Sunday, September 26, 2010

July 28, 2010 Land Use Subcommittee Minutes

Greater Golden Hill Planning Committee

Land-use Subcommittee Minutes

July 28 2010

Subcommittee Members present: Scott Glazebrook, Richard Baldwin, John Kroll, David Strickland

City Staff present: None

Community Members present: None

Project Applicants present: None

Meeting called to order at 6:30 PM by Scott Glazebrook

Item #1

Project Name:

New Single Family Residence

Project Address:

1163 Edgemont Street

Project Number:


Project Description:

Construct new single family residence on empty lot

Permit Application:

Process 1 - Building Permit

Presentation Status:

Information Item


Not applicable






Not applicable




1. Project appears “Craftsman-style” in compliance with the Golden Hill Planned District Ordenance and Golden Hill Design Criteria and Guidelines.

2. Proposed use is allowed in GH-3000 zone.

3. Project appears to comply with FAR requirements, excepting enclosed garage [SDMC 158.0301(b)(4)(A)].

4. Issues to request clarification on:

a. Development Summary indicates front setback of 20 feet, however Site Plan shows 10-foot front setback – please clarify.

b. Project as proposed appears to exceed the maximum coverage of 35% per the Development Summary (“F.A.R. = 0.38”).

c. Single residential dwelling unit projects require 2 off-street parking spaces with a driveway of at least 20 feet long [SDMC Table 142-05B Footnote 1]. Project as proposed indicates 1 off-street parking space in enclosed garage with 29-foot long driveway. The proposed configuration allows for 2 off-street parking spaces in tandem; however this configuration may not meet parking regulations if parcel is not within the Residential Tandem Overlay Zone. If the parcel is within the Overlay Zone an additional 2 parking spaces will be required to be provided (on-street is acceptable per the regulations) to address the then 10-foot driveway from property line to back of exterior tandem off-street parking space in the driveway.

d. Alley is identified at 15 feet wide, not meeting current standards for 20-foot wide alley. City codes require dedication of private land to bring existing Public Improvements up to the current standards when a Building Permit is issued. This requires dedicating 2-1/2 feet of the rear of the property to the adjacent alley [SDMC Chapter 14, Article 2, Division 6]. Lot area, FAR, coverage, and driveway length would require recalculating.

e. Identified Curb-To-Property-Line dimension of 10 feet seems “unusual” for the neighborhood where 14 feet predominates – please clarify.

f. Based on scaling of Site Plan, project does not comply with Minimum Size of Street Yard requirements [SDMC 158.0301(b)(2)(A)] – please clarify.

5. This review is provided as a courtesy only, “Copies of the application and plans shall be forwarded to the Greater Golden Hill Community Planning Committee within 10 working days of receipt by the City Manager” [SDMC 158.0204]

Item #2

Project Name:

South Park Church

Project Address:

835 25th Street

Project Number:

Not Provided

Project Description:

Wireless Communication Facility consisting of antennas and equipment located within an existing building. Antennas are located in an existing tower structure behind radio-frequency transparent material.

Permit Application:

Process 2 - Neighborhood Use Permit

Presentation Status:

Information Item


Not applicable






Not applicable




1. Proposed location of antennas and associated RF-transparent screens will result in little if any change to the existing condition and appears to be aesthetically appropriate.

2. Location and design of switching and power equipment has not been provided. This information is important to know, as there is potential for significant acoustic and visual impact on adjacent properties and the public Right-Of-Way. This information should be submitted to the Greater Golden Hill Planning Committees (GGHPC) in compliance with a Process 2 discretionary permit application. Project has only been submitted to the GGHPC for historic review.

Item #3

Project Name:

Gutierrez Auto Repair site potential City sale of property

Project Address:

811 25th Street

Project Number:

Not Applicable

Project Description:

Rumor of City negotiating sale of property to entity interested in establishing gas station at location.

Permit Application:

Not Applicable

Presentation Status:

Information Item


Not applicable






Not applicable




1. Gas Station is not an allowed use in the GH-CC zone per the Golden Hill Planned District Ordinance [SDMC Table 158-02H].

2. Recommend City Real Estate Assets Department consider this in their negotiations with potential buyers.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:00 PM by Scott Glazebrook