June 10, 2009
Meeting held at Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse – Golf Course Drive
Call to order at 6:30 pm by Chris Blatt, chair, Agenda had been posted in accordance with Brown Act.
Members present: Ruchell Alvarez, Richard Baldwin, Chris Blatt, Laurie Burgett, Dave Caldwell, Scott Glazebrook, Anita Margolis, Frederick Ruffell, David Skillman, Marie Skillman, Angela Vasconcellos. Members absent: Maureen Burke, Carole Caffey
Treasurer’s Report: no report
Community Police Officer: Officer John Graham reported that 122 officers are leaving the Department at the end of June, taking early retirements. This will stretch resources. Crime stats for our area look good; there have been 2 residential burglaries on A Street by the park. If you see or suspect a crime, be sure to report it. Captain’s Advisory Meeting: July 28th, 5:30, 25th & Imperial.
City Council District 3: Anthony Bernal. Passed out guidelines for the Stage 2 Water Emergency effective June 1, and 24 Ways to Save Water. Water wasters will get a notice on their door, asking them to follow the rules. 34 prostitutes were arrested in a sting operation on El Cajon Blvd during the previous week. Those noting a need for street or street light repair are asked to report the problem to the city: a ticket number is issued so progress can be tracked. 619-527-7500 – leave message and expect call back within 24 hours.
City Council District 8 - Diana Jurado-Sainz. Code compliance has finally succeeded in getting the burned out house on Edgemont demolished. They are now working with realtor on a 2-month schedule to rehabilitate the house next door. The house in 3200 block of E Street where murder happened is secured; street improvements in area are expected to help. 25th Street revitalization is finally funded with contracts in process. They hope to have consultants in place in 2 months. The first “demonstration block” will be 25th Street between B and C Streets. People living in motor homes on the street should be reported to Code Compliance or the council office for the District. Be sure to have license plate number of vehicle. Eric Vacu is the new City staffer in charge of Vacant Properties. Yolanda Apalategui will be filling in while Diana takes a 2-week vacation.
53rd Congressional District - Katherine Fortner: Distributed copies of June Davis Dispatch. House hopes to pass healthcare plan before the August recess. Davis sponsored legislation allowing second medical opinions for veterans. Davis supported the bill signed May 22, regarding unbundling of defense contracts.
Mayor; 76th Assembly District: no reports
City Planner - Bernie Turgeon: Contract for Facilitator of Community Plan Update was awarded to Collaborative Services. Kickoff should be in late July or early August, for the 2-year process. Charrettes (public meetings) will probably be in April of 2010. Transportation contractor selected is Kim Lee Horn, awaiting City Council approval. Urban Design contractor not finalized yet.
Approval of Minutes: May minutes were approved (motion, D Skillman; second Margolis; all in favor, Blatt, Santini abstained as they were not at the meeting)
Public Comment.
Joyce Summer, CCDC: Passed out copies of the updated Downtown Living Guide. Pg. 3 has a list of city phone numbers. CCAC and CCDC boards recommended an exclusive agreement with Gerding Elkins for the Civic Center update. This may instead be put to a public vote. 20% of tax increment collected downtown must go to affordable housing; of units built in the past year, 15% were affordable for those with various levels of income.
Yustavo Perez: Described a new project, a CRV collection facility they want to build and operate at a local supermarket. The proposed 500 sq ft facility (size of 3 parking spaces) would be emptied each day. They will accept recyclable materials for pay; they will ID customers and limit access to pushcarts. Caldwell asked that he bring a more detailed proposal before the Land Use Committee.
Kathryn McNeal: lives in the 2800 block of E Street. In her 9-block area there are several problems. #1 is graffiti from 4 gangs. Parking is horrible, yet a project at 2975 E Street was approved; it is to be constructed once the cul-de-sac is completed. Has landscaping concerns, since trees have been cut down ruining park-like atmosphere. Worries about vacant house where murder occurred. Says curbing project needs City guidance.
Laura Terry: Casa Reposa is a nonprofit working with human trafficking victims. Wants to use a home at 3069 E Street, which has been vacant for a number of years, for an outpatient safe home (not drug rehabilitation). Hopefully residents would be in 18-month program. Has observed child predators in the area. Will be at Einstein health fair on 6/18 and Mission Bay walk on 9/26 with more information about Stop Child Trafficking Now. Committee discussion: Burgett pointed out that facilities with 6 or less residents do not require permits. There is currently a moratorium in place for halfway houses with more than 6 residents in place in this neighborhood. Terry was asked to return to the next meeting with a specific action item regarding the project.
Jerry Ray: Took the Port District’s boat tour of the Bay, learned about working Port, recommended tour to others. Had a photograph of unsightly property north of Alchemy.
Scott Glazebrook: Old House Fair is June 20 – GGHPC decided not to have a table. M Skillman will make up a small flyer about GGHPC and place copies at information booths.
Chairs Report/Mail. No report.
Clean, Green and Safe (MAD) Oversight Committee. Is looking for public attendance at meeting on July 6, 6:30 pm at Ethos Church. Oversight Committee will be making presentations about the MAD budget and activities. Margolis requested that copies of the reports be available to GGHPC members at next meeting.
Land Use: Nothing to report
ACTION ITEMS: Community Plan Update Advisory Committee (CPUAC) Bernie Turgeon:
Ad hoc committee is working on CPUAC membership guidelines. Will meet again after Land Use Committee meeting on June 24.
Balboa Park: Burgett noted that an interior road north of the Date Street section had been graded and widened, and that vegetation had been removed, exposing a set of stairs at the corner southeast of the clubhouse. SOHO has named the fountain/grotto in Golden Hill Park as one of the city’s Most Endangered Properties.
Membership. Parks. Transportation. Code Compliance. Airport Noise Advisory. Historic. No reports.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm. (motion Margolis, second D Skillman)
Marie Skillman, Secretary.