Monday, September 19, 2011

August 10, 2011 Minutes

August 10, 2011

Meeting Agenda is found in Attachment 1 at the end of these minutes.
Meeting was held at Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse – Golf Course Drive.
Chair Pat Shields called meeting to order at 6:35 pm. Agenda had been posted in accordance with Brown Act. A quorum of members was present.

Members present: Ruchell Alvarez, Richard Baldwin, Cheryl Brierton, Susan Bugbee, Maureen Burke, John Kroll, Richard Santini, Pat Shields, David Skillman, Marie Skillman, David Swarens, Matt Thomas, Angela Vasconcellos, Jessica Wolf. Members absent: Carole Caffey, David Strickland
Addition/deletions to Agenda - None.
Approval of Minutes – Minutes of 7/13/11 meeting were approved (motion Brierton, second Kroll) 10 in favor, none opposed, Santini, Swarens, Vasconcellos, Wolf abstained.
Treasurer’s Report: – balance remains the same.

Joyce Summer, CCDC: Distributed Downtown Living Guide. CCDC will consider approval of the Horton Plaza Park, a whole block including a large TV screen and amphitheater, at their September meeting. Final redevelopment monies City will be sending to State is $49 million. 50% must be sent by 1/1/12, remaining 50% by 5/1/12. A referendum on eminent domain is being circulated.

Community Police Officer: Reported that the boundaries to MidCity and Western division are going to be adjusted; both divisions get dispatched to incidents in boundary areas. GGH has been quiet for the last 4 months. Several persons have been arrested relating to robberies at the trolley station near Imperial.

Brierton expressed sympathy over the recent officer shooting. Santini asked about increased homeless presence at I-5 and Pershing. Police are unable to pursue these people on CalTrans property. Sgt. Tony Lessa 619-744-9400 is the new officer in charge of this issue at Western division.

53rd Congressional District – Katherine Fortner: Distributed August Davis Dispatch. Davis supported the debt ceiling agreement. 2 events are scheduled in late August (1) Job Clinic (2) Home Mortgage Clinic.
City Council District 8 – Melina Meza: Distributed District 8 newsletter.
City Council District 3 – Anthony Bernal: Distributed copies of August District 3 Dialogue. Highlighted: MOU for Plaza De Panama Project was passed; infrastructure repair data is now on website; problems with construction contracts should be reported to D3 office; Kroll and others were acknowledged and thanked for their support in replacing sod at Grape St. Dog Park.
76th California Assembly District – Lindsey Masukawa: was not present
Mayor’s Office – no representative present.

Baldwin asked D. Skillman to chair Land Use meeting on August 31, as he and Brierton will both be absent. Swarens voiced concern about the Land Use agenda being available; this is to be discussed at their next meeting.

City Council Redistricting. Shields reported that she and several others had presented the GGHPC wish to remain in District 3 at redistricting hearing, but said that she now thinks our July motion was not correct. Midori Wong from the Redistricting Commission distributed information about the process and said the 5 hearings about the draft map had wrapped up on 8/9/11. Additional comments from these meetings and the public input that is still being accepted will be reviewed prior to announcement of the final map on 8/25/11.

Swarens asked if San Ysidro remains in Dist. 8. It does. Brierton said she shared Shields concern about GGH being in the district with Downtown. Wong said our motion (asking that Golden Hill be placed in the district with North Park and South Park) had played a part in deciding the boundaries, but that all who wish to make additional comments should do so. Kroll said the thought there was an advantage to having GGH split between two districts. Shields mentioned issues of (1) connectivity (2) communities of interest (3) language

Wong said Kensington/Talmage (KT) might be placed in the new District 9, or District 3. GGH might still be split between Districts 3 & 8. Thomas said the latest plan proposed by KT really splits our neighborhood. Burke said she had spoken with Strickland and they both have concerns about the current plan. Kroll asked about dividing GGH into GH and South Park. Shields said she thinks standing up to Downtown interests will be very difficult. Swarens said District 8 historically was able to stand up to Downtown. Thomas worries about being with Downtown, but is not fond of the KT plan, either. Shields said she had spoken with residents of KT who want to stay in District 3. M Skillman said a lot depends on the elected official, not the District boundaries. Baldwin favors North Park, South Park and Golden Hill in the same district, but not with Downtown.

Shields had received a telephone call from CCDC about a redistricting meeting, which she viewed as the start of Downtown power politics. Swarens commented that Voting Rights Issues are important, and the KT plan adds gerrymandering that was not in the draft map.

Kroll asked that we revote on the motion passed last month. Baldwin moved, Brierton seconded, “to keep Golden Hill be together with North Park and South Park, and not with Downtown.” Thomas wondered if having a second motion would be ruffling feathers. Burke and Vasconcellos agreed. Shields said it was too late in the process for us to draw our own map. Brierton withdrew her second of the motion. D Skillman asked the population of Downtown. Santini asked who wanted to be with Downtown. Shields said she thought Hillcrest and Uptown did.

