, and the Election Transparency Act. $1.9 million in stimulus funds have been awarded to San Diego, for drug and gang crime fighting. Davis is working with FEMA for a system of cell phone notification of fire or other emergencies. Davis will have several public meetings in San Diego during August recess. Margolis announced that a forum on health care reform would be held on 7/12 at the Jacobs Center, 404 Euclid.
Mayor; 76th Assembly District: no reports
Approval of Minutes: June minutes were approved (motion, Margolis, second Glazebrook; all in favor, Caffey & Burke abstained as they were not at the meeting)
Public Comment.
Joyce Summer, CCDC: Port District is beginning work on new cruise ship terminal. Statues of Bob Hope and several servicemen were dedicated, they are near the Midway Museum. Distributed the newest Downtown Today booklets. The next Coffee with CCDC will be 8/7 at 8 pm at their offices. A new ordinance regulating pedicabs is in progress, they hope it will be approved very soon.
Laura Terry from Casa Reposa: A point of order was called by Alvarez. After some discussion, Terry was asked to make her presentation during the Land Use section of the meeting.
Jerry Ray: Had attended the dedication of the Bob Hope statues, recommended that all see it.
Chairs Report/Mail. No report. Blatt will be unable to attend GGHPC meetings for a few months. An official alternate needs to be named who can attend the CPC meetings. Ruffell may be able to attend on 7/28, but may need a letter from Blatt appointing him to do so in order to participate on behalf of the GGHPC. M. Skillman will contact Blatt to learn details of his schedule. She will contact Nick O’Donnell at the City about who can attend CPC, and also contact Vasconcellos, and Turgeon if necessary, regarding the election process for alternates or replacements. Caffey and Alvarez were already planning to attend the Police Captain’s meeting on 7/28.
Clean, Green and Safe (MAD) Oversight Committee. Caffey reported that the Annual Meeting on 7/3 was a success. Members of the OC board gave reports of their duties and the community got involved. MAD is trying to consolidate information requests into a format that makes things go smoother. Regarding the overage in funds collected, the 2009-2010 budget sent to City Council for approval on 7/13 includes a 50% credit to the coming year. Jurado-Sainz noted that those wishing details can access the agenda and backup materials on the City website.
Land Use: Glazebrook reported about the meeting held 6/24.
1st Arrow CRV had made a presentation of their prototype collection center, which was very productive. 1st Arrow has done a lot of research and was responsive to Land Use subcommittee suggestions. Several members had questions about the right to refuse customers with pushcarts. Glazebrook pointed out that any business is allowed to refuse service to anyone. The actual approval process for the project is not known at this time, but they will need a construction permit when they are ready to build.
Casa Reposa: There was a misunderstanding about where Laura Terry had been asked to bring more information about the project. She passed out additional information, requesting that GGHPC give them consideration. Casa Reposa is a nonprofit working with human trafficking victims. They hope to use a home at 3069 E Street, which has been vacant for a number of years, for an outpatient safe home (not drug rehabilitation). Community support or Planning Committee approval is not required since they will be housing 6 or less clients, but they are seeking GGHPC support. Terry was asked to stay in contact with the Land Use Subcommittee, to have an open dialogue. Burgett stated that it is not the place of GGHPC to say for or against the project.
2975 E Street: Details of discussion of this issue are in the Land Use minutes, attached.
ACTION ITEMS: Community Plan Update Advisory Committee (CPUAC) Bernie Turgeon:
Glazebrook introduced and passed out copies of the Draft Selection Procedures for the Community Plan Update Advisory Committee. DRAFT VERSION PRESENTED FOR DISCUSSION can be found at the end of the minutes, following the APPROVED FINAL VERSION. There was considerable discussion, facilitated by Turgeon, Glazebrook with input from Margolis. There was concern about the business representatives. Glazebrook and Margolis will be visiting businesses in the 25th Street area with the goal of finding an applicant from the area. Burgett felt that children and families should have representation; it was determined that some of the GGHPC representatives on the committee represent that viewpoint. Several points of view about financial conflicts of interest were shared. Language for the Canyons section was selected, language relating to demographic sections of the community was inserted in the Eligibility section, and a statement about financial conflicts of interest was also inserted in the Eligibility section. The document with those changes was approved. (Motion Burke, second Margolis, all in favor. Caffey left before the vote was taken APPROVED FINAL VERSION can be found at the end of these minutes.
