Tuesday, May 26, 2009

April 8, 2009 minutes


April 8, 2009


Meeting held at Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse – Golf Course Drive

Call to order: Chris Blatt, chair, called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm.  Agenda had been posted earlier, but not within the required 72-hour period before the meeting, as required by the Brown Act. Therefore, no action items could be acted upon. Turgeon to work with Blatt to assure this does not happen in the future.


Members present: Ruchell Alvarez, Richard Baldwin, Laurie Burgett, Maureen Burke, Dave Caldwell (arrived at 6:45), Scott Glazebrook, Anita Margolis, Frederick Ruffell, Richard Santini, David Skillman, Marie Skillman. 

Treasurer’s Report: treasurer not present

Community Police Officer:  Officer John Graham reported that they had caught the burglars responsible for a number of recent residential burglaries.  They were 4 juveniles, the youngest 11 years old.  There may be another group at work: police are on alert.

City Council District 3:  Anthony Bernal.  Distributed copies of District 3 newsletter.  A community coffee will be held 4/25/09 from 10:00 – 11:30 am at Rebecca’s. A budget hearing will be held at Hoover High School on 4/14/09.  D Skillman asked about the sale of infrastructure bonds by the City, Bernal said his office is working on how those funds would be used in the District.

City Council District 8 - Diana Jurado:  Negotiations between City and 5 unions have reached an impasse.  Meetings continue this week with City Council action on 4/14/09.  The Mayor has asked unions for concessions of $30 million.  On 3/28/09, Chavez Day, 160 trees were planted. They are hoping to make the total 800 trees by Arbor Day.  Some street trees are available, contact District 3 office for details. The Golden Hill CDC annual gala with silent auction will be 6/6 at Alchemy restaurant.  CDC is seeking community volunteers.  The committee meets weekly at CDC office, contact them for details.

53rd Congressional District - Katherine Fortner:  Distributed copies of April Davis Dispatch.  Stimulus bill funding of $200 million will go to SD Unified School District, $200 million for infrastructure projects, and funding for military projects.  Davis is working on legislation to make more states allow absentee ballots for federal elections.  Neighborhood Day will be 5/2/09 at Mission Beach.

Mayor; 76th Assembly District: no reports

City Planner  - Bernie Turgeon:  Application has been made for a California Transportation Planning Grant for Greater Golden Hill and North Park.  This would make additional money available in the Community Plan Update process for such projects as block-by-block review of transportation modes and existing conditions.  This would help assure that design concepts and plans currently in place would get into the Capital Improvement Plans.  Examples:  traffic calming, synchronized streetlights, more signals on corridors, bus shelters.  Glazebrook requested a hard copy of the Draft Landscape Regulation changes.


Approval of Minutes:  March minutes were approved.


Public Comment. 

Jerry Ray: circulated information about free tours of waterfront and bay sponsored by Port District.

Reported serious parking issues on the East side of Dale street in front of her home, caused by customers of restaurants and bars in area.  Trashcans are being knocked down and cannot be picked up because of close conditions. She has taken photos and been in contact with police.  Urban Corps (MAD) removed vegetation from her parkway, without notice, ruining her landscaping plan.


Dave Caldwell:  Land-Use subcommittee received Draft of Very High Fire Hazard Map, along with DVD.  Comments on the map will be taken for 60 days (from March 27).  Contact Caldwell if you wish to review the map.

Stacy Swift:  Reported serious parking issues between 27th & 28th Streets, on B and C Streets.  The parking problem is resulting in no regular trash pickup in the area, as well as keeping trees from being trimmed.  Showed photos of the problem, which is in part caused by a garage converted to dwelling.  Has been in contact with District 8 office.   Blatt took address information and will forward to Code Compliance. 



Chairs Report/Mail.  Blatt reported that CPC is again looking at enforcement of oversize vehicle parking.  Distributed flyer on Storefront Improvement Program of SBA and Attorney General’s opinion about 72 hour meeting notices.   

Clean, Green and Safe (MAD) Oversight Committee. D. Skillman reported that CDC is planning to do sidewalk repairs, although the MAD OC does not approve for 3 reasons: (1) it is against CA constitution (2) this is a city baseline service not enhanced as required in Engineer’s Report (3) city will be issuing bonds soon for infrastructure repair.

San Diego Housing Commission – Lisa Wolf.  Distributed copies of the FY 2010 Affordable Housing Plan, requesting written comment by 5/4/09.  Not expecting many changes from prior year. In answer to a question about affordable housing being placed in new construction vs. existing, stated that a RFP is currently seeking older properties for the program. 

Community Orientation Workshop (COW) is scheduled for 5/2/09.  New committee members must attend.  M. Skillman to forward email information to Alvarez and Santini.

Land Use. Caldwell reported there were no scheduled projects or walk-ins at March meeting.  Subcommittee discussed Utility Undergrounding, Phase 3.

Verizon Gala:  Steve Chatfield spoke about the proposed cellular site at 30th & Ivy, where they would be putting 4 antennas inside a structure on the roof, with equipment indoors and 2 air conditioner units behind a concrete wall in the yard. Distributed copies of the plans.  Caldwell expressed concern that the air conditioning units would take up outside space required by zoning.  Caldwell also wonders if the equipment room indoors would be correct use according to original plans for this mixed-use project.  Margolis asked if the existing roof structure on the building is an approved use, or could it be required to be modified.  Caldwell stated that it meets PDO.  Margolis likes the idea of camouflaging the new structure and possibly the existing one as well.  Chatfield was asked to appear at the Land Use Subcommittee meeting on 4/29/09; based upon that meeting, an action item will be placed on full committee agenda for May meeting.


Community Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC) Bernie Turgeon:  No action could be taken since the agenda was not properly posted 72 hours in advance.  Burgett gave brief summary of community members who have applied for CPAC.  Prior to the May meeting, Burgett will review the community applications, contact the applicants, and email a summary of them to all of the GGHPC members.  After receiving the summary, GGHPC members interested in being on the CPAC will send a short statement of their qualifications to Burgett, who will then forward these statements to the entire committee, in advance of the May meeting.   DS asked if community members could still apply and Turgeon said they could. 



Membership. Parks. Transportation. No report.

Code Compliance.  Baldwin noted that a structure at 2622 E Street is being slowly dismantled.  Blatt to ask City to check into this. 

Balboa Park Committee. Burgett reported on plans for trail system around Golf Course Drive.  The Balboa Park Trust has donated $45,000 to Park and Recreation department for this project.  Burgett noted that a bird survey is required; if gnatcatchers are present, work could not begin until October.  A presentation will be made at the May meeting.  A roundabout has been proposed at the intersection of Pershing Drive and Redwood near the Disc Golf Course.

Airport Noise Advisory. Historic.  No report.


OTHER ITEMS: Margolis is still working on getting information about the expansion plans at Golden Hill Elementary School; there are several contact persons but she hopes to have a presentation at a meeting in the near future.  Baldwin asked about having a speaker about installation of solar panels at a future meeting.


Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.


Marie Skillman, Secretary.