Wong said if a change is requested, another alternative should be offered. Baldwin and Santini asked who wants 6-story buildings in GGH? Burke and Thomas said the Community Plan would protect us from that, with Thomas adding that development could be throughout the community. Baldwin thinks development will push its way up the hill from Downtown when money loosens. Swarrens said the arguments about similar communities could be met by District 3 as outlined in the draft map; the real issue may be with the strong mayor system.

A vote was taken on Baldwin’s motion: “Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee wishes that Golden Hill be together with North Park and South Park, and not with Downtown.” 7 voted in favor, 5 against, 2 abstained.

VICE-CHAIR’S REPORT. Alvarez had attended the CPC meeting. CPC will be having a special meeting in August to discuss SANDAG’s 2015 plan. San Diego City Schools will be getting rid of some property – a list will be available at the September meeting.


25TH STREET RENAISSANCE. Brian Hannegan, RRM Design Group.
Hannegan introduced David Li, who is the City’s new manager for the project. Li said that the 12/8/10 concept plan had been approved, and as of May, RRM had submitted 60% of the required documents. CPC noted missing items and several meetings have occurred. An additional 7 items could be incorporated into the submitted plan, with our approval.

Hannegan had a Power Point presentation describing the 7 changes (see Attachment 2). He said they are rushing to get these additions approved so they are more competitive with construction documents for grants. Shields asked if these changes had been made in noticed meetings. Bernal said property owners had asked to give more input, to assure the best project would move forward. GGHCDC was involved. 14 elements had been discussed, and GGHPC is now being asked to approve the following changes (design refinements):

1. Eliminate extended parkways from B St to A St and increase bulb-out…B St intersection. Adjacent Property owners have to be support diagonal parking
2. ** Changing the sidewalk to colored concrete instead of standard grey concrete. (Color not yet determined)
3. ** Relocate existing Golden Hill Sign post to a small median between E St and F St (just north of alley)
4. ** Installing Golden Hill logo emblems in pavement at a few bulb-out sidewalk locations.
5. Change single corner curb ramps at B St. to include two curb ramps per corner for B St – Lose landscape area near curb ramps
6. Change crosswalk striping at B St. from basic stripe crosswalk to pattern striping
7. ** Eliminate extended parkways from A St to Russ Blvd and to include extending the Russ Blvd planted median to A St.
SYMBOLS: ** = Contingent upon GGH MAD being able to maintain improvements, pending 9/16/11 hearing

Burke gave some history on the recent meetings. She said she attended the May public meeting and found that many ideas had been left out of the proposal. She and several neighborhood people got together and wrote letters, and the meetings Bernal described resulted.

Shields said she is concerned that meetings were not open to all interested parties, including property owners. Burke said she thought all of these items had been discussed at earlier public meetings. Shields said she thinks (1) meetings were in private (2) property owners were not properly noticed (3) this meeting does not take both of these into account.

Swarens said he voted in December 2010 for a simplified proposal. Proposed changes might affect the Historic District. He does not like changes to the bulbouts, medians being used for signs, defining the street with a pedestrian ramp, and thinks the concrete color and pattern could disrupt the historic look of the area.

Kroll noted that 4 of the 7 items depend upon the MAD. They are Business Improvement District types of items – why aren’t the businesses paying for them? Burke said we should vote now and take up this plan, and all that it will do for the neighborhood, noting that City standards would be required to be followed. Brierton suggested that the draft motion included in the agenda be amended to include approval by property owners.

Baldwin noted that 25th Street is difficult to cross. Practicality calls for shorter crossings. M Skillman suggested that discussion be limited to items that must be clarified for the project to move forward. Hannegan said that Item #1 is the only one affecting the construction documents; the big issue for him is changes in the bulbouts at B Street and the character of the ramps on B Street.

Each change was voted on individually. Results were as follows:

#5. Yes 6, No 7, Abstained 1 DID NOT PASS
#3. Yes 5, No 7, Abstained 1 DID NOT PASS
#2. Yes 1, No 6, Abstained 7 DID NOT PASS
#1. Yes 10, No 2, Abstained 1 PASSED
#4. Yes 8, No 3, Abstained 3 PASSED
#6. Yes 10, No 3, Abstained 0 PASSED
#7. Yes 2, No 7, Abstained 5 DID NOT PASS

COMMUNITY PLAN UPDATE. Shields proposed having a professional facilitator at future meetings to get things moving. She asked City Planner Bernie Turgeon when the draft plan would be available. He said parts of it should be ready in November, but broad outlines could be provided in the interim. He said there are no funds for facilitators – only non-personnel funds are currently available. Shields wants something to happen to get the process moving better.