SUBCOMMITEE REPORTS. Deferred these reports until the next meeting, as the Clubhouse was closing. (Motion D Skillman, second Burke, all in favor)
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm. (motion Margolis, second Burke, all in favor)
Land-use Subcommittee Minutes
June 24 2009
Subcommittee Members present: David Caldwell, Richard Baldwin, Scott Glazebrook, Anita Margolis
City Staff present: Bernie Turgeon (Planner, City of San Diego)
Community present: Kathryn McNeal
Project Applicants present: Gustavo Perez (Item #1)
Meeting called to order at 6:38 PM by David Caldwell
Item #1
Project Name: 1st Arrow Systems
Project Address: N/A
Project Number: N/A
Project Description: CRV collection system/facility proposed for local grocery parking areas.
Permit Application: N/A
Presentation Status: Information Item
Motion: None
Vote: For: N/A Against: N/A Abstain: N/A
Result: N/A
Presentation: 1st Arrow Systems is proposing fully-enclosed CRV collection facilities less than or equal to 500 square feet in size that would be architecturally “integrated” to match adjacent existing structures. These facilities would be located in existing open spaces adjacent to markets; most likely into existing parking lots and taking the area of approximately 3 parking spaces. The proposed designs would include: low-profile security lighting, portable landscaping, and signage. Operations of the facilities would be approximately during store hours, when a single employee would operate the facility. Operations procedures would include prohibiting individuals using shopping carts to carry recyclable items from utilizing the facility.
Discussion: Noise, Litter, and Graffiti: Concerns for noise from dumping and collecting recyclables was discussed. The size of the facility is much smaller than other regional facilities and thus would not result in the noise experienced at these larger facilities. Litter is always a problem at and surrounding recycling facilities, and 1st Arrow Systems would be responsible for policing its facility and surrounding area for litter generated by its operations. As part of the maintenance for the facility, 1st Arrow Systems will employ graffiti reduction products on its facility and will quickly abate any graffiti.
Lighting and Signage: Concerns about light spilling over into adjacent areas was discussed. The security lighting would be lower-profile (not flood-type lighting). Options for motion-detecting lighting was discussed. As the facility will operate primarily during daylight hours, lighted signage may not be necessary. However it was discussed that the neighborhood prefers low brightness signage, front-lit over back-lit, subtle signage in keeping with the predominantly-residential character of the neighborhood
Safety and Beautification: There were concerns about the safety of the area surrounding these facilities; especially the quality and maintenance of the walking surfaces. It was discussed that the facility would be using a portion of the flat surfaces surrounding the facility and would be responsible for assuring the surface is safe to walk on. It was suggested that as part of a condition of approval for such a project the community may elect to recommend additional measures be taken to improve safety and aesthetics within the parking lots that these facilities may be located.
Next Steps: This is not an official proposal or project at this time. The presentation was to garner feedback prior to finalizing designs and permit submittal. Once the design is finalized, and a specific site established (the Gala Foods site was discussed), and a permit application has been made, the then-applicants will return for another presentation.
Item #2
Project Name: Casa Reposo
Project Address: 3069 E Street
Project Number: N/A
Project Description: Non-profit safe house for 6 residents or less serving human trafficking victims and other groups.
Permit Application: N/A
Presentation Status: Information Item
Motion: None
Vote: For: N/A Against: N/A Abstain: N/A
Result: N/A
Presentation: No project representative was in attendance to make a presentation.
