Friday, January 20, 2006

November 2005 Minutes for the full Planning Committee

Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee
Meeting of November 9, 2005
Obtain agenda at
CALL TO ORDER: 6:35 pm
Members Present: Chris Blatt, Paul Broadway, Laurie Burgett, Carole Caffey, David Caldwell, Beverly Davis, Tim Doyle, Scott Glazebrook, Rob Leach, John McWilliams, Todd Phillips, Bonnie Poppe, Chair: Pat Shields, Steve Stratman.

Absent: Marc Kratzschmar Brad Lenahan
Request Additions/Deletions to the Agenda – Public Comment
  • none.

  • none

Treasurers Report: Carole Caffey
  • $273.04. Chair, Pat Shields needs a reimbursement of $48.00 (for P.O. Box)

Community Police Officer, Gary Gonzales (531-1572)
  • Distributed Crime Statistics

  • Introduced Captain Ball and Lori Bach, who spoke about being happy to be in their present positions and will make themselves available to the community.  Community members spoke of Brooklyn School needing police attention as well as more traffic officers at 21st and C streets .Also 25th & B (JARCO) there are 2 pay phones where drug deals appear to be taking place.

  • Captain Ball also spoke about the future improvements to the 911-system response time. He suggested that if your phone goes through your computer, you should find out where your 911 number is going.  They’ve discovered some calls are going to Seattle, Washington.

  • The Chair invited Captain Ball to return in February and he agreed.

District 3 –April Chesebro (236-7758)
  • Toni Times newsletter was distributed.

  • Jeffrey Tom filled in for April and announced that the Undergrounding Project is on hold until the PUC complaints have been resolved.  This may be picked up again by the 1st quarter of 2006.

  • Vacant properties – Work is going on to increase the fine structure and determine how these properties should be secured.  A Remodel Ordinance is also being worked on to cover those properties that don’t fall under the Vacant Property ordinance.

District 8 – Alexa Lawson-Remer (236-6688)
  • This will be the last meeting for Ms. Lawson-Remer, who was thanked by the Chair for her past dedication.

  • Golden Hill Park – Graffiti and gangs are prevalent. Benches & tables are missing and she’s trying to track them down.  Dave Caldwell asked about the timing of the locking of the gates and getting out of the Park.  A private security company is responsible for locking the gates, but this is part of Balboa Park and Laurie Burgett will address this.  This will be put on the February agenda.

  • A 4-way stop sign has been requested at 26th and A, which the Engineering Department has denied.  They will research what other calming efforts might be available.

  • The 32nd Street Canyon will be addressed in January.

Mayor’s Representative – to be determined

76th Assembly District – Sari Hamerling (645-3090)
  • Jason Sheets filled in.  On November 19th from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. at C Street they will host a Holiday Party.  For details contact their office.

53rd Congressional District – Katherine Fortner (280-5353)
  • Ms. Fortner distributed the Davis Dispatch.  Congress is still in session so contact them either locally or in Washington.  For details on the new Drug Plan, contact their office.  
Approval of Minutes
  • October 12, 2005 minutes approved by those eligible to vote. (3 abstentions)

Public Comment (non agenda items)
  • CDC’s Sheila Harden spoke of Broadway redevelopment and ballpark village projects.  Ms Harden handed out “Downtown Today”.  A question was raised as to the boundary of downtown, which was explained to be 17th Street.

  • Nancy Graham is their new CEO and will be invited to meet with our group.

Chair’s Report – Pat Shields
  • Condo conversions have been discussed at the Community Chair meetings.  It appears that there may be a City condo conversion ordinance.  Pat would like to send a letter to Myles, thanking him for his efforts throughout the year.  There is no interest by the Committee in holding another Candidates Forum.

  • Golden Hill Elementary School EIR – “No” on the requested traffic study.

City Planner – Myles Pomeroy (235-5219)
  • On November 30th there will be a class for Planning Groups – from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.  For more details contact Myles Pomeroy.

Albert Einstein Academy Charter School – Luci Fowers, Principal
  • Ms. Fowers spoke about the new Charter School replacing Brooklyn Elementary.  January will be the date that the Brooklyn children move out.  

  • The new Charter School will begin as a K-5 school with approximately 270 students.

  • Acorn Lighting.  Clay Bingham, Deputy Director, Park & Rec. Maintenance Assessment Districts.  The “District” is defined as Broadway, C, B & A streets between 24th and 25 and 19th to 26th.  Acorn lights are smaller, closer together and emit less light than 30 ft. tall Cobra lights, which are not considered as attractive.  For more information contact the Park & Rec. Department.  

  • Golden Hill Elementary School - Pat Shields, Marc Kratzschmar, and Carole Caffey attended a one-hour meeting on 10/28 with Superintendent Carl Cohn. They appreciated the time they were given and noted that Mr. Cohn mentioned some staff changes.

  • Land Use – Two items were pulled from the Consent Agenda for discussion.
  1. 1018 22nd Street – Herman House.  Ms. Lynn Heidrich, owner of adjacent property at 2130-2136 Broadway, spoke about the history of this property.  The owner is requesting SDP, plus 5’ encroachment of 3rd floor setback, and increase in FAR from .45 to .75 per historic footnote. This was previously submitted as 2148 Broadway in 2004 and supported by the Land Use Committee.  This 1018 22nd Street is a new issue.  A motion was made to table this issue and resolve it at the Land Use Committee. Unanimously approved.

  2. 3025 Fir Street – Cingular.  Christ United Church – wireless communication facility to be added to existing church structure.  Dave Caldwell, Chair of Land Use reported that the Cingular representative would re-do his proposal and re-submit to Land Use.  As a result any action by the Committee at this time will be postponed..  Also the “noticing” issue will be tabled and the date that Land Use meets.  Pat Shields will do her best to accurately reflect Land Use information on future agendas.

  • Steve Stratman made a motion to accept the consent agenda (item #1 exclusively – 2402 C Street.).  Paul Broadway seconded the motion. Vote was 12 in favor and 1 abstention.

MEMBERSHIP  & ELECTIONS – Steve Stratman –  no report

PARKS – Paul Broadway –Report of sub-committee meeting of Oct. 5, 2005 – no report

CODE COMPLIANCE – Chris Blatt - Report of sub-committee meeting of Oct. 5, 2005 – no report

LAND-USE – Dave Caldwell Report of sub-committee meeting of October 5, 2005 – no additional information

TRANSPORTATION/COMPACT – Marc Kratzshmar – Paul Broadway – no report
BALBOA PARK COMMITTEE – Laurie Burgett – no report

AIRPORT NOISE ADVISORY – Dave Caldwell – no report

HISTORIC – Bonnie Poppe – no report

AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING – January 11, 2006 Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse.
  • The December meeting will be a Holiday Party on December 14, 2005 at 6:30 p.m. at Sparky on 30th Street between Beech and Cedar.  It will be a Potluck, No Host Bar and all the District Representatives and Administrative people are invited to participate.

  • ADJOURNED: 8:45 p.m.