Brierton noted that we voted 3 months ago for major changes to be brought before GGHPC as they come up. Turgeon said lots of changes in the general plan might not be obvious items of interest. Shields again stressed a need to move forward. Thomas said the focus group process seemed to be working. The two motions noted on the agenda were tabled.

The focus group report forwarded to GGHPC members by Rick Accurso, regarding PDO changes, will be discussed at the September meeting.

Historic Subcommittee Susan Bugbee had prepared the nomination forms for this district to be submitted to the City Historical Resources Department. General boundaries are 28th Street from A North to Elm, Elm East to 30th, then jogging south along Fern and Grove to Cedar, A Street West to 28th, excluding Albert Einstein school property. She noted that once the proposal is preliminarily approved, data on each property within the district would be compiled. Swarrens noted that this data compilation could result in changes to the boundaries.

Brierton called the question, seconded by M Skillman. Motion: “The Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee supports the submission of the preliminary nomination proposal for the creation of the South Park Historic District within the 1996 boundaries (attached) as defined by Donaldson, et al. “ 12 voted Yes, 2 abstained.

Transportation Subcommittee: Has not met.
Historic: will be meeting once the City has reviewed the nomination forms
Balboa Park: Strickland was absent
Airport Noise: No report
Land Use: Information items only: Urban Chickens.

The next meeting will be Wednesday, September 14 at 6:30 pm.

Shields adjourned meeting at 9:06 pm.

Marie Skillman.


August 10, 2011 at 6:30 P.M.
Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse at 2600 Golf Course Drive
Monthly Meeting

6:30 CALL TO ORDER – please be punctual
a) Additions/Deletions to Agenda
1. Approval of Minutes
2. Treasurer’s Report & Pass-the-Hat



i.Land Use Sub-Committee report. Baldwin


iii.CPC Meeting including City Schools‘ plan for surplus school properties.


a) 25th Street Renaissance Project. City staff has requested approval of additional features beyond those approved December 2010. David Li and Brian Hannegan

Motion: GGHPC approves the following additional features to the 25th Street Renaissance Project Concept Plan Approved August 2010:
Increase bulb-out at B Street and include diagonal back-in parking spaces north of B street intersection.
Changing the sidewalk to colored concrete instead of standard grey concrete. (Color not yet determined)
Relocate existing Golden Hill Sign post to a small median between E Street and F Street (just north of alley)
Install Golden Hill logo emblems in pavement at a few bulb-out locations.
Change single corner curb ramps at B Street to include two curb ramps per corner for B Street.
Change crosswalk striping at B Street from basic stripe crosswalk to ladder stripping.
Eliminate extended parkways from B Street to Russ Blvd and to include extending the Russ Blvd planted median to A Street.

b) Community Plan Update

a.Motion: The GGH Planning Committee adopts the expansion of the current PDO to all of Greater Golden Hill as the preferred method to guide further development and preserve community character. Rick Accurso
b.Motion: The GGH Planning Committee requests the City provide a contract facilitator for the remaining CPUAC meetings. Shields

c) South Park Historic District. The historic subcommittee has prepared the preliminary nomination proposal for submission to the city to create the South Park historic district within the 1996 boundaries defined by Donaldson et al.

Motion: The Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee supports the submission of the preliminary nomination proposal for the creation of the South Park Historic District within the 1996 boundaries (attached) as defined by Donaldson, et al.

a) Airport Noise – Carole Caffey
b) Balboa Park Committee - David Strickland
c) Graffiti Hotline – 619 525-8522
d) Community Planners Committee (CPC) – Ruchell Alvarez
e) Community Plan Update Advisory Committee – City Planner Report
f) Historic – Susan Bugbee
g) Transportation – David Strickland


Note: Land-Use Subcommittee. Confirm mtg/agenda. Richard Baldwin(
Last Wednesday of the Month at 6:30PM
Location: Balboa Park Golf Course Clubhouse at 2600 Golf Course Drive

Historic Subcommittee. Confirm mtg/agenda. Susan Bugbee (
1st Tuesday of the Month at 6:30pm
Location: 1724 29th Street (between Date & Elm)

*Times are estimates – Action Items may also be taken before Information Items

The City of San Diego distributes agendas via email and can also provide agendas in alternative formats as well as a sign language or oral interpreter for the meeting with advance notice. To request these services, please contact the City at 619-236-6479 or


• Community Police Officer – Suzy de la Pena [744.9514 ]
• Council District 3 – Anthony Bernal [236-6633 or]
• Council District 8 – Melinda Meza. [236-6688]
• Mayor’s Office – Denice Garcia [236-7056 or]
• 53rd Congressional Dist. – Katherine Fortner [280-5353]]
• City Planner – Bernard Turgeon [533-6575 or]

Attachment 2

Here is a link to the 25th Street Renaissance Presentation,

25thStPresentation on Google Docs