Discussion: It was discussed that current local codes and procedures regulating residential facilities differently than “typical” residential situations may be in violation of State law. The San Diego City Attorney is currently reviewing State law and recent lawsuits to determine the status of current City regulations and changes that may be required to comply with State nondiscriminatory housing law. Such changes may effect facilities with more than 6 residents by possibly eliminating the Conditional Use Permit requirement due to the fact that regulating residential occupancies within residential zones may be discriminatory; however, no development regulation changes are expected. At this time there is no determination and this information was provided as information for the Committee to be aware-of for possible future action.
Public Comment Item #1
Project Name: Cul-De-Sac
Project Address: 2975 E Street
Project Number: N/A
Project Description: Previously-approved street vacation. Pending anticipated applications for cul-de-sac construction and building permit for multi-dwelling unit project.
Permit Application: N/A
Presentation Status: Information Item
Motion: None
Vote: For: N/A Against: N/A Abstain: N/A
Result: N/A
Presentation: Community concern over removal of existing eucalyptus trees in Right-Of-Way and concern for existing parking impaction and the effects of future development.
Discussion: As it is expected that the Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee will receive application packages for both the engineering permit needed to construct the cul-de-sac and the building permit needed to construct the new private structure; and we will be sure to evaluate the proposals for providing replacement landscaping (especially trees) for that which was removed and adequate parking for the multi-dwelling unit project. We also recommend that those in the community with any concerns over this project in the interim contact the developer directly [contact information is public record and is available at the City of San Diego Development Services Department at 1222 First Avenue].
In general, the first step should be to contact the responsible party directly to describe the perception of the problem, effects to the community, and possible solutions. Having taken this first step without reparation, contacting the City of San Diego Neighborhood Code Compliance [(619) 236 5500] should follow.
Since it is surmised that the project applicant may have removed trees prior to having full authorization to do so, and may have removed trees outside the project boundaries, it was recommended that concerned citizens should contact Neighborhood Code Compliance to initiate an investigation. If the applicant acted in advance of formal approvals and/or outside the approved scope of work, remediation in the form of replanting may be required. If satisfaction is not reached and the community expresses additional concern, the Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee will consider making a community-initiated complaint to Neighborhood Code Compliance on behalf of the residents of Greater Golden Hill.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:20 PM.
Establish selection procedures for the Greater Golden Hill Community Plan Update Advisory Committee (CPUAC). The selection procedures establish formal participation in the CPUAC from a diverse cross-section of stakeholder’s representative of the community at-large. Those often under-represented in the formal decision-making process should be encouraged to participate as part of the plan update process.
To convene the public discussion and gather input that is representative of diverse interests and perspectives from the community at-large. The CPUAC will provide the City with feedback and recommendations throughout the community plan update process. The CPUAC will be a subcommittee of the Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee (GGHPC) as provided by Council Policy 600-24 and the bylaws of the GGHPC.
The CPUAC will consist of fifteen (15) voting members and may include up to five (5) ex-officio (non-voting) members. The GGHPC will appoint eight (8) members, and seven (7) members will be selected from the community at-large. Members of the CPUAC should, to the extent possible, be representative of the various geographic and demographic segments of the community and of diversified community interests. Membership based upon community interests places the additional responsibility for committee members to gather the knowledge and viewpoints necessary to represent such interest for the community at-large. Individuals with direct fiduciary conflicts of interest are ineligible to serve.
The CPUAC will contain the following member representatives:
(4) Resident Property Owner
(1) Non-resident Property Owner
(2) Non-owner Resident
(1) Community Non-Profit Organization
(1) Canyons
(1) Environmental/CEQA
(1) Historic
(1) Open Space/parks
(3) Business:
(1) Community Commercial zone representative from any designated Community Commercial zone area within Greater Golden Hill
(1) At-large representative with preference for representing the smaller Neighborhood Commercial zone area within Greater Golden Hill
(1) At-large representative
Voting members shall be at least 18 years of age. Proof of age shall be provided in the form of valid picture identification.
