Thursday, November 09, 2006

August 2006 Minutes for the full planning committee

Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee
Board Meeting
Wednesday, August 9, 2006
Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse
**Approved Minutes**

Present:  Chair Patricia Shields; Marc Kratzschmar; Steve Stratman; Dave Caldwell;
Richard Baldwin; Richard Barerra; Tim Doyle, Chris Blatt; John McWilliams; Scott Glazebrook; Brad Lenahan
Absent: Rob Leach; Carole Caffey; Maureen Burke

Chair Shields called the meeting to order at approx. 6:35 pm by requesting for additions/deletions to the agenda. NONE NOTED
Treasurers Report: Carole Caffey not in attendance - no report
Community Police Officer: Gary Gonzales not officer present – no report
committee discussed belief that Community Relations Officers (CROs) were being removed from the police budget (see District 8 report for more information)
District 3- April Chesebro was not present – no report
District 8- Diana Jurado-Sainz
  • Tracking down speed limit signs

  • CROs are STILL available, possibly transitioning to private, police force is reorganizing

  • 32nd Street playfield is “dead”

  • 2 hour parking request on 28th Street

  • Stop sign at Dale Street and Date Street – has been reviewed twice previously – no update

  • Request for speed monitors in community – no update

  • No knowledge of District 3 sidewalk study

  • Utility undergrounding – see comments under Action Items.
County District 4- David Muniz Peavy (619.531.6002)
  • Initiated reverse 911 system w/Greg Cox – effective later this year

  • Mosquitoes – call vector control at 531.5544 (reduce spread of West Nile Virus)

  • Concerts in the park series

  • Will have residential care facilities numbers at next monthly meeting
76th Assembly District - no one in attendance.
53rd Congressional District - Katherine Fortner not in attendance – no report.
City Planner’s Report - Myles Pomeroy
  • Mayor’s office to send a representative to community planning groups quarterly

  • Bylaws – revised “shell” to be made available – wait to implement bylaw revisions until received – revised bylaws due in March before elections

  • Reminder to provide meeting agendas to the Planning Department 7 days in advance of meeting

  • Planning committee training “What to Know When Reviewing Projects” is scheduled for September 28, 2006 at 9192 Topaz Way between 6PM and 8PM, RSVP at 619.235.5200

  • Mini-“C.O.W.” is scheduled for October 26, 2006 at 9192 Topaz Way between 6PM and 8PM, RSVP at 619.235.5200.  All new committee members not having attended a Community Oriented Workshop previously should attend.

  • 838 25th Street project is still under review – applicant is not responding to department requested for information and/or project revisions.
Approval of Minutes- July 2006- John McWilliams made a motion to approve the minutes for approval as provided by Steve Stratman.  Tim Doyle seconded.
Vote:     9 approved
0 against
2 abstentions (Scott Glazebrook, Brad Lenahan).
Public Comment on non-agenda items-
  • Tershia D’Elgin expressed continued concern for political move on playfield at 32nd Street canyon – indicating the desire for a playfield is still strong.  She is concerned that the mayor’s office is continuing to not follow-though with their commitment on Urban Stream Restoration and could be losing funding.  She requests a letter be written in support of the Urban Stream Restoration project.  Much discussion ensued about how the committee could take an action, how and who would craft a letter, what the committee position should be.  John McWilliams made a motion for general support with Chair Patricia Shields drafting a position of general support to be amended to the minutes of this meeting.  Marc Kratzschmar seconds.
Vote:     9 approved
0 against
2 abstentions (Scott Glazebrook, Brad Lenahan).
  • Mary MacLellan from the CDC reminded the commit about the open air market every Saturday at Einstein Academy between 8:30Am and 12:30 PM.  Also, the first “Solar Social” concerts in the park (Golden Hill Park) is scheduled for August 26, 2006 – a flyer was passed out.  She also passed out the Community Revitalization Action Program generated from the community charrette in March – next charrette is being scheduled for October.  The CDC has secured $1.5M Caltrans Smart Growth Improvement grant for “25th Street Renaissance” enhanced pedestrian environment project, and the CDC will be looking for community participation.

  • Nocole Haynes from CCDC discussed the success of the Golden Hill bus tour of Downtown San Diego.  Those interested in the Navy Complex project should attend the September 9, 2006 workshop on the plan – Embarcadero Planning Center at 10AM.  Other workshops are scheduled ongoing.

  • Jerry Ray expressed concern over the number of liquor licenses being requested in the vicinity of Beech and 30th Street near Einstein Academy.  Grant’s, Alchemy, Citron, Hamilton’s, all believed to be within 600 fee of the school, have applications pending.  She is expressing concern for: compliance with ABC laws, graffiti, cleanliness of the streets, parking, noise.  Brad Lenahan inquired if there is a difference between licenses to sell and those to serve – no one was able to answer.
Information Items:
  • Chair’s Report: CPC Meeting – a special CPC meeting will be held to comment on the Housing Element of the General Plan Update (4th Tuesday of August).  CPC has a concern for “centralization” of the planning process and lack of transparency in the mayor’s office.  Also of concern are comments made by the city’s planning director concerning communities being a problem for planning/development, deleting the PDOs and getting rid of planning groups.

