Monday, March 27, 2006

Land Use Subcommittee Agenda for April 5, 2006

  1. 2629 B ST. #96513
    7unit TM, .161ac site (GH1500), requesting underground utilities waiver- action item

  2. 3101 Juniper. #93090
    8unit TM, .218ac site (GH#3000), " undergrounding waiver, 13 spaces-16 required, originally built with affordable housing density bonus-3 units now allowed on site. action item

  3. 2002 30th St. #87794
    2835sf comml + 8 row homes + 2 condos on 15ksf site (GH-CC {GH1500}).
    Deviations requested:

    1. Bldg height-33'8" where 30' permitted
    2. Residential rear yard setback-10'2" where 15' required
    3. Driveway openings-Two, where one is permitted (access for 1 space)
    4. Curb length-26' where 45' required (parking access)
    5. Parking-1 space located in interior side yard on Grape st., where none allowed

Additional info:
Requesting waiver of undergrounded utilities requirement
No cycle issue sheets received-have CPC part 1+2
*action item-but cannot address full cycle issues without city printout.