Interested candidates shall be affiliated with the community as a:
Resident Property Owner
A Resident Property Owner is any person who owns all or a substantial fee interest in the dwelling unit which he or she resides within the community planning area boundary.
To determine eligibility, a Resident Property Owner candidate will present any of the following documents as proof that they own the property in which they reside:
1) Deed of Trust
2) Deed to Property
3) Property Tax Bill
4) Mortgage Payment Contract
5) Mortgage Payment Book
6) Current County Assessor Property Owner Listing
7) Any other documents or materials which the CPCI Department may deem acceptable
Non-resident Property Owner
A Non-Resident Property Owner is any person identified as the sole or partial owner of record, or their designee, of a real property (either developed or undeveloped) within the community planning area.
To determine eligibility, a Non-resident Property Owner candidate will present any of the following documents as proof that they own property in the community:
1) Deed of Trust
2) Deed to Property
3) Property Tax Bill
4) Mortgage Payment Contract
5) Mortgage Payment Book
6) Current County Assessor Property Owner Listing
7) Any other documents or materials which the CPCI Department may deem acceptable
Non-owner Resident
A Non-owner Resident is any person who occupies a dwelling unit by right under a lease, rental agreement, or other arrangement with the owner of a dwelling unit within the community planning area. Family members who reside with residential owner occupants but own no fee interest in the residential dwelling are considered residential tenants.
To determine eligibility, a Non-owner Resident candidate will present proof that they rent or lease their residence in the community planning area. Eligibility documentation must be current and must indicate the correct name of the individual and the qualifying address of their residence. Any of the following documents will be accepted to determine eligibility:
1) California Driver’s License
2) California Identification Card
3) Lease or Rental Agreement
4) Lease or Rental Receipt
5) Housing Commission or Rental Assistance Contract
6) Utility Bill (other than water)
7) Any other documents or materials which the CPCI Department may deem acceptable
Community Non-profit Organization
A local Community Non-profit Organization is any existing not-for-profit organization or community association of persons and/or entities which has its headquarters or a site office within the community planning area, or a substantial number of whose constituents are persons and/or entities within the community planning area, and which association is generally recognized within the planning area as a community organization.
Each eligible Community Non-profit Organization may designate one representative. To determine eligibility, candidates will submit the following on behalf of the organization they represent:
1) Documentation demonstrating existence of the organization at least two (2) years prior to January 2009;
2) Documentation demonstrating existence and operation within or serving the community planning area, such as articles of incorporation, by-laws, non-profit status, business license or such other documentation;
3) A resolution or minutes of the organization’s legislative or executive body designating its representative and authorizing such person to act on its behalf.
Canyons Representative
The Canyons representative will provide the specific knowledge and unique perspective necessary to inform the community plan update process about the preservation, conservation and sustainable management of canyon areas and open space within the community as guided by the Conservation and the Recreation Elements of the City of San Diego General Plan.
To determine eligibility, a candidate for the Canyons representative will present qualifications either as a Resident Property Owner, or Non-owner Resident as well as a résumé or statement of interest relevant to canyon areas and open space. A representative with active participation and experience in or with canyon preservation and rehabilitation organization(s) within the Greater Golden Hill Community Planning Area is preferred.
Environmental/CEQA Representative
The Environmental/CEQA representative will provide the specific knowledge and perspective necessary to inform the community plan update process of environmental issues specific to urban communities, community-specific implementation of General Plan Conservation Element objectives, and the results of the environmental (CEQA) review process.
To determine eligibility, a candidate for the Environmental representative will present qualifications in the categories of Resident Property Owner, Non-owner Resident or Community Non-profit Organization as well as a résumé or statement of interest relevant to the qualifications listed above. Additionally, candidates for this position should have specific knowledge and/or experience in issues of sustainability, ecology, green development and design, and/or the United States Green Building Council’s LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) rating system with emphasis on Neighborhood Development.