  • PDO Update – no report

  • Stop Sign at Dale/Date – see report from District 8

  • Speed Monitors – see report from District 8

  • District 3 sidewalk study - see report from District 8
Action Items:
  • Land Use – no consent agenda.  Applicant Vincent Thomas received mis-information about which meeting to present to and requested to present at this meeting.  After discussion, the committee directed him to land use for proper noticing when action is to be taken.

  • Appointmtent of GGHPC members –

  • Dana Shutt-Mendibles – a resident with interest in building restoration and a 4th generation San Diegan presented interest.  Richard Barerra indicated she has met the requirements for attendance at three previous meetings.  Richard Barerra made a motion to elect her to the committee, John McWilliams seconded.
Vote:     10 approved
0 against
          1 abstentions (Brad Lenahan).
  • This is the first meeting being attended by resident Nora Vargas, San Diego native, who is interested in becoming involved.

  • Committee-member Brad Lenahan will be moving out of state

  • Undergrounding of high voltage lines – lots of discussion ensued regarding wether or not the project is even proceeding, whether or not we should see another presentation, and what’s going on in general.  It was concluded we should get a presentation when and if the project is moving forward again in the planning of routes.

  • Open space requirements – no discussion

  • Land Development Rights – 2441 E Street received development rights previously for 7 additional units more than would be allowed today.  Owner wants to transfer those rights to another site in the neighborhood or downtown.  The issue is being discussed by the city attorney.  It was recommended this committee hold any further discussion until riling by city attorney.
Sub-Committee and Ad-Hoc Committee Reports:
  • Membership & Elections: Richard Barerra - see Appointment of GGHPC members above.

  • Parks-Maureen Burke not in attendance

  • Code Compliance- No report

  • Transportation-No report.

  • Balboa Park Committee- Laurie Burgett- MIA

  • Airport Noise Advisory Committee-  no report

  • Historic- John McWilliams reports rumor that administrator of Mills Act in city has “disappeared”, office is once again staffed.

  • CPC-Chair  Pat Shields previously informed the committee of CPC actions during her Chairs Report.

Chair Shields adjourned the meeting at 8:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted.

Scott Glazebrook-ACTING recording secretary.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Full Planning Committee Agenda for November 8, 2006

Agenda.  Wednesday, November 8, 2006.  6:30 P.M.***

6:30     CALL TO ORDER   (please be punctual)
  • Additions/Deletions to the Agenda
6:40     Treasurers Report and PASS THE HAT: Carole Caffey
6:45      Community Police-Officer John Graham          (685-8206)     
6:50      District 3- April Chesebro               (236-7758)   
7:00     District 8-  Diana Jurado-Sainz               (236-6688)
7:05      Mayor’s Representative: Beryl Bailey Rayford     (236-7168)        
7:10     76th Assembly Dist.-Melanie Cohen          (645-3090)              
7:15      53rd Congressional Dist. – Katherine Fortner      (280-5353)  
7:20           City Planner’s Report.  Myles Pomeroy.            (235-5219)               
7:25      Ron Roberts Office                    (531-6002)
7:30     APPROVAL OF MINUTES:      October,  2006

7:35 PUBLIC COMMENT (non-agenda items – 3 minute limit)

  • Chair’s Report.  Mail.  / CPC Meeting Report /Resignation of Chair

  • GGHPC by-law revision – Stratman/Glazebrook

  • General Plan – Review Timeline

  • Feedback on SDGE walk – Burke/Shields

  • 32nd Street Canyon Update – Kratzschmar

  • Friends of San Diego Inc. – Tom Mullaney   (619) 795-1753

  • GGHPC Vice-Chair vacancy

  • Land Use (Consent Agenda) – Caldwell
1. 2148 Broadway-(#80464) 2nd SFR on site- this is carried over from last month-  Approved.
     2. 2004 Fern St-(#110838) commercial/restaurant addition (Snippy's). Project is ministerial- info only.
  • Full Committee Land Use Item:  2864 C Street.


8:20   Membership & Elections – Richard Barrera
8:25    PARKS- Maureen Burke Last Wed of the Month.   Balboa Park Golf-Course Clubhouse-6:00 PM
8:27    Code Compliance: Chris Blatt
8:30    Transportation/Compact- Marc Kratzschmar
8:35    Balboa Park Committee- Laurie Burgett
8:40    Airport Noise Advisory- Dave Caldwell
8:48    Historic- John McWilliams


If you would like for the city to provide you with upcoming agendas, please call 619.236.6479 and request to be added to the Mailing List for Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee
Updated agendas can be accessed 72-hours prior to the meeting by visiting our web site provided by the Golden Hill Community Development Corporation
Excused absences:

***This information is available in alternative formats upon request.  To request an agenda in Braille, large print or cassette, or to request a sign language or oral interpreter for the meeting, call 619-236-6479.  24-hours prior to the meeting to ensure availability.