Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee
Board Meeting
Wednesday, August 8 ,2007
Golden Hill Golf Course Clubhouse
Present: Chris Blatt chair; Dave Caldwell; Richard Baldwin; John McWilliams; Scott Glazebrook, Angela Vasconcellos, Laurie Burgett, Maureen Burke, Richard Barerra, and Dana Shutt-Mendibles
Chair Blatt called the meeting to order at approximately 6:33 pm.
Treasurers Report: no report-unchanged.
Community Police Report: No Report.
District 3-no report.
District 8-no report.
76th Assembly District- no report.
53rd Congressional District-no report.
Mayor-no report.
Ron Roberts Office:-no report.
City Planners Report-no report.
Approval of July 2007 Minutes:
A motion was made to approve the minutes and was approved with no opposed and three abstained.
Mac concerned about the fact that it has been quite a while since we have had a representative from Mayors office. Suggested committee send another letter following up on our previous request for representation at meetings. Subject will be put on agenda for next month as an action item.
Chair Report: Historical Resources Training set for Aug 30-6:00 PM
Discussion of new rooming house ordinances to cap number of leases present as opposed to number of people.
MAD Update-no report.
Discussion that it appears measure has passed and will be administered by GGHCDC. It passed by a close vote.
Public Comment (non-agenda items):- None.
BYLAWS UPDATE: Scott and Richard B. prepared handouts with current wording and proposed changes and amendments. General consensus was that document as it stands currently lacks in clarity and consistency. Scott believes that many of the community groups with have problems accepting it in the present version. Myles was not present at meeting to address some of the questions that committee had for planning department. Committee went through document article by article discussing some current problems and proposed wording and changes to propose from our group. Vote will take place at September meeting as to what to recommend to planning committee and will follow up for clarification from Myles.
Elections: Discussion with community and committee about how we find candidates to run for position on committee. One community member offered to help with advertising and getting the word out to more potential candidates. Discussion about whether or not we need to require community members to have previously attended three meetings prior to running for a seat. We currently have openings for seats and have openings for Vice Chair and Elections committee. Discussion about serving beyond term limits should re quire 2/3 of a majority vote. Member can run again if they have allowed a year to pass between terms.
Discussion among group about our growing concerns that the Mayor does not send a representative to our meeting and that it appears the planning department intends to start attending every other meeting. Group is concerned about how this will provide indemnification to the committee members with out representation?
Airport Presentation: Former Landfill Remediation Project presented by Ted Anasis-manager of airport planning. (
The former landfill was conveyed to prior airport authority in 2003 from the Naval Training Center to the City prior to that. They intend to dredge materials and municipal waste and then cap the area with imported soil. This will remove all the landfill materials, test for dust and odor nuisances, and then replace with clean soil. The area will then be tested and when clear-the new soil will be compacted. They expect the project to take 9 months to complete. The cost is expected to be between $60-65 million-using airport funds. The biggest concern at this point is the traffic concerns. Discussed that habitats of endangered vegetation and animal species will not be affected. Community members asked about possibilities of methane gas on site. This issue is to be assessed. The goal is for a 10 gate build out of terminal 2 that the group hopes to have built in 2009 with and opening in 2012.
Open Space-Mac-Bill most of way through legislative process-it is likely to pass.
Membership and Elections-We currently have three openings for positions vacated by Patricia, Nora and Steve. We currently have no one on Membership and Elections committee. Dana will take care of sign-in sheets for community and committee members until this position is filled. We also still need a member to run for Vice Chair position.
Parks and Rec: no report.
Historical: no report.
Code Compliance-Chris attended meeting this month. Things appear to be getting done in timely manner. Building inspectors from Development Services are to start attending meetings to learn about community issues to increase their real life training in health and safety.
Balboa Park: no report.
Airport Noise: no report.
Transportation-no report.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:21 pm.
Respectfully submitted-
Dana Shutt-Mendibles, recording secretary.