Historic Representative
The Historic representative will have knowledge of the community’s history, and be interested in participating in assisting the City and the City’s consultant to identify places that may be historically significant to the community. One of the main tasks of the historic representative will be to solicit input from community members regarding places, buildings, and sites that are of cultural importance, but may not be readily apparent to the City or the City’s consultant.
To determine eligibility, a candidate for the Historic representative will present qualifications in the categories of Resident Property Owner or Non-owner Resident as well as a résumé or statement of interest relevant to the qualifications listed above.
Open Space/parks Representative
The Open Space/parks representative will provide the specific knowledge and perspective necessary to inform the community plan update process about issues related to open space, parks and recreation in an urban community as guided by the Recreation and the Conservation Elements of the General Plan. This representative will also be the liaison with the Balboa Park Committee.
To determine eligibility, a candidate for the Open Space/parks representative will present qualifications in the categories of Resident Property Owner, Non-owner Resident or Community Non-profit Organization as well as a résumé or statement of interest relevant to the qualifications listed above.
Business/commercial Representative
The Business/commercial representative shall be a local business owner, operator, or their designee at a non-residential real property address in the community planning area.
Business/commercial candidates must present proof of ownership of a business located within the community planning area. Eligibility documentation must be current and must indicate the correct name of the individual and the address of his or her business as appropriate. No more than one stockholder, officer or designee of a corporation may apply. Candidate shall submit at least one of the following documents as proof of eligibility:
1) Business Tax Certificate
2) Certificate of Incorporation
3) Articles of Incorporation
4) Corporation By-laws
5) Deed of Trust
6) Deed to Property
7) Property Tax Bill
8) Current County Assessor Property Owner Listing
9) Any other documents or materials which the CPCI Department may deem acceptable
Advisory Committee Interest Form
All candidates must submit a signed CPUAC application form in order to be considered to serve on the committee. Forms should be submitted to the City Planning & Community Investment (CPCI) Department by August 18, 2009. The application forms are includes in Attachment 1. Résumés or a statement of interest should be attached to the application.
Solicitation and Selection of CPUAC Members
• Membership. Applications will be solicited from individuals and groups who have shown an interest in the Greater Golden Hill Community Plan update; have been identified by the City of San Diego as having participated in or served the community; or have been responded to outreach efforts by the City and the GGHPC.
• Selection Criteria. City staff will certify that candidates meet the criteria set forth on the application form. CPCI staff will forward eligible candidates to a selection committee comprised of the CPCI Director or designee, in consultation with staff from Council Districts 3 and 8. A publicly-noticed lottery will be held if there are more candidates than seats. The non-profit/community organization seats shall be ratified by the CPCI Director in consultation with Council Districts 3 and 8 based on eligibility determined by the selection criteria identified above.
Reappointment Process. Establishing a process for reappointments will help ensure active participation at all times. If a CPUAC member has two unexcused absences in a row or three unexcused absences over the course of six months and does not have the excused absence approved at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting by the CPCI Department, he/she would be replaced. The new appointment of a member would be made in the category in need of representation from the original candidate list.
Establish selection procedures for the Greater Golden Hill Community Plan Update Advisory Committee (CPUAC). The selection procedures establish formal participation in the CPUAC from a diverse cross-section of stakeholder’s representative of the community at-large. Those often under-represented in the formal decision-making process should be encouraged to participate as part of the plan update process.
To convene the public discussion and gather input that is representative of diverse interests and perspectives from the community at-large. The CPUAC will provide the City with feedback and recommendations throughout the community plan update process. The CPUAC will be a subcommittee of the Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee (GGHPC) as provided by Council Policy 600-24 and the bylaws of the GGHPC.
The CPUAC will consist of fifteen (15) voting members and may include up to five (5) ex-officio (non-voting) members. The GGHPC will appoint eight (8) members, and seven (7) members will be selected from the community at-large. Members of the CPUAC should, to the extent possible, be representative of the various geographic sections of the community and diversified community interests. Membership based upon community interests places the additional responsibility for committee members to gather the knowledge and viewpoints necessary to represent such interest for the community at-large.
