March 11, 2009
Meeting held at Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse – Golf Course Drive
Call to order: Chris Blatt, chair, was absent. David Skillman called the meeting to order at 6:38 pm. Agenda had been posted earlier.
Members present: Richard Baldwin, Laurie Burgett, Maureen Burke, Carole Caffey, Dave Caldwell, Scott Glazebrook, Anita Margolis, Frederick Ruffell, David Skillman, Marie Skillman, Angela Vasconcellos.
Treasurer’s Report: still have about $75
Community Police Officer: not present.
City Council District 3: Councilmember Todd Gloria. Introduced Anthony Bernal, his staff person for Golden Hill, and Jamie Fox-Rice, his chief of staff. Reported that the city has an operating shortfall of $54 million, deep cuts will be required when budget is adopted, Mayor to present in April. Mandatory water conservation is likely, they are working on fairness for previous good behavior; a minimum “floor” is being set, a ceiling might be needed as well. Discussed sewer vs. outdoor use calculations. Wants to make sure the revised Community Plan reflects our goals. Gloria is head of council’s Land Use Committee. He asked us to work with him by giving input to him or his staff. He will be holding community coffees in the near future.
City Council District 8 - Diana Jurado: On 3/28, the second annual tree planting will be held. Over 100 trees are to be planted at Burbank Elementary. Also on 3/28 is a community cleanup. Waste bins will be at the SD Japanese church, 1920 E Street. RFP for the consultant for the 25th Street Revival will be out by 3/13. Sketches are available at CDC website; project goals include walk ability and smart growth.
53rd Congressional District - Katherine Fortner: is the website with information about federal agency use of stimulus funds; also see Rep. Davis website. A forum about local impact of stimulus will be held 3/28 from 10-11:30 AM at USD. Must RSVP. Margolis asked about COBRA coverage: details in Davis Dispatch (copies were distributed). Baldwin asked that Davis support renewal of Small Business Grants program.
Mayor; 76th Assembly District: no reports
Approval of Minutes: December minutes were approved (Caffey, Caldwell, Burgett abstained). February minutes were approved (Burke abstained).
Public Comment.
Richard Alvarez: referred to Union Tribune article about noise levels at Chapel of Happiness. Reported that on 3/10 graffiti appeared on the 3rd floor and stairwells in the condo building. Photos were being taken last week. Chapel was cited on 2/28 for noise, next time will be a $500 fine.
Shey Calskey: lives near Felton & Beech street, wants a stop sign. Traffic from military housing complex in the area is fast and reckless, especially weekdays after 5 PM and on weekend nights. Ruffell was not hopeful; Caffey stated that this takes time. Calskey has spoken with Anthony Bernal of District 3 office.
William Yee, CCDC: Projects are in the ground for $128 million of public infrastructure, including pedestrian bridge, demolition of blighted buildings at 13th & Market and 13th & F, streetlights on Cortez Hill. Bids for area-wide traffic signals to be advertised in the next week. Construction: Cortez Hill Family center contract has been awarded, Studio 15 to finish in a few weeks, 1050 B underway, 9th & Broadway under design review. Budget of $159 million will get first reading next week, this is 15% less than last year. Design reviewer position was eliminated, function combined with other jobs. Coffee with CCDC: Friday, 4/3 at 8 AM.
Election. Ballots were distributed. Candidates Ruchell Alvarez and Richard Santini introduced themselves. Members running for re-election were Blatt, Caldwell, Burgett, Glazebrook, Marie Skillman, and Vasconcellos. Burke counted the ballots (18 were cast) and all on ballot were elected. New members will be seated at the April meeting.
Chairs Report/Mail. Chairman was not present.
Clean, Green and Safe (MAD) Oversight Committee. Caffey reported that a letter was being drafted, asking about the legality of rolling funds over from one year to the next. Program managers have recommended using MAD funds for sidewalk repairs: there are questions as to appropriateness to Engineer’s report, and the fact that the city and homeowner generally pay for sidewalks. The Urban Corps contract is being reviewed
Land Use. Took no action on agenda item re: Verizon Tower because nobody was present at Land Use Subcommittee with details. Caldwell wonders if there are additional city requirements. A member of the community circulated photos of the site and voiced his objection to it as an eyesore.
City Planning Department. Bernie Turgeon: Has received several applications for the Community Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC). At the April meeting we must have an action item to elect the GGHPC representatives and appoint the community members. A show of hands indicated that almost all of the GGHPC members are interested in being on the CPAC. Turgeon explained the time commitments: First 6 months (May – November) monthly meetings plus charettes (1 evening, 1 Saturday) in November. Next 6 months, periodic meetings. Later, there would more meetings to finalize. After some discussion, it was moved by M. Skillman, seconded by Burke that Burgett review the community applications and email a summary of them to all of the GGHPC members. After receiving the summary, GGHPC members still interested in being on the CPAC will send a short statement of their qualifications to Burgett, who will then forward these statements to the entire committee, in advance of the April meeting. Motion passed unanimously. Turgeon is to email the timeline to committee members.
Membership. There are now 2 vacancies on the committee.
Parks. Transportation. Code Compliance. No report.
Balboa Park Committee. Burgett will get details by next month on work on Golf Course Drive.
Airport Noise Advisory. D. Skillman and M. Skillman reported on the public meeting they attended on 3/10 about the noise abatement program. Baldwin reported that some homes in his neighborhood were getting sound abatement. Glazebrook needs a letter from Chair to be accepted as alternate Advisory Committee meetings.
Historic. Nothing to report.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.
Marie Skillman, Secretary.