The CPUAC will contain the following member representatives:
(4) Resident Property Owner
(1) Non-resident Property Owner
(2) Non-owner Resident
(1) Community Non-Profit Organization
(1) Canyons
(1) Environmental/CEQA
(1) Historic
(1) Open Space/parks
(3) Business:
(1) Community Commercial zone representative from any designated Community Commercial zone area within Greater Golden Hill
(1) At-large representative with preference for representing the smaller Neighborhood Commercial zone area within Greater Golden Hill
(1) At-large representative
Voting members shall be at least 18 years of age. Proof of age shall be provided in the form of valid picture identification.
Interested candidates shall be affiliated with the community as a:
Resident Property Owner
A Resident Property Owner is any person who owns all or a substantial fee interest in the dwelling unit which he or she resides within the community planning area boundary.
To determine eligibility, a Resident Property Owner candidate will present any of the following documents as proof that they own the property in which they reside:
1) Deed of Trust
2) Deed to Property
3) Property Tax Bill
4) Mortgage Payment Contract
5) Mortgage Payment Book
6) Current County Assessor Property Owner Listing
7) Any other documents or materials which the CPCI Department may deem acceptable
Non-resident Property Owner
A Non-Resident Property Owner is any person identified as the sole or partial owner of record, or their designee, of a real property (either developed or undeveloped) within the community planning area.
To determine eligibility, a Non-resident Property Owner candidate will present any of the following documents as proof that they own property in the community:
1) Deed of Trust
2) Deed to Property
3) Property Tax Bill
4) Mortgage Payment Contract
5) Mortgage Payment Book
6) Current County Assessor Property Owner Listing
7) Any other documents or materials which the CPCI Department may deem acceptable
Non-owner Resident
A Non-owner Resident is any person who occupies a dwelling unit by right under a lease, rental agreement, or other arrangement with the owner of a dwelling unit within the community planning area. Family members who reside with residential owner occupants but own no fee interest in the residential dwelling are considered residential tenants.
To determine eligibility, a Non-owner Resident candidate will present proof that they rent or lease their residence in the community planning area. Eligibility documentation must be current and must indicate the correct name of the individual and the qualifying address of their residence. Any of the following documents will be accepted to determine eligibility:
1) California Driver’s License
2) California Identification Card
3) Lease or Rental Agreement
4) Lease or Rental Receipt
5) Housing Commission or Rental Assistance Contract
6) Utility Bill (other than water)
7) Any other documents or materials which the CPCI Department may deem acceptable
Community Non-profit Organization
A local Community Non-profit Organization is any existing not-for-profit organization or community association of persons and/or entities which has its headquarters or a site office within the community planning area, or a substantial number of whose constituents are persons and/or entities within the community planning area, and which association is generally recognized within the planning area as a community organization.
Each eligible Community Non-profit Organization may designate one representative. To determine eligibility, candidates will submit the following on behalf of the organization they represent:
1) Documentation demonstrating existence of the organization at least two (2) years prior to January 2009;
2) Documentation demonstrating existence and operation within or serving the community planning area, such as articles of incorporation, by-laws, non-profit status, business license or such other documentation;
3) A resolution or minutes of the organization’s legislative or executive body designating its representative and authorizing such person to act on its behalf.
Canyons Representative
The Canyons representative will provide the specific knowledge and unique perspective necessary to inform the community plan update process about the preservation, conservation and sustainable management of canyon areas and open space within the community as guided by the Conservation and the Recreation Elements of the City of San Diego General Plan.
To determine eligibility, a candidate for the Canyons representative will present qualifications either as a Resident Property Owner, or Non-owner Resident as well as a résumé or statement of interest relevant to canyon areas and open space. Preference may be given to individuals with current or previous active participation and experience within local canyon preservation and/or rehabilitation organization(s). (OPTIONAL LANGUAGE: A representative with active participation and experience in or with canyon preservation and rehabilitation organization(s) within the Greater Golden Hill Community Planning Area is preferred.)
Environmental/CEQA Representative
The Environmental/CEQA representative will provide the specific knowledge and perspective necessary to inform the community plan update process of environmental issues specific to urban communities, community-specific implementation of General Plan Conservation Element objectives, and the results of the environmental (CEQA) review process.
To determine eligibility, a candidate for the Environmental representative will present qualifications in the categories of Resident Property Owner, Non-owner Resident or Community Non-profit Organization as well as a résumé or statement of interest relevant to the qualifications listed above. Additionally, candidates for this position should have specific knowledge and/or experience in issues of sustainability, ecology, green development and design, and/or the United States Green Building Council’s LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) rating system with emphasis on Neighborhood Development.
Historic Representative
The Historic representative will have knowledge of the community’s history, and be interested in participating in assisting the City and the City’s consultant to identify places that may be historically significant to the community. One of the main tasks of the historic representative will be to solicit input from community members regarding places, buildings, and sites that are of cultural importance, but may not be readily apparent to the City or the City’s consultant. If a historic preservation professional is chosen as the representative, there may be a conflict that would preclude work within the planning area while seated.
To determine eligibility, a candidate for the Historic representative will present qualifications in the categories of Resident Property Owner or Non-owner Resident as well as a résumé or statement of interest relevant to the qualifications listed above.
Open Space/parks Representative
The Open Space/parks representative will provide the specific knowledge and perspective necessary to inform the community plan update process about issues related to open space, parks and recreation in an urban community as guided by the Recreation and the Conservation Elements of the General Plan. This representative will also be the liaison with the Balboa Park Committee.
To determine eligibility, a candidate for the Open Space/parks representative will present qualifications in the categories of Resident Property Owner, Non-owner Resident or Community Non-profit Organization as well as a résumé or statement of interest relevant to the qualifications listed above.
Business/commercial Representative
The Business/commercial representative shall be a local business owner, operator, or their designee at a non-residential real property address in the community planning area.
Business/commercial candidates must present proof of ownership of a business located within the community planning area. Eligibility documentation must be current and must indicate the correct name of the individual and the address of his or her business as appropriate. No more than one stockholder, officer or designee of a corporation may apply. Candidate shall submit at least one of the following documents as proof of eligibility:
1) Business Tax Certificate
2) Certificate of Incorporation
3) Articles of Incorporation
4) Corporation By-laws
5) Deed of Trust
6) Deed to Property
7) Property Tax Bill
8) Current County Assessor Property Owner Listing
9) Any other documents or materials which the CPCI Department may deem acceptable
Advisory Committee Interest Form
All candidates must submit a signed CPUAC application form in order to be considered to serve on the committee. Forms should be submitted to the City Planning & Community Investment (CPCI) Department by August 18, 2009. The application forms are includes in Attachment 1. Résumés or a statement of interest should be attached to the application.
Solicitation and Selection of CPUAC Members
• Membership. Applications will be solicited from individuals and groups who have shown an interest in the Greater Golden Hill Community Plan update; have been identified by the City of San Diego as having participated in or served the community; or have been responded to outreach efforts by the City and the GGHPC.
• Selection Criteria. City staff will certify that candidates meet the criteria set forth on the application form. CPCI staff will forward eligible candidates to a selection committee comprised of the CPCI Director or designee, in consultation with staff from Council Districts 3 and 8. A publicly-noticed lottery will be held if there are more candidates than seats. The non-profit/community organization seats shall be ratified by the CPCI Director in consultation with Council Districts 3 and 8 based on eligibility determined by the selection criteria identified above.
Reappointment Process. Establishing a process for reappointments will help ensure active participation at all times. If a CPUAC member has two unexcused absences in a row or three unexcused absences over the course of six months and does not have the excused absence approved at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting by the CPCI Department, he/she would be replaced. The new appointment of a member would be made in the category in need of representation from the original candidate list.